The Young Luna

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22



After seeing the doctor, and getting put on birth control pills, I had lunch with Dean before meeting

Shawna at the mall. I had told Shawna I wanted to look slightly prettier and less tom boy like. My

mother had been pushing me to do that for years, but I didn't want to dress how she did – tight

revealing clothing and heavy makeup. I wanted to be more girly but not loose myself completely, I had

to find a balance.

Shawna dragged me to a selection of stores and helped me pick out clothing – which Dean paid for

with Seth's credit card. She brought me a selection of plain dresses, all dark colours, and some nice

pants and blouses. I was happy with everything and then she pulled me into some fancy underwear


"I'm going to wait outside" Dean commented, almost shivering in disgust. I rolled my eyes at him as

Shawna pulled me inside. She instantly began to fill the basket with lacy and sexy underwear for me.

"Shawna I can't wear this. It's crotch-less" I hissed in embarrassment.

She winked at me, "you told me that you don't have any sexy underwear. Well, now you do. The Alpha

won't be able to keep his hands off you". She gave me another wink as I rolled my eyes and let her pick

me a new wardrobe.

As she looked at some see-through bras, I noticed some sex toys on the wall. A trickle of excitement

went through my body as I thought about Seth's reaction if I brought some. I grabbed another basket

and threw in some; fluffy handcuffs, a purple vibrator, a blindfold, some editable body oils and a paddle

with the words 'naughty girl' on it.

"Naughty girl" Shawna giggled, looking at the paddle as I put it in my basket. "Come on, let's go pay for

these". She giggled again when we paid for them, but she didn't actually comment on them – which I

was happy about.

After that we dropped the shopping off at home, before Dean left and I went to Shawna's for the

evening. We ate dinner with her parents, who chatted happily and were in slight awe to see their Luna

around their dinner table. Shawna and I then spent a few hours gossiping and watching movies, before

she asked if she could do my nails.

I'd never had a manicure before, but I let her do it and I couldn't deny that it looked nice. But I was

worried that I would break them when I went shooting next. But they were nice white tips for the time

being. After that she taught me how to properly do makeup – the different types of brushes, the

importance of blending and exactly where to put everything. I was both overwhelmed and giddy with

excitement. I was shocked with how much I enjoyed a girls evening.

Seth texted me a few times throughout the night and I made sure to text him back, but he wasn't

actually on my mind. Because I was having fun and actually liked having a girl friend. Something about

being with Shawna had me forgetting everything – it made me realise how much I had been craving a

female friend.

Chris and my other friends still meant a lot to me, but some part of me craved the female

companionship I had never had. I needed someone to talk about things that I couldn't with boys. I

hadn't realised how lonely I had been feeling until I came to the Equinox Pack.

The following morning I had breakfast with Shawna before heading home. Seth was waiting for me

patiently – he looked a little lost sat on the bed with a frown. "You look like I just told you there is no

candy before dinner" I teased.

"I slept in Wolf form last night. I don't do that often" he grumbled, running his hands down his face. I

stepped closer to him and noticed the purple bags under his eyes. I kissed his cheeks sweetly before

turning to the bathroom.

"I need a shower. You alright?" I asked him.

"Fine, freckles, go for your shower. We have thirty minutes until church and then I can have a nap this

afternoon" he replied. I offered him a small smile, before slipping into the bathroom. I showered quickly

before tying my hair back and pulling on some smart black pants and a white blouse. Seth was wearing

some dark blue slacks and a button-down shirt when I met him downstairs.




"Are you sure you're alright?" I asked him, as we walked towards the church.

"Fine" he sighed.

"You don't seem fine".

"I said I'm fine Mabel!" he snapped at me. I narrowed my eyes at him for the way he spoke to me,

before pulling my hand out of his hold. Seth sighed heavily at me and tried to grab my hand again, but I

pulled away again. I folded my arms over my chest stubbornly before walking slightly ahead of him.

"May, come on".

"You're being a dick" I growled, as we got to the church. People from the Pack greeted us and we

smiled and said hello to everyone. We took our seats in the front pew next to Dean and his family. Seth

rested his hand on my thigh and I pushed him away, he sighed again but didn't put his hands back on


Seth put his arm over the back of the pew and leant into me – mouth by my ear. "This is our first social

outing with the Pack, we can't be arguing" he whispered in my ear. The fact that he sounded angry at

me made my teeth grate.

"Then stop snapping at me when I haven't done anything" I hissed back. Seth sighed heavily before

pressing a long kiss to my temple.

"I'm sorry, freckles. I'm just tired and troubled".

"Yeah well I'm your mate not your damn punching bag" I grumbled.

"I know, I'm sorry". He pinched my chin and turned my face to his, his bright eyes twinkling, before he

kissed me deeply. I leant into him, eagerly accepting his kisses, before pulling away and leaning my

head on his shoulder. Not longer after that the service began.

After church, we returned home and – due to his sleepless night – Seth had a siesta while I chilled in

front of the TV for a while. I surfed Netflix for the afternoon feeling guilty for not doing any shooting but I

never usually trained on a Sunday. My mother would never let me because Sunday was family and

God's day, and even when she wasn't there I still felt like I couldn't betray her. Part of me was

convinced she'd know and back hand me next time I saw her.

When Seth got out of bed it was close to evening. His dark hair was tousled and his chest bare, a loose

pair of grey sweatpants the only clothing he wore. "Hey" I smiled at him, checking him out shamelessly.

He really was divine.

He grunted in reply before lying down on the couch with me, resting his head in my lap without

answering. He looked slightly uncomfortable so I slipped a pillow under his head and he grunted again

– the second grunt of thanks. We watched TV together for a while, as my fingers aimlessly ran through

his dark hair.

"I feel like shit" Seth grumbled, as the movie finished.

"I hope you're not coming down with something" I frowned, placing the back of my hand to his

forehead. "You don't feel hot".

"No, I'm not ill. Just...feeling old". He made a noise that sounded slightly like a laugh and another grunt.

"I told you I slept in Wolf form last night, I haven't done that since I was about twenty-one. My back just

can't handle it anymore".

"Why did you sleep in your Wolf form last night?" I asked, hands still combing through his hair. Seth fell

silent with a pout of contemplation on his lips. "Why don't you want to tell me? Will I get mad?"

Seth sighed, "I don't know anymore. You get mad about most things". He breathed out an exasperated

laugh. "But I don't know if you'll get mad at this or not".

"Well tell me and we'll find out" I replied coyly – already slightly mad, just because I assumed I was

supposed to be mad.

He laughed heavily, "you're mad already. Shit, you're not going to take this well". When he paused, I

removed my hands from his hair and raised an eyebrow – telling him to continue or we were going to

argue again. "I couldn't sleep last night...not without you. I couldn't even settle, just kept walking around

aimlessly. It was so stupid, since I knew you were only a few miles away, but I felt like a lost puppy. So I

went for a run, trying to tire myself".

"Go on" I pressed when he paused again.

"On my way back from the run I circled past Shawna's house and--"

"You didn't" I growled, cutting him off. He heard my anger and quickly sat up, moving away from my

lap. No doubt he was worried I'd mess up his perfect face which, to be fair, I considered doing.

"I didn't do it on purpose".

"You were spying on me!" I accused. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"No, Mabel, it wasn't quite like that. I was passing and I heard you voice and I...I just wanted to listen to

you talk. I didn't mean to eavesdrop and I didn't hear anything I shouldn't have. And I fell asleep before

I knew it, because your voice is so therapeutic".

"Bullshit. My voice isn't therapeutic!"

"Well not right now it's not" he grumbled under his breath. Seth knew he was the wrong because he

wasn't raising to my anger or trying to turn it into an argument. "Look, May, I'm sorry. I didn't set out to

spy on you. But I'd never felt how I did last before". And odd look crossed his eyes as he looked into

the distant.

I paused, considering my next words. "How did you feel?" I finally asked, not sure if it was a good idea

yet or not. But Seth didn't get angry, he just sighed and turned back to me.

"Lonely. I felt lonely" he admitted, looking bashful. "I've never had close friends really and that is fine.

I'm an Alpha, I have responsibilities and that's always been fine. But last night you weren't there and it

made me realise...I realised how much I had isolated myself. I forgot what it was like to have someone

there all the time. Last night I realised and I missed you".

His words had me swooning but I was still slightly pissed so I couldn't show him how much his words

affected me. "Alright, you felt lonely, but that doesn't give you then right to spy on me, Seth".

"I know, I know" he nodded. "And I promise, it won't happen again".

"Damnright it won't" I smirked. I looked up at Seth, eyes heavy with fatigue andpain, and knew one

thing. I was falling for him. Falling for him so hard thatit scared me and I was pretty sure he was falling

for me too.o


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