Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen

Chapter 47

Chapter 47


Rawlf's tone was frosted.

Veronica shivered because she could really feel the temperature in the room dropped to a


Meanwhile, she also could still hear the twins but wasn't able to recognize, or to better put it,

understand what they were saying since she removed the headphone. Quickly, she pressed the exit on

the skype call and closed the laptop on her lap.

She knew that it might cause a misunderstanding on Rawlf's part but having to reveal their

children to Rawlf in this situation is not yet the right time.

She placed the laptop on the side table and was about to move and thought of using her beauty

trap, hoping it would work at this critical time to appease the man.

"Don't even think about it." She heard him warn her.

Veronica bravely looked at him and was caught in surprise seeing the pained expression on his

taut face while he was watching coldly back at her. The muscles on his face were showing from time to

time, obviously he was controlling his anger.

Veronica knew that her reason would be unbelievable and that her earlier reaction was already

suspicious enough.

"It's a friend, Rawlf. I stayed abroad for almost five years and you might not understand it. You

know, their culture there is different. That's why I sound very affectionate but there's no more to it other

than a friendly relationship." Veronica was embarrassed at her own stupid reason.

"Really now Veronica?" Field's replied in a mocking tone, "Are you talking about cultural

differences that I wouldn't understand?", he added coldly. Then he watched her straight my in the eye, "

A little trivia sweetheart, I studied abroad too, in H University, for many years, met and get acquainted

with a lot of people from different parts of the globe, of different background .....

and ....culture," Rawlf made sure to put emphasis on the word "culture", "but let's not fool each

other here."

Seeing as Veronica was at loss and maintained her silence, Rawlf continued while trying to control

his fury for the lack of response or maybe indirectly admitting and proving his


"Or are you to say next that it's a girl when I clearly heard how you affectionately said the word

"good boy", and maybe now, you'll say it's a talking pet, a dog, a cat or something advance at that like

an alien you were raising?" Rawlf continued in derision.

Veronica suddenly jolted after registering the word "clearly heard". This man was eavesdropping

on her?! She realized it just now!

"You were eavesdropping on me?!" Veronica calmly said but her tone is laced with anger as well.

She knew it's not the right time to clash with this man but she didn't know where she got the confidence

that no matter what, the man won't hurt her, at least physically.

"Is that your argument now?" Rawlf replied in contempt.

"I am not in the mood for an argument, Rawlf. Why were you eavesdropping?"

Rawlf calmed himself from lashing out on her and chose to reply. He has to make sure to extract

the truth from her, even if it will disappoint and hurt him. After all, years had passed and it

would be understandably hard to believe that within those years, Veronica never got in any

romantic relationship or be intimate with any man.

His manly ego and pride was hurt but Rawlf knew better than to let it get the best of him.

He, for one, will accept her past, no matter what, as losing her permanently in his life would be

unimaginable for him.

This is, he realized, what other people called as martyrdom but he doesn't care if it is really,

as losing Veronica would mean losing a part of himself now.

Besides, after knowing the truth, maybe he can finally show her his possessive tendency. Rawlf

smiled in a dangerous manner.

"No, I wasn't. I accidentally heard it when I was about to open the suite's bedroom."

Rawlf lied, but somehow, there's a truth in there. He really did accidentally heard her but instead of

making his presence known, he stealthily eavesdropped to her more. However, after hearing her say

the word I love you made Rawlf loses control and suddenly barges in. He would rather settle this now

with her so he could understand and know what to do next.

"You're lying", Veronica was mad now for his shameless reasoning.

"Tell me more about it", Rawlf mocked, "Now tell me truthfully Veronica, I want to hear it from you.

Who are you talking to?"

Veronica didn't badge on his threatening voice and instead stuck to her earlier reason. "I told you,

it's a good friend. Yes, he's a guy but he's gay too." Seeing the sudden relief

expression on Rawlf's face made Veronica silently sigh in relief knowing her reasoning was

working. She continued so as to sound convincing, "He, rather she, is gay and we've been friends

for long and yes I'm affectionate with him because of course, you know, women stuff."

Rawlf was silent for minutes and Veronica was about to continue when Rawlf finally replied, "'Show

me your laptop and his pictures."

As if being poured by an ice cold water, Veronica was caught off guard. She never thought that this

man is a very thorough one.

Now a big problem. She's got gay friends indeed, Gedmaire and Floyd but the thing is, she has no

skype contact of both! Being a low maintenance friend puts her in more danger.

However, a quick response made her proud of herself, "I can't show you his skype contact or even

our conversation as I am respecting my friend's privacy but I can show you his picture."

"Veronica, have you realized how dumbed you just sound right now?" Rawlf's angry tone was

more evident now, "You can neither show me his skype contact or your conversation but I'm only

asking for the proof of the call because you respect his privacy yet you can show me his pictures? Are

you really respecting his privacy or there's no really proof of call with your real gay friend, to begin


Rawlf this time was surely surprised of himself. He was never fond of talking too much but the

case is different now. If being extra talkative would help him have Veronica spill the truth, then so be it.

Rather than to act cold and judge her right away and cause more misunderstanding between

them. Although he's already guilty of assuming things very early, her earlier reaction fueled his

suspicious thoughts. And Veronica's explanation was not helping at all.

Veronica now wanted to slap herself. Really? Has she become so dumbed now? Why is her mind

not working at times like this?! She's Lady Cleopatra of the underworld and yet in this situation, she

couldn't even find her way out?! This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

But then, this situation is different compared to the situation in the underworld.

Additionally, her earlier reaction was now she believed, etched in on Rawlf's mind and reasoning

that her explanations would remain useless if he is to go back to the oddity of her reaction.

"Rawlf please, trust me, he's just really a friend. You have to believe me, okay? I would never do

something as-"

"Do you think you're worthy of my trust now? Do yourself a favour and tell me the truth Veronica.

No matter what, I'll know about it."

Hurt by Rawlf's words, Veronica snapped out!

"Think whatever you would like to think. Now do your self a favour too and help your way the fuck

out of my suite." Although still calm, Veronica knew her words and reaction were irrational but she no

longer cares about that!

Hurt and disappointed, Rawlf self- deprecatingly smiled. He remained silent for a few minutes

before replying coldly, "You know where to find me when you're ready."

And just like that.

Rawlf went out of Veronica's suite bedroom leaving the woman feeling guilty but at the same time,

hurt and angry.

Everything could have been easy if she only told him the truth. She can simply reveal their

children's existence, however, Veronica couldn't help her own insecurities.

What if Rawlf won't accept the twins?!

She's filled with what if the entire time of her conversation with the man that she couldn't even

think carefully or formulate a sound explanation.

Indeed, in the aspect of emotion, even the smartest and wisest of person goes dumb. Veronica

sighed defeated as she returned back to bed.

It's extra cold tonight. She thought as the feeling of loneliness and emptiness crept on her heart.

Tear drops rolled on her beautiful, sad face as she pulled the pillow Rawlf slept on.

She inhaled the scent from it, taking in the man's unique scent in the process yet still, it wasn't


She wanted Rawlf beside her. To cuddle her and kiss her on the forehead or on the top of her


"Rawlf '' , another batch of tears rolled from her eyes as she lulled herself to the most

uncomfortable sleep she had experienced.

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