The Tormented Soul

Chapter 17: Darius in a meeting

Chapter 17: Darius in a meeting

Darius POV This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Before I went down to meet up with my guest I went to my bedroom to have a quick shower. After the shower I put on dark blue jeans and a black tight shirt.

I heard voices when I got downstairs and by the tone that they used I knew that something must have happened. As I opened the door to the dining room everyone got quiet and looked at me.

The dining room was bright and had white walls with light cream curtains on each side of the big windows. In the middle was a long brown table that fitted twenty chairs around it. I looked around and I saw James standing on the other side of the room having a conversation with Alpha Blake. I walked towards them.

"So what happened this time? As all off you showed up unannounced!" I asked Alpha Blake when I reached them.

"Darius, we are sorry that we showed up here unannounced but Isaac has struck again. That’s why we needed to have an emergency meeting." Alpha Lucius answered my question as he appeared behind me overhearing my question to Blake.

I turned around to face Lucius. "What? Who has he killed now?" I asked him with so much shock in my voice but it held anger in it too.

"It's Alpha Raymond and his pack. No one made it out alive." Lucius answered me back and sighed, he had lost his neighbor and friend.

What?" Was the only thing I could get out as I thought about how Alpha Raymond was a peaceful man and how kind he was.

I left my spot and walked towards my seat. As I was taking my seat everyone was taking their seat as well. I was sitting there taking in the devastating news I found out, which took me a few minutes to digest the news. As I digested it I looked around the table to see that everyone was looking at me waiting for me to say something.

Around the table were Alpha Alejandro, Alpha Mathew, Alpha Lucius, and Alpha Blake with their beta beside them and on the phone, we had 5 other alphas listening in. Alpha Zane, Alpha Corey, Alpha Emilio, Alpha Tristan, and Alpha Philip. They wanted to help but unfortunately, they are either too far away or they can't help during the fights because they are no longer as strong as they used to be.

A long time ago we were 20 strong Alphas spread out around this country but it all started 5 years ago when Alpha Isaac went nuts and started to kill everything and everyone that was standing in his way. Today we have only 10 packs left.

We have had war after war during these past 5 years, and we have lost other packs and friends, as we also have tried to help each other out we have been losing members. So now it only depends on Alejandro and Mathew and Blake and myself to end this was before we all die

"Who found out about Alpha Raymond and his pack?" I asked everyone.

Alpha Mathew was the one to answer my question. "I sent some of my warriors to his pack when I didn't get a response from him for the past few days. I knew then something had happened when they came back they told me they confirmed my suspicions. They told me there were dead bodies lying everywhere, some beheaded and some without limbs. They looked for survivors but there were none alive”. And that's when all hell broke loss with everyone talking at once and not listening to each other.

I leaned back in my chair and started to massage my nose bridge with my thumb and index finger. I was trying to figure out a plan so we all would survive. We need a good strategy to take down Isaac and his pack. We need to take him by surprise as that would only help us. Every time we have tried to

attack him, he has somehow known about it and has been prepared for us. We need to come up with a perfect surprise attack plan to take him and his pack down once and for all. But the other alpha's were having a heated conversation and my patience was running out fast as I got up from my chair, I had enough.

"THAT IS Enough!" I screamed at them all.

"This will not solve anything. We need to come up with a plan that will save us all from Isaac." I said to them in an irritated voice.

Alejandro was the first one to speak. "Do you have any suggestions, Darius?"

As I was about to answer him that we needed to find a solution to this calmly. Cassie's voice BOOMED inside my head.

‘DARIUS, come quick! WE need your help! ALEA has hurt herself in her bathroom. There is blood everywhere!’

I did not give Cassie any answer back. I just ran out from the room leaving the other alphas without saying anything to them. All that mattered to me was Alea nothing else. I ran up the stairs to the third floor and down the hall to her room. The second I entered her room I could smell her blood. I found them all in the bathroom and the scene I saw when I entered was Alea on the floor and Celia almost on top of her applying pressure to her stomach with a towel. Alea was still wide awake and she found my eyes when I entered. I rushed to her side and got down on my knees beside her head.

"What have you done?" I asked her and I was really worried about her condition.

"I am so sorry, I couldn't take it anymore. So much pain." She answers me with a stuttering voice and tears running down from her eyes. I placed both my hands on her face whipping away her tears with my thumbs.

"'You can't do this to yourself just because you can't handle your trauma. Let me in so I can help you to deal with it. I am here with you and I can’t lose you." I said back to her and it could be heard in my voice that it was broken by her action

Alea did not answer me back, I was looking at her hoping she would answer me when I noticed Cassie coming in with some medical tools. When did she leave?

"Keep her still." Celia said to me. I did as she told me to. Then Alea screamed out in pain, I looked down and saw Celia punching a needle into the wound to help speed up the process for her to heal, she is still too weak to heal fast like others can and hurting herself did not help her recovering state at all. She only put in like 6 stitches and then placed a bandage over it. When I looked back on Alea's face she had passed out.

I looked back at Celia and Cassie and they were now standing up. Celia was whipping her hands off and she was about to open her mouth but I knew what she was going to say so I picked Alea up and brought her to the bed. When I had put her white duvet over her I turned around to Celia and Cassie

"She has been sedated and will be out for the next 24 hours. But from her actions today I suggest that we don't leave her alone anymore, someone needs to be with her all the time. She will probably do this again to herself if she is alone." Celia said to me then she looked over to her sister.

"Cassie, do you mind staying here with her? I need to go back to the clinic and Darius needs to go back to his meeting. He can send you back as soon as he is done with the meeting." Celia asked her sister. Cassie nodded her head. Before leaving I walked over to Alea and kissed her forehead. Then we both left the room, leaving Cassie there to watch over Alea.

Third POV

Darius went back to his meeting with the other Alpha's. As he got to the first floor he still had the image in his mind of how she was laying on the floor. He still had it on his mind when he entered the room.

The facial expressions he was faced with when he came back to the other alpha's was worry and confusion.

"Sorry that I rushed out of the meeting but my mate tried to kill herself." Darius told the other alphas.

"I didn't know you had a mate. Congratulations and I sincerely hope that she is okay. I do hope it's nothing serious." Alpha Mathew said.

"Thanks, she is okay for now. She drove a piece of glass into her stomach." Darius said back.

"Oh my god. Why did she do that?" All the alphas said together.

Darius walked back to his seat, wondering why she would do this to herself. She looked fine when he left her earlier. As he sat down he noticed that everyone was looking at him and waiting for him to answer them. But what could he tell them, he does not that much himself

"She is suffering from some sort of trauma, she has not told me anything yet. I have almost lost her four-time since I saved her from being attacked three weeks ago" Darius told the other Alpha's and they were shocked by what he had told them

"Who attacked her?" Alpha Alejandro asked.

"The moonlit pack." Darius said with anger in his voice.

When Darius said the moonlit pack the room became silent instead

"Why would the moonlit pack attack her?" Alpha Blake asked, breaking the silence in the room.

"I have no idea." Darius said back sadly.

"How much do you know about her? has she told you what pack she belongs to or if she knows why they attacked her?" Alpha Alejandro asked Darius

"No, she has yet not opened up, she is too afraid. Every time I try to talk about it or ask about her past she hurts herself. She has told me that she does not want to talk about what she has been through, it's painful for her. She has not answered me what pack she belongs to, but she belongs to my pack now as she is my mate" Darius answered Alejandro's question.

"What is her name?" Alpha Lucius asked

"She has not told us her full name. She has only told us a nickname and that is Alea. She has not even told us her last name." Darius stated looking around the room hoping that someone would recognize the name but no one did. But they said they would ask around in their pack to see if anyone did recognize it.

They left the Aleera subject and went on with the real problem to find a solution to stop Isaac and his pack but after four hours no one had come up with anything they agreed to think about it on their own and then tell everyone at the next meeting. Darius has tried to be a part of this meeting but he has been half-minded worrying about his mate two floors above him.

After the meeting, Darius went up to Aleera’s room and told Cassie that he would stay and keep observation over her. He sat in the armchair for the rest of the night and kept a close eye on his beloved and broken mate Aleera

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