The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 64 - Fairies

Chapter 64 - Fairies

I felt something warm shine on my eyelids, I groaned a morning grumble when I felt something big

move around me. I fluttered my eyes open to see the morning sun high above the sky. I sheltered my

eyes before I looked around to see myself wrapped around Demarcus as if he was protecting his child

from danger.

I rubbed my puffed-up eyes to wake me up further. I must have cried myself to sleep last night and

turned a little red. 'I cried my eyes out in front of Demarcus. How embarrassing' I hid my face in my


So called for an assassin.

I stretched my arms up, feeling my muscles loosen and relax. I have to admit sleeping within Demarcus

was very comfortable and warm, but I slept with my guard down and that's something I must never do

again even if there is a mighty dragon beside me. I can't die just yet because of my stupidity of letting

my guard down when sleeping.

Looking to see, Demarcus the golden Orga dragon slept soundly. His whole body rising up and down

every time he breathed. It was soothing to listen to his soft breathing.

I didn't want to wake him up because he needed a lot of rest especially with that injured wing. Slowly

and quietly, I made my way out from Demarcus' embrace and out in the small grassland where Alaric


He was Toprakline wolf, an earth wolf that was bigger than the average wolf from my world. He was like

stone that was covered in moss and small little flowers. That's what he looked like with his fur being the

colour of a stone and his back covered in vegetation.

Toprakline wolves are smarter than regular wolves, faster and stronger with their jaws that could crush

stones however they only attack if they feel threatened. If I was to approach it without killing intentions

that they would leave me alone expecting me to leave them alone as well.

Yet he was one the most beautiful creatures I had ever laid eyes on.

'I wonder what time it is?' I scratched my head as I yawned. I could hear the birds chirping in the trees

and the soft medallic sounds of the forest itself.

The surrounding was beautiful and the memories of Itami came rushing back to me. How he always

told me he wanted to leave in a fantasy forest with me with a German Shepard named Tadeo. How I

always laughed and told him that he needs to stop fantasising and get back to the mission. 'Why do I

keep thinking of him? He was the one that ended it all not me' I looked down at my palm and felt a ting

in my heart.

'Is it because my heart keep refusing that he betrayed me and there's more to this then I thought. So

why, why did you kill me? Why did you betray me? was it all worth it in the end?'

When I get back, I will get my answer from him even if I have to force it out. I will get my answer, you'll

see but right now my first priorities is to get back since there is no point of going further into something

that isn't worth my time right now.

But before I do all that, I took a sniff of myself and nearly gagged. I smelt of sweat, dirt, blood and a

horrible odour 'I need to take shower' I shivered in disgust, "No wonder I have been feeling weird these

days. I haven't taken a bath or a shower in a week. How disgusting and unhygienic of me"

However where am I going to take shower without having something jump from behind and eat me. I

crossed my hands and wrinkled my nose, going through my ideas.

"I should just go ask Elisaria and see what she says" I made up my mind, clicking the heels of my boot

against the grass and walking to the direction of the cottage.

Suddenly I heard a faint ring of bells and stopped in my tracks, searching to the source of the sounds

when I came face to face with a little fairy that was flying a few centimetres away from my face. At the

second I had forgotten how to breath and stared directly at the small fairy that was staring back at me

with those small eyes.

She was beautiful, long wavy light brown hair with a small light blue flower pinned behind her ear, olive

skin, hazel eyes that stared back at me in curiosity small pointy ears that poked out from her hair. She

wore a faded blue of all shades that seemed like it was made from petals of a flower and vines'

wrapped around her feet and legs as shoes. Her wings attached to her back glittered under the rays of

sun like glass, it looked so fragile as if it would shatter with a slight touch of my finger.

I stretched out my index finger to touch the beautiful creature in front of me. She did the same,

reaching her hand out slowly and touching the tip of my finger. Her hand was small yet gentle and the

feeling of warmth rushed through me.

There it was again a high-pitched ring of bells, that constantly ringed in my ears. It dawned to me that

the rings of bells were coming from the fairy. She was trying to communicate to me, but I can't

understand her.

I wish the gift I got from God was also useful for fairies other than just animals.

I could hear more rings of bells coming from all directions, I span around, and my eyes widened when I

saw myself surrounded by dozens of fairies wearing different fades of colours that looked like they

were just specks of flying colours in the air.

I stared in awe as I found myself in the middle of crowd of fairies that I wouldn't believe I was awake

than dreaming. I felt something tug my finger, looking down I see a blond hair fairy pulling my finger.

"Is there something the matter?" I asked loosening my arm so it would be easier for her to pull. I heard

the ringing of more bells and lifted my head up to see the same fairy as before waving her hand to

follow. I titled my head in confusion. "You want me to follow you?"

I felt the tiny hands against my back the faint pushes of the fairies from behind made me want to

chuckle at how funny this was. More of the fairies came to the help, each one pulling my fingers or

trying to push me while some gestured their hands to follow them

"Alright I'll follow, I'll follow" I took a step and started to walk, following the fairies from behind. I could

see their pixie dust falling down from their wings as they flew before it disappeared in the air. 'I wonder

if they had some tree that they produced pixie dust just like in the movie tinker bell. I could probably

sprinkle them on me and fly through neverland.... Nah I was only joking'

I strolled through the forest following behind the fairies when I heard faint sounds of a waterfall not far

from here. 'Are they leading me to a waterfall?'

It wasn't long when I split the bush and my I came upon a small lake upon the slope stairs in front of

me. It was surrounded by beautiful blossom like trees as water flowed gently down a stair like waterfall,

the water itself was clear as crystal as the rays of sun danced upon the surface of the water creating a

glittering effect to it. It was sight to behold, such beauty that it felt magical to see.

The fairies flew about, each one pointing their fingers towards the lake. I don't know if they are trying to

lure me into a trap for a monster or just want me to follow with harmless intentions. The same blue

dress fair circled around me before flying down and pulling my collar.

"Geez, you guys are some stubborn fairies, aren't you" I mumbled, crossing my hands, and raising an


I sighed and shuffled my oily hair. 'Maybe I could use this chance to take a bath. I have my senbon

needles attached around my wrists and one of my Kunai knives around my thigh nothing is going to

happen with my weapons around'

I walked up the uneven four stairs that was covered in vines and moss then stopping in front of the

lake. Looking down at myself I saw Diana's reflection on the surface of the water like a mirror. My silver

hair was messy and shiner due to it being oily, my skin was a little darker because of the dirt and I still

looked half asleep.

I dipped my finger and shivered at the cool touch of the water. "I seriously need to bath or else I'm

going to die from my own stench"

A black-haired fairy flew above me, and the ringing bells were higher pitched than others. She wore a

purple faded petal dress, and her hair was tied into a high ponytail while her skin was like the colour of

the snow.

She had something forming in her hands, something glittery but what caught me by surprise was that

she flew across the water as rose petals appeared from thin air and fell down gracefully into the water.

I watched as more fairies followed on suit, each one magically pouring in petals of all sorts while some

poured some sort of glitter that made the water's aroma smell like fresh roses. It was all over in a

minute as they flew towards me gesturing me to go in.

But that was the problem. My wound was still healing, and I can't come in contact with water for a while

even if Elisaria rubbed the burchwood healing ointment on it. It still hasn't recovered and needs more


I sighed plopping myself on the stair and pouting. 'How did I even get wounded when I was shielded

but Demarcus? How come Homura is all fine and I'm not? Hmph, the snobby fox is also a luck fox'

I felt something small and warm touch my cheek and I glanced to the side to see the same light

browned fairy from before and she was smiling warmly to me. I stared blankly towards her confused on

what I was supposed to say or do.

The same high pitched bell ringing echoed through my ears. She was trying to tell me something, but I

didn't understand what it was. 'God if you had given me the gift to understand animals why you couldn't

give me the gift of understanding creatures other than animals as well. It would help me in this situation

right now!' I wanted to fly up there and give God a piece of my mind.

I felt the tugs of other fairies who were pulling the back my white blouse indicating me to go in the


I sighed in frustration. "Sorry guys but I can't" I pulled the hem the top and revealed my wound that

would definitely leave a horrible scar. The wound was stitched with a fine string that Elisaria sewed, it

was still fresh red, but the brown ointment covered most of the colour.

Though I have ruined Diana's perfect skin with a horrible scar. Oh well not my problem it will be hers

when she gets her body back......

That's only if she is able to take her body back when I leave, maybe she died in her sleep so God could

replace her with me, and she is in hell or heaven now. I don't have clue on what will happen with

Diana's body once I return back to my world and back in my own perfectly trained body, but I do hope

she doesn't saves her from this cruel world.

I wish God could give her a second chance in life like he had given me, let her reborn into my world in a

wonderful family that gives her the love she missed in her childhood. Let her grow in an environment

that isn't like here maybe she could find someone that will love her and cherish her until her last day on


She could even become a famous violinist since she's amazing at it. What a perfect life she could live

in my world, without this horrible world of an ancient medieval times with their dumb psychology and

stupid rules.

I was startled from my thoughts when I felt a poke near my wound. Looking down at the fairies that

surround around my lower part, examining it curiously like it was their first time seeing a wound as they

talked amongst themselves that I could only hear bell ringing.

'I wonder what they are planning now?'

I watched as the blue dressed fairies flew down by the water and I nearly fell back when I saw them

bend the water to their will and fly toward me with the water following them. It looked so graceful as it

flew towards me. 'Is this what water magic is? So pretty, I wanna learn how to do it too'

The stopped midway and looked up at me with their intimidating pairs of eyes of all colours. "What?" I

titled my head giving them a questioning look. I sensed a fairy pull the hem of my white blouse up and

my eyes widened in realisation as my mouth shaped an o.

Helping the fairy pull up my shirt, the waterbending fairies made the water glue itself on my wound. I

winced in pain feeling the cool water attack my wound.

Suddenly watching the water glow a bright blue, the stich was undoing itself before floating in the water

and the wound gushing open revealing the flesh of my body that stirred the water and turning it into a

mirky red. 'Tch'

There was a slight sting when it split open, but it was suddenly taken over by a warm touch. I didn't feel

anything then as I watched the red water fly away from my wound. I choked on my own saliva when I

witness the wound had disappeared without leaving a single visible scar.

I gently traces the place where the wound was before, feeling my soft skin against my fingertips instead

of a rough scar. The constant high-pitched bells rang in my ears, and it felt like my ear dreams were

going to explode.

Looking around I could the smiling gentle faces of the dozens of fairies that glanced at me. "T-Thank

you" I was able to speak out after the sudden shock I felt. The wavy brown-haired fairy from before

approached me with her hands behind her back like a shy little girl. She wasn't fair from my face before

stretching out her small yet delicate hand towards me. I did the same with my index finger and I

touched her hand like before.

She smiled and I could just barely see her red cheeks. I smiled a little. 'A dangerous world filled with

horrid monsters at each corner you turn yet there is always beauty hidden behind it if you look closer


I laid my back against the cool slab of stone as I felt the nice cool feeling of the water soak my skin. I let

out a sigh of relief. It felt amazing taking a magical bath after a whole shitty week with ridiculous and

annoying people constantly bickering in your ear. Not pointing fingers at anyone....








You too Homura, don't think you can get away with it because you're a fox.

I massaged my scalp washing away the dirt that was clinging in my hair for as long I set off in this

stupid quest. I feel so much cleaner now, no more dirt and greasy hair.

The fairies had sat around talking amongst themselves while some stroked locks of my silver hair. I

didn't mind the company of the fairies but I wish it was a little bit quite so I could think to myself of

where I'm going to head after diagnosing Benjamin.

I stared up at the sky and wondered to myself. Thinking of Benjamin, wasn't he loved by his parents a

lot? He was cherished dearly by the Empress of Ventus, what was her name again. I squinted my eyes

in deep thought trying to rack my brain of the Empresses name, but my mind was to messy for the

name to be found.

"Pffft~ whatever, it's not like I care anyway" I mumbled.

Both of the Ventus rulers cherished their two sons dearly, loving both of them to heart and way more

than their own kingdom and people. Thinking about it now, what happened when they found out that

their only surviving son was killed, teared limb by limb by goblins because of some stupid prophecy girl

who didn't do anything but to sit there and cry.

I bathed in the water for what seemed like hours trying to go through my horrible memory and figure out

what did happen to the two rulers of Ventus. Did they have another child for the sake of the kingdom?

Did they die without creating another heir? Did Ventus go downhill? What happen- I sat up straight and

blinked at the memory that came rushing in like lightning.

The two were devastated and the Empress could not take the news so well and she was bedridden

before dying a week after the horrible news of Neil was announced to them. The king was in an even

worse position. He lost his youngest son then his oldest before losing his beloved wife and the only

woman he had ever loved. He locked himself in his room, never coming out as he stayed in the darkest

room for weeks as maids and butlers brought him his meals.

The empire he was supposed to rule and look after went to chaos and he did not do anything about it

with the dark and empty heart the now possessed his heart. It wasn't long before Aureum came along

and conquered the kingdom and the emperor gladly handed it over to them before disappearing and to

never be seen again.

That was the end of the Volant monarchy as it became nothing but history. The author did the family

dirty especially the father of Volant. He didn't deserve any of it. The emperor was a wise and

reasonable ruler who ruled with great power over his empire, and it was the only kingdom with less

poverty than the other four Human kingdoms of Alphyria.

However, the empire of Ventus, Taivas also came to an end when it laid in the hands of Marcus himself.

That bastard became the Emperor of Ventus by the power of the Royal Rulers of Aureum and he

named the empire of Ventus, after him.

I felt my blood boil just by thinking of that bastard ruling over a kingdom his own slutty daughter

destroyed. I clenched my jaw and fisted my hands in anger, feeling the urge to punch him in the face

and throw Ariana to the goblins and let them tear her limb by limb like how they did to Neil.

It fucking irritates me just the thought of the beautiful kingdom of Ventus in the hands of a cheating

bastard like Marcus.

It really pissed me off at the point I couldn't even read the epilogue book of the trilogy. The epilogue

was basically the after end of Ariana saving the world of Alphyria.

Terra, Aureum greatest ally had declared war with Aureum itself because of their princes' death due to

the woman that married the future emperor of Aureum. They couldn't bare to keep the reason of

Edmonds death alive even if she did save Alphyria, Carl was more hateful towards Ariana than anyone

else. He didn't give a single shit if she was a prophecy girl who saved the world he lived in, he just

wanted her head piked on a stick.

'Same here Carl, same here. We can plan together on how we can kill her after she saved Alphyria,

she's not needed then is she?'

Yeah, that's mostly it of the epilogue of the novel trilogy novel 'My Grace'. The five human empires

going to war after Alphyria was saved. It was the outcome of Ariana's dumb and useless choices.

I have no clue on what happened in that book and the after series and who won what and who lost and

died. I didn't read it because I couldn't sit there reading and wasting a whole hour or so again of

Ariana's stupidity once more.

Oh, and I died that night so yeah, I never got to read it and I wasn't planning to either. I only read My

grace because Akira suggested it to me, and it was the only thing she talked about. She begged me to

read it over and over again never stopped nagging me about it until I gave in to her annoying bickering

so she could leave me alone.

I read it one page and thought it was stupid before I left it on my shelf for weeks before Akira begged All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

me to finish reading telling me it was worth the read. I didn't believe a single shit she said because her

book choices are so bad it gives me the reason to think if she really needs a doctor to consult. I still

read it though because I had nothing else to do that day. There wasn't any good manga's I could read

since I read so many, and I wasn't bothered to watch anime as well.

I continued where I left off before regretting it even more however, I'm someone who doesn't like

leaving half done and it would trigger me every minute just by thinking about it. I read it till the end

enduring the pain and suffering of reading about someone's foolishness nearly dragged me to her level

of idiocy.

I sighed a long-frustrated sigh as I stared upon the clear blue sky. 'This fantasy world of a novel is such

a mess. I want to go home as quickly as possible without attracting any attention to myself'

I emerged my feet from the water, watching how the clear liquid raced down my skin and falling back

into the water with a splash. Wiggling my toes and chuckling at how childish I was. I smiled and rested

my head against the cold stone I leaned against on and wondered to myself as I closed my eyes

feeling the warmth of the sun brush my face.

'What are you doing right now Daisuke? Are you eating well? Are you sleeping like you should instead

of clicking away with that computer of yours? Are you doing your missions properly? Are you moping

around because of my death? If you are please don't because I'm still alive and I'm trying to find my

way back to you? Daisuke just wait for me ok. It's going to take a while but I'm getting there, I just need

to get the Alphyrian Crystal and say my wish. Then we will be reunited again'

"Wait for me"

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