The Tale of the Lotus Heart

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

*Aivi's POV*

I felt a rush of energy before I was standing beside a desk in a strange room. I was conscious as I grew

as a white lotus flower, but I still had no idea how it was possible, how much time had passed, or even

where I was, but I remembered Yong and his promise. I still couldn't believe I wasn't dead.

"Aivi," a relieved voice called to me. Cloth came from different directions to cover my naked body. The

cloth made up the undergarments, dress, and robe. It was unlike anything I'd ever worn. I was pulled

into a set of familiar arms. I knew this scent. I knew this touch.

"Yong, how am I still alive," I asked as my eyes watered with the threat of tears.

"I told you I would take you to a safe place. I told you I wouldn't let you die. I'll have to explain slowly,

but to start with, I was never a mortal human. I'm a high ranking immortal god who lives in the

Heavenly Realm," he started. He slowly explained the three realms and how they worked. He

explained how he saved me and how he concealed the Lotus Heart. No one should be able to detect it

for now.

"I've waited 12,000 years for you to cultivate your human form," he finished. My eyes widened.

"12,000 years! How is that even possible?" I asked in denial.

"One day on the Heavenly Realm equates to a year in the Mortal Realm. Time is irrelevant here as

everyone lives far longer than human do... including you now," he explained as he held my hands in


"I've been a flower for 12,000 years?" I asked again in disbelief.

"You'll get used to it slowly. All beings here have an original form or spirit animal. Mine is the Golden

Dragon," he replied. It was too much for my brain to handle at the moment.

"Come sit, let me make sure the concealment is still in tact," he said as he led me to his bed. He sat me

down before pointing his index and middle finger at me. I closed my eyes as I felt a calming energy

rush through me. After a moment, I felt a pair of lips on mine as Yong's hand went to my cheek gently.

"I'm so happy that you're okay. Do you want to rest?" he smiled gently when he pulled away. I hesitated

before I nodded. He laid me down before pulling the blanket over me and sitting beside me on the edge

of the bed.

"We can handle everything else tomorrow," he promised.

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When I woke, Yong wasn't beside me. Looking around, I saw him mulling over paperwork at his desk.

He looked at me when he sensed I was awake.

"Ixia, Willow!" He called loudly. Two adorable looking girls came in and curtsied to Yong.

"Willow, go get suitable clothes for Aivi; not maids clothes, either. Go to the Love Immortal and get the

finest silk you can find. Get as much clothing as you can, and make it fast," he ordered.

"Yes, my lord," she said before leaving.

"Ixia, I'm assigning you as Aivi's personal maid. Treat your lady well. Help your lady get washed up and

start teaching her the customs and courtesies acceptable for a noble of the Heavenly Realm," Yong

ordered the tiny girl. She smiled and curtsied quick.

"Yes, my lord," she agreed. Ixia was a cute little thing with her long dark hair pulled into two buns at the

sides of her head. She had a small face and milky skin. Her delicate frame seemed to match her overly

bubbly personality. She turned to me, her smile never leaving her face.

"My lady, please," Ixia curtsied to me as she motioned towards the door. I gave one last look at Yong

before following the tiny Ixia out to a separate part of Yong's land. Maids were moving around


"You're all Yong's maids," I asked curiously.

"Yes. We're fortunate enough to be taken in by such a caring and merciful immortal god," she


"Are you all... humans," I asked hesitantly as I followed Ixia into a separate room. It was set up

differently than Yong's room. There was a partition beside a huge porcelain tub. Ixia giggled.

"No, my lady. We're fairies, and right now, so are you. Except this is the first time my lord has ordered

us to call another fairy 'my lady'. It's normally a title reserved for those of immortal status or higher. My

lord waited a long time for you to sprout. I'll prepare your bath," Ixia told me. After warming the water, I

took the clothes off and got in the huge bathtub. As I sat in the tub of flower petals, Ixia explained the

rules of Heaven to me. I still couldn't believe that Yong was an immortal and I had reincarnated into a

flower. Ixia combed through my long black hair as she talked. My hair had grown a lot from when I was

in the Mortal Realm. It flowed beyond my butt. Ixia carefully washed my hair before I stepped out of the

tub and into a drying robe. It amazed me that even with all of the modern technology on Earth, the

Heavenly Realm was still doing things the old fashioned way. Ixia used a long piece of cloth to carefully

dry my hair before putting the top half of it into an intricate updo while the rest of my hair hung straight

down my back. Willow entered the room with a change of clothes.

"My lady, these are the clothes my lord got for you," she curtsied. I touched the soft looking fabric that

Willow was holding on a tray. The soft pink colors made me smile lightly. It was the same color as the

glow that filled the room when my Lotus Heart activated on my birthday. I thanked her as she set the

clothes down on the vanity. Ixia had me stand before she disrobed me and helped me put the new

garments on. The dress and robes were elegant, and the thick white belt that went with it set the whole

outfit off nicely. Ixia used the room to instruct me on how to greet immortals and serve tea. She taught

me a lot in the short amount of time. I prepared a tea set before taking the tray back to where Yong was

working. It was a different room than the one I woke up in. The room looked like it's only purpose was

to be a study. There was a low table where Yong was sitting on a cushion on the ground, and a

bookshelf nearby. I brought the tray over and set it down gently before I poured the tea into a cup.

"My lord, have some tea," I said just as Ixia instructed me. After I set the teapot down, Yong pulled me

to sit in his lap.

"You're the only one who's not allowed to call me that. You're not a maid here. This is your Serenity

Palace too now. You can still just call me Yong," he said as his face hovered close to mine.

"Yong," I said softly. He smiled lightly before his lips connected with mine in a kiss.

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