Transmigrated Into A Billionaire

Chapter 15 Yandel brought Ace back

Chapter 15 Yandel brought Ace back

"I like Yandel better than Xander…."

Rachel finally got the courage to look at him after Ace had said that.

"He doesn't like my...fiancé,"Rachel said with a little pause before referring to the evil bastard as

her fiancé.

"Well he didn't fail to mention it to me too," Yandel added, laughing a bit at the mean face the kid

made when he referred to Xander.

"He also said he wished I was his brother-in-law too,"Yandel added with a confident smirk knowing

it was going to evoke a reaction from Celi.

"He said that…!!" Rachel asked surprised and curious of what else he could have said to Baldwin.

"Yeah… We are kinda best friends now," Yandel said playfully, making her smile fondly at him, a

sight he wished he could hold in a polaroid and look at it everyday.

"Have the police reached back to you?.because it will make a lot of sense to call them and get the

search party ended" Yandel reminded Rachel as they drove back to the estate.

"Oh...that's true, when I get home I will do just that,hopefully before I take a shower and sleep,”

Rachel said, starting to really feel the tiredness sipping in.

"How do you manage to look good and tired?" Yandel asked, looking so serious, Rachel didn't

detect the flirt right away till he smiled. She couldn't help but blushed a little while looking away trying to

get herself under control.

"I can't deal with you right now Baldwin, maybe some other time," Rachel said partly happy her

face was no longer that warm.

"By the way,How come you never told much about yourself, I literally told you all you need to know

about me" Rachel said stirring the convo towards another direction.

"Everything??..." Yandel asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Maybe not everything but you know what I mean,you know mostly everything about me, at least

the basics,” Rachel said, rolling her eyes at his hesitation to open up.

"Alright, where do I start from...I am the first son of my family as you know, I have two other

siblings, they are twins and they will be 20 soon, I hope you get to meet them. They are pretty wild, and

i schooled in the UK hence my exotic accent and I love sushi and pasta, I hate pineapple, pizza and I

actually don't like sports….oh and yeah I'm allergic to beans….I think that's pretty much it about myself,

sorry I'm not really a fun to know person". He finished off looking at her expectantly as if expecting her

to say something, anything.

"Well I'm not that fun to know, so I will say that's a fair trade to me".Rachel said with a little humor.

"So….what do you like and dislike?" Yandel asked while coming to a stop at the traffic stop.

"Generally or food wise?" Rachel asked.

"Generally," he said smiling a little, something about getting to know Celi kind of excited him and

he had to say, she was different than the Aracelie he knew, the Araceli he knew couldn't hold a

conversation to save her life and she will rather listen for hours on hours than talk the way she was

doing now.

"Ok…" Rachel said, adjusting in her seat.

"I like generally a fun person with a strong personality, people who can stand for themselves, I

dislike liars and cheats, food wise I like everything but seafood" Rachel finished looking at him.

An awkward silence reigned for a few seconds before they both burst into laughter simultaneously,

after a few seconds they settled down forgetting Ace was at the back seat sleeping from the exhaustion

of walking street by street looking for a lego cart shop that kept indicating the next street.

"You mean that's it?!!!" Yandel exclaimed.

"Yeah!!!....I told you I wasn't much to talk about personality wise" Rachel replied.

"Ohh you really meant it then I guess,'' Yandel said, a little disappointed, hoping to hear a little

more about her than he did.

"Look who's sulking...I thought you couldn't stand me". Rachel said smirking at Yandel letting his

guard down and letting his expression show.

"I'm not sulking...I jus…" Yandel said before he got interrupted by a sleepy and rather hungry

looking ace.

"Araceli…." Ace whined stretching uncomfortably at the back seat while trying to get the seat belt

off him only to get more twisted in the shambles of polyester straps, his looks soon turned frustrated

when he realized that he couldn't get himself out of it, which made Araceli and Yandel giggle at him at

the mess he had created and the way he had his hair all over the place.

"Help….I'm hungry". Ace said in resignation,he stopped struggling and let Araceli handle the seat

belt for me.

While Araceli had turned to the back to help Ace with his rather huge mess of seat belt, Yandel

couldn't keep his eyes on the road as he was properly graced with a sight he had rarely saw, the crop

top and high waisted jeans she wore was a choice he was so darn thankful of now because her butts

were so round and properly shaped.

He couldn't help but keep looking and fantasizing about touching it with his bare hand, how he

skipped her beautiful body was beyond him, till he remembered the Araceli he knew has never worn

such clothes and to be honest, he had never really seen her on casual days because his distaste for

her meekness and subtle behavior didn't entice him enough to be curious about her personal life or

how she liked to dress on weekends for fugsake this was his rival we are talking about, he's sudden

spark of interest in the woman wass beyond is simple reasoning.

"Eyes on the road Baldwin!!". Araceli barked, bringing Yandel out of his thoughts only to realize he

had been caught staring at her butts while lost in thoughts. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

His cheeks became warm from the embarrassing call out, so he chose to just keep driving.

Recalling hearing Ace complain about being hungry, he decided to ask if they wanted a drive through

take out or a sit out at MacDonald's.

"Hey so will you guys want a drive through take out or a dinner at MacDonald's?". Yandel asked.

"MacDonald's!!!!!!!" Ace suddenly found the strength for an ear troubling scream. Simply the

thought of going to MacDonald's gave him enough strength,he could imagine all the salty fries, double

cheese hamburger, drumsticks and chilled coke, just the thought of it made his stomach grumble

audibly enough for Rachel and Yandel to hear, causing them to laugh out loud.

"MacDonald's it is," Yandel said with a smile.

"I can get used to this," Yandel thought.

He drove into the next street where the MacDonald sign was blaring in the night. They pack beside

a brown pick up truck and they all got down, Ace ran energetically towards the door while Araceli and

Yandel just strolled behind him, for someone who was just whining and sobbing about how

uncomfortable seat belts are, he seemed to have a lot of energy and obviously food is a very good


They sat by the end of the first aisle, Rachel and Ace facing yandel. A waitress probably in her late

40's came towards their table to take their order.

"What will you guys be having today," she asked with a nice smile, the proof of years she had on

her became more eminent as the corners of her eyes wrinkled a bit.

"Ok I will have just cheeseburgers with salted fries and chilled coke," Rachel said.

"I will have the same," Yandel said smiling.

"I will have a double cheeseburger,with fries and drumsticks and coke," Ace said while using his

little fingers to list them off, this evoked a shocked expression from both Araceli and the waitress

making her laugh incredibly.

"I guess the little man has a rather big appetite today, that will be all from us,” Yandel said


"Alright then, nice family you have got by the way" the waitress said taking her leave, the

statement really took Yandel by surprise making him choke a little while Araceli just smiled warmly at


"That was some conclusion she made there," Yandel said nervously while tapping his foot.

"I would have made the same assumption too if I were to look at us," Rachel replied calmly.

She didn't seem to be phased by the waitress' misconception. After a good 30 minutes of eating

which involved small talks between Celi and Ace and Yandel in deep thought, They finished off and

package the rest of Ace’s food in a takeaway pack.

The drive home was pretty quiet mainly because everyone was resting from their meal and Yandel

was thinking of how much of his life had gone by spent on working and focusing on the family business.

It dawned on him that he really needed to start thinking of making a family of his own.

"Hey...are you okay? seem lost in your thoughts again like you were back at the restaurant,".

Rachel asked, compassion exuding off her persona.

"So she noticed huh…" Yandel thought.

"It's nothing really just work and stuff," he replied clearly not wanting to talk about the need of

having a family with the girl he may or may not like.

Rachel let go of the matter when she saw that he wasn't in the mood to confide in her, he probably

didn't want to talk about it. She told herself.

She became distracted by the strange car in their driveway which she didn't register, she ignored it

thinking it was a random guest of her mom or dad.

With Yandel carrying Ace in his arms behind her while she held the takeaway packs, she unlocked

the house with her keys.

"So this is who you have been with all night," A voice she has grown to detest welcomed her with a

sneering tone.


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