Traded To The Lycan King

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49


I stare out the window that I know is facing the opposite way that Merikh went. My stomach aches fiercely, my instincts telling me I need to go after him, but I push them away, knowing that I’m just anxious that he is no longer at my side.

Penny warned me that the bond may be stretched too far for me to feel at times, though Percy chimed in to remind me it’s likely that Merikh will also bury the bond. In order for me to not panic, if he finds something, he will likely close me out. Which seems far too like him.

“He is the lycan king,” Penny reminds me. I roll may eyes and chuckle, trying to hide the nerves that twist and turn in my stomach, making me queasy with every passing second.

“When you tell me lycans are immortal, I will stop worrying.” I tell her with a nervous smile and she frowns, reaching out to rub my arm before she bites her lip and looks at her brother.

“Do you maybe want to go to the kitchen?” She whispers. I furrow my brows, confused by her suggestion, considering we have a mountain of snacks that was just delivered.

“Penny, we are not leaving this room.” Percy clips out and she frowns.

“Being trapped in a room is not helping her anxiety, Perc.” She tells him and he presses his lips together. “Plus, Alpha didn’t say she had to remain here, only that we have to remain at her side.”

Percy stands, pacing over to us at the window as he pulls aside the curtain and looks outside for a moment. Then he releases a long breath and looks directly at me. It’s strange to see how much he has changed, the way he went from excited young gamma to a seasoned protector in what seems like such a short time.

“Would it put your mind at ease to be closer to where he is, to watch for him as he comes back?” He asks, arching a brow.

I wrestle with the question. The only thing that will ease my mind is seeing and touching Merikh. Mad at him or not, I want him next to me so I can choose to ignore him while being with him. I want to be as close as I can sol can lay eyes on him as soon as humanly possible.

“Yes,” I nod and he seems to accept my request as he nods and looks at Penny.


Chapter 49

“To the kitchen it is.” He says, but I can tell he isn’t too pleased as he walks to the door and holds it open for us. “Actually, no. No, it’s a bad idea-” he grits, rolling his head like he is trying to crack his neck.

“Percy,” I call out to him and he looks at me, a panic growing in his eyes as sweat beads on his brow. “Are you okay?” I ask as I watch his jaw tick and he shakes his head.

“Yes, Luna.” he breathes, his eyes closing.

“Tell the truth.” Penny insists, “There is something wrong.”

Percy shuts the door, his face looking down at the carpet as he exhales. Then he drags a hand through his hair like he is contemplating how to put into words what is weighing so heavily on him. Then he lifts his gaze, his eyes bouncing between Penny and me, a bright red flickering in and out.

“Something is wrong,” He pants, taking a step into the room. The room spins, feeling smaller by the second as I watch my sweet friend and gamma fight the magical hold of whatever asshole has been plaguing us for far too long.

“What do you mean?” Penny asks, “What’s wrong?”

Her eyes meet mine, the same fear in hers as in my heart, and she steps closer to him, placing herself between us, ready to fight her own blood to protect her Luna. My stomach twists, my chest tightening as my anger at the situation grows deeper.

“I am compromised,” he hisses. Percy’s already pale face grows more pale as he shakes his head. “I feel off, like I’m not in complete control. There is a voice in my head, whispering things, things I shouldn’t have in my head and I can’t…something is wrong with me.”

“Penny…” I whisper, taking her hand in mine, “I need you to restrain Percy and put him in the bathroom.”

“A sick cackle breaks through the room, bouncing off the walls in a near shrill tone. The hairs on my body raise in awareness and fear as Percy looks like he is being possessed. A sinister grin breaks over his lips, revealing his white teeth, his hair now slick with sweat as he groans and drops to his knees.

“Do it now!” He cries out as if he is in agony. Penny lunges forward, yanking him to the bathroom. As they pass me, he lurches in my direction, his eyes fully read, and zombie–like.

“Luna, I need something to restrain him with,” she calls from the bathroom.


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Chapter 49

Shit, shit, shit. Do I even have anything to tie someone up? Tape? Rope? Unlikely. But I search anyway. I tear the room apart, ripping through drawers and the closet like a made man. I find two

belts, and hope it’s enough to hold him, even if it’s just long enough to get Caspian and find something more suitable.

I trip rushing from the closet, rolling with a pained grunt as I scramble on the floor before finding my footing and pounding on the door. There is no response. Only silence and my heart burns, dread settling in my bones before I pound again.

“Penny!” I shriek, my voice an octave higher than my usual.

“Bring it in here,” she says, sounding weak. My hand shakes as I reach out for the doorknob and cautiously push it open. My eyes tear up when I see Percy on the ground struggling under Penny, who has his arm twisted in such a way that he can’t even lift his face without hissing in pain.

“This is all I could find,” I say, handing her the belts. She frowns and shakes her head.

“Shit. This isn’t going to hold him.” She mutters.

“Pen…” Percy’s voice is strained and full of pain as he shudders. “You have to get her out of here.”

“No,” I growl, refusing to leave him. The last time I did, he was attacked and clearly compromised. They ruined his body and hurt him, and now they have a hold of his mind and I won’t let them win.

I rush to him, Penny fighting with him as he struggles, tears running down her cheeks. I drop to my knees, hesitating for only a moment before I reach out and grab his face, making sure I meet his eyes.

“You will fight this, Percy.” I growl out, putting everything I have into trying to see if I have a voice that can command others like Merikh. His eyes fall closed and they blink back open, his lycan black eyes coming forward before morphing back into their usual color.

“Luna…” He rasps out. “Th–they want to talk to you.”

His throat bobs, his eyes rolling back into his head like he is fainting before they pop back. They don’t change color, nor does he try to fight against Penny, who is quietly crying and holding him.

I stand and take a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever lies these assholes are going to spew through my friend. Then I look at Penny.

“I am listening,” I tell him, squaring my shoulders. “And then kick their asses out of your head. That’s an order,


Chapter 49



Penny gets off of him, stepping to me in a protective stance. She is ready for anything, but I can tell that she feels

I her twin is strong enough to shake these dicks the second he allows them to deliver their message. If she didn’t, she would have remained where she was.

He pushes himself to his knees, panting as his eyes quivers and go red. He finds me, a creepy emptiness taking over his entire demeanor, as his head falls to the side, taking me in. Then a smile creeps over his lips.

“You are stronger.” Percy says, his voice melding with another that is not his own.

“And you are getting more desperate,” I retort. A cackle breaks from his lips, making Penny shudder. I touch her shoulder, knowing this can’t be easy for her to see.

“Oh, not as desperate as you are about to be, Luna Letty.” He drawls out with the melded voice. My spin tingles, my skin prickling, and I can feel it. The fear that isn’t mind creeping in and up my spine. Merikh was blocking his side of the bond, but I didn’t think to block mine from him.

“Just tell me what you have to say.” I hiss, my patience gone.

“Your mom would love to meet you,” the voice says in a voice too happy to be truthful.

“My mother is dead,” I grit out.

“Is she?” They ask and my blood grows cold. I try to reach out to Merikh, needing to feel him, to verify the emotions I am feeling so strongly are only mine, not his..

“Enough of your games,” Penny hisses.

“This is no game. No, we are too busy playing with your alpha to need any other entertainment.”

“What?” The word falls from my lips, the breath in my lungs whooshing from me. “If you touch him, I will kill you.”

“You have to find us first, Luna. And even your siren father has failed to figure us out yet,” Percy’s possessed mouth says before he gags and crawls to the toilet, vomiting violently.

I spin on my heels, racing for the door, Penny hot on my trail as I break out the bedroom door and down the hall. I can hear voices calling out to me as I sprint out the backdoor, my bare feet padding over the soft grass.


Chapter 49

“Colette!” I hear my father screaming my name behind me, but I can’t stop, can’t even pause to beg for help as I follow my heart, hoping it will lead me where I need to go.

-Merikh!— I scream through the mindlink, knowing the emotions were his and not just my own. He is in trouble. Every fiber in my body can feel it, my wolf can sense it. But yet, he doesn’t respond.

“Luna! Please!” Penny calls out behind me.

I can hear her catching up to me just as I look up and I see it. A large Lycan in the distance racing toward us and my heart skips a beat until I realize it’s smaller than Merikh. Then I feel him, my mindlink flooded with love, masking the other emotions as I try to make sense of what the hell is happening.

-Do not come. Stay with your father–He says, but the distress in his voice betrays him, which means I sure as shit don’t have to obey.–Promise me you will stay with Caspian-

-I promise–I shoot back at him and then I slow down, looking for my dad who catches up to me, looking concerned.

“You are coming with me,” I tell him, grabbing his hand and dragging him with me as I run.

“Where are we going?” He asks.

“To save my mate.”


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