
Unshift 300

300 Ava: Present Her as Luna

How could I have forgotten, even for a moment? Lucas has lost everything–his memories, his sense of self, even his wolf. And here he is, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, hearing whispers of betrayals by his own pack.

The pack he can’t remember. Can’t hear.

My heart aches. How terrifying and isolating it must be, to wake up in a place you don’t recognize, with people claiming to know you, to care for you, when you can’t remember a single thing. The vulnerability, the constant state of wariness–it must have been exhausting.

I glance at Lucas, really seeing him now. The slight furrow between his brows, the tightness around his eyes, the way his muscles are coiled. He holds tension in every fiber of his body, carrying this burden alone, while I’ve been too caught up in my own emotions to understand what he’s going through

No wonder he didn’t react well to me coming around and telling him all about how we’re mates. It’s just noise at that point, isn’t it?

I reach out, gently tapping his arm to get his attention. When he turns those intense golden eyes: on me, I lean in close, my lips nearly brushing his ear as I whisper, “Vanessa can be trusted. I trust her with my life.”

I feel the change in him almost immediately. The tension in his muscles cases, just a fraction, but it’s there. He doesn’t relax completely–I doubt he’s capable of that right now–but there’s a subtle shift in his demeanor.

Vanessa’s eyes widen slightly, and I know she’s sensed the change too. Her gaze flicks between

  1. US.

“How are you feeling, Lucas?” Vanessa asks, her voice gentle and professional. “Any lingering pain or discomfort?”

Lucas shakes his head. “No pain. Fever’s gone. His voice is gruff, but not cold.

She glances toward me. “The fever came from the proximity to your mate’s heat. Now that the mating mark has been applied, it shouldn’t be quite so extreme. We did evacuate all unmated males once we realized her heat was approaching…”

Evacuate. Wow. It makes me sound like a natural disaster.

Though, thinking of how my heat had affected even Clayton… Okay. I get it.

“Thanks, Vanessa. Would have been nice to get a heads–up, though.”

She hesitates. “A heads–up… on your own heat, Luna?”

For the first time, the title almost feels like it fits. Maybe it’s the mating mark on my neck.

But her question itself makes me snap my mouth closed. How am I supposed to admit that I didn’t realize my heat was coming up again? I should have been on high alert, knowing that we didn’t have suppressants around any longer.

200 Ava: Present Her as Lund

Selene snorts, having gotten the general gist of the situation from my head.

Vanessa shakes her head, but lets my lie stand. “My apologies, Luna. However, as lovely as it is to see you, I’m here with a purpose.”

The seriousness in her voice has me sitting up a little straighter. “What is it?”

Her eyes flick toward Lucas, who inclines his head in her direction. “Speak.”

The order in his words is firm, sending a vague thrill through my body. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Our wolves have returned from the recent evacuation, but there is a little unrest among the pack. I believe it would be in our best interest to proclaim our Luna’s position. Tonight”

I watch Vanessa carefully, feeling Lucas tense behind me. His reaction sends a ripple of concern through my body. I squeeze his hand, hoping to offer some reassurance.

“What do you mean by proclaiming my position?” I ask, my voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in my stomach.

Vanessa’s eyes meet mine, her expression serious. “The Alpha would present you as his Luna to the pack. It’s a formal recognition of your status and role within our community.”

I nod slowly. Normally, I’d imagine such an event would be a grand affair, filled with ceremony and celebration. But given the current state of the pack–displaced, uncertain, and missing far too many of its members–it hardly seems appropriate to make a big production of it.

“Usually, a Luna’s ceremony is quite an elaborate event,” Vanessa continues, echoing my thoughts. “However, given our circumstances, we believe a more subdued approach would be


As she speaks, my mind drifts to the recent conversation with Kellan. His worried words about potential alpha challenges echo in my memory. With Lucas still disconnected from his wolf… My skin crawls.

We have to avoid that level of discontent among his people.

1 glance at Lucas, studying his face. His jaw is set, tension visible in the lines around his eyes. He doesn’t look pleased with this suggestion.

“This would put Ava in danger,” he says, his voice low and firm. “As an official pack leader, she would be a target.

“She’s already a target,” Vanessa counters. “Everyone’s aware she’s your mate. This would be a great way to boost morale, and cement loyalty among the guards assigned to keep her safe.”

His concern for my safety warms my heart, but I can’t help feeling a surge of determination. His pack needs stability, needs to see strength in its leadership. And if I can provide that, even in some small way, Isn’t it my duty to do so?

Before Lucas can continue his objections, I squeeze his hand again and turn to Vanessa. “I think it’s a great idea, I say, my voice stronger than I expected.

I’d spent so long avoiding responsibility. Putting my position in the pack in the hands of its

300 Ava. Present Hor as Luma.

members, wanting them to approve of me, to want me as their Luna.

There’s no time for that anymore.

I need to keep my mate safe.

Lucas stiffens beside me, clearly caught off guard by my quick agreement. I can almost feel the protest forming on his lips, but I slide off the bed and out of his arms.

Standing on my own two feet seems a little silly, but I need him to understand. I don’t want to be protected any longer. I want to be the one saving him. Saving all of them.


“Lucas,” I say softly, turning to face him. His eyes meet mine, a storm of emotions swirling in their golden depths. “I’m ready to step up. For you and for the pack. You’ve been waiting for this, even if you don’t remember it.”

The words hang between us, heavy with meaning. I see the conflict in his expression–the desire to protect me warring with the understanding of what the pack needs. The pack he doesn’t remember.

His ties to these strange wolves is almost nonexistent, but his identity as an alpha is bone–deep. He must understand what it means.

This isn’t just about us anymore. It’s about the entire Westwood Pack, a community that’s been through hell and back. They need hope, need to see that their leaders are united and strong. And if I can provide even a fraction of that strength, I have to try. At least until Lucas is whole again.


you sure about this? Lucas asks er


I nod, offering him a small smile. “I am. We’re in this together. You’ve been my strength. Now it’s time for me to help you.

Even if he doesn’t know everything happening, I know he’s aware. He knows his wolf is missing. He understands life as

a wolf shifter. An alpha without a wolf is vulnerable.

I can see that understanding in his eyes, feel it in the bond between us.

The tension in his shoulders eases slightly, and I feel a wave of relief wash over me.

“Alright” he says finally, turning back to Vanessa. “We’ll do it. But I want every possible

precaution taken. Ava’s safety is paramount. The way the orders slip out of him is so reminiscent

of the past.

Vanessa nods, a hint of approval


I in her eyes. “Of course, Alpha. We’ll make all necessary

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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