

Untouchable (The Moonlight Avatar Series Collection)

Chapter 18 Checking In

“I can’t protect you without holding a sword. I can’t embrace you while holding a sword.”-Tite Kubo


“It’s hotter than Satan’s armpits.”

“It’s Florida. What did you expect?”

Kiya’s lips twitched in a smirk when she grabbed her luggage off the conveyer belt. Perspiration rolled down her temples from both the many humans surroundin

us and the thick humidity. The Florida heat was definitely not for the faint of heart. We’ve arrived at Miami International Airport shortly after two in the afternoon. After we grabbed our suitcases, we weaved through the hurried crowds to the airport terminals for our designated ride to the Alpha

Erik’s hotel.

“Anthony texted me.” She said, pointing to her phone screen. “He and Alesia are at the hotel already. Only he would book a seven AM flight to wherever.”

“And your sister?”

“Lyria hasn’t replied to my messages in a while, so I think she’s still on her flight.” Kiya shone an ecstatic smile, hopping on her heels. “This is so exciting! Are we waiting for a taxi?”

I scoffed, shaking my head. “Oh, we aren’t taking a taxi.”

“A Lyft?”


“An Uber?”

“No way.”

“… What are we taking, then?”

Right on cue, our designated driver rolled up to the curb in a white luxury limousine with tinted windows, seating at least six people. Kiya’s jaw dropped so quick that I had to put a muzzle on my laughter.

“A limo?!” She exclaimed.

“A limo.”


The driver hopped out of his seat, showed his pack mark on the right side of his neck to verify his identity, and helped

admiring the polished exterior of a sugar rush carry our bags in the trunk. Kiya fan around the vehicle like a child in the vehicle, her eyes shining with wonder. After a minute of exploration, she threw her door open and hopped into her seat, bouncing against the leather seat.


Chapter 18 Checking In

“Now, this I can get used to!” She grinned, soaking in the interior of our ride, squealing when she spotted the mini fridge. Michael, our driver, drove from the curbside pickup, into the long road toward our destination. I watched Kiya with a smile on my face as she dug into the mini fridge, adding to her growing pile of snacks beside her legs.

“Is this your first time being in a limo?” I asked, folding my legs.

“Did I make it too obvious?” She asked, twisting open her glass soda bottle. “Alpha Erik sure went all out, huh?”

“The Moon Valley Pack is the richest pack in all of Florida. Erik would take any and every chance to flaunt his wealth, especially since he volunteered to host the summer Alpha Gathering.”

“And I assume the hotel is just as nice?” Kiya shuffled back to her seat, dropping her array of treats on her lap. I answered her with a nod. It was safe to expect the hotel would be as luxurious as our ride, since I hadn’t seen the building up close. I scrolled through the photo album of my phone, pulling up the information about our reserved suite. “How many Alphas and Lunas will be attending?”

“I don’t know, a couple hundred?” I pushed a couple of strands of my hair behind my ear.

Kiya hummed as she took a large bite out of her cheese stick, discarding the packaging in the trash beside her. A comfortable silence fell between us, minus the crinkling of wrappers. My muscles relaxed into the cool leather, taking away the stresses from the airplane ride.

Kiya and I were far from home, on the east coast of the country, for three days.

Three days of us sharing a hotel room. Mingling with guests. Building new alliances. Spending time with one another far from our families. Now that I think about this, this is the first trip we’ve taken together.

My fingers toyed with my bracelet, flicking the onyx beads through the elastic band. The dynamics have shifted. While I knew fully that Kiya can and will take care of herself, it was my responsibility to ensure that she’s both safe and protected the entire trip. I wasn’t kidding about the alphas we’ll encounter. Every man and woman stretched across the spectrum of kindness and morality. Some are benevolent, while some thrived on chaos. Some will use this opportunity to boost their ego and will leave the state with more than just alliances on their belt.

theil her den

My eyes landed on Kiya’s neck, unblemished and bare, except for the silver chain of her necklace. Unmarked. Wystan is just one of many who she’ll capture the interest of. An unmated woman walking into a den of possessive and entitled alphas was akin to a newborn bunny tossed in a den of hungry coyotes. I tightened my grip on the armrests, my teeth aching to tear the throats of those who’ll commit the sin of looking at her the wrong way.

Competition over Kiya’s attention is a fight I refuse to be a part of, solely because my instincts are too powerful to ignore. I love this woman and I’m already imagining scenarios of myself fighting against unmated alphas for the trophy of Kiya’s heart. I’m thinking Kiya as mine when I know damn well I don’t have any claim over her.

But, goddamnit, I can’t help it.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Goddess, I’m such a man.


“Yes, Kiya?”


Chapter 18 Checking In

She inhaled a deep breath, blinking slowly. “You’ll keep me beside you at all times, right?”

I lifted my head up from the headrest, my heart singing the hymn of angels. “That’s what I intend to do. Are you comfortable with that?”

“I… I’d prefer it if I’m being honest.” She tossed a couple more wrappers in the trash, including her empty soda bottle.

“I trust you. I wouldn’t have agreed to co with you on this trip if I didn’t believe in your ability to protect me. Plus, I’m more…” Kiya paused, waving her hands exaggeratedly. “… liable to be snatched up considering that I’m…”

“Unmarked.” I finished.

“Yeah…” She puffed out her chest, trying to look more confident in my eyes. It was rather endearing. “But I’m not insinuating that I wanted to totally depend on your protection; I can protect myself. Since I’m Selene’s avatar, I don’t want a situation to arise where I’m exposed to hundreds of alphas and lunas for my…”

“I understand.” I grasped her hand in my own, raised it to my lips, and planted tender kisses on the back of her palm. “Rest assured, Kiya, I’ll do everything in my power to protect you both when you’re awake and when you’re asleep.”

Because if anyone hurts you, I will kill them.

“N-now you don’t have to go that far…” I didn’t miss the rising red on her cheeks, betraying her rich brown skin. Kiya emitted a squeak so small it could be mistaken for a mouse when I kissed each of her fingers before lingering on her ring finger. Her hand trembled, but when I gently squeezed, she stilled.

“Don’t put a limit on my protection, Kiya. You’re priceless.”

I didn’t want her to forget that.

I watched her expressions carefully, looking for that tick in her jaw or twitch in her eye to tell me she’s uncomfortable.

cell in my body combusted

That I might’ve taken a step too far and breached a boundary I didn’t know existed. Even ell me she’s uncomfortable.

with the need to hold her body in my arms. A need to show potential suitors that Kiya was off-limits. Controlling my innate instincts had raged an internal war, and each day it has become harder. Now, with Kiya and I together on this trip, I’m being tested.

And I plan to pass with flying colors.

Kiya had yet to remove her soft hand from mine, stilling like a statue as the limo rolled quietly down the road. I waited and waited until she moved. Her lips curved into a smile, her delicate digits curling around my own. Fated sparks zipped and zoomed through my veins from her touch, pushing me into a pool of heat, overpowering the air- conditioned interior.

“Thank you.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I didn’t mean to limit you.”

“No harm done, angel.”

I lowered my hand, settling hers on the armrest before removing mine. Her smile fell into a frown, but as quickly as it came, it disappeared. Kiya expelled a sigh carrying unspoken thoughts and emotions before turning her head to the window, watching the cars pass by. The sun peeked through the window, stretching over her hand.

There was more that wanted to be said. Needed to be said.


Chapter 18 – Checking In

One day, I hoped, Kiya will tell me what goes on in that little noggin of hers.

“We have arrived, Alpha Neron.”

Our limo roiled to the curbside of the grandest and most opulent hotel I’ve ever seen. This hotel was the space the richest of the rich would lie down and relax. Breathing in the air of this hostel would be like breathing in gold. Kiya’s eyes widened like plates, gasping in shock when she took in the palace’s magnificence. More limos rolled in beside and behind us, more guests arriving.

“Holy s**it,” Kiya muttered.

I laughed. “Holy **t, indeed.”

Michael helped us with our bags and the many bellhops burst out with luggage carts, settling our suitcases inside. Kiya scurried to my side, pressing her body into my arm as a gentle tremor shook her limbs. Her hand found refuge in mine. She was intimidated.

“I feel severely under-dressed.” She muttered as we walked through the front doors. The lobby was bathed in the hues of luxury, a story told in strong golds and austere whites. “This is way too extravagant for me. I bet the curtains cost more than my college tuition.”

“The lightbulbs cost more than your college tuition.” I joked. In minutes, many more guests arrived in the lobby. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around Kiya’s waist as I checked us in, receiving copies of electronic keys to our hotel room. The bellhop with our luggage cart led the way to the elevator. Our room was on the fifth floor.

As we walked down the hallway, Kiya suddenly jolted beside me, whimpering softly. “Whoa.”

“Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.

“Um…” She sighed, nodding. “I-I am. Just had a weird rush of power there, I think.”

How odd.

“We’re here.” The bellhop announced, pulling our luggage from the cart. “Swipe your card for access. Dinner will be served in the ballroom at eight PM, so feel free to relax until then.”

“Thank you.” We both said. Swiping my card through the electronic key, a click echoed, our door nudging open. When we entered our room, Kiya dropped her luggage and ran toward the window with the biggest grin on her face.

“Holy **” She exclaimed, pressing her palms against the window. “Neron, the view is amazing! I can see the beach from here! This entire room puts the presidential suites to shame!”

The entire room invited my lungs to expand, inhaling the scent of clean linen. Muted colors of taupe, grey, and silver gave a sense of calm, a place where we could forget our troubles. Lamps were on every small table, adding to the amber light from the overhead chandelier. A glass table stood in between two settee couches on either side, an armchair tucked in the corner next to the window, shadowed by the curtain. The marble carpet stopped all sound from my feet as I made my way to the bed. Kiya dropped her bag into the armchair and bolted toward the bathroom.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

I specifically requested two beds for our room. I wanted Kiya to be as comfortable as possible. The bed sunk under my weight when I sat on it, the cotton sheets caressing the pads of my fingers. Before I could unpack, Kiya shrieked from the bathroom.

“The f**g toothpaste dispenser is made of gold! I bet the toilet is made of platinum!”

I couldn’t keep my smile to myself. Kiya was an exceptional woman, but to see her become a child exploring for the first time was entertaining. There were so many places to go and things to see, and I wanted to see the other faces she can make.

If I can recall, there a couple of restaurants within walking distance from here. I should bring her out if we have time.

She suddenly burst out of the bathroom, scampering up to me with her palms outstretched, presenting what she nestled inside. “They even carve the soap bars into roses! I guess when you’re rich, you really can do whatever the hell you want.”

I picked up a white rose soap bar from her hands, turning it to inspect it. I m**d a noise in my throat. “A petal from this one is chipped.”

“I know.” She plucked it out of my hands. “I want to keep this one.”

“Why? Soap is soap.”

“Well, someone made this, and despite its flaw, it is the most beautiful one out of the others in the bathroom. That chipped petal makes it stand out from the rest.”

I regarded Kiya with a curious look before laughing. “You’re a strange one, dear.”

“And pretty proud of it too.”

Setting the soaps on the table, Kiya grabbed the handle of her suitcase and her bag and hurried to her bed, throwing it on the mattress, humming a tune as she pulled out her bottles of her hair care.

And her skincare.

nd her body care.

Holy hell, the bottles just keep coming. How much does a woman really need?

“You want to know what else she needs?” Onyx piqued, a smile underlining his tone. I didn’t like it. I already knew he was thinking of some s**t he wasn’t supposed to.

“Onyx…don’t you dare.”

“Her a**looks amazing in her jeans. The perfect peach!”

I regretted my life’s choices the moment I looked. F**g hell. He was correct; it looked beyond perfect.

“Smack that a**like a drum!”


Chapter 18 Checking In


“What the f**no! Absolutely the f**k not! Go back to your f**g corner.”

“You know you want to… because I sure as hell want to! I bet it j i g g l e s.”

“We’re here on g**n business!”

“Her perfect a** IS my g o d m n business!”

“You good?” Kiya asked, peering over her shoulder. “You’ve been awfully quiet for a minute, there.”

“Fine! I’m fine!” My voice came out higher than normal. I cursed under my breath. My cheeks felt hot. Onyx cackled in my head, and I threw his a** over a wall. Clearing my throat, I pulled out a set of my clothes and headed to the closet. “We have a good amount of time before dinner, so make yourself at home.”

“Do you mind if I use the shower first?”

My cheeks were on f**g fire. “N-no, go right ahead.” I heard the rummaging of bottles, muf l footsteps, and the bathroom door closing. I breathed out a sigh of relief in the silence, banging my head against the closet rod.

Oh, great Goddess, give me the strength to survive this without losing my mind.

“Lose the clothes and hop in the shower with her. A simple solution for your simple mind!”

I’ll offer Onyx as a parting gift.

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