The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf



Riona and Wright are sitting round the table in Wright’s bedroom and they are both going through some

documents separately.

Riona is taking down some notes on the jotter that is with her as she works, while Wright is inputting

some details into his laptop.

When Evolette was alive she has an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) known as ‘Rennet Aid’ a

Human Rights NGO which specializes in liaising with different orphanage homes and acts as a parent

to such orphanage homes. Rennet Aid also provides intensive care to refugees and inmates.

During Evolette's lifetime, Riona was in charge of a department in Rennet Aid. Her department

specializes in providing luxuries to kids in the orphanage homes. For example, they can take up a

project of organizing a competition whereby the winners would be taken on vacation to any country of

their choice. Due to how influential and the financial status of Evolette and by extension Rennet Aid,

she was able to influence and encourage rich homes to take up orphans as foster kids and to also

welcome them and provide a home for them during the holidays.

After the demise of Evolette, Riona took over the management of Rennet Aid and she is now the CEO

(Chief Executive Officer) and so she oversees the activities of Rennet Aid. However, Riona has not

been fully involved in the activities of the NGO for sometime now and so she was doing a proper

checkup and was taking down notes of the past activities of the NGO and also looking into the

prospective future projects that Rennet Aid would undertake.

Wright on his part was looking into the activities of the Corporate Social Responsibility of his company.

He too was trying to see what new projects that his company would undertake for the good of the


Wright is the CEO of one of the largest company in Canada known as ‘De Knights-Style’. He formed

the company for over fifteen years ago when he had arrived at Canada and it had since been

flourishing. De Knights-Styles is a multi-million dollar company that ventures in different endeavours.

They finance projects for companies and are more keen in taking over of weaning companies.

“What do you think about my offer Rio?” Wright asked.

“I would not be considering that dad. Rennet Aid is doing well for now and it will continue that way for a

very long time” Riona replied.

“Come on Rio, I am not saying that Rennet Aid is not progressing, what I am saying is for you to

partner with us so that my company can channel all its Corporate Social Responsibility projects directly

on Rennet Aid. Just accept our offer” Wright explained.

“I won’t dad. I know you mean well, but that would be against the spirit of Rennet Aid. The aim of

Rennet Aid is to fend for the indigents. Not just a specific class or group, but to reach out to as much

people as possible. So if I should agree to your offer, your company would be focused on only those

that we have been able to reach. So what happens to the others that we don’t know of? Dad, I would

suggest that your company go on and discover more indigent folks” Riona said.

“I get you dear, but how would you take care of Rennet Aid? I checked and I discovered that going to a

year now you have not even been attending to it” Wright asked.

“But I have Cindy dad and also other capable hands. They don’t really need me there. They know what

to do. And just so you are clarified, the records that I am going through is very accurate and the only

shortcoming in it is that we need to take on new projects as new NGOs are already doing what we

have been doing. We only need to diversify” Riona explained.

“I am not denying that you’ve got capable hands, but as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Rennet Aid

would still require your presence at regular intervals and you need to be there at those moments. How

do you plan on managing that and combining such task with your study?” Wright asked.

Riona smiles at her dad. “I got it all under control dad. It is well planned out”

She really appreciates his concern towards her general well-being but she has to make him understand

that she knows what she is doing and would not stretch herself beyond her limit.

“Okay, if you say you can handle it, then I would not interfere anymore” Wright surrendered.

“Of course dad I say so. Once I come up with something, I am very sure that my team would be able to

handle it and believe me, it will be a success. Also, I will keep up with them but just to assure you that

that would not be at the expense of my study. Rennet Aid is more of leisure to me” Riona said.

Wright listened to his daughter with rapt attention and he was just too impressed with how perfectly she

had prioritized her activities. “I believe you dear”.

“Thanks for understanding dad” Riona said.

Wright and Riona continued with what they were doing quietly. Wright remembered that Riona had

earlier told him of her intention to undertake a new project and they had both agreed to talk about the

project later on. So he decided to talk about the project now.

“Rio” Wright called.

“Yes dad” Riona replied.

“You told me that you wanted to talk to me about a project that you have in mind. So do you mind

discussing it now?” Wright asked.

“Okay dad. About the project, Rennet Aid is looking into diversifying. We want to liaise with schools

from different parts of the world to see how we can exchange students with them. We already have the

cooperation of so many schools here in Canada for that. The major beneficiaries of this project would

as usual be the kids from the orphanage homes but this time, we would be adding kids from low

income homes too. You know, we took a survey of what the different kids that are under our care pray

for and we discover that so many of them want to know what life is outside what they already know. We

are doing this project to give them a sense of belonging” Riona explained.

“That is a great project Rio” Wright commended.

“Thanks dad, I am glad you love it” Riona replied.

“But have you looked into the area of finance? Because this would consume a whole lot of money”

Wright inquired.

“Yes dad we have. And we would need your company to help us to facilitate the necessary logistics.

Since you are already recognized that won’t be difficult to achieve” Riona said.

“Of course it won’t. So how would the project kick off?” Wright asked.

“Once everything is ready, we are ready to start” Riona replied.

“And what about the aspect of finance?” Wright asked.

“Rennet Aid has about ten percent of the money for now. For the remaining ninety percent, I plan on

using thirty percent from mum’s legacy for me to complete it. We already applied to some organisations C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

for funds, but I would not want us to put our hopes on it. So until we get positive response from them, I

would be completing it” Riona replied.

“What, thirty percent from your mum’s legacy is a lot of money. That is let me say about two million

Canadian dollars” Wright exclaimed.

Wright was surprised to hear Riona say that she was planning to use such an amount for the money

that her mum has willed to her for the NGOs project. He marveled at how philanthropic Riona is and

most times, he wishes that he is as philanthropic as she especially when it has to do with less

privileged kids.

“I know dad, but I don’t think anything is too much for the kids. And moreover, I am positive that our

applications would yield positive results” Riona explained.

“And why did you not apply to De Knight-Stlyes for funds?” Wright asked.

“We did submit an application at De Knights-Styles dad” Riona responded.

“You did?” Wright asked.

“Yes dad we did. However, we decided to follow the necessary protocols in submitting our application

and maybe that’s why you have not gotten it yet. I do believe that it would get to your table soon” Riona


“Oh I see” Wright responded.

“And one other thing dad” Riona said.

“What is it Rio?” Wright requested.

“As i said earlier, we want your company to be in charge of the general organization and logistic of this

project. We would formally brief you once it is time for that” Riona said.

“And I promise you that we would be glad to be a part of this” Wright replied.

“And we would pay you for that” Riona said.

“Sure. It is business” Wright smiled.

“Talking about the logistics, have you gotten a company for the data analysis yet?” Wright asked.

“No dad, we would also want De Knight-Styles to take care of that” Riona replied.

Wright thought about Riona's request for a second and said “Okay. For that, I would have to get Maeve.

Her company specializes on collation of data and I promise that they would be a good job” .

“Okay, this is business dad. Are you sure that she would be able to handle this? We are not talking

about a few dollars here dad. We would definitely be looking for a company that would give us value for

what we are paying for” Riona said.

“Of course she will, Rio. I would not be recommending her if she is not up to the task” Wright replied.

“Dad, we are looking at some millions of dollars here and I know the person that you are

recommending. I would not want to gamble with this project” Riona said.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Wright asked.

“She is a lowlife, dad. Let’s not try to ignore that fact and we are talking about huge money for this

project” Riona replied.

“Stop it Rio. When did you become this way. Why would you talk down on someone like that, who

raised you in such manner?” Wright asked.

Wright was already very disappointed with Riona. He wondered why she would talk about a person in

such a derogatory manner let alone someone she knows that he is close to.

“I am sorry if my words hurt, dad. But this is business and I would not want to mix it with pleasure”

Riona emphasized.

“And I am not mixing it with pleasure either. When I said she is qualified the know it that she is truly

qualified” Wright replied.

“Very well dad. But you do know that we have some criteria for companies we work with so if her

company meet the requirements we are ready to transact with her” Riona said.

“And my company would be the one to contract her, baby girl. So no need to get yourself all stressed

up over this” Wright responded.

“You do know how much this project means to me dad. I am putting in everything in this for my late

mum and I hope you never forget that” Riona said.

Wright decided that it was better to call Riona to order in a more calm way. He wants to make her

understand that the fact that life places a person on top is not a license to trample on those beneath.

“Rio” Wright called.

“Yes dad” Riona replied.

“I have always tried to inculcate the value of hard work and respect in you. I can very much afford more

luxury than our living standard at the moment but I decided that there was no need to. I want you to

grow up into someone that understand and appreciate the hard work of others” Wright said.

“But I do appreciate their hard works” Riona said.

“Not with what you have just done. Rio, I must say that I am disappointed in you. Please always

remember that humility pays” Wright said.

“Okay dad” Riona said.

Riona does not really agree with her dad in this case because she felt that in business, you get the

services of only the best. However, she felt that it was better to let things slide as there was no need

trying to argue with her dad on the topic.

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