The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 81 - Isvandy in Taivas

Chapter 81 - Isvandy in Taivas

"Hey. Oi. Hey." I could hear a faint male voice. I groaned in discomfort, feeling something warm poke

my cheek slowly yet repeatedly. "Wake up" this time the soft pokes were slaps on the cheek. I scrunch

my face in annoyance, forcefully opening eyes and the first thing I lay my eyes on is autumn eyes

staring blankly at me. A paw was in the air like it was going to slap me again.

It was the pesky fox that returned to his true form.

"Took you long enough to wake up" the hint of mockery slithered out from his snout casually. I stared

blankly at him. "I thought you had died there for a second" the fox turned around, his puffy orange tail

swift behind him when he did.

"Five more minutes" I groaned awake, forcefully pulling the sheets over my head. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"There is no 'five more minutes'. We have to continue on our journey then sleeping five more minutes" I

heard him mock me from under the covers of my blanket and then hearing a faint thud which probably

him jumping off the bed.

"Either way you already slept the whole day yesterday"

My eyes suddenly shot opened, and I bolted up in a sitting position, the blanket flying in the air.

"WHAT!" a yell of shock bounced off the walls.

The fox stared at me indifferently for a second before glancing his head to where the window was. I

followed his gaze to the window.

Warm colours had painted the sky like a beautiful sunrise painting while the giant glowing ball in the

sky began to rise, lighting up the room even brighter than it was before.

My lips turned upside down, brows turning down wards. "How is it morning already? I just went to sleep

for 30 minutes"

"Are all humans this lazy?" Homura questioned, rolling his amber eyes at me, his face showing how

clearly annoyed he was.

I rubbed my face with the palms of my hands, grumbling in frustration and collapsing back on the bed.

"I guess I really needed sleep" I said softly, my blue eyes tracing the pattern of the wood. All I could

think of now is the memory I dreamt of last night.

If it wasn't for master, I don't think I would be the person I am today.

Artemis Ray, Ryu's Black Dragon. The feared assassin among the organisations, a cold-hearted killer

that merciless sliced or poisoned her victims.

Master was one of the few that treated me like I belonged somewhere in the world even if I only was

just a shadow. I stood behind him like a loyal dog, killing anyone who came in his way, following his

orders without a question, doing his bidding whenever he asked me to and never going behind his


I was his shadow that hid behind him and appeared behind his enemies whenever he commanded me


My life belongs to him and if he ordered me to kill myself, I wouldn't hesitate to obey and do it.

He trusts me and I trust him, and I would do anything to make him satisfied. It wouldn't bother me if he

cared or not of my death. I'm just his loyal shadow that follows his orders.

However, I am curious how he felt when he heard about my death though. Did he mourn my death or

was he the same cold master that only placed flowers on the graves of his lost agents before leaving

and never thinking about it again?

This question is something who even me that stayed beside him since I was 9 till now, who knows

master better than anyone, cannot answer at all. Master is still a mystery among the organisation and

to me.

I covered my eyes with my arm, sighing a long dull breath.

'Do not hesitate to kill, never reveal any emotions and never show mercy to anyone. Your enemies take

advantage of those' his words are still clear as day in my mind. I will never forget what he taught me

through the years of training.

"If only I could see you again" I whispered softly to myself.

"Huh? who? Me?" there was confusion in the fox's voice when he spoke.

"Don't worry about it, Homura." I assured him. I rose up from the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed

with my feet dangling out, I stretched my hands in the air and yawned out a tired groan. 'No one wants

to see you.' I wanted to say that to him, but I wasn't in the right mood to start a quarrel with this

stubborn snobby fox princess.

"You are so complicated" Homura huffed. I glanced at him to see his body sticking out from my satchel

that was placed upright near my bed. His orange, black pointed tail waved gently side to side as he

rummaged through, looking for whatever he was looking for which I assume was something for his little

teeth too much on and fill his stomach up.

I stared uncomprehendingly at the pesky fox that was looking through my things without my


"Tch, where is my meat?" he grumbled angrily in the bag.

I watched him peek his head with a dissatisfied expression across his face "All I could find is your

lumpy sticks, apples and your yellow rectangle rock"

"Bleh" the fox stuck his red tongue out and cringed back in disgust. "Not a single piece of meat to be


I crossed my hands and rolled eyes "Gee, I wonder who ate them all?" I stated sarcastically getting his

narrowed glance. In his eyes I could sense he knew he was the one that ate them all but didn't want to

admit and just blame me for it.

Homura's amber eyes glared at me while I continued to stare at him with an expressionless face.

"We will go restock our supply of meat after we eat some breakfast downstairs. I'll make sure to order

some meat for you to enjoy" I suggested getting up and patting down the ankle length brown skirt I

wore for the disguise yesterday that I wasn't bothered to change out of.

"Now something a fox like me, likes to hear in the morning" Homura hummed with a purr, the face he

pulled was one of satisfied with the fool proof plan of mines. "I want rabbit meat" he drooled just by the

thought of freshly skinned rabbit for him to feast on

"Yeah, that's only if they have any but either way I must change first if we are going to go anywhere" I

explained walking towards the chest that stood under the window. I lifted the lid up and took out my

folded-up Kimono and haori that was the few things I stored in the chest.

'It would have been easier if I was given some cheats like a space storage box for me to store things

without carrying them around with me.' I fared my nostrils angry at the fact I don't get anything from

God who summoned me into this world.

'Why do all reincarnated people get wishes or cheats from the person who summoned them and I'm

just some lousy reincarnated person with nothing but the cheat of the future. That's so unfair and cruel

to treat me like that. Definitely not blaming at a powerful being that's looking down at me disappointed'

"Hurry up and change already" I heard the impatience from the pesky fox. "I want to eat some rabbit

meat" I looked behind myself to see the fox laying on the floor with his paws over his ears that covered

his round amber eyes from seeing me change.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever"

I sat at a seat in the corner of the tavern with my cheek resting upon the bare palm of my hand, sipping

the warm milk from my wooden mug while I stared blanky at the men sitting around the table seated a

few feet from my lonely table. I was engaged with the visible sewn patterns of the man's shirt from

behind, my blue eyes tracing each one over and over again as I continued to drink my breakfast down.

Homura on the other hand was sulking beside the barrel that was being my table, while eating mutton.

He would take a bite and complain with his faint whimpers of misery. He didn't get the rabbit meat he

was craving since this morning and got mutton instead. I can't lie but I pity the poor creature.

The fox has gone through so much stress, being a bird for 2 days, riding a carriage with flying horses

leading the way and nearly dying from a heart attack and now he can't get a single piece of meat he


I'm being sarcastic.

"It tastes so old" Homura cried faintly, his voice just audible from the loud chatting and the bustling of

men in the tavern, women waitresses flirting with the traveling men, hunters or whatever they are.

'No shit Homura. It's meat from an old sheep' I mentally rolled my eyes at his dumb complaint of the

food that was given to him.

'I wonder if I give him dog food. Would he be offended for being seen as a dog or would he eat it? Heh

what a sight that would be' a small mischief smirk pursed my lips just the horrified face of Homura

being given a bowl full of dried dog food. His pride of being a fox slowly draining by the sight of the dog

bowl placed in front of him.

"Hehe" I subconsciously laughed, slowly raising a bread to my mouth. I stopped the bread midway

when I felt a few presences approaching me, slowly glancing towards the direction, a couple of men

stood tall in front of me. A nasty grin perched across their face as their eyes held their desired lustful


"What is a pretty lady doing all alone" the man's voice was gruff. He stood in front of his friends that told

me that he must be their leader. The man was not bigger than 6 feet tall, his clothes outlining his well-

built body and muscular arms. Brown hair that looked a little oily, assuming had taken a shower in a

while, a well-groomed facial hair, silver eyes that reflected the immoral intentions of him. The man

didn't look like he was older than his mid-30s.

I stared at him for a second then to turn my gaze away from his and continue to stare towards myself,

taking a bite of my bread as I did.

The man placed his palm on the lid of the barrel, leaning himself forward to get my attention.

"White hair only seen in the southern parts of Alphyria." He spoke in a soft yet gruff voice that made me

shiver in disgust "Skin like the snow of the winter and blue eyes that reveals your magic trait"

"She must be an Isvandy" another man spoke who was now standing beside me with a smile that

revealed how interested he was with me.

"What is an Isvandy doing in these parts of the world? I wonder" the man in front of me stroked his


"Business" I answered bluntly and lazily, slowly taking a sip of the cooling milk and avoiding eye

contact with him.

"Business you say. What kind of Isvandy woman has business in Ventus? Could you be looking for a

job?" the brunet man in front of me said, leaning closer.

"Who knows" I said without a single expression formed on my face except for the monotone look that

showed how little I cared while I looked down into the wooden mug to see no more milk left.

"We know a good job that will pay a handsome load of copper" another gruff voice spoke in the group

of men that surround me. Glancing at his direction, he was no older than 25. Silver hair draping down

to the level of his chin and brown eyes that glowed the man's need.

I already knew what they meant, and it was just bugging me to throw a fist at these disgusting men.

"It's a perfect job for a beauty like you" the man who stood beside me had leaned close to me, palm

resting on the barrel and the other hand moving away my silver white hair from my side. I glanced at

him with a cold gaze that made him purse his lips and scrunch his face a little from the little surprise

attack stare from me.

"Careful she bites" I heard Homura say under the male voice that was much more pleasing to hear

than these men in front of me.

The men around looked down in confusion. "A fox?"

"Careful he bites" I said, placing the side of my head on the back of my hand, coking my head to get a

better look at these perverts.

"I don't just bite, I attack" Homura corrected as he took the last chunk of his breakfast. His teeth

shredding the mutton in his snout before he gulping it down.

"What ugly looking humans. Makes me want to puke all my old meat out" he stuck his tongue out in


"If you men are looking to have some fun go to a brothel, I'm sure there are plenty of pretty women for

you to have fun with" I explained, getting up from the wooden chair.

"They aren't as beautiful as you, pretty lady" one said with a snicker.

"Your right however aren't you dressed like one? Shamelessly flaunting your legs"

"You're the one asking for it" the facial hair from before said licking his lips as he approached me, his

hands wide out to grab me by the waist.

"Maybe if we give-" snatching the man's hand from behind before he grabbed a hand full of my ***

cheek, twisting his wrist resulting him to shriek in agony before overthrowing him over my shoulder and

he landed on the barrel with a crash. Destroying the barrel into staggered wood planks on the floor.

I was too quick for him to react or attack back. He lay there grovelling in pain.

The bustling sound of the people stopped, each one turning their attention towards our direction to see

what the commotion was all about.

The perverts stepped back in surprise, their faces frowning into a scowl as each one took a dagger out

or placing their palms out midway, forming a ball of wind levitating on their palms.

"You slutty bitch" one growled.

I cracked my knuckles hearing the wonderful sound of the bones popping as I sent a hostile gaze at

them. "Who's next?"

"Oi you filthy runts, don't ruin my tavern. If you wanna fight go somewhere, don't make me call the

guards on you all" the middle-aged man who owned the tavern growled with a sword in the air not far

from us. His face scowling at us angrily.

"You Isvandy better pay for that barrel you destroyed" he pointed at me with a chubby finger of his.

"tch" the men standing around grumbled in annoyance, they began to stand down. Sheathing their

daggers and the balls of wind disappearing in the air.

"Aww come on! I wanted to see Artemis beat these men to the dust" Homura complained with a growl

that sounded like a howling fox to these humans who did not understand animal language.

Picking up my belongings I said to Homura with a lazy tone "Let's go Homura" I didn't even glance back

at him and walked away brushing past the leader, giving him a side glare that made him glare back with

baring teeth as if this was not over.

People still watched us, their eyes following me wherever I walked.

Each one mumbling or whispering to each other.

"I have never seen an Isvandy before"

"I heard they are quite reserved and cold people that never travel far from Isvand"

"What is an Isvandy doing here in Ventus?"

"I have never seen such a gorgeous young lass"

"What is king of attire is that? It's unusual and shameless."

"Is that a fox?"

There was so many comments thrown at me and Homura, each one being nice or negative comments

about what we did, what I wore or how beautiful I was. However, I didn't care as I approached the


I flicked a silver coin to the owner that he caught mid-air, eyes showing satisfaction with the payment

he got.

I stepped out the doors and into the bustling streets of the commoner district of Taivas with Homura

beside me. The nice breeze passing by me and moving away the strands of silver white hair that hung

down my forehead.

I took a lungful of air, already loving the fresh air of the Ventus empire and continuing to walk.

Everyone walked happily among each other, women buying their daily groceries with their children,

men walking around with barrels on their shoulders, some had weapons around their waist while other

shouted their prices for their goods they sold.

The streets were a little older and more common type than the ones in the noble district of Taivas.

As I walked among them, I could feel hundred pairs of eyes burning me alive. The whispers and talks

about an Isvandy and her fox was the only thing I could hear. I wasn't bothered but looking down at

Homura who seemed to be getting annoyed with every comment wasn't having it all.

I searched through each stall looking for one that sold meat so I could by some jerky for Homura so he

wouldn't nag and complain about it while I'm traveling.

That's when I my eyes caught one not far from where I was.

I glanced down at Homura he looked at me with a tilt of his head that showed he didn't see the meat

stall yet. "What?" he hissed with irritation.

"Let's go get some jerky, shall we"

\~Jackal P.O. V\~

I stared up at the sky, watching the clouds form different things, some I didn't recognise what they were

but some I knew to be animals like rabbit.

I lay on the edge of the roof of the smithy armoury, a foot dangling down swaying back and forward, a

hand behind my head as a cushion and my other hand feeding me cookies, I stole from the old lady

selling sweets an hour ago.

She didn't know I stole a few dozen of cookies while she packed the bread for a buyer who too didn't

see me.

I felt the rays of the sun warm cheeks while the light breeze move my hair from my face. It was a nice

day today that I felt like scamming a few people today than the usual dozens.

I took a bite of the choc chip cookie, tasting the sweet sensation of the crunch then the melting of the

chocolate in my mouth. "Cookies are nice" I said with a satisfied sigh. I was munching away when

suddenly I heard something interesting.

"I'm looking for a certain someone. She's an Isvandy with silver white hair not blond." The man's voice

was young, and I could sense he was someone in his early 20s.

I stopped eating so my munching wouldn't take over the voice and I tuned in the conversation between

the people below me. I'm not someone who cares about people business however if it involves some

value than it's worth a listen.

"An Isvandy you say" it was the voice of Claude, the old man who run the armoury. "How peculiar" he


'An Isvandy? Aren't they the water people from the south? What is one doing here in Ventus?' I

thought. Now I was fully interested in this conversation between the stranger and Claude.

"She's a young lass in her youth. A...." the young voice of the man came to halt for some unknown

reason. "Beauty some say" he finally said yet his tone sounded of disgust and hatred.

'They are looking for a female Isvandy in Taiv-' I suddenly stopped my thought and my eyes widened

when the memory from a few days ago came running back in my head.

It was just the original day of stealing from the drunken knights in the bar, when one of the sober ones

came from taking a leak and caught me.

That's when I knew I had fucked up.

Turning my heels, the other way and running with my stolen items, I ran. Those dumb drunken knights

were a little slow because of their drunken state yet I had to get rid of them.

I swiftly turned to the corner when I nearly bumped into someone. It caught me off guard when I saw

her silver white hair that's the trait of the people form the south.

I didn't think much of it because I was running away from the knights when suddenly I heard crashes

and thuds from behind. I took a quick peek and saw the knights on the ground and that's when I saw

those distant icy blue eyes that sent a shiver down my spine when I locked my silvers eyes with hers.

Her long silver white hair was tied in a high pony tale that danced gently in the breeze, her skin like

snow glimmered under the rays of the sun and her figure was tall and slender. She was the most

beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes.

She stood tall in those peculiar attire of hers that followed the direction of the wind, dark teal cloak with

unnecessary long and wide sleeves but what caught my eyes was a white symbol embroidered at the

back. I couldn't catch what it was because I turned away and kept on running before slipping into the


It's not like she saved me from the knights, I have been caught trying to steal a few times years ago,

but I was never caught physically and thrown into a jail. I always escaped swiftly and without them even

catching up to me.

I know every hidden route and alley way in Taivas so it's easy to escape.

The woman just did me a favour and brought me some time nothing special.

"No, I haven't the only Isvandy I heard is an old lady who saved our dear prince from the mysterious

illness" Claude said in a disappointing tone.

"I see thank you for your time" the young man said before hearing his footsteps got louder out the


I smirked. If they are looking for someone then there is probably a price on their heads. 'I wonder how

many you people you pay for a beautiful Isvandy?'

Sitting on the edge of the roof, I popped my head down, startling the men in cloak who suddenly got

into a fighting stand. The man in front who seemed to be the leader stood still unfazed by me.

Half my body dangled from the roof as I displaced my biggest smile.

"I might know where an Isvandy is in Taivas, I saw her just an hour ago."

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