The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 45 - Orga Dragon

Chapter 45 - Orga Dragon

"One...ignis...dragon...please" I was out breath and my legs wanted to give up on me.

I had to run my way here because I had thought it would be closing scratch the fact that I got lost a

couple of times because I had no idea where I was going and only listened to the roars of the dragons

for directions even though I did ask a few people for the way I still wasn't able to find it due to their

horrible explanation.

The man no older than 25, observed me with an eyebrow raised debating whether I was worth to ride

one of his fabulous dragons or not. The light of the fire that burned the wooden torch behind him

reflected his dark green hair and glimmering blue eyes that was showed nothing but gloomy and dull.

"Name please" he said rudely under that husky tone of his. I took another inhale of breath feeling how

my cheeks were hot from the heat.

"ROOOOAAAARRRR!" the angry growls of the dragons were so loud and piercing that it made the

ground rumble beneath me, scaring the shit out of me nearly making me jump out my skin. The low

groans of dragons were loud to the ears, I could hear them scratching and clawing their sharp claws

against the chains, their heavy wings flapping as it could create a hurricane inside.

Standing firmly again I answered him. "Artemis, Artemis Ray". Looking at the man he didn't flinch a

second by the sounds of the dragons coming from behind the wooden wall as if he was used to these

dragons' uproar and been doing this job his whole life.

He eyes looked up and his mouth twitched a little. "Follow me" he placed the quill back into the ink and

walked towards the tall wall not far from where stood.

I turned my head to look through the iron yett and saw a jet of fire blast inside. All inside the barrier of

the wall tops the air with similar bursts of colour, lighting up the dark sky.

I felt adrenaline run through my bones, the excitement drilled deep inside my racing heart eager to walk

through the gate and witness their fiery beauty with my own eyes.

We walked towards a huge wooden wall, circling around the perimeter. It was made entirely out of oak

wood and reached an estimate of 17 metres high and iron yett was bolted in the middle.

It's sad Homura is still unconscious, or it would have been funny watching him squeal at the sight of the


The man pulled down a lever near the yett, hearing how it squeaked when pulled down. The ground

beneath to shake as the iron bars of the yett started to rise up revealing the spikes at the bottom of the


The man walked through the gates nonchalantly, regarding the dragon hisses and the growls. I

followed behind, containing my excitement.

One step into the stables, my eyes lit up in astonishment. All around me was dragons.

There were in huge in size no bigger than 25 metres tall. Diamond shaped scales glittering under the

light of the moon reflecting the colour gold as it rattled with a every smoky breath they took. Thick spiral

horns sprouted out of their heads and their large claws that can slice through rocks scraped the dirt

floor as the chains around their scaly necks shook, creating a loud metallic sound.

These must be Aureum's Orga dragons, the breed of ignis dragons found only in Aureum.

Men walked around carrying buckets, saddles, and more chains while others contained the dragons or

lead them through, holding the chains attached to the metal collar around their necks. How calm and

collected they were dealing with mighty beasts that might go against them and attack.

"Choose your dragon and begone with it" said the man in a hurry. His voice indicated he was annoyed

with me and wanted me gone already.

I didn't respond to his rude gesture and strolled past him, ignoring his click of a tongue.

Their low grunts and roars quite down just as I marched through the empty area. I lowered my head

feeling a little weird getting the attention of every dragon in the arena. Each pair of sharp snake green

eyes glaring at me like I was some sort of lump of meat.

"Who's that female human I'm sniffing off an unusual aura" a thunderous voice boomed as if it could

rumble the sky with it's tone. I felt my whole shake just by hearing his words.

"What an unusual aura that is" another spoke but this time it was females voice, a little calm and gentle

then the other.

"COME ON DRAGON, MOVE?" a man struggling to get the dragon back to walking yelled at the Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

puzzled looking dragon that stared right at me but to suddenly avoid eye contact.

"What's happening?" men startled to talk to each other as they tried to figure out why the dragons

stopped doing what they were doing before and halted their attention the mysterious person in cloak

standing not far from the entrance of the dragon stable. Which was me.

"Oi, dragon stop dozing away and start moving" other called out to the dragons that regarded their


Slowly the dragons started moving again however their glaring eyes didn't leave me resulting my skin

to crawl. 'I'm glad Homura is still unconscious to witness this'

My head started to spin, and I felt dizzy. My cheeks started to heat up and my face felt like it was

skinning itself. 'Is the potion wearing off? Has it already been an hour?' I stumbled back, trying to keep

my balance before I fell. The sudden feeling of my heart racing and my muscles tightening made me

cough and something warm drooled down my mouth. I wiped it off with the cloak and was stunned to

see a blue substance. 'What the hell'.

Instantly from the corner of my eyes, I saw locks of hair growing down my shoulders. 'The potion is

defiantly wearing off' I slipped to the side not wanting anyone seeing me, accidently bumping into

something hard. It was warm against my back, the heat penetrating through my clothes and warming

the back of my skin. I heard a low huff of breath above me, the hot wind blowing down the top of my

head making my clothes fly up a little.

I slowly lifted my head up my hood falling down revealing my face. My mouth dropped to the floor as I

was face to face with a dragon. His head was lowered to mine, his huge pointy snout nearly inch away

from my nose.

"Mmmm that is an unusual aura" his voice was gruff yet calming to the ears.

I titled my head in curiosity, admiring it's beautiful green snake like eyes gazing down at my now icy

blue eyes.

He sniffed "Definitely something unusual about this female human. Very peculiar I say" he spoke again.

I couldn't help but stare in astonishment. '

"Hello" I subconsciously spoke still can't get through my head that I'm speaking to real life dragon.

Those gorgeous golden scales shimmering under the torch light, bringing out the beautiful emerald

colour of his eyes, the white rows of sharp teeth and his spiral horns on his head making him definitely

look like those mythical dragons I've seen on tv and pictures on the internet.

"Hello to you to human girl" he spoke. Homura lied to me, how can such a beautiful creature like this be

so self-absorbed. 'Homura are you just trying to cover up how snobby you are'. Now I felt the urge to

drop this dead looking fox in my hands.

I was about to say something when I felt a rushing presence approach us. Quickly placing my hood

over my head to cover up Diana's face and silver hair that might stir up attention, I shifted my attention

to the guy that was slowing down to a jog before stopping a few metres from where I was. The light of

the torch gave me the sight to see what he looked like.

I couldn't tell if his hair was orange or brown, maybe brown but it looked soft to the touch, and his eyes

showed an entire ocean trapped inside and his jawline was a perfect angle. He wore a white top with

brown straps buckled to his black pants, he wore brown medieval styled boots and fingerless gloves.

All in all, I would have mistaken him as a prince disguised as a commoner.

"Sorry about earlier, never had the dragons do that before" a wide grin of an apology plastered on his

face revealing straight white teeth as he shuffled the back of his head.

"Ahh if it isn't my favourite human, Ceil" the dragon purred, his hot breath blowing down on us. 'So

Ciel is his name'

Ciel chuckled, it was charming and energetic, soft to the ears of another. I reckon he got a lot of

commoner girls after him. "Miss me already, Demarcus" he ruffled his hair, a smile revealing the

handsome feature he possessed.

"So mysterious lady, did Demarcus choose you as his rider?" he voice brought me back to reality. I

shook my head to stay in earth then wonder off.

"I don't know" I said with a monotone voice. "Is that so" he sighed disappointed. "He is a picky one.

Never liked the dragon riders that came here to buy him. Always blowing that hot breath of his at them

to go away." He crossed his hands and shook his head. "Stubborn Reptile"

"Stubborn isn't a word I would describe myself. I just haven't find a suitable and worthy rider yet" the

dragon corrected unaware that I could totally understand him.

"There, there my dear friend" he stroked the dragon's long scaly snout. His ocean eyes glimmering with

affection towards the dragon and his smile so gentle as those masculine hands that looked like it has

been working under pressure for so long, stroked down the dragon's head.

"Beautiful isn't he" he spoke still not averting his gaze away. "Yes, yes he is" I answered looking at the

dragon myself. A long rumble off satisfaction came from the dragon, warming the surrounding air. I

desperately wanted to touch the dragon as well, but I didn't want to ask.

Ciel looked at me with a gentle smile before the smile turned into a huge cheeky grin. "Wanna pet?"

I froze in my spot. Looking side to side just in case he wasn't asking someone else. "uhhh." I wanted to

but I didn't want Homura suddenly waking up while I'm patting and start screaming like a maniac and

burst me ear drums for real.

"I can hold the fox for you" he held out his hands. I glanced down at the ridiculous fox in my hands,

paws slunk down and his head as well with his tongue sticking out. He truly looked like an idiot.

I tugged Homura tightly, no matter how friendly he seemed with the beasts I still won't trust him with

Homura, not anyone in that matter.

I took a step back refusing his proposal "No need, I can hold him with one hand" I answered coldly.

Ceil pulled his hands back a little embarrassed for what he asked. "Sure, whatever the customer says"

he averted his eyes away, scratching his hair for a distraction.

I looked up at the dragon, admiring him once again. My hand moved on it's own, sliding it out from the

bottom that held Homura and reached out to the dragon. Demarcus lowered his head accepting my


The sudden touch of his scale made my heart leap through my chest. It's scales were smooth and silky

yet very cool to the touch. The adrenaline that run through my core and the excitement in my chest was

such a foreign feeling. Never in my wildest dream would I see or touch a dragon.

'Maybe this world isn't so bad after all'

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