Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

"Will you take us out tonight? I don't feel like cooking..." I rubbed my fingers on his nape.

"Mmmm... is that the only reason?" He was teasing but he was right.

"I miss going out with you."

He lost his smile and he leaned in to steal another kiss. I pushed his face away with my forefinger on

his lips.

"Our girls are here."

"Just one."

I quickly pecked him before he could figure out that I had indeed kissed him.

"Come home early, Daddy... I will be... waiting." I giggled at his groan and ran to the driver's seat. I had

to leave here or the bastard would somehow find a way to have me under him... literally.

Windy said she would not mind babysitting while Robbie and I went out on a date. She would also call

her girlfriend to come if we wanted to sleep somewhere else.


I could not stop blushing.

But... I also wanted Little Baby with us. Daddy and I had to go out without our tiny heart but that was

only when it was a necessity. Otherwise we would miss her a lot after the first couple of hours. She

made our days and nights.

I wanted to literally see her all the time. Even at home, my eyes would wander to my watch and

monitors to see her happily playing or peacefully sleeping... I could not help it.

With her, our date was perfect the way I wanted it to be.

Little Lia was all over the place and we had to pick her up frequently before she would wander off to

annoy the waiters. They would not make a fuss, given the establishment was five-star but that did not

mean they would enjoy getting smacked at their knees by tiny babies.

All throughout the dinner Robbie flirted with me. He had no shame, whatsoever. We were in public but

he found his ways to grope me whenever he could.

Not that I minded it too much.

He stole several kisses when Lia was not looking... and delivered those cringey pickup lines he would

not stop whispering.

"We should play strip poker." He fed me a bite of his black tie scallops.

"How old are you, Robbie? Why strip poker?" If he wanted to play I would but... we could just get into

the juicy stuff right away, right?

"You can strip, and I'll poke you."

Half the people in the restaurant might have figured that he said something perverted to me with the

way I blushed and smacked his head with Lia's zippy cup.

Yeah, we were in a five-star restaurant but she would only drink out of it. Diva!

That was not even the worst of his line.

Dear God.

I really hoped the ground would swallow me up. I begged him to stop saying this cringey lines but

would he?

Until of course Lia heard a bit of his dirty line.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, let's have sex inside my car." He wiped the cream of the edge of my lips with

his thumb before licking it off.

"Daddy... sto..."

"Tinkie tinkie?" Lia leaned to me from her high chair and I plucked her up after giving Daddy a glare.


"Lia! You can't sing that loudly baby." I apologized to everyone who looked our way. If it was our home it

was fine but all these people had come here for their own fun time and... TINKIE TINKIE was not cute

to them as it was for us.

"Tinkie tinkie, Davey..."

"I know baby... but all of them are also singing. They can't sing if you sing so loud."

"Why na?"

"Because you sing so beautifully they will stop singing. We don't want that, right, baby?"

"Dey no singie?"

"No." I gave her an exaggerated pout before feeding her turtle cake.

"Ow!" She pouted.

"You can sing to Davey's ear." I leaned to her and she started singing.

"Tinkie tinkie lilly staw...

lilly lilly tinkie staw...

Tinkie tinkie lilly staw...

lilly lilly tinkie staw..."

That was all she knew, my adorable baby girl, but she would sing it for hours at top of her voice if you

let her. Same two lines till her heart was full.

I squished her cheeks before kissing her all over. "Why so cute, Lia? Why so cute? Why are you so

cute, Lia?"

She was so adorable.

Daddy was beaming but I pinched his thigh because dammit, she almost heard what he had told me


Hot Bastard!

I loved this place, the food was amazing but so was my company.

But the only thing I did not personally agree to, was the 'child holding centre' in this establishment.

They had a fancy name for it but basically they would 'hold' your child while you enjoy their food. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Which was...

Not my thing. That was all I could say.

I meant I would completely understand if someone wanted some time off their kids but why would

anyone leave them in that glass room and have food here?

I could not imagine my kid with Windy in there while Robbie and I eat in here.

Why bring them here at all if they... whatever...

Robbie tried to make me understand but for some reason I could not get the appeal.

Yet, our date was perfect!

Lia was over the moon with all the attention we showered over her. It was not so often that we both

could just hang out with her together.

Especially with Paparazzi and our frequent fights, we never really got time to go anywhere just for fun.

Lia was attached to Robbie by hip and my heart soared. He was always busy and my baby missed him

too much.

All through our nightly regimen, Robbie was seeking my warmth.

We bathed our baby together, kissed her together and when it was time to bedtime stories, she wanted

Daddy to read and sing...

Lia and I lied on the either sides of Daddy while he read her favourite story, 'Little Baby Star.'

"She is asleep."

"No... she isn't." I knew my kid. She was nowhere close to sleep. She loved just lying on our chests like

she was sleeping. I brushed her curls of her forehead before kissing her cheek.

"Davey's Little Baby." I kissed her once more before pulling her to my lap.

I started rocking her while slowly humming.

I twisted my neck away when I felt Robbie's kiss... and then bite on my ear.

"She is not asleep yet." I whispered but did not pull away when he pecked my lips.

He poked my hip while licking his lips. "Baby... want..."

"Want what?" I was playing along.

The look he gave me, made me push his face away.

Our child was sleeping right here.

Yet, I did not protest when he took Lia off my hands after five minutes. Did not took his hand off when

he groped my butt when I stood up after covering her in blanket. Did not make a peep when his hand

found its way inside my pyjamas.

I missed him too much.

"What?" I trailed my finger along his jaw bone. Wasn't he supposed to be a... beast?

He was not.

He was more occupied with kissing every inch of my body than just fucking me and I had to admit this

was making my heart ache.

"So gorgeous."

I loved being gorgeous... for him.

Even when we were 'done' he was still busy with kissing me. It was so peaceful and calm here. I

rubbed our noses together before pecking it.

His nose was perfect. Long and not-so-slender with distinguished bridge; it fit his face so well.

I giggled as he dived into my neck again.


"I am busy..."

"Oh, are you, now?" I laughed, feeling ticklish. "Busy doing what?"

"I don't know."

That made me laugh harder. "You don't know what you are busy with?"

He gave me a fake pout before kissing my lips.

I smiled when he kept on rubbing the tips of our tongues together; not bothering to deepen the kiss.

He was playing... with me... with my body... with my heart.

"My Demon is so playful today." I smiled at his twinkling eyes. He was happy. Good, he should be.

He kissed my heart.

He was hovering over me, again dropping kisses on my face.

"Baby..." He called.



"Just calling me?"


I pushed him on his back and hovered over him and pouted.

"You know that I have no intention of leaving you ever, right?" He frowned and I traced his hard

muscled body with my left hand. "I... was angry..."

I could not form enough words to apologize.

"I was just mad that you did not tell me anything... the things that bother you... and I hate that... so I

threaten you... that is it... I would never leave."

He was smiling that made me pout harder. I flicked his chin before placing my cheek over his.

"I can't leave you. I don't sleep well without you next to me. I don't eat well without you. I want your

kisses every day and night. I don't know... I just can't leave you. I was mad. And I didn't mean when I

said I do not stay here for you. I am and I will. You are my love. Of course I am here for you. Then I

said I sacrificed a lot for you and Lia, which is not true either. I never did. I just love being with you and

doing things for you. There is no sacrifice. Sorry, Big Baby, I am sorry that I bring up leaving you

always, even when I know it scares you."

"I will never let you leave, Ace." He squeezed my waist.

I looked down at him. "Even if you did, I won't go. I bring up leaving you because that is the only way I

can make you understand what I feel when you hide things from me. I want to know everything. You

are mine now."

"I was always yours, baby. Ever since I saw you in that aeroplane, I was yours."

"Good, don't forget that. If you ever, Robbie, hear me, if you ever do anything to anyone that you do to

me, I will kill you, after killing that person, painfully slow... I am not even joking... I will fucking kill you

too. Not kidding at all." I could not handle the anger that came with it.

My man was stunned under me, I didn't care. I was serious and creepily I noticed I had meant every


I lied down on his chest with a huff and whined when his whole body shook in laughter.

I was serious.

I pinched his side and he groaned but stopped laughing; thankfully.

"Adorable Kitten."


"Sorry, sorry... you are not adorable, you are ferocious. And I am so scared that I would not do anything

that is reserved only for you."

I lied back on his chest.

My fingers feeling the ridges of his muscles. He had a very defined body throughout, unlike mine.

And then he had a very deceiving pee-pee.

Look at that thing. So soft and small. I narrowed my eyes at that.

I poked it once... then once more and noticed it getting plump.

"Don't you dare." I warned Robbie.

"Then stop playing with him, brat."

"I am not playing with him, just... wondering..." How big and strong 'he' could get...

I placed my thigh over his stomach and lied down properly cuddled to his side. "Don't take this away

from me."

I thought he would make fun of me or would laugh at how petulant I sounded.

"I will die before taking this away from you. I promise."

I sniffled before turning around, taking his hand and winding it around me.

I felt kisses again on my neck and his slightly plump softness settling between my butt cheeks.

Turning my face, I kissed his forehead, and lied back.

"You didn't say the words."



I didn't want to mortify him; today was for him after all.

"You know I do."

"Tell me... Baby..."

I kissed him. "I love you, Daddy."

His eyes twinkled and he smiled at me like I had handed him the world. Well, he was the one who

handed me the world and she was sleeping right at this moment dreaming of 'pupple uncons'.

I whined when Big Baby slipped out of our bed. My back was cold now.

Come back, here.


Couldn't it wait for tomorrow. Tsk. I was annoyed; but good view though.


He came back as fast as he went.

"Ah!" I giggled when he climbed back to bed and draped me over his chest; my back was warm now.

I sighed when both of his hands wound around my tummy.

"You are so precious."

I blushed. Of course I was.

I felt him kissing me on my cheeks.

He was precious too. My precious Demon.

What was that thing he was holding? A box?

My eyes popped out of its socket when he took a ring... not just any ring... the most beautiful ring I had

ever seen or known... It was truly precious; I had a feeling it was indeed precious literally.

I was stunned as he slipped the glittering extravaganza, on my right ring finger.





I looked at my man and I could only see his shiny steel grey eyes.

I looked back at the ring that was made just for me; there was no way something like would fit my finger

this well, if not done for me.

It was perfect.


I blinked and water dripped down my chest. Was I crying?




He... Robbie...

Did Robert Brantley just...?

I would never take this off from me. Never. Never ever.

Dear God!

"The ring is precious and beautiful now." He kissed my palm, then my ring finger and the ring at last.


I wanted to reply to him but my throat was... cloggy and hurting and... I could not spit out a word.

"I love you, Ace Davidson Truscott."




I said that to him, right. There was no way... my Robbie... my Big Baby... my Demon would say... He

was afra...

"You are all I ever need and you are all I have. I promise I will never take this away from you... ever."




I heard a choking voice. Was that me?

For the first time in our life, Robbie did not try to stop my tears.

Tears steadily dripped to his chest from my eyes, flowing through my cheeks.

"I love you, My Pretty Angel."

I fell to his chest and just... cried.

I could not hold it in.

He said that, right? Really?

How could he do this to me? He could not just say those words to me and... and... dear god, a ring. He

could not just... Oh my god!

"I... I... w... will... nev... never take this... t... take this... off." I somehow managed to voice out those


I would never.

Never ever.

"You are not supposed to." Was he also crying?

His eyes were shiny, but he was smiling so big and...


I punched his chest before cuddling back.

"It is mine, Demon."

"It is yours, Angel."

"You are mine."

"I am."

Then I was crying again... because this ring in my finger was so beautiful. I could not describe it... I

could not take my eyes off it...

I had a feeling that this was the most expensive thing Robbie had ever gotten me.

I would never take this off.

It was mine.

"R... Robbie..."

"Yes, Angel..."

"I wanna talk to my mom... tomorrow." I had to... I had a big something to tell her and show her.

I twirled the ring and got amazed how perfectly fit that was for me.

Dear fucking God!

A ring!

From Robert Brantley.

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