Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Janice was here.

I did not know what I was supposed to feel. She called mom, about needing to be with her daughter,

and... I just accepted her in.

With mom knowing about Robbie and I, I could not put mama on that spot. Mom tried her best to take a

neutral stand. But deep down she wanted me to move on from Robbie but she knew I would not be

able to. After all, she loved my dad the same way. She understood there was nothing she could do.

I remembered my grandmother, my dad??s mom ?C I never knew of my mom??s parents, who could

never accept me or my dad- asking me to choose between my mom and her. I was so young, may be a

couple of years older than Lia was. She was very loving to me - my grandmother and one day she

asked me to pick who I wanted to live with.

I remembered getting down from her lap and going to mom.

Mom had a lot of money, but her parents were not aristocrats, unlike my dad. Her being richer than my

dad was not enough for my dad??s parents to accept her. Just like how her parents wanted her to

marry someone like her pathetic ex-boyfriend, not like dad who told the tales of ??glory-days?? with

only pennies in his pocket.

Their love had its own mountains and oceans.

Yet, she did not let go of him.

Even when my dad??s parents made him engaged to someone of their status. Mom still told my dad

that she loved him and even if he married off to his fianc??e, there would never be anyone else for her.

Dad loved his mother so much, like I loved my mom. But, he could not let go of that one girl who gave

him not only her body, but her heart and soul too for him to keep, even if he was pressured to be with

someone else.

My grandmother had a big nerve to ask me to pick her over my mom, so she could pressure my dad to

divorce my mom, and marry him off to the ??fianc??e?? who was apparently still waiting.

Waiting for money and status, yet still waiting.

Mom forgave my grandmother when she was in her late days. She let me visit her in her death bed, but

dad never forgave his beloved mom. He cried like hell, but did not visit his dying mother. He could not

forgive her for what she did- what she did to my mom and me.

I was that mom??s son.

I was that dad??s son.

Of course she knew how I was loving Robbie.

But, I would never put my mom in that spot to pick between Janice and I, for Robbie. She knew Janice

did not care for Lia the way she was supposed to but she could not ask Janice to stay away either,

especially after knowing about Robbie and I.

When mom called me about Janice feeling ??guilt-free?? enough to be with Lia, I only told mom that I

would talk to Robbie.

The life I had chosen was making my mom??s difficult as it was.

So, she was here, looking nothing like the Janice we knew. Her nose was longer and her cheek bones

was bit more defined with plumber lips. She was indeed still beautiful but she let go of that nose her

mom gave it to her, the same nose Janice had given to her own daughter.

??Plastic??; that was all Robbie said.

At least now we knew where that one-million-dollar investment went. Or I hoped that was where it went;

that way she had something she wanted.

So, that was how Lia and I kind of ??moved?? to upstairs. The whole upstairs was self-sufficient, with

its own kitchenette, and laundry room. We moved Lia??s playroom to one of the guestrooms upstairs

and we were happy.

How surprising Janice never bothered to ask about her kid, not even asking how her fever was! So


I had noticed how my baby froze when seeing her mom. I knew she was still scared but as long as I

was there, Lia never bothered. So, I let their strained relationship be.

Janice had to make the first effort to mend her relationship with her kid.

Dr. Adam agreed with my opinion; he even suggested a family therapy session with all of us. He was

supportive to Janice though she was not there. Janice was ecstatic and ??looking forward to it?? when

mom suggested it, but she never bothered to show up. After fifth cancelled appointment, we dropped it. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Oh, Lia and I went to these programmes, where they would make toddlers mingle with each other.

It was fun.

No, like, it was seriously fun.

Most tiny people came with their nannies, except six of us, with three moms and one gay dad and one

straight dad. I did not know where I fit, I told them that I was her best friend, and they all said I was cute

with my new generation parenting style; whatever that meant.

So, the thing that made it most fun was, we did not know what we would do the next day.

There was a painting session, where they made toddlers be toddlers and paint on anything they

wanted to paint. Many of them chose to paint on their own tummy; my baby girl choosing my face.

Then there was this game called catch-my-baby where the kids were asked to find the care-taker of

another kid. It was funny and adorable to watch a tiny baby, dragging another tiny baby to its nanny.

Some kids messed up and the confused face of toddlers were so funny, a bit mean kind of funny when

they cried, but... still funny. I still cracked up at the horrified face of one toddler when he was given to

me, not his own dad.

Yeah, it was so much fun. Lia took a long time to loosen up. She could be a diva with her I-don??t-

have-to-listen-to-you attitude, but when she saw lot of babies giggling and playing she loosened up.

After the initial few weeks we stopped being there full time, and we bid our babies good bye and started

taking ??breaks??. And sit on another room where the kids could not see us.

That was the most difficult exercise for both Lia and I.

The instructors thought I was the bad one.

Hey! How was it my fault that I run to the kids?? playroom when Lia started looking for me calling ??


Stupid exercise and stupid instructors.

Well, they thought I was hopeless after repeating the same ??mistake?? after five times.

Sue me!

She was my kid.

When they took away the tab from me, I refused to leave the door. I needed to know she was safe; they

did not understand.

But we were doing better.

The instructors gave me a lollipop the other day for being a good boy. I waited a whole five minutes

extra before running to that stupid room calling for my Lia. They said I would do better the next time,

and they would give me a pink truck to take home if I could hold it for half an hour.

Can??t wait!!!

So, that was how the life was now.

Lia still sought for attention but stopped with the whole wailing; instead she started searching for me.

The exercises were good.

The only person who was not satisfied with this situation was Robbie. I refused to let him in, no pun


It was not right. She was here; his wife.

I was stretched far to my ability but I could not leave Lia alone even if Janice never bothered to come

upstairs. And Lia slept with me now, with her frequent nightmares after the arrival of Janice. So, he

suffered. Not in silence though.

So, Little Baby, Big Baby and I were sitting around our small dining table drawing and colouring.

Big Baby was pouting; this was not the ??fun?? activity he wanted to do.

??Dada, pwick.?? Lia handed him the box of crayons.

??Blue.?? Robbie was not at all happy but he was at least participating.

Then he drew circles with it, before filling up with same colour.

??What are you drawing, Daddy??? I asked, almost chuckling at his angry pout.

??Balls. Blue balls.??

What the...


Hell no!

Did he just?

Oh my god, he did.

And he was angry and he was angrily rubbing the crayon on the paper with more force than necessary.

Should I laugh? Because it was adorable and damn funny at what he did.

Or should I be sad? Because he was my Big Baby and he kinda looked lost and abandoned. It had

been a few days, more than a week, to be honest.

Or should I be frightened? Because I knew he was angry; truly angry and frustrated. I knew his

employees suffered because of that.

When Lia started snoring on her drawing of a ??spider??? which was twelve, lines on different

directions, so I was not so sure, I put her on her cradle. Her fever had completely gone, but she still

had stuffed nose. Her weight was steadily gaining and we were so happy.

But that also meant, Robbie was making me study. Every time she went down for a nap, I was

supposed to study. But some of Janice??s friends were here. They were in the downstairs kitchen

eating junk food and having fun. It was bit too noisy for me to study but I did not mind, they were careful

enough not to disturb Lia.

They were nice girls, Janice??s friends. They always invited me down and shared the food they

ordered with me. I would not eat much, a small packet of French fries or nuggets, so they would not

feel bad.

This time, much to my surprise, Robbie also accepted their lunch invite.

??Is Amelia asleep, David???

??Yes, Sarah. I will have to wake her up soon though. She needs to take her lunch.??

??I wished if I had someone like you at my home. My husband has a day off, so he agreed to babysit

while I have some fun.??

??Ah! You could bring Justin here.?? I noticed her smiled dimmed a bit. ??So, you could may be go out

on a date with your husband, or just hang out here, in general. I could watch over him with Lia. It is no


She was surprised. ??Really???

??Of course.??

??Th... Thanks. People normally chastise me and ask me to carry my baby wherever I go. I mean I

love him and but sometimes...??

??Hey, I understand. That is why I volunteered.??

Sarah genuinely smiled. ??Don??t you feel so exhausted? I feel so tired and I... this is the only fun I get

and... I can??t see the same walls every day and...??

I noticed Robbie sitting next to us. ??Sometimes especially when Lia is sick. Then I have Ro...bert, he

will step in. But I am used to spend my time in a room... I do not go out much, even before Lia. So...??

??You love Lia more than I love Justin??? She chuckled but I could hear the insecurity and pain in her


??No, no... It is not about more loving or less loving. I am used to staying inside my home, you are not.

It must be a big change from your usual routine. You only come here when it drives you crazy. You

must really love your child to stay with him without taking a break for this long.??

??Sometimes I feel... I am not enough.??

??We all do. I will not mind babysitting. I was not joking.??

Sarah nodded.

I knew she was really going through a difficult time. Her husband was a manager of a nearby grocery

store. He worked extra shifts to compensate for Sarah??s unemployment. She used to work as a

bartender but then she quitted when she got pregnant.

It was difficult for her to manage and she sometimes needed a little time off. She loved her kid, if there

was something for her to talk about it was about her husband Vin and her baby boy Justin.

But Sarah would not bring her child here, mostly because Robbie was not that welcoming and Janice,

her friend was not someone she trusted her kid with. A loving mother was not taking that risk, even if

being indoors drove Sarah crazy.

We all sat around for lunch, Robbie and I barely eating. We sipped on our lemonade and watched

Janice boasting about herself.

??I cannot believe you were a model.?? Alice, one of her friends gushed.

That was because she never was.

??Why are you not believing it??? Janice bit out.

??No, not like that... I have never seen a model in my real life. So...??

??Oh. I get that a lot.?? Janice laughed, waving her hand gracefully. Her laugh was different, it

stretched too far to the sides than before.

Not ugly, just unique.

I meant we could see her wisdom teeth which was... unique.

I liked her previous version more, but that was my opinion. When she started to rant about the

sacrifices she made to her career to have a baby, I had enough. They were her friends; I was not

obliged to hear all this lies.

I went in and a few minutes later Robbie followed. ??Ready for an early lunch???


I frowned but I blushed when I saw he was hard. The bastard was prime and ripe; and he was not

hiding it. He stood close to me and ??it?? poked on my hip. I moved away but he followed.

??Robbie... Do you need lunch???


He started rubbing his tip above his sweat pants and I swatted his hand away. His wife and friends

were outside and he wanted to rub himself staring at me? What was with this bastard?

??Robbie...?? I hissed when he put his hand inside. Goddammit! I was embarrassed for him and


I pulled his hand out, crossing my fingers with his, giving a squeeze. ??Stop being a pervert.??

He started pulling my hand to his pants, then.

I yanked it back and glared at him. ??Fine! Do whatever you want, I am going.?? I left that pervert of a

hot piece of a man who was making my insides a mush and playing with my heart and filling up my

stomach with need and was... making me... slutty.

I washed my face with cold water because it was too early for his... his... ugggh!

He looked so wanton and so hot. No man should be that hot, especially not out of magazines or T.Vs

because dammit to know that he was with me, was making everything so difficult.

I swallowed.

Janice was here, with her friends. And so was Lia, she would wake up soon and if Robbie and I closed

the bedroom the bastard would not let go of me anytime sooner.

I felt his bite behind my neck. I turned around and pressed my hand on his defined hard chest. ??We


He did not bother to reply but started sniffing, nipping and sucking on my neck. If anyone stood closer

to the stairs they could clearly see what we were doing. When his hand creeped under my shirt, I pulled


He was so damn hard, and the bastard had gone commando, making my eyes slip to it frequently.

How could he do this to me?

Didn??t he know that I was hanging by a thread. He was impossible but cute and... maybe a bit lonely.

I wanted to be with him, but we could not.

I took the soiled clothes from all of our laundry basket and thought of doing something productive than

just to dream of his fingers roaming all over me.

I started the machine going after sorting the clothes and he stood behind me again.

My hands shook as I took the detergents and extra baskets to the store room.

He turned me around with a hard pull and bit my lips angrily. ??Robbie...??

??Not one fucking word.?? God, his voice was shaking and rasping. I felt the pillar in my back before

he roughly turned me around making me hug it.

He yanked my shorts and briefs down in one pull, before he squatted down and started kissing,

nibbling, and licking my rosebud. ??Robbie... aahh...??

I missed this, I missed him. I heard crinkles and something cold replaced his tongue making me hiss.

I squealed and hugged the pillar harder when he slammed hard deep into me. God it hurt so... good.

He did not even wait for me to adjust, this was punishing, this was the end of the rope of his self-control

and I could only moan harder.

His thrusts were deep and hard, with adding more force each time until I was on my tip toes. ??


??Dear fucking god!??

His hand looped across my waist and he pulled me to his body... the whole position was humiliating

and reminding me that I was a bitch in heat... which made me hotter. What was wrong with me!

We had not even gotten properly naked, except where it mattered.

He twisted my face to his side and his rhythm flattered and my heart soared. He wanted to see me and

he thought I was hiding myself from him.

I was not.

I tapped his thigh for him to stop and he growled in pain and rejection but he stopped, still not

withdrawing from my body.

And I took him away from me hissing, and I watched his eyes harden.


He was going to fuck me. He was not going to letting me leave until I flutter in his arms.

But I did not want to leave, I just wanted him to watch me, like the way he loved it.

I turned around barely before he situated himself between my legs again, looping one around his hip.

He slammed back in like, his lips still tightened with anger and frustration... and I just melted.

Giving him the permission to do... whatever he wanted to do.

He started breeding me, and I was yearning for it.

??Oooh.?? I mewled when he bit my shoulder clamping me down and both of my legs left the floor.

??Robbie... Robbie... ohhh... yes... yes... please... Robbie... I... mmmm... oh please...??

And his muscles bunched.

Dear fucking god!

Then again, I always trained my eyes not to wander too much, because he was not mine but... I was

slipping and I wanted to watch, worship and taste his body.

I pulled him closer and in his quest to make me submit he failed to notice that I had already submitted

and wordlessly begging him for more.

He felt so good, and it was amazing to have this stallion of a man so engrossed in the pleasure of my

body. He was my stud.

He pinched my tip, just enough to make me lose my mind and I erupted, screaming my demon??s

name and he roared.

Fucking Bastard!

He did that on purpose. Now it would be sensitive for several days. At the border of pleasure, pain and

irritation, and I was going to to squirm every time it brushed on my briefs.

He quickly thrusted three or four times before he too reached his peak.

My disappointment came after a few minutes when I saw him tying the condom. The thing filled with his

creamy milky essence... and I wanted... needed...

No, Ace, no...

I wanted that...


It would feel so... right.

To have him...




I winced as I bend down and pulled up my shorts. I smiled when I heard his small growl. His sweat

pants were on his knees and I fixed him too.

I scowled when he threw the used condom to the trash and missed.

What was with daddy and daughter throwing things!!!

He sighed at my look and picked it up and disposed it neatly.

He came back glaring down at me, his eyes still blazing with anger.

He was not satisfied. His back was still strung like a bow.

I ducked my head not being able to meet his piercing eyes and tight lips. I was avoiding him and he

was not happy.

And he was still not satisfied.

??Robbie...?? I whispered but I was sure he could catch the love, the neediness, the vulnerability in my


I placed my hand on his hip and gently pulled; making my heart sing when he willingly came closer, too

closer to my body.

I looked up and saw his lips just above mine, if I could stretch a bit, I would be able to taste that angry

thin lines.

Robbie could start making love to me in a blink of an eye. He needed no foreplay, no provocation,

nothing. Just... He would be all ready and strumming to go like that.

But he needed a winding down time after.

A bit of a cuddle, a small nibble here and there, a romantic sentence filled with dirty words, a kiss or

two on my neck and cheeks, then he wanted to rub his fingers on all his favourite places while calling

me all the pet names he had ever given me; he needed that.

He could not do that now... We were in the storage room and he thought I was not needing him, which

was far from the truth.

I had put my hand inside his shirt and started rubbing his hipbone before I could ask myself what the

hell was I doing.

I flicked my thumb on that well defined, pelvic bone, with all the pent up emotions in my heart. I felt so

shy when Robbie did the same with me, but with his forefinger on the mole at the end of my treasure


He needed this. This petting, this residual desire our body pleasures could not satisfy, he needed it and

I loved how much he needed it.

Even when I was fighting this attraction with everything that I had, this time was for Robbie and I was

not able to push him away ever. Either I would be passed out, or I would be vulnerable enough to need

his strength on me. He was my solace even though he was my tormentor.

Nobody could make me feel valuable and precious as Robbie could.

??There is this exhibition going on at the aquarium.?? I mumbled to his lips, his face was sweaty,

especially his upper lips. Would it be so salty? ??There will be new exotic fishes and water plants...

and... we want to go, Daddy.??

I blushed and ducked my face when I saw his thin lips lifting up.


My heart was beating like crazy.

He leaned closer and I took a huge breath filled with intoxicating scent. I hid my face on his shoulder.

He did not reply.

??... we could make it a picnic. Lia would be awake soon... I could pack the lunch... and... say yes.?? I

poked his side.

He still did not reply and peeked to his face. He was smiling like an idiot and that made me blush


??Daddy...?? I whined.

He kissed my sweaty forehead. ??Get ready.??

But he made no move to let me go. He kept on hugging me... more like pressing me to the pillar.

He needed me, I knew it.

He could have his petting session in the car and I could let him without worrying about his... his...


I pushed on his stomach. God, that was some serious muscles and no wonder he could carry me

around like I weighed nothing.

??Let me get ready.??

He kissed the breath out of me and when he stopped I was drunk out of my mind with happy


Robbie was in a lot better mood when we climbed on the car. I was still a bit unsettled on going without

informing Janice. Not that she would care but when I went down they were in her room and the door

was locked, so I could not tell her.

I could never let go of the fact that Robbie would lock all the rooms, before we went anywhere as a

family. I did not know what to make of that.

??Whay going??? Lia asked us and I told her it was a surprise. So, there she went asking Nick ??are

we there yet??? every five minutes.

??Thay, Nikki???

Nick hated ??Nikki?? but he kind of swallowed the irritation when he saw how hopeful and trusting my

child looked at him.

Lia was not calling him Nikki, but she was at that age, every word kind of had that ??e?? at the end.

??No, Ma??am.??

??Now, Nikki???


??Wha now???

??Still a nope.??

Finally, I took pity on Nick who was a bit more distant that he normally was, and took the phone from

Robbie and gave Lia her favourite cartoon songs... with her baby headphones, of course.

She was not allowed to have too much phone time but... sometimes my child could be a bit too much.

I kissed her cheek and she did not even bother to blink at me. I shook my head before falling back to

Robbie??s chest.

Then I felt his hand creeping inside my shirt. ??Daddy.?? I hissed pointing to our kid.

??Busy.?? He whispered back before leaning back and pressing me closer. ??You know that I got you

first, right???

Did he just say what I thought he said?

My mouth dropped and he had the audacity to scowl. ??What? I saw you first. I got you first.??

??I can??t believe you, Robbie.??

??You??ve been avoiding me.?? He pouted.

I could not believe he got jealous and fighting his daughter for my attention. ??Daddy, she is getting

over her fever. So, she needs a little more love and affection and attention. Come on, she is our


I peeked at the said baby to check if she was looking at us.


I did not know if I should thank YouTube or hate it. ??Angel...??

Robbie whispered to my ears.


??I think I am going down with a fever.?? He fake-coughed before putting my hand on his forehead.

I could not believe this man.

Dear Demons of Hell. Please don??t tell me this is how all your demons are. People will start choosing

hell over heaven.

I could not stop giggling and Robbie hugged me tighter.

??That was... Oh my god... Robbie... you are something else.?? But I could see how lonely he had

been feeling this week. Especially with us being so close to each other and playing house, before

Janice??s arrival.

I did not push him away when he kissed my ear, if anything I leaned to him.

Because dammit, just because I felt bad to love him with his... his... did not mean that I did not miss

him. I missed him badly and so so much at that.

But I did pinch him when he went for my nipples. ??Stop... Our baby is also here, you know.??

??Remember... I am also a baby. Lia said so.??

That made me giggle so much harder than before making me fall on Robbie again and he took that as

invitation to grope me harder.

With Dr. Adam??s suggestion of let Lia be with people who loved her, we had been a bit busy in the

earlier weeks of her fever.

So, Robbie gave us a surprise with arranging a get together.

All he said that Liz was coming with her Jerk Queen Bee, and her little son.

Yeah, I let him marry her, because... I was crazy, that was it. Why else would I!

But... he kinda sorta looked and behaved sincerely. Though he was still under my watch. He came to

meet me again, when Robbie was here of course, because Queen Bee was a fucking .... female

reproductive organ to meet me alone.


And Robbie well he... he liked him, which was surprising.

But Robbie let Jason keep his Ferrari. That thing still had ??Robert??s door?? on the driver??s side

because Jason was a female dog. Yet, Robbie stood with that man, told me that even though he was

stupid when he let Liz go, now he had grown a back bone.



He kinda cried in front of me. Not the ugly crying. He cried because Liz did not trust him enough and if I

did not approve of this relationship, this was the end. She had her reasons not to trust him with her soul

again though she wanted to. So, he... cried blaming himself and how he deserved it.

Liz??s mom was not against the marriage, but she was against the baby. That sad excuse of a mother

asked Queen Bee to abort the child because he was conceived before marriage. So, it was a bastard

according to bible and her daughter Liz was going to hell for that.

When Robbie heard the hell part, he told he would manage Liz??s accommodation in hell personally.

Yeah, they went together.

Surprising, yeah?

But whatever, everyone else agreed, so I agreed too... because he was actually a good guy. Because

he said Liz??s mama dearest that he would go with Liz to hell and his child would have an amazing

childhood under Jason??s and my care.

It took guts and... love.

So, anyways, the people who visited were not just Liz??s family, there were everyone of my friends.

Hell with Vanya, Liam with his girlfriend ?C not a dancer -, Rupert and Ned, student Julian with Henry,

Fellow Julian with his sister Julie, some of Robbie??s friends in business who brought their kids, and it

was amazing. Rupert and Ned bought me the books that I might need and we caught on anything and


Jason surprisingly came with Gabe. And the Gabe who came with Jason was not the Gabe I met

during my M.I.T. This guy was politer, respectful and... silent. No matter how I peeped into Jason and

Gabe being together, I could not catch them in an act.


Why was Jason not dating!

So, everything was going on well when somehow we all started talking about babies and Little Lia

decided to give us a speech on how everyone in her family was a baby.

She jumped down from the sofa, thankfully Jason catching her before she could fall face down; got a

wiggle of her butt on his face for his trouble, and cleared her throat before started talking with authority.

Daddy??s girl.

??We aw babies.... Davey kaw baby... baby baby... lilil baby... an an an an an Daddy kaw Davey... baby

baby...anje an baby anje... an an an baby anjee... so so an an Davey kaw Daddy be be be baby... an

an we babies... aw babie... so an an we babie.??

She had her arms stretched out in ??obviously?? pose.

[ We all are babies. Davey calls Lia, Little Baby. Daddy calls Davey ??baby?? and Angel. Daddy calls

Lia, Baby Angel. Davey calls Daddy Big Baby. So we all are Babies.]

She looked everyone for confirmation, nodded her head when everyone smiled. I fixed her frock which

had riled up her butt when she walked past me, and got myself a tiny glare for disrupting her prance.

God! She was a diva.

Then she walked to her daddy, who was sitting on the floor, and hugged his neck to death and



We all blinked thrice before roaring with laughter. Lia giggled though I could see the confusion in her

eyes if everyone was laughing with her or at her. When her smile faded, I slid next to Daddy and

plucked her and cuddled her to my chest. ??You are so precious my sweet child.?? And kissed her all


??But sweetheart you can??t call Daddy, baby.??


??No.?? I chuckled. ??Because he is not your baby. You are his baby.??


And that was that.

But Robbie was still laughing and he fell on my shoulder, chuckling, tears of mirth in his eyes. I felt a

flash going and saw Jason taking our picture.

Ever since that time my Big Baby pulled ??I am also a baby?? card when he felt left out.

Just like this moment.

I shook my head to clear of my giggles.

It was a precious moment. Robbie??s friends were surprised to see him laughing. Apparently they

never saw him laughing... ever. They were stupid; he laughed all the time.

??What are you thinking??? Robbie whispered to my ears with a nibble.

??You, our baby... us.??

??I love that.?? His eyes changed and I gulped. He became more courageous and his hand lowered

lower and lower...

??Robbie...?? I chastised because this was not the place to feel up my butt. But he was not listening.

I looked into his eyes to glare, but got lost in them.

Time stopped and all I could see was him.

My Robbie.

My Demon.

My Love.

I could not take my eyes off him and felt something flicker. Not just in me but in him too. We were

falling... falling together...

I had felt this before, a long time before.

One was in our hotel room in Boston, other was... before us being an ??us??. A time which I had hid in

the hole I had dug so deep, so I could move past his marriage. They were supposed to remain hidden

in the depths of my memories.

The time we spent together in all the places of privacy, the time when he kept his hands in his pockets

and flirted with me without making a move to touch me, the time when I dreamt about lying on his chest

like this, the time when he was the only person in my mind when I went to sleep and when I woke up in

the morning.

I was not supposed to remember those.

Robbie leaned up and trapped my lips between his and I... kissed him back. He tucked my face in the

crook of his neck and I accepted the affection he was pouring to me.

He took every fight out of me.

When we stopped kissing, I had become as shy as a virgin who got his first kiss. Why was I like this!

I loved when he rested his palm on my butt cheek. He always found his way to touch there, like he

owned it though it was on my body. When we walked, when we cuddled, when we fought, his hand

would land finally on my ass.

I agreed to that too...

Right at this moment, I had no other thoughts in me except my small family. I watched the sceneries

change, as I lied on Robbie??s chest and his eyes were closed, seeming to be asleep; he was that


But... the thumb that was slightly moving on my butt reminded that he was just in peace.

I loved him, like a husband loving his husband.

I sat up and those eyes flew open.

I rubbed his chest. ??Lia, Daddy...??

I checked her and saw her head slowly drooping. I fixed her car seat, to the reclining positon and

helped her lie down, ??No, Davey... nooo...?? She feebly whined but she was sleepy and I took away

Robbie??s phone from her lap.

I wiped the thing clean of her drool and placed it back on Robbie??s pocket before cuddling back to his

chest, making him sigh in relief.

I wanted to tell him everything that was going through my mind. The times when I woke up early in the

morning to study and was supposed to kick him out of my room, I could not... My eyes would start

wandering longingly at the perfection and I hoped I could touch him... Slowly caress him... Kiss every

inch of his body...

I could not.

I would simply cover him in a blanket before I forgot myself and leave him.

I could not even wake him up from his slumber because dear god, at this point, his happiness, his

health, his well-being was my priority too.

Did he know that? No.

We arrived our destination in an hour and Nick was so out of it. Lia was groggy and scowling at

everything from my hip.

She would be okay in a few minutes but Nick would not.

??What is wrong, Nick???

??Oh, he wants to go home.?? Robbie shrugged.

??What happened???

??Nothing of importance. Have fun, Brantleys.??

But I was not satisfied. Nick was edgy. ??What is it???

??My lover has a sprain in wrist.??

??Then what are you doing here? Go home.?? I was surprised. We did not need a driver. Robbie could

drive, I could drive... If he needed a break why was he here?

??He cannot go home. You are here.??


??It is fine, I will wait.?? Nick accepted his situation.

??Wait, Nick. Robbie, what do you mean by ??you are here.?????

??You and Lia. What if something happens???

??We are going to an aquarium. What is supposed to happen??? Jesus! This business tycoon could

be a stupid idiot sometimes.

??I donno. What if I can??t protect you alone???

I rubbed my nose. I objected Nick when he opened his mouth. ??Then we all will die together.


??What if we did not die together? What if I...?? He stopped noticing my glare but he was still not

letting Nick go.

I sighed. ??If I had a sprain and wanted you at home, will you go and work???

I wanted to take that question back the moment it left my mouth. What was I thinking? I was slipping

too fast and too hard.

??Angel, that is different! You would not even get a sprain in my watch.?? There was too much

Robbiness in that sentence that I needed a break to handle.

??Is she in real pain, Nick???

??He. Pain is okay, he is just bored out of his mind and asked me to come home. He does not ask me

to stay too often, actually never before and...?? Nick scratched his head.

??I have a better idea. Why don??t you bring him here and we...??



I jumped clutching my baby tighter.

Robbie and Nick both looked like they chewed on a sour and rotten lemon.

??What is wrong with you guys???



Something definitely was going on.

Robbie could be a mean asshole sometimes. ??Nick, bring him here and you guys have fun

somewhere and we will have our fun somewhere else.??

??That won??t be...??

??That is not...??

??Guys, what is going on???




??Nick, why don??t you want your boyfriend to meet us??? His face twisted in a wince.

??He is... uh... he...?? He cleared his throat. ??His sprain will hurt and he could be a cry-baby

sometimes. So, we will just hang around in our home... and he will have my eyes if I used the ??

boyfriend?? word. We are supposed to be colleagues on a good day.??

??Yeah... yeah... He is a cry-baby. And no fun at all. Nope. And colleague. Definitely colleague.?? Why

Robbie was looking relieved?

??Then let Nick go.??

??Fine. Nick, you can go. Leave the car.?? Robbie almost pushed Nick out. Robbie could be such a

child sometimes.

Wow! Robbie really did not want Nick??s boyfriend here.


??Fine! Take the car. We will get a cab.?? Robbie rolled his neck.

??No, sir. I can come collect you if you give me a time.??

Robbie looked at me. ??Mmmm... around five-ish. We...?? I blushed. We were really not here for the

exhibition. Robbie and I needed sometime away from our home situation.

??I understand... I will be here. Sharp at, five-ish. Have a nice day out.??

??Bye-Bye... Nikki.?? Lia waved her hands and Nick swallowed his annoyance.

??Ma??am. It is Nick. For Dominic.??


Nick took a deep breath and gave her a fake smile. ??Nikki is fine.??

Lia cackled. ??Nikki funny.??

??Yaaay!!!?? Nick almost bit his tongue out and walked away. ??I am so funny!!!??

I chuckled at that man who would die for my daughter but pretended not to like her.

??Come on, love.?? I saw Robbie meddling with my bag and I bit my lips.

??Robbie... could you please hold Lia???

Robbie frowned before turning smug. ??Sore???

I blushed like a cherry tomato. Bastard knew he was rough and I would not be able to handle a wiggling

Lia without wincing.


??Tell me and I will.??

He even leaned down with his ears on my mouth.

God! This man!

I peeked around if anyone was noticing us. ??Please...??

He waited. I pinched his hand but told him. ??I can??t walk properly because you went all cave man on

me. Now pick up your child.??

He had the audacity to laugh before picking Lia from me.

Smug Bastard.

I ducked my head smiling and Robbie saw it and pulled to me to a side arm hug.

We had so much fun.

Lia was running around and jumping and squealing.

We finally found an empty spot near the zoo section to have our late lunch. We pulled out our blanket

and I sat on a small pillow making Robbie smile harder and wiggle his eyebrows. I pinched him again

because... just because.

He deserved it anyways!

Lia fell asleep after her lunch and medicines. ??I wanted her medicines to stop, Daddy.?? I brushed a

grass off her head. How did it get on her head!

??How many days more, baby???

??Five more days.??

??That is not too bad.??

He threw his hand behind my shoulder and twisted my face to him before stealing a kiss. ??Daddy...

Lia is here.??

??So what???

I thumbed his chest. What if she saw? Then I would be the one to explain her why Daddy was eating

Davey??s face.

??Stop being so naughty.?? I took away his hand away, again... from my butt.

He pulled me closer with a hum. ??It is mine... You are mine. Everything you have is mine.??

He put his head on my chest and yawned thrice.


??Yeah... Wahh... I don??t sleep well without you.??

??Sleep now, Daddy.??


He lied down on the blanket, his head lowered to my tummy, his hand on its usual resting place... and

he fell asleep.

This time I let my hand wander. Over his thick eyebrows and the hair on his forehead, before I slipped

my hand inside his t-shirt and rested it between his shoulders slowly rubbing.

Lia woke up in the midst and saw her daddy on my stomach but she just curled around other side of

me before falling back asleep.

That was all I hoped from this little day out. I did not want Robbie to be left out. He was my Big Baby

after all.

And he needed all my care and attention like Lia did.

Lia did wake up after half an hour or so but did not ask any questions or trouble Robbie. She walked

beside me, gave me kissed occasionally and dumped leafs and flowers on me which she had found


??Davey dis... kweep. I wan it bak.??

??Davey... kweep.??

??Gwee for Daddy...??

??Davey a bwing...??

Oh, when she could not figure out what somethings were, she started naming them.

A bwink, a hij, a po po, a kepper.

I just nodded like I knew what she was talking about.

That was how Nick found us and Robbie was sleeping so contently on me for I to change our positions.

He knew how Robbie and I were but I never displayed any kind of public affection in front of anyone.

But sometimes like this it just could not be helped.

Nick picked up Lia and waited near a tree facing away from so I could wake Robbie up.

??Robbie... Big Baby wake up.?? I rubbed my hand up and down his chest. ??Robbie... Daddy come

on... we have to go. Lia is up. Nick is here... Robbie...?? I gently caressed his cheeks and patted them

fondly. ??We can sleep in the car. Come on. Daddy... Up...??

??Up.?? Robbie groaned before cuddling closer. I waited for some time. He needed to bring his brain

back online. And that thought made me chuckle.

??What are you laughing at???

??Your bed head.??

??Hmmmm...?? He smiled adorably at me before standing up. I collected everything up and Robbie

cuddled back onto my body. I let him. I loved him being cuddly.

We walked together to Nick and Lia and found them deep in a conversation.

??Owie? Boo- boo kissie...?? Lia advised Nick who looked a lot better than before.

??Yeah... if I kissed him just like that, he will have my head. It is a land mine area, kid. I have to wait for

signals. Or... He will just twist my neck and be done with it.??

Lia shrugged. ??Kissie kissie. Neckie, Nikki.?? She gave Nick??s throat two pats.

Nick looked like he had an epiphany. ??You are right! I have kissed him before and still have my neck!!!

He likes me back!??

Lia nodded like Nikki was just too stupid and she was happy she could help her out.

Robbie did not stop cuddling even in the car, he just kept on kissing me, calling me his angel and his

love and... smiled so stupidly at me, eyes still droopy from his nap.

But as soon as we reached home, Robbie looked like he was ready to run a mile.

Nick carried Lia to her room and I could not believe they were still conversation on Nick and his

boyfriend??s situation. I thought Lia gave Nick some serious relationship advises because that man

was all smiles and nodding.

Robbie was in no hurry to get inside our home as he flirted with me at the car. It was like we went on a

date and he was waiting for the perfect time to kiss me. I noticed Janice??s sports car was not here.

So she just left? Like that?


??Hop on.??


Nick just left like he was the happiest man on earth. He even waved me goodbye. So, what was with

Robbie and hopping on?

??I will give you a piggy back.??

??What? No... I can walk, thank you very much.??

??Come on... just... Remember that time???

Of course I remembered.

We had gone out for a walk in the evening when we were ??friends?? and we walked more than we

could walk back comfortably. Half way, I started whining about leg ache and Robbie... he gave me

piggy ride.

I was still confused about my feelings and he was a gentle man. I remembered being so shy when he

??dropped?? me in front of my home.

??You hid your face behind my neck and I could feel the warmth of your blush.?? Robbie kissed my

cheeks. ??My Pretty Precious Angel.??

And just like that time I became shy when I climbed on his back. ??Walk.??

I mumbled out when Robbie just kept on looking at my face on his shoulder. He did not stop at my

bedroom door but literally dropped me to my bed.

His whole demeanour changed after he switched on the monitor to show our baby girl playing in her


??Do you have any idea what I wanted that day? Do you have any idea what you did to me that


I swallowed.

He pulled my legs apart hungrily.

??I wanted to pry open your juicy ass and fuck you till you scream on your own bed. Like this. Wanted

to see you squirming on my cock. Like this. Wanted to see what you were hiding from me, wanted to

taste what you tempted me with... wanted rip open your love hole until I could feel it sloppy...??


I did scream. His name. And he did do what he wanted that day this time.

He let me go after one last lick on my cheek and... lied next to me panting. ??Fuck...?? He groaned. ??

What do you do to me, Angel???

??What...?? I swallowed my dry throat ??do I do to you??? God, I could not breath. Jesus! He was so

good at that. My legs were jelly and my body was aching. ??Seriously, Robbie? Seriously???

The bastard laughed still out of breath. But he then pulled me closer and I smiled.

His fingers brushing my hair and I circled his pointy nipple with my forefinger.


??Mmmm??? He kissed my forehead.

??Why did you not do this that day??? I would have agreed. I remembered not being able to look into

his eyes. I wished that if he titled my head up and brushed his lips on mine. I wished if one day he

would sweep me off my feet and lower me to his bed before doing whatever he did now.

I might have asked him to go a little gentler. Like our first time together. He was so gentle and pried my

defences open with kisses and sweet words.

I loved how I lost my virginity but... I was hurt he got married.

He slept with me and took my virginity on his wedding day. He took me to the bath tub like the

deflowered virgin I was. He fed me the fruits like he was supposed to do to his tired bride. He did

everything a husband was supposed to do on his first night. But to me, instead.

All the while I had cried to him asking...

??What have you done???

??What are we supposed to do now???

What will we tell my mom???

??You can??t tell anyone. Promise me, Robbie.??

??We shouldn??t have done that.??

??Look what you did!??

??What do you want from me now???

He simply asked me to be his. No, he demanded to be his.

??You don??t worry about a thing. Just be mine. Ace, promise me you are mine. I don??t care if you

don??t promise. You are mine.??

And I had cried on his chest, calling him all kinds of angry ugly names and he just hugged me harder.

This was before his marriage and I would have accepted it whole heartedly. I would not have to ask

myself to protest... why did not he that day?

??I don??t know.?? I thought he had fallen asleep without replying me. ??I don??t know why I did not

do anything I wanted to do that day.??

??You looked so beautiful, with your adorable blush. So shy... Yet you nodded when I asked if you had

fun. You mumbled out a yes when I asked if you would come with me to the park next day. You smiled

while biting your lips when I kissed your palm before I told you a good night...??

I swallowed at the emotions in his voice.

??And then I turned around... I saw you peeking through the door watching me walk away... You shyly

gave me a wave before closing that door. And... And I forgot... And I forgot that was not I wanted to

do... I was so looking forward and happy to meet you at the park next day... to remind myself that I was

thinking about having my way with you all the while you were safely perched on my back.??

I blinked away tears because I felt love shining in his words and I did not know what to do with that.

??Then I screamed at my pillow out of frustration when I reached my room on the other end of your

mansion. So I came back late at night...??

??You did???

??Yeah... I always do... if I can... I love watching you sleep, especially if you are not sleeping next to

me... So... that night I came looking for you for the first time... Wanted to climb on that bed wake you up

and had to taste that juicy lips and destroy that tight ring... but... when I touched your lips... you

mumbled my name with a smile and hugged your pillow... and I kind of forgot... again... I just stayed

there watching you sleep with that beautiful smile which turned my mind like a wheel...??

I chuckled.

??You laugh. You have no idea what I went through... I never had to go through that before in my life.

People normally throw themselves at me. I barely have to look before they climb up my dick... and then

there is this precious Angel, who is just happy to hold my hands, could smile at me without touching

wallet, who mumbled my name in his sleep and... I... did not know what to do, though every time away

from you I wanted to fuck you to the mattress. Then you fucking make me run for you after everything

you have put me through.??

I poked my tongue out and he glared.

??Now, thank god... I don??t forget what I am supposed to do anymore. Give me that tongue.?? He

twisted me under him and I squealed before... before letting him have his way with me.

I was glad he stopped forgetting what he was supposed to do.

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