Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Luna Ember’s POV

My heart aches for Alora. The poor darling has been through so much, and I’m sure there is allot we

don’t know about. Especially with the way she broke down and cried earlier. That any woman would

have talked to her pup in that manner was horrifying. The way Sarah turned out, and her treatment of

Alora make me believe she was never fit to be a mother.

I wanted to rip the woman to pieces for the injustice she has done Alora. I sigh. There is nothing I can

do at the moment. I started thinking about Darien’s mate. I’m glad he’s found his so soon. Damien is 23

and still has not met his mate. When he finally does I hope I will like her just ass

much as Serenity. 18)

I spot the Principal rushing over to where my mate and I are seated. “Johnathan what has you in such

a hurry?” I asked him. “I had to tell Alpha Andrew what I have overheard.” he says to us a little

breathily. “What is it?” she asks, he looks at us “I just got done talking to Alora’s parents not moments

ago.” he said “I gave them the information you told me to Alpha.” he said while looking at Andrew. “But

as I left, I happened to hear the wicked witch of the west talking about the Heartsong Mansion and

Grounds.” Andrew’s face was now drawn with concern.

“They know that the Will, Bettina’s father left, now put that Mansion in Alora’s possession.” I gasp. I had

completely forgotten about that mans Will. “And they were not happy about it.” he tells us. “They were


about how they’re going to force Alora to sign over the house and grounds.” I pale at his words, now

understanding his fear, he has a reason for it.

“Oh Andrew, their going to do something terrible to her, I just know it.” I look at my mate. “I was going to

wait till graduation before I told her about the Mansion that is rightfully hers.” said Andrew. “Now I’m

thinking it’s best to do that during the lunch break.” his tone grim. “I’ll mind link Silas now and have him

bring the paper work here, after Darien and Alora’s final matches.” he said, I nod letting him know I

agreed. 2

He looks at Johnathan “Will you be the secondary official while we do this.” Johnathan looked delighted

to be asked this. “Nothing would give me more pleasure. That girl deserves to have her heirloom

handed to her,

she’s gone through to much to not have some good in her life now.” Andrew said. I can’t help but agree

with him. With all the bad the girl has been through, she deserves a lifetime of happiness.

I was thinking about her Clan Alpha status now. She’s going to need a Beta and two Enforcers. Who

would be able to be her Enforcers. Then as I’m looking at the two wolves I address Johnathan “What

can you tell me about Kian and Galen Mountainmover.” I then look him in the eye’s. (3)

“They’re top fighters, they’ve achieved high marks in all of their studies, they’ve been exemplary

students.” he says. “They plan to go into the packs Enforcer Unit at entry level, even though they’re not

in Alpha Class, they should have been, but that was a personal choice.” he

told me “They didn’t have enough room to allow all three of the Mountainmover siblings. Though to be

fair all three of them should have been in the Alpha class. They want to be assigned to an Alpha.” he

finishes. I stay silent for a moment, taking all this in.

“What are you thinking my darling mate.” asks my husband as he takes my hand and places a kiss on

the back. I smile as my heart warms at his gesture. “I’m thinking Galen and Kian would make good Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Enforcers for Alora. But who to make her Beta?” I ask him. Jonathan clears his throat. “If I may make a

suggestion?” smiling, I gesture for him to go on.

“I believe Jaxon Mountainmover would be a good fit, he’s a sibling to the twins, a close cousin.” He

informs us. “He works well with them on the mock missions we’ve sent them out

on.” I’m beaming now. “Perfect, what do you think Andrew?” I ask my mate.

“I think its a wonderful Idea, we’ll wait till after the fights and we’re settled at home for the evening and

let Alora know then.” he looks at Johnathan. “Please get messages to all three to meet me and the

Luna at the pack house tomorrow at ten in the morning.” Johnathan nods. “I will get those prepped now

and be back before the last match.” He said, then leaves the Stadium to do just that.2

I look around to make sure those ‘people are still where they’re supposed to be. To my surprise they

are. Also to my surprise is how well Sarah is doing as a wolf. If she keeps it up she’ll make it to the top

of the reserve class and be allowed to challenge one of the five top ranks in the Mid Class Level to



To my surprise that is exactly what she does, she manages to eke out a win, that allows her to

Advance, and once more pass that. She managed to make it to number eight in the Elite class ranking

before being defeated. Allot of the lower level wolves were using this chance to make advancements to

their rank. Kian, Galen and Serenity kept the first three ranks in the Elite class, Matthew advancing to

fourth rank.

During the last fight Jaxon advanced to third rank. He was able to keep this rank. Garret won against

Mason this time, and when he fought Jamison, was advanced from seventh rank to fifth rank. Lexus

retained fourth rank, Jamison was reduce to sixth with Mason now in Seventh.

“Watching Alora fight Jaxon in wolf

form had been a sight to see. Xena was as big as the Alpha males she was up against. She was the

biggest Alpha she wolf we had since the last female Heartsong Alpha. She did her lineage justice by

changing her name. I did however find the red blood from the other wolf on her white muzzle startling.

And the other wolf wasn’t able to touch Xena. After her battle with Jaxon and his wolf Bruno, Alora

changed back and cleaned up. Getting ready for her fight with Darien.

I hear footsteps. Johnathan was back. “I got the messages sent to all three, as well as their parents just

in case.” he tells us. He sits to my left. I look over at Lissanna and Boris. “How was Matt?” although

he’s done something so incredibly stupid that boy was still like a nephew to me. Boris sighs and runs a

hand through his hair tussling his shaggy strands.

“He’s devastated at what he’s done.” he pauses and looks over at Lissanna, they have a silent

conversation. “He said the rejection made something break, he said it was like he could think clearly,

that he was no longer in, what he called, “The fog of Sarah” was the way he put it… It had me

remembering that one Witch we had to banished several years back.” 2

He looks at Andrew “You remember, the one who was making spell sachets, they forced someone to

stay with you and overlook everything that made you want to leave?” asked Boris. I gasp, he nods at

my reaction. “I asked him if Sarah had ever given him some kind of sachet filled with herbs.” he

pauses, then in a serious tone. “It was in his wallet, something he carries on him all the time.” I felt

horrified. “We need to find out how Sarah got ahold of that Sachet.” said Andrew. “I agree, I already set

someone on it.” Boris said. He looks at us, then says solemnly “I don’t think my son should go near

Sarah again.”

I looked up at Andrew, he looks at me, he agrees as well. “Your right, it’s just become too dangerous for

your son now.” said Andrew. “Tell him he’s not to go near her for any reason.” Andrew’s tone serious.

“That if she tries to trick him into going with her somewhere, he is to call and confirm information and

ask for help.” Andrew finished with his order. Boris nods in acknowledgment, then picks up his phone to

text his son. We look forward. It was time for the match between Xena, Alora’s wolf and Axle, Darien’s

Wolf. They both made their way onto the platform and took their fighting stances.

They both radiated strength. ‘Only a really strong wolf should be blessed

as Alora’s second chance mate.’ I pause at that thought. There are only a few wolves stronger than she

is in this pack. One was my eldest son, and his Beta Xander, Boris and Lissanna’s eldest son, our top

Enforcer training Master, and maybe a few of our top

soldiers. Of the three top choices, the only two not mated where Damien and Xander. 3

I didn’t want to, but I honestly hoped it would not be Xander. Only because I knew my eldest held a

deep affection for this she wolf. Who knows, maybe Damien was meant for Alora. Maybe that’s why he

hadn’t found his mate yet. The signal to fight sounds, then Xena and Axle are flying at each other. They

dodge, go in, they take swipes and bites, then Xena has Axle’s throat in a suffocating bite, she holds

Axle down till he surrenders. They declare Alora and Xena the winner.

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