Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Damien's POV

I stood over with Tobias and Alex, Xander and Beatrice joining us. We had picked a spot away from the others to watch the show, Tobias and Alex had been confused as to why they would need to be up in the stands for this fight, but they went along with us.

My father in law and mother in law had gotten Bulma to go up with them. There were still a few wolves on the ground in the training arena. They hadn't been one of the witnesses to the impromptu gathering that was only three days ago.

"So that scared little she pup has finally grown up into a very strong female it seems." said Tobias.

"I'm curious though, why did she call that guy," Alex points to my new father in law. "dad, when Allister is her father?"

"Allister was not her father, he was a sick wolf is what he was!" growled Beatrice.

Tobias and Alex looked at her in apprehension at her growled words "What does she mean Alpha?" asked Alex in a tense tone.

I sigh "Most of the information is on the Pack forum, have you two been visiting Alex's grandmother?" I asked them.

Alex had a grandmother who was a loan wolf since her mate had died, she lived in a very isolated part of the Pack lands, and only those very close to her would visit. She also distanced herself from a lot of the modern conveniences, choosing not to have a cell phone or a computer, to reach her you needed a mind link, or you had to send a letter.

"Yeah, we were out there helping her build a new outbuilding for more of her crafting, her old one got struck by lightning and burned down, so we had to clear that out first." said Alex.

"We've been there for about three weeks now, we just got back last night." said Tobias.

"Master Brock contacted us early this morning and told us to be here for training." said Alex.

"Which is good because when we went to do some light exercise on the Moonstar Training grounds we found a mess." said Tobias.

"What happened to it anyway?" asked Alex.

"My mate and her Gamma." I told them in an amused tone, remembering how beautiful and powerful my mate had been during those training sessions.

She was just as beautiful now in her Lycan form, with her power swirling around her. As Alora and Darien came together in their first blows of power, the blow back hit the spectators who had been stupid enough to stay on the ground. They were flung back, burned, and electrocuted, not a fun thing, even for a Werewolf.

I couldn't help but laugh at the surprised expressions on Tobias and Alex's faces as they watched the wolves moan, groan, and crawl off the field, till they were able to stagger to their feet and stumble their way up the stairs closest to them to get into the stadium seating.

"Well they were warned, the dumb asses." said Beatrice. Xander and I burst out laughing at her comment.

"They really have no one to blame but themselves for not listening" Xander said, laughter in his voice.

More power blow back hits the walls, scorched the ground, and darkened the sky above. But the wards were holding better then ever, they only activated in a faint shimmer right now. Daniel and Bryce must have been busy while Alora and I were going through her first heat.

"So fill us in on what's happened, because there seems to be a lot of changes while we were gone." said Tobias.

"First, Bettina Frost Northmountain was not Allister Frost Northmountain's fated mate. Alora is actually from a one night stand Bettina had with Sabastian Dayblood, days before he met his fated mate Stephanie. So Alora's real father is actually the King of all Vampires, and Queen Stephanie is going to adopt Alora as her daughter." Both Tobias and Alex are looking surprised and a little shocked at this.

"How would we not smell that Alora's a Hybrid all those times we met while she was still a scared little pup?" asked Alex.

"Because Bettina had Alora's magic and other selves bound by chains of Black Magic, she was never supposed to be able to shift to her wolf, her Sprite form and her life chain to her father was bound so tight Alora didn't even know she was a Hybrid." I told them in a grim voice, I had to remember to control my anger. I didn't want to cause the ground to start shaking and Alora to get injured if it caused her to lose her concentration.

"When Matt rejected Alora, it broke the chains that bound her magic, and she was able to break free of them." I tell them.

They were looking horrified and angered at the same time, they looked at Xander "Why the hell would Matt reject Alora?" Tobias asked with a growl.

"Same reason I was rejecting Xander." said Beatrice, who was cuddled up against Xander, with his arms wrapped around her. "We were under a layering spell through sachets that Sarah gave us, to control us." her voice was husky, it contained her anger and pain.

Xander gave her a squeeze and kissed her temple "I'm more grateful than I could really ever express in words...that I never accepted your rejection." he tells her, his voice also husky with remembered pain.

Tobias and Alex had complicated emotions crossing their faces. "The Frost and Northmountains have been connected to the Black Magic Coven, some even had blood bonds with Black Magic Users." I say to them. "When Alora was rejected, she rejected Matt back, when she did, it caused the spell on Matt to break, allowing him to break the spell on Beatrice, Lauren and Agatha." I tell them.

"I felt it...while Damien and I were still at the University, I felt it. There was so much pain coming from Beatrice. If it wasn't for Alpha Andrew giving us the information about what happened...I never would have stayed at the University to finish our exams and graduate." said Xander, holding Beatrice even closer, his face twisted a little in remembered agony.

Beatrice looked up at him, her look said he was the most important person in her world, her sunshine. "I love you Xander, we're together now, and my life is now a million times better than it was, she wasn't able to completely destroy it. Lauren and Agatha are rebuilding their lives too. Their futures are all really bright, Lauren is Darien's Gamma, and like me, she always wanted to be a Gamma." Beatrice tells him in a soft and loving voice.

"Agatha is working with the Luna, luckily, Agatha had been studying in private, and has tested out of most of the University programs for nursing, she'll get her doctorates in nursing by this time next year." Beatrice added with a smile.

I look at her, not having known that "Alora will be happy to hear that. She still hates and grieves over what Sarah had done to you all." I tell her.

"Us...why should she be upset over us...none of it was her fault, she was her victim too. There was nothing she could have done between Sarah carving her up, Bettina beating her, and Allister chaining her in that basement and whipping her, then there was his trying to rape her and his habit of going into her room at night to whack off to her teenage body before she found a way to keep him out." said Beatrice fiercely.

Tobias and Alex were looking at her in horror. "Alpha?" Tobias asked, his tone was almost begging me to tell him none of this was true.

As much as I wanted none of what happened to Alora to be true, it was. I kissed and licked every single one of her scars in her sprite form during her heat. I felt them under her fur as a Lycan, not visible in any form but her Sprite, and I lived through one of her nightmares of a memory. I clench my fist, breathing, controlling my fury.

"What she said is just the cliff notes, and it's all true." I say in a husky voice that has a growl to it.

Zane, in his 'space', the one I could now see since we entered the willow those few days ago, was also upset and growling, but he was trying to control his temper. Zane's space was a copy of the Heartsong's courtyard. He said it had been like this since our first life, when we were first mated with Alora.

"We're also the reincarnations of Lucian Blackfire and Luna Heartsong." I tell them.

That bombshell caused Tobias and Alex to look at me in shock. I laughed at the looks on their faces, and laughed more as they scowled in unison at my laughter. "Are you pulling our leg?" growled Alex.

"I assure you it's true, Alora was the one who figured it out first, my wolf confirmed it for me." I tell him. "Alora and I are bound for all eternity with an infinity bond. Our theory is that the Moon Goddess did what she did to free her descendent from the chains of Black Magic that bound her from her true self." I tell them.

"That actually makes sense." we were all startled by Bulma's voice as she spoke these words, getting growls from Beatrice and Xander.

"Your a Werewolf, don't you know it's bad to startle a wolf?!" Beatrice growled at her.

"If I couldn't take care of myself I wouldn't be a Master Battle Magic Trainer." Bulma said in a drawl. "I came over here to meet my new nephew in law." she said with a mischievous grin that had me nervous looking at it.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

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