The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Nikolai

I was seething in anger, I wanted to go on a bloody rampage. I wanted to rip them all limb to limb, I wanted to make them all suffer as they had made Mary. In my opinion everyone was at fault, the women who stood by and watched as Mary was getting dragged into the laundry room were just as guilty as the one’s who’d done the tormenting.

‘Nikolai.’ I felt kade reaching out to me, concern in his voice. “What is going on? I can feel your rage from across the palace.”

“The blood slaves,’ I ground out, “They attacked Mary.’

‘And Mary is?’ Kade asked confused.

‘My blood slave, the woman with the intoxicating scent!’

‘Ah.’ Kade responded. ‘I was wondering why the women were acting off when I dropped off my slave.’

‘They were acting strange and you didn’t think to investigate it.’ I growled through the link, my anger rising, thinking this entire situation could have been prevented.

“I figured they’d lost one of their own again.’ Kade said cautiously, “You’ve been rather hungry lately, it doesn’t seem like anything can satisfy you.’

I cut the mind link off with Kade, I was standing outside the Female Blood Slaves chambers. I tried to take a calming breath before entering but my beast wouldn’t let me. He wanted revenge, he wanted to kill anyone who’d chose to harm what was his. I opened up the door, letting it slam against the wall, as I walked in, my aura engulfing the entire room, causing the women to cower in fear. I looked at the carnage I had caused earlier, in my attempts to find Mary. Katrina’s lifeless body, still laid on the floor, there’d been no attempt to clean up the area or move her. Further down the hall, in front of the laundry

room laid the other slave, the one who’d led me Mary. I didn’t realize I’d pushed her so hard, in my worry for Mary,(This novel will be daily updtaed at I’d lost control of my own strength. I didn’t mind that she was dead though, I already knew she had been involved in Mary’s torture. I could smell Mary’s scent all over her. The only thing I regretted was that they’d died an easy death.

I heard the door open behind me, and I turned, noticing Elizabeth walk in she had a panicked look on her face. I snarled at her my eyes flashing red. Her eyes flickered for a second, my beast grew excited, think she’d challenge us, but she backed down quickly. What a shame, I would have loved to take out some of my anger on her.

I turned to face the blood slaves again, Elizabeth walking with her head downcast towards them. I took a calming breath, before acknowledging the situation before us.

“What happened tonight could have been prevented.” I started, my commanding aura still surrounding the room, seeming to feed of the females fear. “Two lives so far have been lost, due to the blatant disregard for a happened to a fellow slave. Due to not listening to your King,” I starred straight at Elizabeth. “Everyone will be individually punished in the way I see fit.” I watched as the females

eyes widened in fear, “ I want everyone who was responsible for the attack on my blood slave to step forward. If you step forward on your own, I will kill your with mercy, if I have to find you myself, I will be merciless, and no this, I will find you.” I growled out showing my fangs, my eyes flashing over to my beast.

No one moved, no one said anything. I could feel my anger rising again, apparently they needed an example of my wrath. I reached out with blinding speed, grabbing Elizabeth by the neck, squeezing her throat, until her face turned a shade of purple, I watched as everyone’s face paled. I released Elizabeth, (This novel will be daily updtaed at her to take a gulp of air, allowing her to think, I was going to let her live, and then I shoved my hand through her chest, pulling out her heart, crushing it in my bare hands, Elizabeth’s body crumbling to the floor.

“That was the death of someone who disobeyed,” I spoke, all eyes on me. “Think of how horrific that was, that will be nothing compared to what will come to those who are hiding from me, show your face now, or suffer the consequences.” My eyes starring straight at the tall, skinny blood slave, the one with a golden chain around her neck, that reminded me of Mary’s locket.

I waited a full minute, waiting for someone to come forward, when no one did, I spoke again. NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“You had your chance to come forward and you didn’t. This is the punishment you shall receive. Everyday your blood will be drained to the brink of death, not by a vampire, but by slashes to the wrist. Your wounds will be bandaged, and then you’ll be strung up in the dungeons, this will continue every day until your death.” My eyes still starring directly at the blood slave with the golden chain. She began to shake in fear, and I knew my assumption had been right, She had played a roll in Mary’s torture, but I had to be one hundred percent sure. I could not convict an innocent.

“Everyone who was present during my blood slaves, torture, will receive ten lashings, unless you’re able to provide me with useful information.” I knew this would turn the women against each other, but I didn’t care. It was already cutthroat down here, that had been proven earlier tonight.

I pointed to Kade’s blood slave, beckoning her to me. Her eyes filled with tears, she was terrified of me and why wouldn’t she be, she had seen me kill three people tonight. She slowly walked over to me, her entire body shaking with fear.

“You are the second in command’s blood slave, are you not?” I asked looking at her quizzically.

“Yes, your highness.” She said bowing down to me, trying to appear strong and not afraid.

“You’ll be moved to the upstairs quarters. I cannot risk you being targeted, due to being the blood slave to someone in command.”

“Ye..yes, your highness,” she said shock evident on her face.

“For the time being, you’ll also be in charge of my blood slave (This novel will be daily updtaed at, it is imperative that she learns how to be a true blood slave.”

“Yes, sir.” She bowed again.

“You’re dismissed, you may go wait in the dining hall, until I send someone to get you.”

She nodded to me, hurrying out of the room.

“You,” I said turning and advancing towards the tall skinny blood slave. Her eyes darted side to side, as if looking for an escape. “Don’t think about running, you’ll only excite the beast more.”

She was within my grasp when she bolted to the right, I began the chase, I was the hunter she was the prey, her heart was beating loudly, I could hear her blood pumping through her veins. I advanced on her, tackling her to the floor within a matter of seconds, I heard her legs crunch beneath my weight. I had taken her down hard, I had to reign in my beast, I didn’t want her to die too soon.

I stood up, grabbing her arm, and pulling her up with me. She cried out in pain, at weight being placed on her leg, I didn’t care. “Next time you think you can torture someone and get away with it, don’t take a trinket.” I roared, tearing her shirt open, exposing Mary’s locket.

*1..1..1. I found it.” She stated trying to lie, her pulse increasing.

“Don’t breathe.” I ordered her, using my one power I hated the most against her, the power that took someone’s free will away, her mouth snapped shut, her chest stopped moving. I walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a steak knife from the counter, “Take it,” I ordered her. Her arm reached out, her eyes growing wide with horror as her body was no longer her’s to control. “Cut yourself, here, and here.” I indicated pointing to each of her wrists. Tears started to fall down her eyes, as she took the knife and began slicing into herself, by the second cut, she’d begun to sway back and forth, losing consciousness

from holding her breath to long. Her body hit the floor hard, I didn’t bother trying to catch her. “You can breathe.” I said removing my control from her.

I turned to the other slaves, “Let this be a lesson to you all, although you have a good life here in the castle, you’re still slaves, you’re still the weaker species. Tomorrow the servants will be down to deliver your whippings. You will take them with pride, if I hear about anyone resisting,(This novel will be daily updtaed at I will force you to enjoy your whippings and then place you in the dungeon for a week without food.”

“Yes sir,” they replied in unison, their little heads bobbing up and down.

“And clean up this fucking mess.”

“Yes your highness.”

I sent a mindlink to Kade advising him that I’d moved his blood slave to our quarters and putting him in charge of handling punishments tomorrow. Then I thought of my door outside my bedroom, and teleported in front of Draq and Dru.

“Your highness.” They both said acknowledging my presence.

“I need one of you to remove the dead blood slaves from the women’s’ chamber, and I need the other, to get the blood slave that’s alive, she’s wounded, and hang her in the dungeons. Also retrieve the golden locket from around her neck and bring it to me.”

The both nodded at me, before walking off towards the stairway.

I opened my bedroom door and peeked in. Mary was still sleeping soundly on my bed, my beast let out a purr at the sight of her. I suddenly felt extraordinarily tired as I walked towards my bed, climbing in beside Mary,

Hope you enjoyed this update, How do you think Mary will feel walking up in Nikolai’s room?

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