THREE DOORS: Chapter 20

Illustrate and label the digestive system in its entirety. The illustration should display all pertinent organs in anatomically correct locations, including segments and layers, as well as all digestive bodily fluids. All labels must demonstrate correct spelling, and illegible responses will not be evaluated. Failing to correctly identify greater than five components will be considered inadequate, and no points will be awarded.”

What the fuck?

I’d finished all the other exam questions with confidence, but this page? Is this a fuckin’ joke? I stared at the paper in disbelief and subtly glanced around the room for reactions mirroring mine, finding my classmates face down with pencils grinding. The professor hadn’t required this bullshit on any previous testing, and I sure as hell hadn’t studied any sketching skills. I took a deep, calming breath and crafted the best digestive system I could, which ended up looking like a fuckin’ alien, then reviewed my final product and shrugged to myself. The labels were correct. I could spell. My handwriting was sharp. I could only hope that the prof would appreciate my feeble attempt at anatomy art. After adding my packet to the stack on the prof’s desk and flashing her a hopeful grin, I left the science center feeling mildly optimistic.

I hadn’t allowed myself to think of him all day, locking the entire situation in the back corner of my crowded brain. Three Doors had strengthened my ability to compartmentalize, and today, it had become the victim of my success, screaming and pounding to escape the locked cell in my mind. I parked on a bench in front of Sunrise to collect my thoughts, check my phone, and perhaps stall the shenanigans to come. The late afternoon sunshine coated me in a warm glow, but it couldn’t compete with the heat of finding his name at the top of my texts.

  Guy: thinking of you

  Guy: good luck on your exam

  Guy: we’re having dinner at your place

  Guy: it’s gonna be okay

  Guy: see you soon

Too fuckin’ sweet.

The group thread was just below his, so I clicked to catch up with the latest crew conversation.

Judge: dinner?

  Mia: are you cooking?

 Evan: no and neither are you

  Mia: kiss my ass

 Deck: cooking should never be an option

 Shay: we’ll figure out something to order

 Shay: just come up around 7

My heart flared with shame when I considered the upcoming evening, but I’d earned that burn. I added my dinner approval and tapped back on his name.

Callie: sorry for the late response

  Guy: all good

  Guy: how was the exam?

  Guy: morning section had a bitch of a diagram

Callie: same, my drawing was super fucked up

  Guy: mine, too

Callie: you ready for tonight?

  Guy: just thinking of being with you after this


      Guy: and of pounding you more often

I laughed out loud, and a passerby looked at me like I was losing it.

Callie: I’m headed home, catch you later

  Guy: hang in there, we got this

~ • ~

My girls were already comfy and coasting when I strolled in from class. Shay waved a goblet of red from the big blue chair and grinned. “Open bottle in the fridge waiting for ya.”

“So? How’d you do on that fuckin’ drawing?” Mia asked as she peeked from over the back of the sofa.

I dumped my backpack on a dining room chair. “It was rough, but okay. You guys?”

“I think I fucked up some fluids,” Mia groaned. “So relieved it’s over.”

Shay tossed a palm. “I feel pretty good, actually. I hated the material, but I understood it.”

I hooked my jacket by the front door, kicked off my shoes, and poured myself a full glass before crashing on the cushions. I sat quietly and sipped, determined to appear chill despite the remaining dread of the day. My girls weren’t having it.

“You seem more stressed than usual.” Mia turned to me with concern, those big brown eyes reading me like a book. “You need to talk?”

“I’m just tired,” I sighed, staring at the collection of half-burned candles on the coffee table. “I need to unwind.”

“Is everything okay?” Shay asked quietly. “Just school stress or something else?”

“I’m fine,” I assured her, swallowing my lie with a sweet drink. “I think I’m just gonna soak in a bubble bath before dinner.”

“Are you gonna diddle yourself like usual?” Shay giggled over her glass. “That’ll relieve some tension, for sure.”

I had to laugh. “It’s been a while since you threw that one out there.”

“I didn’t wanna kill it with too much play.”

“Good job.” Mia grinned. “It’s still funny.”

I stood from the sofa and stretched, deciding to take my wine to the bath with me. The nightly tossing and turning had taken a toll on my ragged body. I looked between my loving friends and smiled with a guilty lump forming in my throat. “What would I ever do without you girls?”

“Eat better, for sure.”

“Drink less.”

“Have a boring sex life.”

“Do less laundry.”

“Okay, okay. I get it.” I shook my head with amusement and turned for the hallway. They continued shouting the list with tipsy enthusiasm as I started my steamy bathwater.

“Still have a fuzzy pussy!”

“Never fix that ratty hair!”

“Wear old lady pajamas!”

“Adopt six cats!”

~ • ~

I soaked beneath the lavender-scented suds and stretched in the scalding water. Although I could usually work through most challenges when given quiet time to think, my mind had been occupied elsewhere and the clock was now ticking. Aside from deciding the best night to break the news of our indiscretions, my guy and I hadn’t developed a convincing strategy beyond the blunt truth, leaving my part of the script resting on only my shoulders. I wanted to believe, as he assured me, that Mia and Shay loved me enough to forgive me no matter how it went down, but I still processed the potential outcomes.

Worst-case scenario? One of them stashed feelings for him, too.

Best-case scenario? They would hug me and tell me it’s okay.

Likely scenario? Profanity. Interrogation. Side-eyes for claiming one of their cocks.

I shifted in the steam and sipped from my tasty alcohol, wondering just how he would describe our status when given the chance. Christ, I was rusty at this whole romantic relationship thing. What began as simply quenching my sexual thirst had morphed into something more, despite a pretty fucked up foundation. Plus, I couldn’t ignore the obvious. He was a striking, sexy man in the prime of his life, well aware that my gorgeous girlfriends also lusted for his cock, but he was essentially passing on the potential to continue fucking us all. I’m guessing that many guys in his place would’ve chosen that multi-pussy access for as long as possible.

But he didn’t.

He was willing to give up the game for the chance to be with me…

…and I was all in.

~ • ~

“This Alfredo is amazing!” Decker gushed over his plate, presenting high praise from our resident pasta expert.

“I think it’s homemade.” Shay inspected the napkin logo.

We elevated our dinner beyond the standard fast food options, sharing decadent dishes of a rustic feast from an authentic eatery across town. With a couple of borrowed chairs from our bedroom desks, we crowded the crew around our small dining room table, jawing about our classes and mocking our jacked-up drawings. My circle was all smiles as we stuffed our bellies and I almost forgot about our pending predicament.

Decker relaxed back in his chair and gestured with his wine. “By the way, Evan thinks our pathology professor wants pounded.”

I raised my brows. “Oh, come on.”

Evan nodded sincerely. “She wants it bad. You should see the looks she gives me.”

Mia shot me a smirk and rolled her eyes. “Okay, I’ll bite. What looks?”

“You know, like she wants me to cream her.” He furrowed his brows and parted his lips into a ridiculous, seductive pout.

Judge shook his head. “Dude, stop. That’s messed up.”

“That’s exactly how she looks at me. Tell ‘em, Deck.”

“I haven’t seen that look, man. I was referring to her comment about your khakis.”

“Wait,” Shay choke-laughed, “the tight ones?!”

“They’re just normal pants, but she told me that I ‘filled them out nicely,’” Evan explained with flippant air quotes.

“She did not!” I chuckled skeptically.

Decker slipped in on the defense. “She really did. I heard her.”

Shay patted Evan’s arm with understanding. “You know why she said that, right?”

“I have a decent ass, I guess.” Evan shrugged with a cocky grin, drawing sarcastic groans from the other guys.

“Oh, it has nothing to do with your ass,” Mia reasoned, cutting straight to the chase and mimicking a hand job over her meatballs. “You can see the entire outline of your package in those pants.”

Well, there it is.

Evan’s eyes widened with shock. “What the fuck? You can see my rod?”

“It’s true,” I conceded with a giggle. “We’ve talked about it.”

“You’re not serious.”

“The hell we’re not.”

“So, um…” Evan swiveled between us for help. “Should I not wear them?”

“Oh, no. You definitely should,” Mia teased, “maybe just not to class.”

“Unless you wanna pound her at some point,” Shay added with a mock toast, “then wear them with pride.”

~ • ~

“Anyone else want more wine?” I offered after we’d practically licked our plates clean, hoping to soften the upcoming blow for all of us.

“Sure.” Mia smiled. “I think we deserve it.”

Shay and Deck loaded our mess in the open dishwasher. Mia stacked leftovers in the fridge while Evan bagged the takeout trash. I popped another cork of chilled red as Judge wiped the sauce slops from the tabletop. Sentiment tugged at my heartstrings as our sixsome worked together, falling in sync like a fucked up, but functional family. I hoped with all I had inside that tonight wouldn’t change that vibe.

The alcohol had exchanged my frazzled nerves for a tipsy glow and, on any other night, I would’ve encouraged some group groping again. I stole peeks of my partner over my cup as he cleaned, admiring his thick muscles and charming smile, and I wondered if we could pull off a quick hump after this confessional. Hell, if the girls got feisty, I may be sleeping in his bed anyway.

After we finished straightening the space, our crew scattered in the living room with our fresh drinks and crashed on the furniture in satisfied clumps. I relied on the safety of Shay’s rational logic and snuggled next to her, keeping a close eye on the others as they assumed comfy positions. Evan stretched out beside us and rubbed his ripped abs under his tee. Judge made himself at home on the loveseat and gulped a giant drink. Decker relaxed back in the big blue chair, and Mia squeezed against his hip.

Okay. Just one more chug of wine and I’d be ready to spill it.

Deep breath, Callie.

Shay lightly cleared her throat beside me. “So, Judge and I fucked today,” she announced casually to the room. “Twice, actually. There. I said it.”

Wait, what?

My mouth dropped with sudden shock, and I stared at her pretty face in awe.

“That’s part of the reason we wanted to have dinner tonight,” Judge sighed with surrender. “It wasn’t fair to keep it from you.”

Well, this was fuckin’ unexpected. I’d practiced my concession speech like fifty times in my head, but Shay had just inadvertently ripped the mic from my shaky hands. Selfish relief flooded my chest and I sucked in a shallow breath. I could roll with this. Let’s see where this goes.

“You’re fucking kidding!” Mia couldn’t hide her shock, her eyes widening and mouth gasping. Shay cringed beside me, so I found her angsty fingers and, ironically, offered her a squeeze of support. This was too fuckin’ much.

“Was this a one-time deal?” Deck asked.

Judge didn’t blush often, but he laced his answer with adorable shyness. “I mean, I hope it wasn’t.”

Shay gazed at him, a delicate smile forming when their eyes met. “It wasn’t for me.”

He flashed a hint of those dimples, then Shay suddenly slipped from under the warmth of our shared blanket and crawled over his lap. When he cradled her in his long arms and kissed her pink cheek with those soft lips, it finally clicked. I recognized an extra layer of comfort and attraction between them I hadn’t noticed before. At the beginning of Three Doors, when the guys had shown me individual attention, I’d wondered if I was the only one being seduced on the down-low. Clearly, I wasn’t. I’d been so wrapped up in my own lust that I was oblivious to the genuine connections that the others were making around me.

Judge scanned the room with resignation. “Well, I guess you wanna know how this happened. I’m just gonna be straight here, guys—”

“Wait. Before you get in too deep…” Evan held up an interrupting palm.


“…Mia and I fucked on the side, too.”

I audibly gasped and covered my stunned mouth with my free palm. Shay sat dumbfounded on Judge’s lap, swerving to Mia with disbelief. “What the hell?”

Mia scooted to the edge of her seat and petitioned for mercy with pleading hands. “I wanted to tell you, girls! I swear! I was just waiting for the right time!”

What the fuck was happening?

Decker eyed me expectantly from the comfort of the blue chair, a cocky smirk plastered across his face. “Callie?”

“Right, right,” I muttered as I fidgeted with the pink fleece. “I’m sorting things here.” What had I planned to say again? My speech was in there somewhere, buried in the thick wine fog just beyond reach. Luckily, my accomplice stepped up to save me.

Deck shifted forward beside Mia and rested his elbows on his knees. “Callie and I have been seeing each other, as well,” he admitted with trademark confidence. Just hearing the sultry confession leave his lips practically melted my fuckin’ panties. God, I loved being his dirty secret.

Mia smacked him on the shoulder. “Get the fuck out!”

Judge cocked an amused brow in my direction. “Seeing each other?”

Well, hell, I had to say something, right? “Seeing each other and maybe fucking a little, too,” I clarified with a tipsy giggle.

Shay’s mouth practically hit the floor. “Christ, Callie!”

Without prompting, Mia and I slithered from our seats and joined our undercover lovers. Deck kissed the top of my blond locks and exhaled a sigh of relief as I layered the blanket over our laps. The other newly formed couples made comfortable moves, too, caressing and smooching until we all finally faced each other.

Well, look at us.

“This is fucking crazy,” Deck whispered in my ear, palming my thigh under the cover with an excited squeeze. “It’s not just us.”

My natural, nosy tendencies took center stage. “I know! I can’t take it!”

“Well, hell, I guess I’ll start,” Judge began as he circled his arms around Shay’s hips. “Our story is pretty simple. We had a late lab this semester, so we’ve been spending more time together.”

“But nothing escalated until the night we went to the Back Door,” Shay stressed.

“I just wanted her after that. Like really fucking wanted her. That field trip got me fired up.”

Shay rolled her pretty eyes and patted his pecs. “He says it wasn’t the blow job, but I’m betting it was.”

“I mean, the job was great, but it was more than that.” Judge scanned her face and sighed. “There’s just something about her.”

“Aww.” I palmed my chest with pure happiness for my girl, admiring the exchange of emotion between their dark eyes.

“Anyway, we started texting after the theater and basically phone fucked from that point on,” Shay continued the spill. “Then, I got so fucking hot watching him kiss Callie last night, I just couldn’t take it.”


Judge licked those delicious lips in my direction. Despite being smashed against Deck’s mouthwatering body, the overt flirtation warmed both my cheeks and my cooch. “So, today, we met up between classes,” he snickered under his breath. “And, well, I planted my flag, so to speak.”

This guy.

“So, now what?” Evan asked.

“We’re just into each other,” Shay explained with a casual shrug. “That’s all we know right now.”

“You were bailing out of Three Doors with this confession?”

“Yeah, man.’ Judge cringed. ‘I just can’t do it now. Not after…I don’t know. It’s just different.”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Where did you fuck?” I abruptly asked, then I added a weak defense when everyone laughed. “I’m just curious, damn it.” Truth be told, I kinda wanted the visual. Decker bumped my shoulder with a naughty grin.

Shay nodded to the hallway. “Oh, right here in my bed. I knew you two had different classes, so we wouldn’t be interrupted.” I pictured Shay’s frilly comforter and posh pillows being crumpled under Judge’s dark, flexing muscles. Fuckin’ hot.

“Aww. You guys are so sweet and innocent together,” Mia swooned.

Evan cleared his throat beneath her. “But Mia and I,” he hesitated, searching my girl’s golden smile for the perfect description.

“…we’re just straight-up kinks,” she finished his thought with a goofy grin.

“Details,” I demanded. “All of them.”

“You know it’s fuckin’ hot,” Shay said.

“Christ, look how wild they are in front of us,” Judge added with a headshake. “Can you imagine what they do when they’re alone?”

Mmm. I definitely could.

Deck read my filthy mind as I squirmed with arousal against his hip, sliding his fingers higher under the blanket and stroking the moist heat gathering around my pussy. Christ, Three Doors had ignited so many new fires inside me, but this unexpected voyeurism kink burned even hotter than ever.

Evan pinched Mia’s ass and offered the mic. “You wanna tell it, don’t you?”

“You know I do.” We all chuckled as he jokingly rolled his eyes behind her back. “Well, Evan and I started texting after the movie, too,” she admitted.

This was un-fucking-real. How were we all slinking around without showing any signs? My detective skills fucking sucked. And I sure as hell didn’t get any phone fucks.

“We were all into it,” Mia continued, the passion in her voice spreading to her animated hands, “talking about all this stuff we wanna try and wild things to do to each other. We talk about fucking around with all of you, too. He likes it when I get down with the other guys. Like really likes it.”

Evan squeezed her curvy waist. “I do. That’s true.”

“So, the last couple nights, he came up here and railed me all over this apartment after you girls went to bed.” She gestured around the space for reference as if she were casually pointing out the decor.

“No fuckin’ way,” Deck muttered under my gasp.

Evan nodded with proud guilt. “I did.”


Evan and Mia smirked at each other.



“Dining room chair once.”

Evan shook his head with an amused grin. “Mia wanted fucked against one of your bedroom doors, but I said no.”

“What the hell?” Judge laughed.

“I figured that the girls might catch us,” Mia explained nonchalantly, “and who knows what could happen from there.”

Well, damn.

Shay spoke on behalf of our collective awe. “You’re both fuckin’ nuts.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t wake up for any of it,” I challenged, furrowing my brows and considering the logistics.

Mia tossed a palm. “Credit the game, I guess. I’ve been working hard at staying quiet as I juice.”


“And we’re cutting classes early and hitting the lunch show at the Back Door tomorrow,” Evan announced as he beamed up at her. “Hope you guys will cover our notes.”

Mia’s big, excited eyes met his. “We’ll call it our first official date.”

I cocked my head, engrossed in their natural chemistry as they murmured against each other’s lips. I still drooled over our beefy blond, but something wonderfully unexplainable sizzled between them. “It works, actually. I can see it.”

“Okay, okay.” Shay clapped her hands excitedly and shifted to me. “Your turn!”

“Yes! Tell us everything!” Mia squealed.

“Well, I started feeling more for Callie, but I kept it to myself.” Deck paused and shot me that smokey-eyed, sexy smile that made my heart backflip between my ribs. “I didn’t wanna tell her and jack all this up, but I got crazy fuckin’ jealous at the theater and decided it was time to make my move.”

“I felt it, too,” I confessed, the trademark blush crawling up my chest. “I wanted it to be Deck during Three Doors.” My new man rewarded me with a slow, thrilling drag over my plump clit, and I chewed my lip to prevent a whimper.

“So, this has been in the mix for a while,” Shay called me out with a swirl of her finger. “You said you had no preference, like us.”

“And I didn’t at the beginning,” I elaborated with the bold truth. “I mean, I’m still attracted to Evan and Judge, but it’s just physical. Deck and I have something more, like this way of talking to each other. It’s hard to explain.”

Judge scoffed with confusion. “But why were you jealous at the movie, man? I’m pretty sure Callie was on her knees in front of your seat, not ours.”

Valid question. Hell, even I wanted to hear this.

Deck stroked that seductive stubble with contemplation. “Honestly, it was this one fuckin’ detail that I couldn’t get outta my head. I was kissing her and we were really getting into it, then Evan pulled her away from me.”

Evan winced. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know—”

“But we all kiss,” Shay interjected. “That makes no sense.”

Decker nodded. “I know how it sounds. We fuckin’ love this group thing, and hell, if it makes her hot, it makes me hot.”

Fuck. Me.

“Anyway, we were all kinda teamed up that night and I didn’t pass Callie off so she could have a ride with my friends. Evan literally ripped her away from my lips and my body. The chick I wanted. And I didn’t like it one fucking bit.”

My proud pussy responded with a deep throb of wet thirst as he shamelessly displayed his possessive ways. He was so effortlessly dominant and demanding, it nearly stole my breath to hear him speak of me that way.

“I had no fuckin’ clue, man.” Evan’s brief frown of remorse morphed into a cocky smirk. “I just love kissing Callie.”

Someone fuckin’ pinch me.

Decker stopped him with a palm. “I get it, and I know we were all doing our thing, but I needed that shake. I crashed her the next morning while you girls were grocery shopping and told her how much I wanted her.”

My fond memory of that unleashed kiss slowly faded as I moved to the last phase of our confession. “And now comes the terrible part. I’ve been sick all day about telling you.”

Mia waved me on. “Hell, girl. Just say it.”

“We cheated at Three Doors.”

Record scratch.


Decker stepped up in my defense. “Don’t blame Callie. I begged her to tell me what room she would be in and I was very convincing.” Of course, he had to toss in that arrogant addition.

“No, it’s on me,” I admitted quietly. “I wanted to know it was him, just that one time.” No one spoke as the wine churned in my nervous belly.

Mia gifted me with her soft smile. “I mean, Evan and I still rolled the dice, but I understand why you didn’t.” I mouthed a thank you and waited for Shay to chime in, but she stared at her lap and fumbled with Judge’s fingers.

“Look, I know it’s jacked up,” Deck continued our plea, “but I was in too deep to take the chance of you fucking her again, and I had to draw the line. I hope you guys can forgive me.”  I shifted my guilt to the side for a second, admiring the honest way he spilled his soul in these circumstances. I could only wish my words flowed so easily.

Judge jumped in with acceptance. “I totally get that, man. Good for you for going after what you want.”

“I feel awful,” I insisted, hoping to find Shay full of forgiveness and not disappointment. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“We were doing our own stuff on the side, too,” Evan assured me, Mia nodding along beside him. “None of us are innocent.”

“Right? Don’t beat yourself up, girl.” Judge flashed me a sympathetic smile. “It’s not like I just tripped and fell into Shay’s bed today. It’s not just you two.”

“They’re right, Callie,” Shay said when she finally met my eyes. “I can’t lie, the cheating thing hurts, but fuck, we all crossed lines.”

Mia shrugged. “Hell, if I’d thought of throwing the game, I probably would’ve done it, too. Just being straight.”

“And it was only the one time,” Deck promised with pressed palms. “Just this past weekend. The rest was by the book.”

“It doesn’t matter now, man,” Judge said. “It’s over.”

Evan jumped in. “Plus, we agreed that if one of us met someone special, we’d end it anyway, and here we are.”

“I don’t think we expected that special someone to be in this room.” I laughed under my breath at the irony as the others murmured agreement. We’d cultivated this wild game to remain friends, but fuck, we’d found so much more outside of those closed doors.

“So, as far as I’m concerned, we were all a little shady, but I hope we can move past it.” Judge scanned the room with expectant eyes.

Mia nodded. “Same. I want all of us to be happy together.”

“It’s all good here,” Deck said.

Evan grinned. “Here, too, man.”

“Clean slate?” Shay cringed with a hopeful smile.

“Fuck, I’d love that.” I slumped against Deck’s shoulder and sighed with relief. Hell, I’d never considered this crazy fuckin’ conclusion, but the crew’s collective acceptance felt like just the right fit.

Evan spoke up. “Obvious question. Are we finished messing around together?”

There was a group pause for consideration, but I decided to dump my desire first. “I hope we’re not finished with each other. I like watching you guys with my girls.” Deck drifted to my damp center again and massaged approval with beckoning fingers. I cleared my throat through a whimper and he laughed under his breath. Fuckin’ tease.

“I love my three goodnight kisses,” Shay reminded us. “Especially the good ones.”

Mia shifted on Evan’s lap. “I need to watch Evan fuck around with you girls. It’s too hot to give up.”

“I think we can develop some new rules and make this work.” Judge squeezed Shay’s hips possessively. “One? This swapping stuff happens only when we’re together.”


Evan shot us a cheesy grin. “Two? You girls stay smooth.” That earned a hearty laugh around the room and, for the first time in days, I felt like I could breathe again. Shay and I enthusiastically agreed that we were never going back to a full garden. Mia for the fuckin’ win there.

A soothing silence settled among us as we accepted the current status of our sixsome, paired off for the heavy moves but willing to share our partners for that group thrill we all craved. Of course, it all appeared amicable enough, and the conversation had cleared my conscience, but one lingering pitfall still threatened the peace. I decided to trigger the topic and let the crew decide how to proceed.

“So, about Three Doors,” I began, the taste of apprehension thick on my tongue, “should we clear the air about the rooms?”

“As silly as it sounds,” Shay said quietly, “I just don’t wanna know. I think I’d be jealous now.”

“Same,” I said. “I wasn’t jealous at the time, but things have changed.” Before that fairytale kiss in my bedroom, I was willing to push my forbidden feelings aside for the sake of the game, accepting that Deck desired my friends just as much as I wanted his. But now, my heart collapsed at the thought of him rocking that thick cock inside someone else, burying thrust after thrust until he brought another pussy to its brink. No way.

“I don’t ever wanna know which of you Mia fucked,” Evan conceded with slight irritation. “I can handle the rest, but not that.” Mia palmed his blond chin and yanked his lips to hers, offering her stance with a confirmation kiss.

“No need for me to know, either,” Decker added, palming my thigh possessively and rubbing slow strokes near my knee. “I got my girl. I’m good.” His girl. The claim left my pelvis aching with raging arousal, so I draped my fingers over his under the blanket and squeezed with desperation.

“So, we keep it quiet,” Shay said, then her face brightened. “But I have a general question that I’ve been forgetting to ask.”

Judge encouraged her with a nudge. “Hit it.”

“I know we’re not telling which rooms, but how did you guys pick each week? Just random? Draw numbers or something?”

“We didn’t pick.”

I tilted my head at Evan in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“On preview night, we went into our own rooms,” he explained. “Obviously, we could see you that night, so we knew which room you picked.”

Deck scooped up the ball and ran with it. “We assumed that you’d be switching around after that, so we just stuck with the same door.”


My panicked eyes darted from Shay to Mia, finding their faces blanked with speechless shock, so I sat up abruptly in the big blue chair and clarified on our behalf. “Wait, so you’re saying that you played in the same rooms every single time?”

Evan nodded nonchalantly. “Right. I mean, you girls were switching each time. We didn’t need to.”

What the fuck?

Judge went on. “After mapping it out, we figured that if we shifted, too, odds are we could land with the same girl each week. We didn’t want that at the time, if ya know what I mean.”

Mia palmed her mouth and mumbled through cracked fingers. “Well, that’s what you got. We didn’t switch either.”

“Wait, what?” Deck’s jaw dropped beside me. “How in the —”

“We used the same fucking method!” Shay’s words hurried from her lips. “Just assumed you guys were rotating every time!”

“You’re fuckin’ with us,” Evan snickered. “No way.”

Mia shook her head emphatically. “She’s not. I swear we never swerved.” I think I heard each individual breath as the crew absorbed the unbelievable truth, interrupted only by the thundering pulse screaming in my ears.

“So, all that time, we were fucking the same person?!” I practically yelled in disbelief. I’d been so sure that I’d experienced different cocks, different methods, different kisses…

This was too much. It was one thing for the crew to accept that we’d fucked each other prior to these new partnerships, but knowing that I’d come undone in the arms of only one was almost too much to comprehend. I’d loved every second of Three Doors when my heart stood alone, completely embracing the concept of landing amazing sex from this tempting trio. I assumed that keeping the details secret would level the playing field for all of us, especially now that our emotions were intertwined, but as I shifted my eyes between all of my best friends, reality blazed in my chest.

“Okay, wait. Let’s sort this out. What about preview night?” Evan asked, his blue eyes swiveling between us.

“We were always in the same room,” Shay mumbled our shared statement, “from preview night on. Same room.”

My gears grinded for answers, then suddenly, a realization hit me like a punch in the face. “Wait! You saw us on preview night!” I practically choked and clawed at Decker’s thigh. “If you didn’t switch, and we didn’t switch, then you guys know who you’ve been fucking this whole time!”

I covered my mouth as six sets of shaken eyes darted around the room. Deck’s long fingers curled over mine under the cover, but I couldn’t bear to look at him, aiming instead for the frantic faces of my girlfriends as fire poured over my cheeks. Christ, I wanted it to be Decker so bad, I think my heart practically stalled in my chest. What the fuck would happen now? Were the guys gonna tell us? Should they tell us? Would this ruin everything?

Evan suddenly tangled his fingers in Mia’s wavy locks and smothered her with a dominant kiss, then pulled back and rambled against her lips. “It was you, Mia. I was with you on preview night.”

“Really?” Mia gasped. “Door number three?”

“Fuck yes,” he growled, tearing into her again and clawing lustfully at her back.

Mia wrestled away and met his eyes. “So, that means that first night when we…” He nodded with a smug smirk as her voice trailed off. “Jesus, Evan! Can we go fuck right now?” They promptly devoured each other again, grinding in a filthy romp like they were already naked.

My heart, mind, and body skidded down different paths as I stared at their wet, wild tongues twisting together. I’d never seen Mia happier, so my anxious chest relaxed on her behalf and swelled with pure joy. My busy brain reminded me that Evan had been effectively eliminated from my previous pussy play, but scorching shivers rushed south when he snuck a blue-eyed peek at me during a break for breath. I clenched my knees under the blanket as that initial, raw thirst for my fellow blond emerged, but Deck didn’t hesitate to assume control. His bossy fingertips snaked between my tightened thighs, then he pinched at my throbbing clit through my leggings with arrogant authority.

Fuck, he knew just how to work me.

“Mia, come on,” Shay pleaded, rightfully halting the continued celebration as our ending hung in the balance.

Although only a minute had passed since Evan’s revelation, each second seemed to drag like time stood still. Breath hitched in my lungs once more as we all turned to the other established couple. I stared at Shay’s flawless face and silky skin, considering that Deck had shared filthy, erotic nights with only my perfect friend before he made his moves with me. My stomach twisted in knots.

“Okay. I’m ready for it.” Shay shot a sympathetic glance at my partner, then she crossed trembling fingers in her lap as the last hope. I felt that.

“It was me,” Judge blinked up at her with those warm, brown eyes. “My room is first.”

I exhaled with recovery as Shay squealed with joy, half of me wanting to punch Deck in the balls for making me wait through one last tease. He avoided my exasperated glare with an amused smile as we listened to best friends reassure each other.

“So, that means you never—’

“And the guys never—”

“And it was always us?” Shay asked.

“Just us.” Judge swept her into a suited, sensual kiss. Seconds later, she pulled back and cocked an arched brow.

“We gotta talk about that first night, though,’ Shay teased. ‘For real.”

Fuck! Mr. Vanilla! Mia’s eyes widened with mine as we both stifled the giggles.

Judge buried his face in her shoulder. “I was hella nervous, Shay. Don’t kill my rep…”


“Well, Callie,” Deck said, finally shifting that smoldering gaze my way. “I guess it was only you.”

“And only you.” I caught the mischievous twinkle in his eye as my mind recounted our revealing sessions. “So, you’re the one who smacked my ass,” I noted with a smirk.


“And you mocked me when I wasn’t finished.”

He man-giggled and tugged me closer. “You were wiggling on my shaft and trying to get me going again. I had no idea that was you, but I fuckin’ loved it.”

I shook my head in amused disbelief. “Wow, Deck. Wow.”

He softened his cocky grin and snuggled close, dragging his scruff against my neck and wrapping his hot tongue around my earlobe. “And you’re the one who begged me to fuck her on preview night,” he growled, seductively slowing each syllable against my skin.

I squirmed under the heat of his wandering mouth, his fingers circling unbearable friction between my legs. “God, I wanted it so bad,” I moaned, sliding my hand low on his pelvis and raking nails over his steel.

“You have no fucking idea what you did to me that night,” he confessed, leaving hungry scrapes under my jaw. “I know you heard me jerk my big cock for you in the corner.”

Jesus Christ.

“Maybe I could start working on that coffee tab now,” he taunted with a warm, wet lick, “if you’ll let me, of course.”

“Decker is staying over!” I announced to our deviant, dry-humping friends as I slid eagerly from his grips. “We’re going to bed!” I’m sure neither couple noticed as we rushed to my bedroom door.

We decided to leave the lights on…

…this time, anyway.

~ • ~

Later, after Deck fucked me on my desk with memories of our magical morning, he threw me back on my white comforter and thrust his steel tip deep in my dripping pussy again. With no further need to silence my pleasure, I moaned like a woman possessed with each pounding pump.

A loud knock suddenly rattled my door. “Sorry! I can hear you fucking in there. I’ll just be a second!”

Deck rested his forehead on mine and laughed. “Fuckin’ Mia.”

“Come in,” I yelled.

She edged inside with a shy smirk. I raised brows at the pale green sheet looped around her bare body and the random strays frizzing around her cheeks. Damn, my girl had been getting it hard.

“You two look fuckin’ hot in bed together,” she rambled. “Callie, your hair is…”

Decker sighed over me with a smile and peeked over his shoulder. “Can we help you with something, Mia?”

“Right. Sorry. Have you used your vibrator?”

“Um, no.”

“I didn’t figure. Can I have it?”

Deck shook his head with amusement. “Didn’t you buy one?”

Mia shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah, and I have toys of my own, but I need just one more for tonight.”

This girl.

“Bottom drawer,” I said. Deck fumbled around in my bedside table, then offered the unopened purple rocket box to her greedy hands.

“You’re such a freak, but I love you,” I laughed.

“Mia! Let’s go!” Evan demanded from her room.

“Thanks, guys! Love you, too!” She backed out the door, pulling it closed with a wild grin on her face.

“Well?” I blinked up at Deck’s seductive eyes as he shifted those golden muscles over me again.

“Well, what?”

I mockingly bucked underneath his furry groin as his length waited inside me and, I swear, his boisterous laugh that followed was quickly becoming my favorite sound.

~ • ~

I woke in the morning with my face practically smashed against the wall after sharing a sleep space with my new lover for the first time. I rolled against Deck’s solid frame and found him sprawled out on his back, an adorable half-grin resting on his lips as he hogged most of my mattress. His burly chest rose and fell with slow, steady breaths, so I nuzzled my bedhead under his scruffy chin while my groggy brain clocked in.

Could we really live the best of both worlds now? Could I enjoy the taste and touch of Deck’s addictive friends while leaving my heart in his confident hands? What would become of our crew as we continued this erotic exploration? This entire scene seemed like a dream, but the hum of his peaceful pulse reminded me of my remarkable reality.

Deck’s delicious body distracted my mess of a mind, and I considered checking his shaft status for potential. I traced slow circles over the ridges of his pecs and abs, then I decided to let him sleep instead while I slipped to the kitchen for my morning addiction. After all, he’d fuckin’ earned it last night.

My snoozing stud didn’t stir as I inched over his naked muscles and eased off the edge of the bed, not even when my smooth, bare pussy brushed his glorious wood. I quietly shrugged into my robe, feeling giddy to spend my morning in his arms for the first time.

I freshened up as the coffee brewed, brushing away my horrid breath and taming my tangled locks, then I dressed two perfect servings of caffeine and shuffled back to my space. I was just about to turn my knob when Mia’s door opened at the end of the hall. Evan emerged wearing nothing but those low-slung navy sleepers and a sexy smile. Fuck, he looked divine.

“Hey,” I whispered, gesturing with one of the steaming cups. “There’s fresh pot ready for ya.”

“Thanks.” My fellow blondie grinned as he sidled up next to me, provoking that primal desire to spark downtown. He stroked his sandy stubble and scoped the low dip of my robe. “So, you and Deck? Nice.”

“And you and Mia.” I smiled up at him and shook my head with a light laugh. “Think you can handle her?”

Evan stretched into a lazy yawn and sauntered to the bathroom. “Hell, Callie,” he laughed under his breath, peeking over the red scratches scoring his shoulders, “what makes you think that Mia’s the one who needs handled?”

Well, damn.

I swallowed hard as I stared, then I turned to my bedroom once more as arousal fluttered in my belly. I tried to balance the two full mugs in one hand, but Evan swept in behind me and palmed the doorknob with an assist. His warm bare chest radiated sex as he hovered over me.

“Make sure you show my boy a good morning,” he exhaled over my shoulder, the heat of his raspy whisper rushing down my neck and dropping straight to my pussy. He cracked the door so I could slip through, then shot me a cocky smirk as he closed it behind me. “I’ll see you later.”

I paused just inside to collect my lustful thoughts, shaking off the remaining sparks that Evan always left against my skin. Deck’s golden muscles still peeked from under my white comforter, and my thirst shifted seamlessly to him. I parked our breakfast on my bedside table, stripped bare again, and crawled back on the mattress, but this time I disturbed Deck’s satisfying slumber. He untucked an arm from behind his head and snaked his hand under the blankets, then he swatted my naked ass with a surprising smack as I tried to sneak over his lap.

“Well, good morning,” I giggled, propping myself up on his thick chest to meet his smokey bedroom eyes.

“Good morning,” Deck whispered back with a glowing smile as he massaged my hips. “Fuck, it feels so good to say that to you.”


A bashful blush warmed my cheeks as he stared. “I made you coffee. Again.”

He raised amused brows and glanced at our waiting mugs, then he rocked his stiff steel between my legs. “No tab this time, Callie. I think I’ll pay my bill now.”

~ • ~

That weekend, our boys hosted our first official triple date. Against all known logic, they boldly attempted to cook us a romantic dinner after borrowing our cookware, ultimately serving a barely edible chicken casserole. Of course, with our hearts aflutter at the sweet gesture, my girls and I played along, praising each of them as they proudly claimed their contribution.

After cleaning up the kitchen, we paired off on the sectional and cuddled under familiar gray blankets, giggling and groping before the flickering lights of a cheesy streaming movie. I thought back to our first porn antics and shook my head to myself. Tonight, if someone peeked in on us, they would see three couples who’d stayed in to watch a romantic comedy.

Fuck, who would’ve guessed?

The flick ended uneventfully and we all just looked at each other, wiggling in wet panties and adjusting primed packages.

“So, now what?”

“Hour of Power?”

“We still have the shot glasses.”

“And the blindfolds.”

“Maybe we could see what those naughty nurses are up to,” I suggested with a shameless giggle.

Our crew didn’t bother retiring to any assigned rooms that night. Instead, we made each other hot with traded touches and kisses, fucked our partners in different corners of the apartment, and finally enjoyed that group sleepover on the sectional.

As I watched my beautiful best friends settle in, snuggling with blissful grins against our shared, seductive men, I knew only one thing for sure about our secret sixsome…

…our story wasn’t over just yet.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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