Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Alora’s POV con’d

We had to put our conversation on hold as the other students taking the test at this time filter in. Matt

had already come in and taken a seat in the back row eight spots away. Sarah walked in, looking smug

to be there. Till she saw us. The look of fury on her face, was demonic, twisted and ugly. “YOU!” she

snarled then started to stomp in our direction.

Every one of us stiffened and glared. We started to let off an Aura, that had the rest of the class, all

those Elite and Alpha fighters, cringe away from us. The weakest ones, bowing their heads in

submission. But did Sarah get the hint not to fuck with us, like every one else did? No. She was either

to stupid or to oblivious in her fury.

If she’d spent more time studying and less time sleeping around and blowing things off, she might have

had a smidgeon of common sense. She doesn’t pay attention to the growl coming from deep within my

chest. Or the growls from the others. “YOU WHORE!” she yelled, still snarling. “YOU DARE SHOW

YOUR FACE TO ME AFTER WHAT YOU DID!” she was shrieking, along with her snarling now.(This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)


What was completely unexpected was Matt “Whore?” he snarled the question at her, getting Sarah’s

attention. “If ANYONE is the whore it’s you!” he spits that at her. The look on his face is of disgust and

anger. “Your a whore of the first order, now sit your wicked bitch of the west ass down, and shut the

fuckup!” He growls the insult and order at her. “Some of us actually want to get our test done and out of

the way.” he snarls. 25

Everyone in the class that saw the encounter started to clap, they were tired of her shit. She was not

the strongest wolf here, and she didn’t have the support of those who were. She was out of her depth

here. With a snarl in my direction she does as Matt told her. I was confused and vindicated all at once,

didn’t exactly know what to feel about what just happened really. The teacher walked in the door then,

we all settled in our seats and started to take our test.

The five of us finished the test before the two hours were up. So we were allowed to leave the

classroom early. We gathered in one of the schools courtyards, sitting on and around a stone table with

stone bench seats next to a dogwood with purple blooms. The wind was sweet with flowers and other

freshly growing fauna. My phone vibrates, I take it out and it’s the Alpha. “Hello Alpha.” Everyone’s This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

attention snaps to me. Never did like being the center of attention….still don’t. 5

“Hello Alora,” he greats. “How were your exams?” he asks me. O

“They were good, all of us and Jaxon finished early, so we’re in a courtyard.” I tell him.

“Have you told Jaxon that you would like him to be your Beta?” he asks.

“Yes, and he’s accepted.” I answered.

“Excellent,” he says approvingly, then in a reluctant tone. “You should fill him in on your history soon,”

he advised me.

I agreed with him, “I plan to do that after we finish our tests today.” I tell him, letting him know I had

already planned to.

“That’s good.” He tells me “You’re already proving to be a good Alpha, Alora.” he praises. “Ember has

the blood test results back.” he states. “The one we did on Allister’s blood, from this mornings fresh

sample,” he pauses. “As we suspected, the blood on file is not Allister’s, Allister is not your father.” his

tone was grim, because this also meant, someone had messed with Pack records. »

“Thank you for telling me, I’m glad for the results.” I tell him, trying to assure him I was okay as well.

“Ok sweetheart,” he says gently. “Good luck on the rest of the exams, and we’ll see you back home.”

he tells me, then adds. “And bring Jaxon back with you, when you do.”

“Yes Alpha.” I tell him. We disconnect.

I look up at Jaxon. “You’ll need to come with us to the Pack House, after the exams today.” I tell him.

“Ok….but I’m going to need a ride.” he says. I didn’t think of this as a problem at first. Then I

remembered we were all on bikes today. ‘Well this should prove entertaining.’ I think to myself.

Matt’s POV(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)

I walked into the classroom, they were already there. She was surrounded by the other wolves, and

from what I was hearing. She had just accepted three of them into her service. One as Beta and two as

Enforcers. She would need them too. As a Clan Alpha, she was required to show a presence when the

Pack had Important Dignitaries visiting.

I sit there, admiring her strength. It all bringing home again, the fact that I believed, I was never truly

meant to be hers. That and the text from Xander this morning. The Alpha’s oldest, our next Pack leader

and Alpha of Alpha’s, was claiming Alora was his. It would make sense. The most powerful male being

with this amazingly powerful she wolf.

I wanted to whine at that. But at the same time, I was grateful, because Sarah was going have taken

any mate I would have been destined with, anyway. She took away the one I was to weak to have been

able to claim. I feel that my second chance mate, was going to be the one that would have truly killed,

me if I had lost her. 16

For now though, what I can do is train and get stronger. I would become a wolf deserving to have

another chance at a mate. I’m going to approach Darien later. It’s time I tell him what’s really going on,

and see if he’ll allow me to be the Beta to him, that my brother, was to his brother. Sarah took more

than just my fated mate, she took my destiny.

Which is why when she came in the way she did, I had to say something. That bitch was throwing

rocks from a glass house. She had the nerve to call Alora the whore. She was the whore, and I told her

as much, before I told her to sit her skank ass down. She didn’t even seem to question that she had

obeyed my order. I never should have been able to be led around the way she had led me though. (2)

I was a Beta’s son. Not just any Beta, my father was the Beta to the Alpha of all Alpha’s. He was the

strongest Beta on this continent. That I was as weak as I was right now, was an anomaly. One I would

fix, in the mean time. I was still a hell of a lot stronger than Sarah, her wolf will make her obey my

orders because of how far up the ranks I am compared to her.

“Good’ Aries says to me “That bitch needs to know her place.” he growled that angrily.

Jaxon’s POV

When I saw her walk into the class room I couldn’t help but take a moment to admire her. She glowed

with strength, a fire, you couldn’t help but want to be around. The Alpha had changed the meeting time

because of my exams. I was grateful for that because I didn’t want to miss them, but at the same time,

you didn’t refuse a summons from the Alpha of All Alpha’s. Plus he was also Alpha of our own Moon

Mountain Pack.

I had gestured for her to sit in the seat in front of me, and to my surprise and delight she had. My three

cousins and Darien following her in, they took the surrounding seats. I had taken the opportunity to ask

why the Alpha would be wanting to meet with me. I was so shocked. This was what I had wanted, to be

her Beta, with her new status. To be serving as Beta to a Clan Alpha was a great honor.

To find out we would be training with the Master Trainer Brock was another drop in the bucket, of

amazing things to happen to me today. I knew this she wolf was special. She did tell me there were

upsetting things about her I needed to know, I was going to learn about them later. That’s when her

sister came in. The others got tense, letting out their auras, I allowed my own out. I was now Alpha

Alora’s Beta. I wasn’t blood sworn yet, but that didn’t matter. I would start acting now, in that capacity,

stand by her side and follow her lead.

The look on Sarah’s face, as she snarled her bile and venom, at Alora was truly ugly. With this seething

hatred, that seemed to come off her, in a toxic black cloud. Alora’s growl was deep, and it sent a shiver

up my spine. That was not the growl of a wolf who will allow her enemy to live should she attack. Sarah

didn’t listen to the growl. How suicidal could a she wolf be? Apparently very much so. She had kept

going.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)

Until Matt had step in, confusing us all. Hadn’t he rejected her? For this vary she wolf? Could it be the

male understands what he gave up, and that it hadn’t been worth who it had been for? I wasn’t into she

wolves, a secret only Kian and Galen knew, but I knew the better she wolf when I saw one. I’ve also

caught her with a few wolves in places you shouldn’t be screwing in. She was the true whore, not

Alora. 26


When we were done with our Training exams, all of us having finished early, we’d gone outside. Alora

had gotten a phone call from the Alpha. After the phone call, she told me I would have to go with them

to the Pack House, after the Exams were done for the day. I was ok with that. Only….I had rode in with

mom today, for no other reason than to keep her company, so I would need a ride.

I told them about needing a ride, at first it didn’t seem like a problem. At least I didn’t think it was.

Darien usually drove a blue convertible, and Serenity a purple Jeep. Then their faces, had all turned

somewhat comical. Like they had remembered something they had forgotten. That’s when Galen said

“Someone is going to have to double up.” I was confused, “Double up?” I asked aloud.

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