Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

"There is no going back. I have no idea what you are talking about Robbie. Tell me."

"Who is he?"

I tsk??ed. I was done with his jealousy. I had no idea who he was talking about.

"You tell me. We have talked about this remember?"

Some other man in my life! I shook my head.

I pulled up my shorts and went to bathroom to freshen up. So much for sleeping.

Stupid Robbie and his stupid jealousy. I smiled fondly.

I could barely walk after he was done with me. If I had someone else in my bed, I would push him off

and get myself some well-deserved sleep.

I rolled my mental eyes.

I was washing my face when he hugged me from behind. I cleaned up fast and turned around in his


"What is it? Please tell me this is not about Russell."

"No. I like Russel; he loves Naomi."

I chuckled. He liked Russel because he loved Naomi.

Then who else? No one was touchy feely with me.

I pushed Robbie. "Robbie, you are worried about Kenneth? Oh baby, that guy is the mother hen. He

touches everyone like that. Even you got a pat on your head..."

[Kenneth is just some guy. Don't sweat your head over this, y'all.]

I walked back to bed to change the sheets.

Robbie chuckled. "No, I like Kenneth too. He is a good kid. He worries about everyone."

Then who was it?

"Do you know a Marcus?" Robbie held the pillows I handed him.

Marcus? There was a Marcus at the party?

"Not really, no. New guy? You know, Jason is in charge of people."

"Tall, looks Mexican, from your advertisement and marketing department."


Robbie ground his teeth.

"Yes, he was there in the party. We briefly talked. But I do not know him. Just a new guy. Olivia

introduced him. Looked friendly though. Why? I told you that a guy named Mark came and asked me

about my business investments. What about him?"

[Olivia is Ace's marketing head. She helped him sell his protein drink. Remember?]


"His name was Marcus? He told me Mark. Maybe I did not listen well, the music was so loud. What

about him? Don't you dare close off now, Robbie."

"He told you his name was Mark?"


"You do not call him Mark because he is special?"

I was sure I looked annoyed. Robbie hid his head on my chest. He pushed me until I fell on bed with

him on top. He did not move further though.

"Robbie, Big Baby, tell me. What is it?"

Saying Robbie was a jealous person, was saying blue whale a slightly big animal. He had to know my

calls and texts, and glare at people who stood close to me. He just had to make sure no one was

getting to me without him knowing to steal me away from him.

"Did that guy say something?" I rubbed his head and pressed a kiss on forehead.

He nodded.

"What did he say?"

"That only special people in his life calls him Mark."

I snorted. I let him continue.

"I remembered your talking about him. So, when we were introduced, I called him Mark. Then he told

me to call him Marcus and only special people got to call him like that. He told me that you found him

special and capable of handling your company's advertisement campaign alone."

"And you believed him?" I did not know if I should hug and kiss him or smack his head for being this




He mumbled.


"He said that you are going to France with him for the campaign."

This stupid idiot of mine. I squeezed him hard but could not stop my giggles.

"How could you believe something idiotic as that, Robbie! When have I ever gone to that kind of stuff?

And that too without telling my family!"

"I did not believe it then. But when Jason announced that you might go with them if their performance

was good...I got scared..."

"You got scared someone else knew something that big about me before you could hear it from


The big baby on my chest nodded.

"Big Baby look at me."

God! He looked so troubled.

"Love." I kissed his lips. "First of all, Marcus lied. I did not tell him that he was capable of handling the

company's advertisement campaign alone. Jason does that kind of stuff, you know it. May be he is that

good or he blows up gas, I do not know. Second, he told me his name was Mark. And I have no

intention to call him that if it is his nickname. Then, Big Baby, Jason was taunting me. He knows how I

would never leave you or Lia for a business campaign that might last a month. Even if I wanted, you

would be the one who would take me. He was making fun of me for that."

Jason started picking on me when we were having drinks. I hoped no one else had a brother who

would be relentlessly annoying only because he was missing you! He casually suggested I could get on

a jet and go to France that night.


I had two babies to think about. Both of them would turn this whole world upside down if they could not

find me.

So he called me a female reproductive organ.

I called him a male reproductive organ back.

Then we both went off to our merry ways; but the annoying idiot made fun of me on stage. Look what

that did to Silly Daddy.

I shook my head. There was not a day I spent alone. Lia and Robbie would be miserable without me.

Like how I would be miserable without them even for a day. God knew how I managed to keep calm

when she went off to care centre.

I had once tried to be away from Robbie and that was not something I want to go through again.

"Take me to the award ceremony next week." I decided.

"I thought we were not going."

"We were not. But now we are. I have to make something straight."

Nobody was making my Robbie miserable. So this was what happened yesterday night at the party.

There was so much pain that came with being a boss. I was nominated for the Young Responsible

Entrepreneur Award and Master-Tech Genius of the Decade Award; both were, honestly not a big deal.

It was given out by other business men to butter up new business men, so they would not be able to

say no to future collaboration.

Well, I was not planning on changing my business partners or my ethics to fit in. So we had gone to

yesterday's party, and then out of nowhere a strong hand fucking groped my ass like a stress ball.

I was done with fake pleasantries and smiles before five minutes were up. Jason was good at these

things and he wanted me here because this was apparently good for our business.

'But my 'Slave, these are bad for our life' was left ignored.


Anyways I somehow managed to stay there for three hours.

Yaaaay me!!!

Then I went out to the balcony looking at the stars and thinking how beautiful they were and...

That palm fell on my right butt cheek and that lips latched on my neck.


I knew that touch and I knew that desperation.


I knew that voice too.

"Bas... tard..." I mumbled out. "Let go..."

"So tempting..." The voice growled and I moaned.

"You might wanna keep that hand to yourself, Mister. My man is a jealous bastard and he might chop

off your hand." I whispered while turning around; the hand still kneading the f out of me.

"Your man sounds pretty smart." Warm puffs of breath fell on my lips and I shook my head.

"Pretty psychotic, you mean? Yes, he is. But what can I do? I fell hopelessly in love with him."

I felt the replying smile on cheek but he yanked me by my hand to take me somewhere.

"Well, he must be hopelessly in love with you too."

"Rob...hmmph..." He pushed me to the wall of a dark empty corner behind the building...

... and had his way with me.

"Remember our comic con. You got fucked like this in a bathroom stall... I will do it again..."

I saw that crazy in his eyes.

The crazy I had in my own eyes too.

I bit my lips and hid my face behind my palms facing the wall.

He just...

And I just...

I should have known something had spiked this behaviour. Yet, I did not catch up to it.

But I felt so vulnerable after the escapade. I felt... like he did not care about me. Had it been a couple of

years before, I would have walked away feeling torn and used, making myself believe that it was true. I

was just someone to...

But... no... this man loved me, may be even more than I loved him.

So I took his hand and placed it on my face before kissing it.

"Angel..." He hugged me.

The vulnerability in me slowly fading away to strength.

"I cannot believe you did this to me. If this comes on newspaper, you are sleeping on couch for rest of

your life." I whined.

"You are mine."

"You doubt that?" I bit his chin.

He stared at me for solid two minutes before smiling.

"Not one bit."

We sneaked away from the party, found a park nearby, climbed over the fence and... simply lied on the

grass looking up the sky... like two boys who were secretly in love.

"So beautiful, Daddy."

"Yeah. So beautiful." I swatted his face away when I noticed he was looking at me.

We talked nonsense.

From my turning to an alien to Robbie being an adorable bunny in his past life to Lia going to college

soon and... whatnot...

Then we had gone home, taking a bus, leaving our car behind without telling Jason or Nick... and

laughed like maniacs when we received their distressed calls in the early hours of morning; hushing

each other because our little baby was sleeping on the other room.

We did not sleep a wink last night.

Yet, I did not catch up that my man was insecure and searching for love. Thankfully, I was able to

shower him all the attention and love without even noticing it.

I had decided we would not be attending the award ceremony; one of the reasons why we attended the

party last night so we would not cross with other powerful people.

More power you have, more susceptible to pettiness; or so I have learned from my life with Robbie.

I did not care how good that guy, Marcus, was in advertising or whatever. I was not letting that kind of

manipulative assholes who meddle with my family in my own company. Jason would understand and

Olivia had no say in this, because Jason was her boss.

I had to be there to make it happen or Jason would think Robbie was just being silly... again. This time

he was not, though, and I would not ignore his pain.

"So, we are going, okay?"

I felt another nod on my chest. "Whatever you say."

I smiled.

Looked like I was getting that nap after all.

Ding Dong!

I spoke too soon.

"Ugggh!!!" I whined and Robbie chuckled. He could laugh. Lia did not wake him up in the morning for

breakfast. He slept till eleven in the morning while I was up and running since seven.

I wanted... no... needed this nap.

Daddy and daughter had to give me a break.

"You go and look."

"Frankie will do it, Angel."

"Oh!" We were at my mom's home. Silly me!

God I was tired.

Jason was begging to spent some time with Lia and we were still furnishing our home. Jason and

Gabe's room were getting painted, so we thought we would stay here at mom's.

We could attend the business party and Jason got to spend his time with Lia.


... or not.

Frankie came in to my room without knocking and looking frantic, clutching Lia. I pushed Robbie off my

chest. "What is wro..."

"Robert, Sir, you have to come down right now. Baby Trus, please stay here with baby."

Then I heard it.

"Where the fuck is he!!! My fucking HUSBAND!!! WHERE IS HE!!! I am home, honey!"

Lia was tight as cardboard in my arms and my heart dropped to my stomach.

I watched Frankie help Robbie with his shirt and smoothed his own while trying his very best to be calm

and collected.

"She looks a bit..." Frankie could not bring up the word he was searching for.

Winny came in like a hurricane but started taking relieved breaths seeing Lia safe in my arms. "I got

scared... when... " She sat next to me and rubbed Lia's back.

"Stay here." Robbie commanded before leaving with Frankie and I wanted to run after them.

Why was she here? What did she want?

Lia flinched with every voice that climbed up to the first floor where we were staying. "Davidson Sir, I

have informed Master Jason and Dominic. Master Jason is in the board meeting, so he has not replied

but... Dominic will be here in a few... with backup."

I nodded.

This warranted back up? Jesus!

I heard something crash downstairs and we all jumped.

"I have to..."

"Mr. Brantley asked you to stay here, Davidson Sir."

"He wants me there, trust me. I know him. Little Baby?" I jiggled my baby in my arms and kissed her

cheeks. Her worried eyes met mine and she leaned up to kiss me back. "Can Davey go and help

Daddy? I will bring him back here..."

"Noo... Davey... don go..."

"But Daddy needs help and we always help Daddy, right Baby?" She nodded. "Yeah... so now Davey

will go and help Daddy and I will bring him back to you." Her lips trembled.

"Dada, okay?"

"Of course he is. He has you and he has me. He will be okay as long as Davey is there next to him. So

can Davey go?"

She nodded, squeezing me tight and pouting. I pecked her pout. "Stay with Winny under this blanket,

okay Baby Angel?" I handed Lia her Crocky plushy and then threw the blanket over my girls. "Stay

here, both of you."

"Kem fas."

I chuckled. "Of course I will come fast." I winked and Lia smiled, a bit relieved that I was not that


Well, I was worried and scared but she did not need to know.

My hand touched the cold stair rails and the voices were unbearable as I climbed down.


Robbie screamed and terror gripped my heart.

What was he talking about?

"So what? I got pregnant. You can't prove that to anyone. Why would a woman like me need a drunk

ass pussy like you to fuck?"

Dear freaking god!

I did not hear it, did I?

My hands gripped rails harder when I felt the ground spin. I shook my head.

Not now, Ace! My man needed me.

"I am a woman. I have needs. Your floppy, good for nothing cock was not satisfying me. So it was

whatever. At least we had a good fuck."

"YOU!!! You had a good fuck. I was drunk out of my fucking mind and how pathetic could you get,

woman? If you had not shown me the video of you rutting all over me... I would not have even


I clutched Robbie's hand and he jerked his head to me surprised. He gulped and I knew he was

purposely keeping that information away from me.

The woman Robbie was talking to was casually strutting over my mom's displays of our family photos.

"That video is no more. So, you can't get the cunt you are fucking, to get it out of the dustbin." She

laughed. "Oh! FUCKING CUNT! I know he is behind it... ASS Davidson Poopcott! He fucking stole stuff

from internet... and made me look like a bad girl."

I wanted to vomit.

"Don't you fucking drag him to this. You have no fucking right to..." I squeezed Robbie's elbow and the

woman turned around smugly smiling.

I shivered seeing this face.

Her smile looked odd on that face... destroyed with plastic surgery.

"Ace!" I gulped at Janice's voice.

"Don't you dare calling him that!!! Stay away from him."

"What? I was just talking. After all, ... we are family." Her smile was scary to look at. Her upper lip was

wrinkly under her too long nose.

"I am not your family." I said softly.

"I hope not. You stole my husband from me. He was mine."

I did not answer her and she went berserk. "WHAT!!! TALK!!!"

I blinked. "Let us go, Robbie."

"So mighty and high to even talk to me???? What the fuck!!! Who do you think you are? I am getting so

fucking angry."

"Leave my home."

She gritted her teeth. "Who needs your fucking home? You have this home??? Ohhh you poor pussy

you? Fucking Dickpussy! It is not even that great!" She childishly pushed her tongue out and spat spit

all over.

I wanted to gag and run to hills.

She was...

I shivered when she started to throw cushions of the sofa and kicked its legs throwing obscenities


"What is wrong with her?" Was she even real?

"Don't talk about me like that. I hate it when you talk about me like that! I fucking hate you all. You are

making fun of me, right now! Aren't you? You people always make fun of me. You can all make fun of

me when I get my money. GIVE BACK MY MONEY!!!"

Robbie opened his mouth and I squeezed tighter. "Don't talk." I whispered and I saw Janice coming

down unhinged.


"Ma'am step away or we are going to tase you. This is your first and last warning. Step away in five,

four... three..."

Never in my life was I this happy to see Nick and his bodyguard people.

I watched Tristian coming behind Nick and he nodded to me before climbing up the stairs; to get to my

girls. I breathed a bit easier.

"We were just talking." Janice mumbled out innocently and when she looked at me, even after seeing

her all going crazy, for a moment I thought she was innocent and was just talking.

What in the actual fucking world!!!

Janice took steps back and sat on the couch before picking up the cushion she had thrown and

situating it properly.


Who and what is this woman!

"Robert, we have talked about this. We agreed that you will give me money."

"We never agreed on anything. You asked me for money and I said no."

"Well, you have to say yes. I need it, really."

I noticed the bodyguards looking at each other not knowing what to do... except Nick. His eyes were

unnervingly fixed on Janice and she did not like it.

"It is rude to stare at a lady."

Nick did not even blink and I was thankful. This woman was... not okay.

"I was your wife. Marriage with you has destroyed me. You are responsible for me."

"Are you fucking crazy!!!"

"DON'T!" Janice shouted but took calming breaths when all the tasers went up at her shout. At least

that made bodyguards back to being alert. "You both tricked me, played me and made fun of me."

"We don't even fucking remember you, until you brag in like a fucking ghost of past. Get serious

woman. Get out and never come back." Robbie snarled and Janice looked truly heartbroken.

"What do you mean you don't remember me? Don't you guys fight because of me?"

Robbie and I looked at each other. Why would we?

Janice was in rage. "So what now? You two have fucking perfect happy life and I rot in hell? What the

fuck!!! You don't love this man, do you, ACE? Of course not! Do you? WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT

ANSWERING ME!!! Sorry, gentlemen, it is just... they are so aggrevating. I am sorry. I should not

shout. Sorry about that."

I gulped. I was scared.

"I lost everything because of you. Now, you are happy and what did I get? I deserve that money

because I was your wife... I am your wife. You have not married anyone still. So, in the eyes of God, we

are married."

Robbie tucked my head under his chin and Janice started laughing in wonder. "Am I really seeing this?

Now you get money, you get that man and you are happy? What the fuck? I cannot believe it. This was

not how it supposed to go."

"I don't care how you thought how this would go, but... let me tell you... we are happy. So, for once, I

beg you... just get out of here already!" Robbie sounded tired.

Did he not notice how truly crazy Janice looked?

"You lied to me! You said your business were flopping. You lied!!! Now you have even more money that

before. I deserve that money. You got that money when you were married to me. So it is mine!!!"

I shook my head, feeling exasperated.

"That is enough, Miss." Nick gently held her elbow and she aggressively shrugged it away. "Mrs.

Brantley... you are trying to molest me..."

One of the female bodyguards stood next to Janice and forcefully yanked her to feet. "Let us go, 'Mrs.

Brantley'. Let us find another Brantley for you..."

"I was just talking... you can't push me away. I am their family... This is my home too... He changed the

address and did not tell me... He can't do that... It is against law... You, send me money... I will come

back later... ACE!!! Your mom would not have left me without money. ACE!!!"

Dear god!

I never knew how stupid was to give her money whenever she asked. It was almost like she was

addicted to it.

"Do you think she is crazy?"

Robbie hugged me tight and took a huge sniff of my hair. "No, she was always like that. She gets angry

when her money drops."

I frowned.

But could he not spot how illogical her words were? Or was she just purposefully playing dumb.

"She will annoy us until we fall for it and give her money, just to shut her up."

I nodded.

That would work too. I wanted to hand her some money to make her go away.

"Nick." I called out and the man turned around surprised. "I want to know why she is desperate this

time. Last time she went after like this was when the investors of our health drink was behind her."

But even at that time, it was not horrific like this. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

I saw Nick look at Robbie and I glared at my man.

"Angel... do you have..."

"Robert Brantley we need to talk."

He nodded wincing and asked Nick to bring me the information that I had asked.

And talk we did.

I could not keep my tears at bay. "Why are you crying, Angel?"

"Are you okay?"

"Now that she is gone, yes. I am okay, very much okay."

"No... not about that... you know... about her... when you were unconscious."

"Why would not I be okay?"

I gulped... why would not he be okay... because... it happened and he did not know... it was not right... it

did not matter if he was a man and some people believed men could not be...

I shivered.

If it was a woman... things would have been so different and horri...

Robbie chuckled at my expression. "I am not a woman, Angel. She fucked me... Big whoop! She

somehow managed to slip in some ecstasy and I was already drunk... at least Lia is here with us

because of it, right?"



What the!!!

"Robbie... when did this happen?"


"You said Lia..."

"Yeah, that is how Lia got conceived. I had told you... remember? I was drunk and..."

This time, spinning did not stop and Robbie's sound came out of a tunnel.

"... and I got you back from that Augustus and we lived happ... Angel? What is wrong? ANGEL!"

[Augustus is real name of Tristian]

"I am oo... okay..."


I felt him getting my shirt out of the way and loosening my pants before his hands thankfully started

constricting me. I could hear Robbie scolding me while dropping kisses on my forehead and rubbing

my naked back.

"... do you ever listen? I tell you to stay away from my stuff. NO!!! He has to know and then he won't


"I am okay... are you okay? Are you really?"

"Of course I am!" Robbie told me annoyed. "What? You don't want me to be okay?" He playfully added

but that paused me.

I thought he would be... scared like I was. I gulped down the gag and hugged my man.

Why the fuck was everything so confusing!!!

"...'m fine." I mumbled and Robbie nodded. "I thought you were having panic attack."


I had not had that in a very long time but this was close.

My hand brushed under his eyes. "I am so sorry."

"Why are you sorry, Angel?" Robbie was taken aback.

I shook my head. "How many times have you and Janice had sex?"

"What?" Robbie laughed. "For once, is my Angel jealous? You don't have to be. You are the only one

for me and you know it, brat!"

"Tell me." I was serious.

"Twice. You know it. One was before meeting you; I had told you remember? That was how I meet

you... then that time I was drunk because Jason kissed your cheek and she fucked me... it was pretty

stupid of me when I think about it, but I did not know Jason then like I know him now. WOW! I think I

have to thank that bitch for giving me my Angels. Huh! Who would have thought. So see Angel, you

have nothing to worry."

I fucking cried.... again.

Robbie went ballistic... again.

How long had she been messing us up? Not just me, but Robbie and my baby, Lia?

Suck it up, Ace!

Past had to remain past.

"Come on, Baby Angel is worried sick. I promised I would bring Daddy back safely." I sniffled and wiped

my face with the kerchief Robbie extended to me.

"She is fine but you are not."

"She is not fine." I talked back angrily. "She worries about and cares about you. She is just a small

baby right now that she does not know how to show it yet. So you better tell her truthfully when you are

sad and you better accept the gifts she gives you to make you feel better with reverence, Asshole


"Well I am the Daddy and it should be the other way..."

I glared and waited.

"...but you are right. I will try to be happy when she worries about me."

"That is settled then."

I yanked back my t-shirt in my man's lap with a pout and put that on before fixing up my pants.

All these times, Janice was...

Don't think about it Ace. Don't think about it.

I gulped down my tears and dragged Robbie to our bedroom.

As I had expected, Lia and Winny were still under the blanket and Tristian was on the loveseat leafing

through a fashion magazine.

I gently pulled down the blanket and teary eyes of my child stared back at me.

"Aw! There she is. My beautiful tiny baby." I plucked her up from Winny and my heart broke when I

heard her sniffle.

"DADA!!!" Lia screamed when she saw Robbie behind me and wiggled out of my hold and ran to him.

She clutched on his knees with her baby face squished between his legs and Robbie was getting


He did not get why Baby Angel was worried. It made him so sad and angry that he came off as

annoyed but one look from me was enough to smoothen his facial muscles.

When would he learn that worrying about someone was a way of loving someone. But he still did not

get it. He did not like seeing us sad and if he was the reason we were sad, he would just clam up.

I shook my head when Robbie sighed and picked my baby girl up.

"Daddy okay now?" Lia asked patting his cheek.

"Not yet. Give me a kiss."

Lia promptly gave him one before worriedly looking at him again. "Okey now?"

"One more."

Lia kissed him again.

"Much better. Daddy is okay now. But you don't worry too much, yeah, young girl? Daddy will always be


Lia dropped her head on his shoulder and hugged his neck tight. "Davey awveay safe Daddy."

Robbie laughed and he told her truthfully that 'yes, Davey will always save Daddy.'

Lia refused to be away from him and continued to comfortably sit on his stomach straddling him. She

did not want to play with Winny or run around with Tristian or anything.

I heard Frankie vacuuming and deep cleaning downstairs; no doubt to erase the trace of whatever

Janice had left behind.

"I am worried that she is M-E-N-T-A-L-L-Y S-I-C-K." I told Daddy and rubbed Lia's back at her annoyed


Having a smart kid as a baby was sometimes too risky. She had figured out we were talking in codes,

so she would not find out.

She had not figured out how to put that idea across to me though. So I was planning to stretch this as

long as it would run.

"No, Angel. She is just so used to things going her way like this. But she can no longer pull that off."

I sighed.

Robbie was right in a sense.

Janice always threw tantrums, but it never escalated this far. But it was funny and cute when she was

younger with her chubby cheeks and soulful eyes; like Lia. It was one of the reasons why I refuse to

give Lia anything when she threw tantrums. I would be with her all along but... I would wait until the

wave was gone before giving her what her heart desired.

When we were in high school, though Janice was three years older than me, we were in same grade.

Her boyfriend was amazing and he looked after both of us inside school campus.

He always melted when she went all angry and illogical.

It was heart-breaking for me when she broke up with him. I had liked that man; Jacob. I remembered

doing assignments and homework for him and he would find me an empty spot to sit on when we went

to his football games with huge buckets of popcorns, ice creams and corn dogs.

He was opted into an ivy college right after his graduation; then I lost contact with him.

But I remembered him being so fond of Janice. He did not care that I was rich, or Janice was not so

rich. He loved us the way we were and it was a refreshing experience for me.

I should have made an effort to be friendly with him but I was more closed off then than I was now. But

he did not mind; he would always smile and pat my head before sneaking off to make out with Janice. I

loved that because he would always give me something to read or play and keep his car heater on, so I

was comfortable.

He was a nice guy. Too bad she let that man go and took mine.

But I got my love back and now he was going remain that way; mine.

I kissed Robbie's shoulder when Lia was not looking.

Robbie was mine, mine and mine alone.

"Not going to let you go." I mumbled and Robbie was surprised.


"Ever." I added.

Nick came back a lot later than I had anticipated, by then thankfully Lia had calmed down significantly

enough to climb off Robbie.

Then came the showers of gift.

Robbie had glitter on his cheek, a sparkly unicorn sticker on his forehead, smudge of green lip balm on

his nose and bright pink toenails. Well, he also got a small ball of blue clay.

Anyways, Lia had deducted that Daddy had no reason to be sad now and she was right.

I would remove that pink nail polish when we go to sleep tonight; until then it had to stay or I was

poking sleeping tiger aka my daughter with a stick.

"You might not wanna hear this." Nick threw two files on our coffee table before plopping down on the

couch. He panted before standing up back again, demanding Robbie's scotch.

Robbie and I winced when he took a burning gulp right from the bottle.

Nick shook his head and sat down again.

"She is fucked up." Nick told us and Robbie agreed. "And you don't even know half of it." That made

my Daddy freeze.

"What are you talking about?"

Nick shook his head again. "That woman is doomed. She messed with the wrong people this time. And

Robert Brantley you are not even close to her potential damnation list."

"Tell us everything." Robbie demanded.

"Debt. Millions of debt." That I had figured. "At this moment, legally she has 11 million and some but

there is around twice of it illegally."

Holy Frack!

Nick handed Robbie and I the copies of the documents stating the amounts she had tried to scam.

"The girl has no idea how money works. You have noticed how these are all added up. She just thinks

'her plan did not work' is an enough reason to people let go of her. She spends shit tonne of money on

herself. Like branded clothes, beauty stuff, plastic surgeries, blah blah blah... Then she stays in

luxurious hotels under the name of business... but honestly I feel bad because she thinks that is



The accumulation of interest itself was higher than what she had taken in the first place.

She owed close to a million dollars to some hotel and I cringed. It was a luxurious honeymoon suit

worth of 7k dollars for a day and she stayed there for three months as Mrs. Brantley.


Who even does that?!

"Mrs. Brantley." Robbie whispered before snorting.

Some bills were subscription of various services which she did not bother to utilize after first three or

four times. But she had not stopped the service and they had been sending the products to the luxury

apartment she had leased for five years.

God the cheapest of them was 2600 dollars a month.


It was almost like she was imitating the life style of my mom because many products I could recognize

were my mom's favourites.

But what Janice did not know was my mom never had to pay. They wanted my mom's help and

services in their business and as a token of appreciation the products were sent to her.

I had a feeling that snippet of information would not have prevented Janice from doing this.

"Like I said, these bills are legal debts which she may or may not get a discount but..."

I did not like the look on Nick's face or how he was staring at Robbie and I knew they were silently

asking each other if I should know.

I had to know.

"Nick! Don't you dare lie to me. This is my family."

"She had been scamming some shady people the past two years." Nick admitted defeat.

"One gang of such people own a bar and stripper centre as a front but... they do prostitution and

human trafficking behind the curtain..."


"She had been in an affair with the younger brother of the bar manager, who was actually trying to

scam her to steal her husband's money but she was scamming him by selling their drugs and alcohol."

Robbie snorted and laughed but I was scared.

Shady people?

"She pulled five million dollars out of his account in promise of getting a spot in your board and to help

you with the business. In his defence, your business was 'really struggling' but... you know how it went


"Now they are after my family?" I asked.

Was this a dream? How were we even in this position?

I shivered and Robbie pulled me closer. "So what? We did not know anything or do anything."

I did not know how Robbie remained calm and asked that question without being scared.

Well, he was the Demon King and of course he was not scared.

Nick sighed and rubbed his face. "The man actually rolled the money from his boss."

"His brother?"


I felt Robbie's hand tightening around me. "Who?"

Nick's eyes did not even meet mine but I knew it in my heart that whatever he was going to say was

sugar coated.

"Like I said, the bar is not even their true business. So... the manager himself is a nobody and his

young brother... well, he won't be coming after Janice... any time soon... at all." Nick cleared his throat.

I did not like how Nick and Robbie was talking.

"What? Did the bad men hurt him that bad?"

"Yeaah... you know broken bones, no big deal..."

"No big deal?" I squeaked. "For just five million dollars? Why would they do that for cash?" I looked at

Robbie and he was not looking at me.

Why were they not looking at me?

"David, for outside world five million dollars is a pretty big deal."

"But still... it is just money, Nick. You can make money anytime you want. But to break someone's

bones for that. How could anyone be that cruel?"

Robbie kissed my forehead. "Fuck! I love you so damn much, Angel."

Nick turned his face away.

"Yeeah. Pretty cruel. Anyways, now, they want their money and some back."

"They are after Janice." I concluded but Nick did not agree with me. "Right?"

"More or less. Janice cannot go anywhere. Everyone is searching her for money. Her phone calls are

jammed, so are her emails. Your divorce with her had blown out of proportion because all these times,

they were hoping that you would pay her back... so she has no place to run. She does not know where

you are living now..."

"Good, keep it that way..." Robbie stated and I nodded along.

"If it is just five million..." I started and Robbie's glare made me want to hide. So I leaned up and

nibbled his chin.

"Kitten! You fucking stay away from this. Ace. Listen to me. Fucking stop putting your nose in." Was

Robbie really scared?

His pupils were wide, his eyes were fretting all over my face and his heartbeats were slowly elevating.

"Daddy, relax. I won't go behind your back. I promise. Not for her. I was just asking if that would keep

her away. That is all. She hurt you, she hurt Lia. Do you think, I want help her?" I rubbed his chest


"I know, baby. I know but you listen to Daddy in this, okay, please... Please, baby..."

"I won't. I promise. Daddy, sorry. I just don't want her to always meddle with our happy life." I let him

squish me to his chest.

"You know Dave, I am all about your going behind Robert and helping people. Because my boyfriend

had shown me sometimes, help is all it is needed to keep evil at check. I had been in FBI for years and

yet it was my thief who taught me such a valuable lesson."

I blushed.

Of course he knew about Tristian and I's sneaking out.

Robbie kissed my forehead again.

Nick continued. "But... people like Janice are not someone you should help. They would not only come

back but will use you until you break. The only reason your mom was not affected was because of your

aunt and being a multimillionaire. Janice will do anything to get money, anything and... the sad part is

she does not know what to do with it once she got hold of it. It is a very dangerous combination."

I gulped. "Daddy I am scared."

"Don't be... precious Angel. I will not let her hurt you but you will obey me, right? You won't go behind

my back."

I nodded wholeheartedly.

"I won't Daddy, I promise." I would keep my promise too.

"Thank God." Robbie huffed. "God, you need a tight spanking. You fucking scare me a lot."

I pouted and kissed his neck before cuddling closer. "Baby said sorry."

And voila!

My man melted.

"Dave if you help Janice, this time it won't be Robert or... you... that will get hurt."

I scowled. What was he talking about?

Nick void eyes left my face and I followed his line of sight. I saw my Lia giggling and throwing ball to

Winny while Frankie tried hard to feed her dinner.

But... but... my Lia was a baby. Why would anyone want to hurt my baby?

"Daddy?" I called out and I saw my man's heart dropping to his stomach through his eyes.

"You have to be careful. Janice is still walking and... the people behind her are not people to let their

money or..." Nick's eyes met mine again. "anything go just like that... so that means... you know... and

Janice had tried to get Lia off the care-centre."

I did not get it. "Are you saying my Lia is in danger?"

"No." Robbie said adamantly.

"Of course not, David. She is safe. We are all here. Nothing will happen. I was telling why you should

not try to help Janice no matter what." Nick sided with Robbie.

"I won't Daddy. I promise, I won't. I will tell you if she asks me for any help. I promise Daddy. Believe


I thumbed his chest and Robbie took and held my hand.

"I know. You won't. Of course I believe you." Good, he should because I was not lying. "Why don't you

take our baby girl and get her ready for bed."

I frowned at both Nick and Robbie. Daddy smiled at me, pecked my nose and swatted my butt. "We are

going to discuss on how to arrange bodyguards for Little Lia. It will be boring."

"Okay. Discuss fast. I want to talk to you too."

"Yes, Angel."

Getting Lia to eat anything was sometimes difficult than pulling a tooth out. I trapped her in my lap and

Frankie finally could sit down and feed her gently.

My baby's face was covered with dried food because she would twist her face away and giggle at

Winny when Frankie's spoon reach near mouth and smack on her cheek instead.

My mind was reeling when I was bathing my kid. Janice did not care about Lia but would she hurt her

on purpose.

She had.

She had pushed my kid down the stairs.

Even if she was not above kidnapping my kid and asking for ransom, helping Janice was asking her to

come back and harass us again. I was not going to enable her like my mom had unknowingly did.

"Dada, Davey."

Lia wiggled around on her bed without helping me to help her get dressed.

"Nu... Davey, Dada!"

"Dada is talking to Uncle Nick. He will come back soon."

"Dada, Davey."

"He is fine, sweet Baby Angel. Now stand still and let me pull up your underwear."


"Lia... we will go down and get Dada after you get dressed."

"DADA!!!" She wiggled away again.

"Lia! You are making me very angry. If you don't behave, you will get it. Now stand still."

She pouted, popped her thumb in her mouth but stood still and I finally pulled up her undies, pyjamas

and tiny sweater.

It had been chilly lately and she was shivering when we were out of the warm bath.

"Now let us go get your Daddy." I pecked her cheek and she smiled.

Such a devil and an angel at the same time.

I sniffed her hair and she giggled before kissing my cheek.

"... they would not come for you and in extension not for David... but Lia on the other hand..."

"... I know, Nick... If it has been before, it would not be a big deal. I don't care what they could do. It was

just me but now... I have my Angel... you know how he is... I will be walking and when I turn around he

will be standing right behind... I cannot get involved and I cannot let them get to a thousand miles near

to my kid. Are you following me?"


"I got your back. Do whatever... you know what I mean by whatever right?"

"Yes, Robert. I need some supplies."

"Get them. Lia and Ace stays away. You get it?"

"You take care too." Nick patted Robbie's shoulder and I called out for Robbie.

"What was that about?" I asked and handed him my kicking baby.

"How long have you been standing here?"

I frowned. "Just now. You told Nick to do whatever to get the bad men out and Lia and I stay away."

He whistled, relaxing and Lia tried to imitate him and ended up spitting all over his face.

I could not stop laughing. I ended up clutching my knees and giggling. "Now, you need a shower,


"Brat!" Robbie smiled and pulled me close. "Keep on laughing, I can never get enough of it."

"Everything is fine, right, Daddy?"

"Not yet, but it will be. I love you."

"Daddy, Lia is here." I chided.

"What? I was telling my daughter that I love her. That a crime? I love you, Lia." A huff of surprise left

me and I slapped his shoulder.


That 'I love you' was mine.

Lia cackled. "I lub you DADDY!!!"

"Fine then. Nobody loves me. I am going to sleep." I pretended to be annoyed and pulled away.

"What? No you can't... come on Lia. Let us get him. Davey stop..." Robbie shouted.

"DAVEYYY... SOAP..." Lia screamed too.

I threw my head back and laughed.

"Okay okay I soaped. God, Little Lia, you are my sweet baby. Come here you." I peppered her face

with sweet kisses.

Robbie tucked his face on my shoulder. "I love you, Ace Davidson Truscott."

"Oh, really? I don't believe you..." I wiped away a drop of Lia's spittle off his chin.

"What do you mean by you don't believe me? You know I do. You brat! Come back here."

Lia and I cackled together and went to our bedroom with an overly explaining Daddy trailing us behind.

Was I ever going to help someone to destroy this happy life?

Hell No!

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