Touched by Death: (Sins of The Fallen book 3)

Touched by Death: Chapter 27

“With pleasure,” Dariana says, smiling cruelly while Alaric and Ronan pace behind her, each with matching smirks.

Backing away, I yelp when my spine meets Daemon’s hard chest. His hands clamp down on my shoulders, and with a lift of his chin, he orders Dmitriy to leave the room. His voice brokers no argument. As Dmitriy passes, his brown eyes collide with mine. But then they slide away just as fast, and he leaves the room.

Soft fingers, calloused and sure, slide my hair away from my shoulder in a caress that wrings my heart of every emotion it has ever clung to. And like blood, it pours from my chest. Daemon leans down and presses his damp lips to the curve of my neck. Behind us, the flames shoot sparks into the air. My eyes slide shut against the pain that whispers inside me.

“Don’t shut us out,” Dariana pleads, taking my hand. “The fighting stops now.”

“No,” I breathe, my lips parting with a sigh, lashes fluttering as Daemon peppers heated kisses over my skin.

“What’s holding you back?” she asks.

My heavy gaze skates past her to Ronan and Alaric, who pull their T-shirts over the back of their heads. Discarding them on the floor, they exchange smirks before looking over at me. Everything they do, from how they communicate silently to how they pop the buttons on their jeans, is synchronized, like that of a seductive dance designed to break down every wall I’ve ever erected.

The small side smile on Alaric’s lips and the way his dark hair falls into his eyes when he lifts his gaze to look at me from beneath his dark lashes have my heart fluttering wildly. Combine it with the sincerity in Dari’s eyes and Daemon’s fierce grip on my hip and exploring lips, and I’m putty in their spun web.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask when Daemon slowly slides the dress down my shoulders, his fingers brushing over my arms in a whisper of a touch that I feel down to my toes.

With his lips on my shoulder, he smiles, whispering, “Because Genesis can’t survive the light in you.”

“The light in me?”

“Can you not see it?” Dari trails her soft fingers along my cheekbone. Tears glisten on her lashes, and my own heart thuds heavily in response as my eyes widen. She places her hand on my chest, between the swell of my exposed breasts.

The dress pools around my feet, kissing my ankles on its way down.

“Look at that…”

A breath gets caught in my throat at the sight of the light that pours from my chest beneath her hand. As if she’s drawn in like a moth to a flame, the tears in her eyes slide a slow path down her cheeks. She leans in to replace her hand with her lips.

“Only the light can defeat the darkness,” Daemon tells me, his lips back on my ear, brushing the sensitive shell. “We were wrong all along to encourage you to indulge in the darkness.”

Dariana’s warm mouth envelops my nipple, and she tweaks the other one between her finger and thumb.

“I like the darkness,” I admit. “I like how invisible it makes me feel.”

A presence to my left alerts me to Ronan, who joins us and slides his hand around the side of my neck. He dives down to breathe me in, his warm lips descending on my tingling skin. His voice skates along my collarbones like a midnight breeze. “Meanwhile, the light scares you.”


Another hand cups my chin and guides my eyes to Alaric on my other side. His dark eyes drift over my face like a lost ship at sea that’s called home by the mermaid’s song. “It’s time to face your fears, babe. Love is scary. Fuck, we know. This is Hell. Love has no place here, yet you brought it into the devil’s abode. How is that possible, little witch?”

Daemon steps back, and Alaric slams his lips to mine, devouring me like he’s feasting on the light pouring from my chest.

Hands caress every inch of my skin, and lips explore my body like an uncharted trail that leads through a mythological forest. I lose myself in them. In the Light that pours from my soul like an expression of the deepest truth of me.

Lost in their touch, I open my eyes to see the door behind them. The door that’s open to reveal another timeline. One where they’re waiting for me from across an ocean of possibilities.

A timeline where I first felt sin’s delicious touch. How it spun my entire world on its axis to create this moment right here. Amenadiel was wrong. I never erased time. I created a new timeline, and this is where they meet. The fork in the road. The river that leads to the ocean. All it would take would be a single step, a split second’s decision, and I’d be back in their arms. But then…

Ronan guides my lips to his with his calloused fingers on my chin. His forehead comes down on mine briefly as he implores me to see the truth in his eyes. “What are you doing to us? Can’t you see it? The way you cradle our hearts in the palm of your hand so effortlessly?” He kisses me then, and I part my lips to welcome his warm tongue. Dariana is on her knees before me, dragging her hands up my thighs.

Breaking away from Ronan’s mouth, I look over at the door, but it’s gone. In its place is Dmitriy.

Leaning against the door frame, he makes no move to join us, but he watches with that look in his eyes that cements my decision to stay in this timeline. With that decision, a twinge in my heart lets itself be known. There can’t be a win without a loss. We can’t gain without letting go. And we can’t truly love if we don’t let it hurt.

Rounding us, Daemon points a stern finger at Dmitriy. “Step over that threshold, and I’ll kill you.”

Dmitriy never takes his eyes off me. Not when the others step back for their leader, who approaches me with an intense look in his eyes that feasts on my naked, glowing body and black wings like I’m the most beautiful, precious treasure he’s ever found. I want to memorize the way he commands my attention so easily.

Pulling his T-shirt over the back of his head, he grips the ends, puts it around the back of my neck, and pulls me closer. His scent is everywhere, heady and woodsy. His wings unfold behind him, and he encircles us in a cocoon of emotions that bring me to my knees.

“I’m scared, Daemon.”

“I am too,” he admits, winding the T-shirt around his hands and forcing me closer until my breasts press up against his bare chest.

“You are?”

His lips slant in a naughty smile that sends tingles to my clit. “Yeah,” he breathes out lazily, watching me closely with his brown eyes that darken by the second. “I have never feared anything until the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“You mean when I threw a football at your head.”

The T-shirt slides from my neck, and he lets it fall to the floor before palming my neck with one hand and my cheek with his other. He presses his lips to my temple, and his breath caresses my face. “Even before then.” Brushing his thumb through a tear on my cheek, he holds me closer. “Give me all your tears, little witch. I want it all.”

“How do you know I’m not Genesis?”

“Because of this…” His lips descend on mine, demanding complete obedience. He kisses me like I’m the very air he breathes. The way he touches me with complete control and dominance in every stroke and every soft caress has me moaning into his mouth.

When he breaks away, I stay with my eyes closed, tasting the moment like a drop of rain that will soon fall from my lips to get lost on the ground amongst every bad decision I’ve ever made.

But this.

This is not one of them.

“Open your eyes.”

I do.

“Do you see now?”

His face is aglow with the light that pours freely from me.

“What’s happening?” I ask.

His side smirk tingles my lips, where the memory of his kiss lingers. He sweeps his eyes across my face and brushes away strands of hair that are stuck to the tears on my cheeks. “I don’t know, but I think whatever happened when you were gone broke you completely. You had no choice but to reconnect with your light in order to survive.”

At the mention of my stalker, I stiffen, but Daemon is there to kiss away the ugly memories. Gripping me tightly, he lifts me up and guides my legs around his waist. I cling to him as the shadows threaten to resurface. They taunt me at the fringes of my consciousness, like elongating shadows that dart forth, only to slink back just as fast.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Daemon whispers when the glow that pours from me starts to dim. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. None of us are.”

I see the truth in his eyes as he lays me down in front of the fire and straightens back up. Hovering over me, wrapped in death and shadows, he’s every nightmare brought to life. And he’s fucking exquisite.

I hold my breath while he strips out of his remaining clothes. With a look in the direction of the others, he communicates without words. They join us, their footsteps soundless on the floor.

I lie in front of the fire with my soul bared, trembling with nerves. Four fallen angels, each equally dark and dangerous, stare down at me. At the light that’s still pouring from my skin.

Dariana asks, “Genesis is gone, right?”

“What’s hidden in the dark is revealed in the light,” Alaric says. “Genesis runs with the shadows… She can’t stand alongside the Light.”

“And that’s what makes our angel so powerful,” Dmitriy says, walking deeper into the room despite Daemon’s warning.

They all look over at him as he walks over to the armchair and sits down.

With his ankle on his knee, he rests his elbow on the armrest and rubs his lips. “Not only is she of the light and able to let it bleed back into her soul…” He gestures at the window almost desperately. “…outside of the fucking gates.” He looks at the others in turn before swallowing thickly. “Don’t you get it? The light doesn’t reach across the borders. Yet it has found a way through her. Love has found a way through the darkness.” As he blows out a breath, his eyes lock on mine and he says to the others, “She’s the only one who can run with both the shadows and the light. The only one who can bring the two forces together.”

Silence descends on the room while I lie vulnerable, scared, and needy on the floor. My nipples tingle. Daemon scans his eyes over me, as if I terrify him. His throat jumps and then he slowly lowers himself to his knees between my legs. Bringing a flame to life on his palm, his eyes find mine. He slams his hand to my chest and lets his arm erupt in flames. I watch with my breath caught in my throat as my light welcomes his hellfire, the two forces burning brighter together now that his eyes stay locked on mine.

“Fuck,” he breathes, grinding his teeth. “I can feel the Light.” He looks up at the others. “I can fucking feel it.”

“What’s it like?” Dari asks, dropping to her knees beside us and bringing a flame to life on her own hand. The others join us, too, their flames becoming one as they place their palms on top of each other. Daemon, then Dariana, followed by Alaric and Ronan.

“Please touch me,” I plead, aching with desire between my legs. “I need you all.”

Daemon shoots a look over at Dmitriy, but his eyes return to me when I whisper his name.

“Touch me, Daemon.”

He’s on me then, his naked body draping over mine, his hungry lips exploring every inch of my skin with one goal in mind: to break me open. I kiss him back with just as much fire as the flames that lick a path over his chest. He lets go of his control, groaning into my mouth. When he looks at me, his eyes burn bright red, and his sharp incisors dig into his kiss-swollen lip. I let my fingers get lost in the dark hair at the nape of his neck and lean up to kiss him again. He tastes like the woods and the remaining embers of a bonfire in the early morning hours—the scent when the rain slowly puts them out.

His hard dick digs into my thigh, and precum coats my skin where he rubs the crown of his cock.

With his arm banded around my waist, he impales me in a swift move while Alaric and Ronan stroke their dicks on each side of us. On her knees beside me, Dariana traces my parted lips with her fingers.

Daemon claims me in front of the fireplace.

He’s the alpha. He fucks me first.

Capturing Dariana’s finger with my teeth, I suck it into my mouth and moan as my pussy clenches around Daemon’s cock.

“You want a dick in your mouth?” Daemon asks, his voice laced with humor.

I whimper in response, and he climbs off me. With a soft chuckle, he sits down and guides me to straddle his lap with my back to his chest before wrapping his hand around my throat. Lips pressed to my ear, he digs his fingers into my skin until my pulse thunders beneath his touch. “Why don’t we bring the shadows out to play too?” His lips slowly unfurl into a wolfish smile—the kind of smile that holds me in its grip and refuses to let go. It’s erotic and nefarious, promising unbridled pain and pleasure. He lifts his chin, and Ronan and Alaric step forward with their cocks in hand. “Dari,” Daemon says. “Make our little angel come while I fuck her sweet cunt.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Taking slow, seductive steps forward, she stops between mine and Daemon’s spread legs and cups my chin. Her dark eyes reflect Daemon’s flames. She stares down at me, with lips that I’m dying to feel on my pussy. “Promise you won’t fight us anymore.”

“I can’t,” I reply, and her grip tightens in response.

“That’s good,” she whispers. “That way, we get to hurt you more.”

As Daemon guides me over his cock and sinks inside me, she lies down on her front and looks up at me from between my spread thighs. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are as you take Daemon’s cock?”

Alaric and Ronan grab my wrists, and I wrap my hands around their thick lengths in anticipation.

Dariana slowly leans in, and like a tease, she stops with her tempting mouth inches from my clit. Every slide of Daemon’s dick drugs me further.

When Dariana leans in and darts her tongue out to taste his cock as it slides in and out of me, I nearly fucking combust. Swirling the pink tip of her tongue where I’m joined with Daemon, she brings her thumb to my clit and swipes it.

Pleasure sparks in my core, and I can’t hold back the loud moan that slips from my lips. Ronan wraps his hand around mine on his cock and fucks my palm with slow thrusts. On my other side, Alaric slides his fingers into my hair and fists it tight. When I tear my gaze away from Dari between my legs, he bats my hand away from his cock, palms it, and thrusts it between my lips. It’s so sudden and deep that I gag almost immediately.

Dariana smacks my clit. “I fucking love this pussy.”

Behind me, Daemon rests back on an elbow, fucking me from beneath. The violent nature of his thrusts has my tits bouncing with every powerful slam of his hips. “She’s so damn tight!”

They’re everywhere. Dariana pinches my bundle of nerves, causing me to choke on Alaric’s cock. A thick string of saliva connects me to him as he slides back out to jerk his dick over my face while staring down at me with his other hand in my hair. “So damn pretty. Let go, babe. I can see the shadows swirling in your eyes. You’re safe with us.”

Before I can respond, his cock is back in my mouth, sliding down my throat.

Dariana sucks my throbbing clit between her teeth. She nibbles and bites and licks. Feasting on me until I don’t recognize the choked sounds of pleasure that leave my mouth every time Alaric offers me a brief reprieve from his massive cock. Moaning and writhing, I soak Daemon’s cock. Wanting more. Wanting less. It’s too much and not enough.

“I want to come on her wings,” Ronan says, holding my hand on his cock in a death grip while he fucks it with abandon. “I want to see my cum coat her feathers.”

“You and me both, brother,” Alaric chokes out. “I want to smear my cum fucking everywhere.”

I come. Every muscle in my body stiffens, and the light inside me explodes from my body in a bright flash before settling back and fading away. Spent and breathing hard, the wave slowly recedes. I let them use me. I let them use my body for their own pleasure.

Alaric slides out of my mouth and brings my hand to his slick cock. “Jerk me.”

Insatiable, Dari continues feasting on my cunt while staring up at me from beneath her wispy lashes. I can’t look away from the sight of her plump lips on my clit and her pink tongue tasting my arousal on Daemon’s cock, licking and sucking at the spot where we’re joined.

I come again when she smacks my swollen nub. Moaning loudly, I drop my head back between my shoulders and stare up at the ceiling. Pleasure floods me with enough power to make me see stars. The racing organ behind my ribs feels like it’s about to break free.

My pussy pulses around Daemon’s dick, and he releases inside me with a masculine, rumbling groan.

“Tongue out,” Alaric orders, palming my hand on his cock. “Time to ruin your perfection.”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Ronan and Alaric aim their cocks at my face, their devilish eyes devouring the hazy lust in my gaze. The silent plea for ruin. Their hot release rains over my lashes and lips in quick spurts. White cum slides a slow path down my cheeks and chin. I drag my tongue over my lips to catch as much of it as I can. With a choked grunt, Alaric continues stroking his cock. I eagerly let his final squirt of seed coat my tongue.

I’m ruined, covered in cum and saliva.

As Alaric steps back, I look over at Dmitriy, who lets his dark gaze slide down my marked face and body, taking in the semen that slides a path down my throat before pooling in the hollow between my collarbones.

The heat in his gaze has the ache between my thighs starting back up. But before I can squeeze my thighs together to alleviate the ache, Daemon shifts me off him, jumps to his feet, and strides toward Dmitriy with his hands fisted and hellfire dancing on his arms. “You’re fucking dead!”

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