Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Chapter 69: *“No…no…no…no…“*

Alora stared at Alpha Andrew with a surprised expression on her face. “What?!”

‘Who is our father?!‘ Xena and Selena asked in unison, both feeling just as shocked as Alora.

Darien, Kain, and Galen looked at Alora with wide eyes, so stunned by this revelation they could only stand there silently. Bettina and Sarah’s mouths were pursed like they had eaten the sourest of lemons, while their eyes were so wide and bulging, they nearly popped out of their skulls. Allister was in a shocked daze that had him staring down at the carpet sightlessly.

Alpha Andrew’s gaze, when he met Alora’s, was steady. “Your father, Sebastian Silver Dayblood is the King of all Vampires. The Blood Moon Mountain Territory is the Royal Capital of all the Vampire territories.”

Alora broke eye contact first, she felt slightly dizzy. Xena and Selena were silent, not knowing what to say. Letting out a rush of air, Alora shook her head. As her gaze jumped around the room, it landed on Bettina and Sarah. Looking at them lying on the floor, she momentarily won the reason and withdrew her Alpha’s aura again.

Alora rubbed both of her hands vigorously over her face, as if to scrub away her current emotions. “I’m going to go get my things now.” Alora stated.

Then she turned and practically ran up the stairs, Kain and Galen had to rush to catch up to her. Even though the enemy had been subdued, Kain and Galen were now Alora’s Elite Enforcers. That was a responsibility the twins


Alpha Andrew waited until Alora was up the stairs with Kain and Galen before taking more action. Then he looked down at Bettina, Allister, and Sarah. “You three have committed

many crimes over the years, and recently. What happened here was recorded by my security team, and all evidence will be turned over to the investigators of the Werewolf’s Council, as well as both the Witches Council and the Supernatural Council.”

“What?!” Bettina and Sarah shrieked in unison. Allister remained in a daze, not reacting at all to this news.

“Both of your Clan Alphas will be notified of today’s events and will be expected to

provide an explanation to the Werewolf’s Council. While both of your Clan Alphas are Senior Council members of the Werewolf’s Council, they will not be allowed to use their authority as such in regard to this situation. While the investigation is underway, you all are forbidden from le sure you obey this decree.”

“What?! You can’t do that.” Sarah shrieked. interrupting the Alpha. “You don’t have the authority!”

Alpha Andrew looked down at Sarah with a glare so deadly, Sarah immediately let out a fear filled whimper and scooted back away from the Alpha. “I assure you little wolf…” He drawled in a deep growling voice. “I of all people…DO…have the authority to do this.”

Sarah shook her head in protest, unable to believe what was happening right now. This was all Alora’s fault, ‘That stupid whore!‘ Sarah screamed internally.

Alpha Andrew continued with his orders. “Should any of you attend any Pack event between now and the time you all are convicted of your crimes, you will be required to keep a minimum of thirty feet between yourselves and Clan Alpha Alora Luna Heartsong. You are not to try communicating with Clan Alpha Alora Luna Heartsong directly, any communication will go through her appointed lawyer, on

It was not till after Alora’s new title had been said so many times in a row, before Bettina, Sarah, and even Allister, realized just what the Alpha was calling Alora.

Bettina, eyes wide in horror at the implication, looked up at the Alpha and asked, “Did you call that wretched female, a Clan Alpha?”

Alpha Andrew stared down at Bettina silently with a cold and wrathful gaze. “After meeting all the criteria listed in deceased Clan Alpha Brody Heartsong

This information caused Bettina’s face to lose all color, and Sarah to look incensed. Allister, who had been coming out of one shocked daze, was quickly thrown into another.

Alpha Andrew went on without pause. “The process was officiated over by an Officer of the Supernatural Council, as well as our own Werewolf’s Council. All necessary paperwork was filed and has already been processed and posted in the Official Werewolf and Supernatural Council’s records.”

Bettina couldn’t believe it, shaking her head faintly side to side. Quietly murmuring,


“Alora is now the Clan Alpha of the Heartsongs and has already taken a blood oath of loyalty to me as such.” Alpha Andrew finished.

Bettina stared off sightlessly, shaking her head and rocking back and forth a bit. “This can’t be happening…it can’t be.”

“Mom?” Sarah asked in a whine. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Bettina suddenly snapped, whipping her upper body around to look at Sarah with a furious glower. “Shut up! Just shut up!” She yelled shrilly at Sarah.

“Mom!” Sarah said, shocked, unable to believe her mother was yelling at her this way.

“We’re finished! Don’t you get it! The only reason we had any status left in our Clans was because of that Will!” Bettina screamed at Sarah.

Sarah stared at Bettina, stunned. “What’s going to happen to us now?” Sarah asked.

“I want a divorce.” Allister said, before Bettina could answer Sarah’s question.

Bettina’s head snapped in Allister’s direction “What? What did you just say?!” She asked shrilly.


Kain and Galen followed Alora up to the third floor. When they entered Alora’s room, a closet really, they felt an instant sense of claustrophobia. Alora we she had to her name. At least before the few she had before becoming Clan Alpha of the Heartsongs, now she was loaded with more money than she could probably ever spend

Kain turned around and looked at everything in the room, it took no time at all, there wasn’t much. The bed was small, but neatly made with thread bare blankets

and a pillow that had seen better days. The desk was small, the wood scarred with years of abuse, and one leg that was shorter than the others, giving i a wobble. The chair was just as beat up as the desk. There was no window for air or natural light, only the small desk lamp provided enough of a glow to see.

“How do you even have room to think in such a tiny space?” Galen asked.

Nothing was decorating the walls, not one single poster. The mirror attached to the back of Alora’s closet door held no pictures. The twins looked around their sister’s room. Serenity’s large room had things everywhere, pictures and all kinds of other things covering her wall. With a large bed that was never made but was piled high with fluffy pillows and thick fluffy brightly colored blankets. And several big windows that let in plenty of light. The contrast between this room and their sister’s was stark.

“Better up here than locked away in the basement.” Alora said, zipping up her duffle bag and slinging it over her shoulder. “Up here may be small and cramped, but when I’m up here. “Alora circled her hand around in the air, gesturing to the room basement to a support post laying on cold and wet concrete.”

Kain and Galen didn’t know what to say in response to that. With a gesture at the duffle bag, Galen asked, “Is that all?”

Alora looked around the room with one brow raised. “See anything dry tone.

she asked in a

Kain and Galen shook their heads. “Well then, let’s get back downstairs.” Kain said.

“After you.” Galen said to Alora, gesturing towards the door.

With a wry twist to her mouth and narrowed eyes, Alora left the room in front of the twins. They were making their way down the last stairwell when they heard the yelling and screaming.

“You bastard! Just who do you think you are! Divorce me and you’ll be left with nothing!

NOTHING!” Bettina screamed.

“You’re the one who will get nothing you two faced whore! You plotted against me!”

Allister yelled back at Bettina.

“Stop it! Stop it both of you!” Sarah shrieked. “It’s that stupid bitch’s fault! She did this to us! Mommy! Daddy! Don’t do this!”

Kain and Galen looked at each other before looking down at Alora. The trio had paused on the stairs to listen without being seen. “They really just blame you for everything.” Kain said, in an incredulous tone.

“This isn’t even your fault. If they just thought for a moment, and realized if they hadn’t done what they did, they wouldn’t be in trouble.” Galen said.

Alora let out a weary sounding sigh. “Yes, well, that logic will forever be lost to them.”

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