Together Forever

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

I stare down at the bright red lace gown in my hands in dejection and sigh heavily. The mood I am in

right now, it would be better for me to go to a funeral but here I am being dressed for a party where we

would meet our new clients. If the redness of the dress could give me some enthusiasm, I think to


Finally fighting with my inner discouragement, I stand up and slowly slip into the gown that reaches my

feet. The dress is adorned with designer flowery lace with long lace sleeves and a v neck that ends a

few inches before my cleavage.

The upper back of the gown is opened and the other half is attached to a hook. Now the problem is I

can't clasp the hook. After trying five minutes continuously, I give up. Why don't we have a pair of eyes

and hands in the back?

"Fucking hook! What's wrong with your ass?" I growl angrily and slump down on the chair in front of the

full-length mirror.

Right then the door opens and Ethan enters inside. My eyes widen and I jump off the chair clutching

the back of my dress and hurriedly turn around.

"Ethan? Don't you know you should knock before entering a room?" I scold angrily.

He realizes as he stands there still, "I am sorry. I forgot you were here." He says and leaves the closet,

closing the door.

Just when I think he's gone, the door barges open again causing me to jump out of horror.

"Ethan?" I shout in annoyance as he scratches the back of his neck embarrassingly.

"Sorry. Actually, I just came to ask, are you having a problem with your dress?" He says pointing to my

hand that's holding the back of my dress together.

"Y...yeah but you have nothing to do with it." I stutter nervously.

"What's wrong?" He asks me in confusion.

"I can't put the hook on."

"I can help you. Let me see." He says coming towards me and I step backward.

"Hey, no! You can't help me. Get out!" I say in a panicking voice trying to stop him. "It's a girly problem."

"But here's no girl right now. Just me. Then?" He shrugs, standing before me.

"But..." I get cut off as he holds both my shoulders and turns me around before I can understand


Suddenly the temperature in the room drops by a few degrees celsius as soon as his eyes fall on my

full bareback from my neck to my waist.

Someone, please kill me now.

I see his eyes widen and his mouth slightly opens as his piercing eyes graze every inch of my skin.

That's why boy you should have listened to me!

Finally, after letting his eyes roam over my back for some time, he slowly lowers his trembling hands

and grabs the hook. I gasp inwardly just as the coldness of his fingers kisses my skin in a soft touch. I

lower my gaze causing the flowing long hair to fall around and hide my face that is now scrunched up

because of the impact of his igneous touches. After what feels like an eternity to me, maybe actually a

few seconds, he puts the hook on and removes his hand as I turn my face up to meet his dark clouded

eyes that are looking at me deeply in the mirror.

He moves his head forward slightly towards my hair and then like reality hits him as he stops and steps

back. I see his eyes filling with sorrow as if he wants to touch me right now but trying hard to control

himself. He grabs the doorknob and is about to walk out when he suddenly stops and turns around. In

a matter of seconds, he snakes his hand around my belly and pulls me back making me hit his chest

with a jerk.

He grabs my hair softly and throws them to one side of my shoulder revealing my back.

"I can't fucking control myself anymore." He says desperately and the next moment he smashes his lips

against my neck.

I close my eyes immediately and let my head fall back on his chest as his lips move at a fast pace on

my skin. He kisses behind my ear causing my long earring to bounce against his face. He trails harsh

kisses from my ear towards my neck and stops reaching the end of my shoulder.

I place my hand on him that's gripping my belly and try to unwrap when he tightens his grip, pressing

me more against his body. He raises one hand and slowly places it on my throat making me choke on

my breath. He keeps kissing my neck while his fingers slowly move downwards to my chest leaving a

ghost of heat on the way. Before he can get any lower, I grab his hand stopping him just before the

outline of my dress.

"Ethan..." I breathe but it doesn't sound like my voice. It's clouded with something.

As if everything I am doing is putting him on the edge, he turns me around right away and places his

lips on my cheek.

"Say it again." He says planting soft kisses from my face and towards my throat. His one hand is

behind my head keeping me in place and tugging my hair backwards to get a better access while

another one is cupping my face.

"Say my name again." He growls biting my skin softly. It hurts where his teeth are grazing my skin but

it's not just pain, it's giving me a different kind of feeling. It's overwhelming. Addictive. Captivating which

makes you want more.

"Ethan?" I say, confusedly just as he stops kissing and grabs my face between his hands, looking into

my eyes.

At this point, I am panting because of the havoc of kisses that just happened as I stare back at him.

"Stop it, Evelyn." He whispers as he leans in. "Just stop it. Don't hurt me anymore." Placing a kiss on

my forehead, he leaves the closet hurriedly.

I look back at him for a moment before turning around to the mirror and I gasp in horror. There are red

spots all over my neck and throat and my cheeks turned a bright shade of bloody red.


How do I go to the party in this state? This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I quickly grab a tissue and wipe my face and neck but the red spots don't go away. It looks like I got

rashes. After putting some concealer on all over my shoulder and chest where he kissed me, I finally

manage to make myself watchable.

So these are called hickeys?

Ethan gave me hickeys!


After a ride full of tension, we finally reach the place where the party is being held. I was just praying to

get out of the car as soon as possible because I don't know if it's for the kiss or what, Ethan hasn't

uttered a word with me till now. He seems angry and I know I am the reason.

He stops the car in the driveway and gets out without waiting for me. I sigh and get out as well. The

huge building in front of me is dazzling with golden light and falling on the street. Loud buzzes of music

can be heard from outside and I see a line of expensive cars in the parking lot. I get inside and my eyes

fall on the exquisite entryway that has a long line of chandeliers on the ceiling and tree tubs one after


After getting into the huge ballroom, I look for Ethan but he's nowhere to be found. Well, after kissing

me like that, now he left me alone?

The grand ballroom is adorned with luxurious amenities. Some paintings are hanging on the wall and

by the look of them, I can say they cost millions of dollars. The whole place is sparkling like gold

because of the blinding lights of the numerous chandeliers, men in expensive suits and women wearing

gorgeous dresses are standing here and there.

Finally, my eyes land on Ethan and I literally cringe at the sight. He is drinking sitting at the bar and a

girl wearing a very short dress that's hardly covering her butt and her front view is clearly visible; is

sitting beside him almost on his lap. Her hand is on his chest as she is saying something smiling and

he seems like he's enjoying this.

Ethan's eyes meet my raging ones but he just gives me a blank look and remains indifferent about his

surroundings. Ok, then.

Giving him a hatred look, I look away and head in the opposite direction. I don't know where I am going

when I bump into someone.

Why do I keep bumping into people lately?

"I'm sorr..." I get cut off as soon as the man turns around and I gasp so loudly that I think everyone has

heard me.

No one else.

It's Liam.

I can't believe my eyes.

It's Liam.

How can it be possible?

"Liam?" I call out his name as I take in his appearance quickly.

The teenage boy I used to know has completely changed. His then wavy long blond hair is now cut

short, his tribal tattoos that covered half of his body are hidden inside his expensive suit, the thin boy is

now a muscular handsome guy.

He was only left to appear in my life right now.

"Evie? You here?" He asks, his face is equally shocked like mine.

I didn't notice he was holding my arm when someone yanks me off of his grasp.

I look around to see Ethan looking at us with burning eyes. Glaring at me, he takes my hand in his

keeping me securely with him.

Ethan turns his gaze at Liam as he speaks curtly, "Mr. Liam, you know Miss Gray?"

Liam watches our entwined hands confusedly and nods.

"Yeah. We know each other." He replies, "But Evie, what are you doing here?" He asks me but before I

can answer, Ethan again cuts me off.

"Excuse me, Mr. Liam. We have something to talk about. We are coming back." Ethan says and then

literally drags me with him towards a silent hallway, leaving a confused Liam behind.

As soon as we get away from people, he pushes me against the wall keeping his hand beside my

head, trapping me.

"How do you know him? Why was he calling you by your nickname? Why was he touching you?" He

shoots the questions one after another, anger in his voice.

I give him an enraged look, "I don't think you have to know that Ethan. You were there with a girl. Did I

ask you who she is?" I say and try to pass him but he again grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.

He moves his face to my ear as he whispers, "You already pissed me off a lot. Don't make me angrier

princess. Or I will do something you really don't want." He kisses the side of my head.

"He...he is Liam." I stutter at last giving up, affected by his bitter yet sweet torture.

"Yes, I know that. But who he is to you?" He grits.

I think I should just tell him the truth.

I take a deep breath before I utter those words.

"Liam was my crush."

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