When Fate Decided to Play its Part

Chapter 65: Mother and Son

Chapter 65: Mother and Son


Mother and Son


Tyler’s steps are fast as he walks towards his car. His car is not parked far from the entrance of the basement, but his walk was ironically long. It was like the distance between them were stretched. The light in the basement was dim, the fluorescent lights were place with even distances. Every time he crossed on a well-lighted area, the hardened expression on his face is showed. Victoria noticed the silence of her son. It isn’t unusual since she had gotten used to this version of his. Also, her ex- husband is like this, it is like her ex-husband younger version, so she very well knows how to handle them.

With a coy smile plastered on her beautiful face, she walked faster to walk next to him. He was walking fast earlier so she was a step behind. Her high heels were clacking against the hardened floor, her legs were long, so she was walking next to him in a matter of seconds. Matching up her son’s pace, she shot him a lopsided smirk which only received a half-assed attention from Tyler since he only looked at it on the corner of his eyes. This did not stop her though. Rather, she did not even paid attention about whether he’s paying attention to the smirk or not.

“Is my son feeling guilty, hmm?” Receiving no reply, she scoffed then crossed her arms across her chest. “I know this is bound to happen, but you should have done this sooner, you know. Look how attached she is to you! Its vexing!”

Tyler shot his mother a sharp glance before looking back up ahead. They were approaching his car. “Shut up.”

“How rude!” His mother exclaimed, painting a fake emotion of pain on her face, she dramatically looked at him then placed her right hand above her chest. Her eyes widen in fake shock. Her shoulders shook while she laughed on her own dramatic act. “Sigh, Tyler. I know you, you are my son, after all.”

Tyler clenched and unclenched his jaw before sighing. Her mother was right. He was indeed feeling guilty. Sheryl is still after all a woman. Him breaking an engagement like this is betrayal to her and to her family. He was feeling guilt even though he knew that both of them knew that he is not even emotionally attached to her, so him breaking out from it any time is not something to be shocked about.

But Tyler is not dense, he knows about her feelings. He did like her too years ago that is why he broke up with Althea- which he regretted, so the feelings died down. Both parties knew that the engagement is purely business. But it was only them who knew about this truth, so if this will break out, this will hurt Sheryl’s image and her family’s pride. They prided themselves as the only family that will marry off to a young man that is successful. Her family is successful too, so if this marriage work, who knows what kind of grand transformation will happen to them. Many hated and envied their family- so if those haters know about this- they will surely drag them down.

For some reason, Sheryl is particularly sensitive when it comes to him. This will surely kill her inside.

But if he did not do it, then-

“Don’t worry son,” Victoria cracked a grin. “If anything happens, I’ll be by your side.”

His mother’s words put a stop on his train of thoughts. He looked at her on the corner of his eyes and met her also green eyes. The shameless mirth and playfulness in her eyes are the complete mirror of his when he was younger. He can really see how people keep on telling how he took after his mother when he was a child.

Tyler can’t help but let out a small chuckle and looked back in front while picking up his pace and trying to outrun Victoria. Victoria knew what is in his head immediately, so she followed with a yell. “Hey- hey-

wait for me you son of a beautiful and graceful woman-!”

“Why are you following me?” He asked. “You have your car.”

“Well,” Victoria grinned again while making her eyebrows dance up and down. They already reached his car, but knowing that he will not open the door for her, she graciously opens it by herself and slid in. Tyler just watched her enter his car without permission. “I know you’re going to the hospital where they sent althea, so I’m going too. I’m really glad you already cut the only tie you have with Sheryl so now you can finally pursue her without a hindrance you know. Son, I’ll be rooting for you. I like her.”

Tyler paused and stared at his mother who was sitting on the shotgun. His brain took a while before it processed the information she just gave him. He then buried his face on one hand and groaned while laughing lightly. Victoria laughed with him too.

“Now, hop in! We’ll go to my future daughter in law.”

Tyler entered his car and started the engine. As he was driving on the road, he asked his mother. “Do you think she’ll accept me again?”

“…?” Victoria, who was in the middle of reapplying her makeup stopped and looked at her son with disbelief. “So, I was right- you both have a history together!”

“… You can say it like that.”

“Goodness Tyler!” Victoria exclaimed and tried her best to not throw her purse to him. “How would I know if she’ll accept you back or not! I don’t even know when you both had a relationship or what kind of shit you did so you’re reluctant of maybe or not she’ll accept you again- like- spill the beans!”

Tyler wants to rewind the time. He refused to answer until he got really annoyed by her naggings. He sighed loudly and said the words he hates the most. “I cheated on her!”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

The silence was really loud. Tyler can feel Victoria poking holes on him with her intense stares. He can feel the burning sensation especially on his head. Victoria might be asking herself what is going on inside his head. Knowing that maybe she was only thinking that it was an illusion, he repeated the words again. Now that he did, he gained the biggest reaction of her.

“What?! Why?! With whom?!” She exclaimed, she even reached out to him and shook him on his seat. Their car wobbled.

“Mom!” Tyler exclaimed and shoved her hands off of him using his right hand. His left hand was on the steering wheel. “You will get the two of un in an accident!”

“Tyler!” She slapped his arm. “That’s the last thing you have to do when you’re in a relationship! That is why she doesn’t like you at all! Why did you do that to my dear Althea?”

Dear Althea? “I don’t know-“ He sighed. “It just- it just happened.”

Victoria looked at her silent son helplessly. “You know what Tyler- I thought you were more like your father- he did not cheated when we were together-“

“-but now you’re not-“

“-that’s not the point! Sigh, any ways, who was it?”

“… Who?”

“The one you cheated with.”

Tyler want to dodged the question but her glares were stopping him “It was Sheryl.”


“It was Sheryl.”

Victoria groaned and leaned back on her seat. She can’t understand her son anymore. “You know what Tyler- your stupid.”

“.. I know.” That hurts his pride but okay.

“Anyways, son, about your question-“ she pretended to think. “Considering what you did, If it was me, I might consider it- but Althea? Good luck son.”

“You are supposed to encourage me, your son. You like her, don’t you?”

“What do you want me to do? Pursue her for you?”


“Sigh,” she looked outside the window. “Hmm? Where are we going?”

“… To the hospital?”

“… Why do you sound uncertain?”


“… Do you perhaps no nothing where the hospital she’s at?”

“… I thought you know.”



“Sometimes I question myself if ever I am really the one who is one of the smartest businesswomen, once married an also successful and smart businessman, then the one who gave birth to a young

smart businessman.”

“Shall we call her shop? Maybe the hospital contacted them.”

“… Sure.” Victoria took her phone from her purse then dialed a number. After some ringing, a familiar voice rang.


It was the only man on the shop, Jack. Victoria tried to give her best in smiling even though he can’t see her. “Do you know which hospital Althea was taken?”

[“… What?” Jack had a long paused then yelled. “What?! What happened to the boss?!”]

Victoria was equally confused. She can her Jack calling the other people in the shop. “Had the hospital not call the shop?”

[“Hello,” It was a clear and calm voice of a woman. It was Melanie. “Hello, is this madam Victoria?”]

“It is.” Victoria is a little bit stifled by the address, but she paid it no mind, for now.

[“I’m sorry, but correct me if I’m wrong- are you asking us which hospital Althea is? Was she injured?”]

“Yes, she was. She was shot, did the hospital not called you? You lot don’t know anything?”

[“No, we haven’t received any call.” There was nervousness in her voice. “Shot you say- all we know is that the hotel she’s attending the party is under hostage taking- wait- it’s in the T.V- goodness, that many died? And one injured- is that her?”]

“…” Victoria sighed, and she can feel her head throbbing. “Is that so? Then never mind.”

[“Thank you for informing us, madam. Please tell us if ever you know where she is.”]

“I will.” Then she ended the call with her fingers trying to sooth her temples. She told Tyler what was in their conversation and Tyler fell into a deep thought before groaning.

“I forgot- she dropped her purse. Her phone and identification card must be in there.”

Victoria also groaned. “Why did you even forget that? Call April instead.”

“Okay.” He took out his phone then called her. After some questions, he finally got the answer. He told his mother and drove back on the road again. They drove in silence until she spoke.

“We are pretty stupid, aren’t we?”

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