In China, a very young boy is running away after he managed to escape a fire outbreak, the cloth he

was wearing was burnt by fire and he didn't even bother to look at the road, he ran with full speed until

a car hits him and he knocks down.

The boy slowly opens his eyes and finds different people of about the same age looking at him, he

quickly gets up and they all get scared running from him, a man then walks up to him.

"Boy, where do you live?" The man asked.

"There was a a fire outbreak........... I saw all my family die.......... With my own eyes but I escaped." The

boy gently talks.

"Don't worry, you'll find a home soon." The man says softly and walks away. The young boy gets up

from the chair he was sitting on and walks around, everyone around him seemed to have had their

friends except one kid who was standing alone.

"Are you new?" The boy asked the other kid standing.

"No, I'm Ben. What about you." Ben asked.

"I'm Chong, what is this place?" Chong asked and breathes out deeply.

"I hope you're a Supernatural, the man owns this place will take us to a adoptive center or a event

where we have to showcase our powers and someone takes us home." Ben says swiftly.

"My powers aren't really that good." Chong says sadly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a home soon." Ben says.

Months passed and event after event Chong wasn't picked, it didn't really matter to him cause Ben was

still around, till one day Chong wakes up and Ben wasn't sleeping beside him as usual.

"Ben?" Chong says and looks around.

"Ben left early this morning, I can't keep on keeping you while new batches come. If you're not picked

by next month then I have to let you go." The man says and walks away.

A month later, Chong has been picked by Papa and after awhile of processing his papers and all. Papa

takes Chong home.

"Come on." Papa says as he leads Chong inside. Chong looks around and wasn't still feeling

comfortable mainly because Papa hadn't really said anything to him.

"Does any other person live here?" Chong asked.

"No, how long can you keep people hidden?" Papa asked swiftly.

"I don't really use my powers...... but let's say... Ten minutes." Chong voice shakens.

"You're going to need to work on that, we're going try to extend it to hours then days and maybe

permanently." Papa says.

"I don't think I can do that." Chong says confused looking at his arm.

"I wasn't asking, you're going to do it." Papa says and walks away, Chong sits on a chair wondering if

he made a good choice to come here, Papa sounded so nice when he wanted to claim him but now he

just looks like someone that wants to end his life.

Years passed and Chong spent days training with his powers, he'll constantly stay in his room

meditating and as he grew older his powers were getting stronger day by day, his powers grew and

finally did it. He hid Papa from the world as he was told. One particular day, Papa takes him to a forest

far away from the city and in the middle of the forest is three different cabins.

"Why are we here?" Chong asked, he was scared of Papa, he had seen this man do terrible things

"You'll see." Papa says and they both enter the house, Mashee'a comes out of a room and rushes to

hug her husband.

"Honey! I've missed you." Mashee'a says.

"Me too, this is Chong and he was the one I told you about." Papa says and drags Chong closer to


"So you're going to keep me hidden from the world?" Mashee'a asked.

"Yeah.......... I don't.........." Papa quickly interrupts Chong who doesn't know what's going on.

"Why don't you make tea for us dear?" Papa swiftly says, Mashee'a nods and runs off to the kitchen.

"You have a wife? I'm keeping you hidden permanently, I don't think I can do that for another person, it

doesn't work like that." Chong begs.

"You will do it, you'll try." Papa says quietly.

"I will die." Chong says as tears filled his eyes.

"You won't, I have a friend who can help you." Papa says and walks away, Chong knew he was in

trouble and he was living with a psychopath, different thoughts filled his head. He planned to escape.

Years passed, Chong followed Papa's command and hid Mashee'a from the world too, Chong also did

different jobs to gain funds, he had a private account that no one knew about and always kept money inContent © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

it waiting for it to be enough for him to start a new life somewhere far away from Papa. One day after

Chong left for work, Papa who didn't know when he left was looking for him around the house.

"Chong!" Papa looks around and goes to Chong room, he searches his room and opens his cabinet he

then sees a note full of tellers, Papa thought to himself that Chong was planning to escape and thought

of what to do.

"I'm back." Papa says as he enters the house with Oloogun, he had been gone for over a month.

Chong slowly approaches Papa.

"Welcome back sir." Chong says softly.

"This is my friend that will help you with your powers." Papa says and points to Oloogun.

"My name isn't necessary, let's just get this over with and give you that extra life." Oloogun says swiftly,

a bottle of pink coloured water suddenly appears in Oloogun hand and he gives it to Chong, as usual

Chong is skeptical about taking it cause he feared what Papa could do.

"There's nothing bad in it." Papa says, Chong knew that Papa won't want him dead and he actually saw

no bad idea in living longer so he drinks it.

"Now that you've drank it, the option also gives me control over you." Papa says swiftly with a smirk.

"What?" Chong says.

"You think I didn't know you were planning to escape, you're not that smart." Papa laughs out loud.

"I hate you." Chong says angrily and with dashing speed runs towards Papa to attack him.

"Sleep." Papa says softly, Chong falls on the ground and sleeps off.

"This isn't right." Oloogun says.

Many years passed and Chong slowly began to accept his date, after he had hit Ngozi with a car, he

carries her inside the car and began to question why Papa was bringing different people that he didn't

know into his house.

"Why are you doing this?" Chong asked.

"Doing what?" Papa pretends to not understand what he was talking about.

"Stop playing dumb, you took Ayo in after you submitted his name to The Organization for the

experiment and now you're just randomly accepting people into your house." Chong says.

"Can't you see this lady amulet? It's rare and not something you can just find, I need all of them to help

me out in case you die, I have enemies." Papa says, he turns around and faces the window of the car.

"What gives you the idea that they'll stay?" Chong chuckles.

"They will, I'll make sure of that, just make sure you keep them hidden from the world." Papa says


Years passed and Papa watches the team leave his house. He never anticipated this that they'll move

on and get better, Chong stands behind Papa.

"Too bad." Chong says and walks away

Two months later, Chong is leaving a restaurant and he sees Tolu walking majestically in a police


"Hot." Chong says and whistles.

"Excuse me." Tolu says and faces Chong.

"I'm sorry, you just look really good in that uniform." Chong says swiftly.

"Huh, you're bold." Tolu says and smiles.

Years passed, Chong is on his bed as blood gushes out from his mouth. He couldn't control his powers

anymore and they were weakening his body day by day, Papa stood beside him thinking of what he

could do.

"You........ Did........ This to me." Chong says slowly as he coughs out blood from his mouth, tears filled

his eyes and a deep moment of regret hits his mind. "You'll suffer for this, I promise." Chong says.

The tape spits the team and Papa out back to the sitting room, Tolu without hesitation gets up and

slaps Papa.

"You killed my friend!" Tolu cries out as tears filled her eyes.

"Tolu, move away!" Ayo yells as he point his blaster directly at Papa's head. "You did that to me?

Submitted my name for the experiment." Ayo voice breaks down.

"Ayo." Papa raises his hand and breathes heavily, praying that he doesn't die.

In the middle of a forest, someone knocks on the door of Mashee'a cabin, Mashee'a opens the door,

her belly was huge this time.

"Hello, I don't think I know you." Mashee'a says, she was expecting Papa.

"You will." Essence says has laughs manically, his hands were already back to normal and he snaps

his fingers.

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