The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 66 - Reflection of the witch

Chapter 66 - Reflection of the witch

Neil jumped down the giant silver reptile and landed softly on the grass of the floating piece of earth.

His eyes scanned the view, a vast flat green land below the floating islands, a giant river flowing below,

the only seeming watering hole in the area for the creatures who inhabited in this part of the lands,

giant crystals spawned out from the ground in all colours, sizes, and shapes and in front of him was

floating island staircase leading up to a temple like cottage made from marble as its walls and gold

"For a witch she's rather fancy" Lykos commented his expression the same monotone face, yet his

eyes held the reflection of a disgusted man who despises everything around him.

"She is one of the eldest sisters of the five, with beauty that outshines the goddess of beauty herself."

Neil took a swallow of salvia to clear his tight throat.

"Tch, how annoying" Lykos murmured to himself as he jumped down from his red Regius dragon.

"Men lose themselves when they lay their eyes on her, be careful and don't fall for her charms" Neil

warned him before walking towards a rickety wooden bridge that connected to the floating island.

Lykos arched an eyebrow as he crossed his hands, staring at Neil in disbelief. "I'm not weak hearted

Neil. I don't fall for looks" he grumbled as his brow twitched, and he scowled clearly insulted by the

prince of Ventus' words.

"A lot of men had said the same exact words before falling deep into her charms" Neil placed a hand

on the pole and tapping his foot on the plank of wood to assure that it was safe to walk on.

Lykos pulled a face as he watched the crown prince of Ventus verifying the bridge for safety with his

feet. "What is wrong with riding our dragons up there?"

Lykos didn't like the look of the bridge that didn't look sturdy enough for two grown men to be walking

on. 'A luxurious cottage yet she can't afford to buy or make new bridges.'

"Daenerys and Cyrus wouldn't be able to fly up there with the witches magic circling around the

islands" Neil explained as he took a step on the plank and waited for anything to happen. He watched

as the dust particles fell down and he knew one wrong step and he would be those dust particles.

"I see you used your books to identify your way around"

"Are you coming or are you going to stand there and wait for me?" Neil called out, stepping one each

plank carefully.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he trailed his fingers through his blazing red hair. "Why do I bother

following you around to situations I don't want to get myself involved in?"

The two princes made their way up to the cottage like temple that resided on the biggest floating piece

of earth. It wasn't long when they reached it and stood there, glaring at the place they wished to be

miles away from.

The place where the witch who would be their end, lived.

"If I die, I'm going to kill you" Lykos scowled. "I wonder how you're going to do that when your already

dead yourself?" he said sarcastically with a straight face already approaching the door. Lykos brows

furrowed, his red flaming eyes following behind the silver haired prince that seemed to calm to his

liking. With a click of his tongue, Lykos followed behind each step he took was a step closer to death.

Lykos and Neil stood face to face in front of a wooden door that had carvings of dragons and swirls on

it with a touch of polish to bring out the door itself. With a cross of his hands Lykos spoke "Well then,

what are you waiting for knock" he said with a mocking tone.

"Tch, throwing me in as the sacrifice"

"Stated the one who said he would sacrifice his life to save his brother" Neil shot a threatening side

glance to the unfazed Drakon prince, who stood beside him with a poker face.

Neil clenched his jaw shut and stretched his fisted hand for a knock when the door suddenly swung

open, and a gust of wind blew at them with a fresh scent of rosemary.

"Oh shit" was what Lykos mumbled when suddenly both were pulled in by an invisible force that

dragged them in forcefully into the darkness.

The invisible force disbursed and disappeared leaving the two men toppled on top of each other,

groaning in pain in the dark without a single clue of what just happened.

"Your not hurt, are you?" Lykos who laid on Neil's stomach asked, a vein throb appearing in his

forehead yet Neil who could not see how angry Lykos was mistook it as a kind a gesture which was

rather odd coming from someone hot tempered and arrogant like Lykos.

"No, I'm fine" he answered but was actually trying to breath due to the heavy person that laid on top of

him. "Good" he hissed before throwing a fist to Neil's chest making him wince in pain.


Lykos ignored the coughing prince, pulling himself off of Neil and getting up dusting himself off in the

dark. As he was about to flame his hand on fire for light when a whooshing sound rattled out, turning on

all the candles in the room, bring out the light and revealing the room itself.

The inside of the temple wasn't like he thought it would look like. It didn't look spacious or fancy but old

and dusty. There was a bubbling liquid in a black cauldron in the middle of the room, the walls were

covered in bird skulls off all sorts, jars filled with things he couldn't identify, a shelf filled with old looking

books with wrecked spines and old scrolls. His red eyes laid upon a human skull resting on a table near

him making his stomach turn.

Yet the only fancy thing in the room Lykos saw was the stairway leading up.

"Tch, so called extravagant hut" Lykos mumbled, his eyes darting from object to object, feeling an

uneasy wind linger to near him. He had a gut feeling that he should leave here and not come back

because there was something wrong about this place in many unquestionable answers. Neil had

staggered up, resting his palm on his chest still feeling the throbbing of his muscles. "I don't I deserved

that" he said gasping some lungful of air.

The red-haired prince had opened his mouth to shoot back a statement at Neil but was caught off

guard by the silent footstep and seductive chuckling coming from the stair that led upwards.

The two princes' glanced quickly over to the end of the stairs and watched silently as their faces went a

little pale when a woman slowly made her way down, her hand tracing down the banister as she


Her long silver hair trailed behind her, the slim black dress revealed her perfectly slander body and

those slander long legs. Her skin glowed from the reflection of the fire while her red glittering eyes

reflect the wickedness of her.

"I have been expecting you both" her sweet yet seductive voice echoed the room. "Lykos of Drakon

and Neil of Ventus" their names slipped out perfectly from her red plump lips.

Beauty she was but her wicked shameful act disgusted both Lykos and Neil making their lips twist.

"Mhhmmhmmhmhmh" she chuckled from behind her long fingers, her nails scraping the wood of the


"Adrastea, is it?" Neil question to verify he was talking to the real witch then a fake. "Oh, sweet boy, I

am the one and only Adrastea" she said with a flirtatious smile while making her way to him. Lykos

stepped back not wanting to be near the witch afraid she will do something to him.

Neil glanced over to Lykos whose red flaming eyes were glued to the woman like a hunter waiting to

release his arrow at the deer, he felt so betrayed by him that he didn't realise that the witch had

wrapped herself onto him startling Neil and grabbing his attention back to her.

Her long nails stroked under his soft silver hair "You have come to consult me about your brothers

illness" she breathed down his neck making him shiver. Adrastea's body pressed hard against his,

feeling her cold body penetrate through the material of his attire.

Lykos took another step back because he didn't want to be seen by the witch and feel harassed by the

witch, feeling sorry for Neil for being in that situation right now.

"Haven't you Neil" she whispered in his ear temptingly resulting in Neil to turn a little pink due to the ear

being his weak spot. Her hand traced against the material of his shirt, feeling his strong muscular body

under her touch.

"Tell me Neil" she said, her eyes glittering with lust as her hand found its way under his shirt. "What are

willing to give up to heal your little brother?" she said with sinister grin.

Neil felt his buttons being pressed, the blood boiling within him and it made him snatch the witches

wrist pulling himself back from her grasp.

"I prefer you keep your hands to yourself if you want to talk" he hissed. Lykos couldn't help but smirk a

little seeing how shock the witch looked.

Adrastea swatted her hand back with an evil chuckle, nibbling her long nail as her eyes fixated on

Neil's cold silver eyes. "The last man who pulled me away like that" Adrastea continued to speak as

picked up the human skull on the table, "Never saw his family again" she stroked her slander hand on

the bold top of the skull.

This sent shivers down both the prince's spine, goosebumps rising from the back of the necks as cold

sweat dripped down their brow.

The witch was amused by the reaction of the two that she chuckled waving her hand in her face. "I'm

only kidding with you boys no need to get stiff" They didn't believe a single word she uttered and kept

their guards up.

Neil finally like he could breathe again as his racing heart had settled a little bit, he swallowed the salvia

that clamped in his throat and began the reason to why he came here, feeling the burning glare

piercing his back by Lykos, Neil sensed the uncomfortable aura that lingered around the Drakon prince.

"You know the reason to why I have come here." Neil started his hands starting to tremble a little. "Oh

of course, I'm a witch. I know what goes and comes"

"Then I won't beat around the bush and get on with it". The witch rose a thin eyebrow and stared with

her lustful red eyes at Neil. "What is the cure for my brothers mysterious illness?" His eyes reflected the Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

hope to the answer he was waiting for.

Adrastea expression changed into a hateful scowl; a cold aura started to surround her while her red

eyes had changed colour to a violent purple. Lykos let the fire swirl through his fingers in case the witch

attacks while Neil stood his ground, trying to keep himself calm knowing exactly what he had gotten

himself to, but this is all for his brothers recovery.

"The humiliation I had felt in front of my sisters when your ancestors banished me to the outskirts of

Ventus and now their own measly little spawns have the audacity to waltz in through my door and

demand for help" she snared her perfectly rows of white teeth.

The face that held beauty had faded off revealing the horrible and wretched face of a real witch that

resided within. Wrinkly skin that was melting off, the cheek bones had shrunk in as if she had starved

herself to death, her nose arched out as her teeth had turned a brown colour.

Lykos' stomach turned and he felt the burning of the vomit flying up his throat and ready to escape and

onto the floor. Neil was horrified at the sight of this witch feeling disgusted that he was sexually

harassed by this troll of a woman.

She had suddenly calmed down without them doing anything. Her eyes faded back to red and her

outstanding beauty to outshine all had returned back, hiding away the horrid creature from before.

"Holy shit" Lykos gasped out, covering his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting. Adrastea sent a

hateful glare towards Lykos then to walk towards the cauldron.

"Tell me Neil of Ventus, what will you give me in return if I help you?"

Neil took a deep breath, sensing the trembling of his bone disappear within seconds and his throat had

tightened preventing him to speak. She is going to help him but what will he give her.

"What is it you wish to have, and I will try to pursue if it is within my grasp" he spoke out, but it came

out as gruff.

Her lips twisted into a grin and her red eyes faded into a lavishing green. "What I want is far more than

you could ever achieve." Her long nail dipped into the boiling cauldron, and she didn't not even resist to

it but to smile maliciously down at it. Neil swallowed down his pride and listened closely praying to the

Gods up there that her command is to his reach.

Lykos however was trying to figure a way out due to the door being locked, he wanted to leave out of

the hell hole and get some fresh air before he puked again by the horrid face that haunted his mind.

"Tell me dear Neil, are you willing to go to the extend for a measly little brother who isn't even worth as

much as you are to the empire"

Neil nodded without hesitation.

"Are you willing to destroy your empire and bring down the Volant monarchy including your own

parents for your brother"

Neil's world came crashing down on him, crushing him under inescapable pile of rocks. Time stood still

like never before. His pupils dilated, hands ached, and his heart sank to his feet. He twitched, only

because his body reacted. For several moments he stood still, his body didn't move. The colour

drained from his face as he stared wide-eyed into the distance

There was a bitter taste in the back of his mouth that he couldn't seem to get rid of. Lykos was

speechless, unable to utter anything as he stared daggers at the witch before glancing at the prince,

who seem to notice the woman cackle to herself.

"A Prince who cherishes his empire but also his dear little brother, yet he cannot choose who to


"You sly bitch" Lykos spat out, the flame bursting through his hands. "Oh Lykos, you were so quiet that

I had forgotten about you"

"There is nothing for us here" Neil turned around, leaving the red-haired prince confused whose fire

magic died down. "Excuse me"

He brushed past Lykos without giving a second glance to the witch or his best friend. His face

shadowed off as he kicked open the door and stormed out.

"As I thought" Adrastea scoffed looking down at her reflection in the now green bubbling liquid, adoring

her beauty.

"**** you and the person who brought you in this world" Lykos scowled at her and left for the door.

Adrastea expressionless eyes watched the two disappear from her view before looking down at the

substance in the cauldron.

Her reflection had started to swirl, round and round until an image of a girl was created. She had long

silver, white hair pulled into a high ponytail, her milky white skin glittering under the sun, and she wore

men clothing as she sat obediently on the green grass, watching an old lady draped in a black cloak

twirl her fingers.

A devilish grin split her face, teeth gleaming in the flickering candle lights. She looked like a happy

predator with upturned lips, waiting to deliver the killing strike as she placed a long nail on her cheek.

"My dear little sister, Elisaria" she hummed, "Do you realise that the person your sheltering is going to

be someone who will soon be feared here. A being so powerful that the whole of Alphyria will kneel

down before her."

"A little girl who will be the end for all us"

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