The Shark Mafia Boss

Chapter 129 - The wedding part 2

Chapter 129 - The wedding part 2

Olivia POV

“Okay love birds time to go” - Anna says and we break our kiss. I can feel Raphael tensing when he

pulls away. I don’t want him to go but he has to because otherwise we will be late and I will not be one

of those brides.

“Come on” - Anna says and Raphael’s arms are taken away from me. He probably turned around to

leave now, so I do the same I turn around and open my eyes.

“I love you and I will see you soon”- I can hear his voice further away.

“We need to fix this” - Amanda says with the twins helping her to fix my make up.

It wasn’t that bad.

“Come on, time to go” - mom says and I turn around to look at her with the kids. They all look so


Gabe is Raphael’s spit image. His eyes are glued on Mel while she walks with her little basket with rose


I look at myself in the mirror one last time and I start walking out of the bedroom. Outside dad is waiting

for me. He will be the one walking me down the aisle.

“You look beautiful “ - he says leaving a soft kiss on my hands

“Thanks, daddy” - I whisper and we walk out towards the car.

We rented a rolls Royce for me to arrive at the library and then to drive us straight to the airport.

My mom and dad are staying in the penthouse to help Maria with the kids. Wouldn’t be fair for her to

take care of the three kids for one week without any help.

They are all hard work and we need Maria sane.

The drive to the library didn’t take long. Amazing I know. The traffic is always bad in New York but

apparently today everything is going my way.

“Are you okay Liv?” - dad asks giving my hand a little squeeze

“I am a little nervous” - I tell him while I look at him and he smiles.

“I remember the day I got married to your mother, I was so nervous that I was sick before the ceremony

“ - he says while shaking his head

I laugh at the image of dad being so nervous he got sick. He is such a cool and relaxed guy that it is

really hard for me to imagine it.

When we arrive the car stops right in front of the steps and I take a deep breath.

The flowers going up the steps are beautiful. I can feel my heart beating faster than normal and the

door opens for me.

The beauty squad is outside the car waiting for me. I get out and instantly they start doing final touches.

Making sure the dress is okay and the makeup.

Paparazzi are taking photos in the outside and I know they shouldn’t be. But I couldn’t care less at the


We go up the steps and then towards where the wedding is being held.

Gregory and Anna

Petra and Joseph

Tim and John are all waiting for me. They are my bridesmaids and the boys are the groomsmen.

I know weird John with Tim. I know I know but hey I couldn’t leave my gay best friend without going

with me. Tim agreed to walk with him. He likes the idea of a woman thinking he is gay, apparently

works his way.

I can hear the music and I know it’s time for me to go.

The double doors open and Anna walks in with Greg.

Then Joseph with Petra and Tim and John last.

Amanda gives a nod and Mel walks with Gabe and Mike spreading the flowers in front of me. I walk

behind them and my eyes meet those beautiful sky blue eyes that I love.

He has a smile on his face and I know he is nervous. The way the is standing and his hands.

I can see Joseph whispering something behind Raphael and he nods.

All eyes on me. I hope I don’t fall.

When I reach the altar dad shakes Raphael’s hand.

“You take care of my baby” - dad says and Raphael nods his head

“I will sir” - he replies and gives me his hand.

I take his hand and he helps me position on the altar.

I look around and I see everyone with tears in their eyes but I can’t stop smiling.

Looking deep into his eyes and realising this is forever. I don’t believe in divorce so I hope he sticks

with me for the rest of his life.

Raphael POV

The music starts playing and I know Olivia is here. My heart is beating so fast that I think it might come

off of my chest.

I look back and the doors open showing the bridesmaids walking in.

Olivia did a great job, they all look really good but my heart skips a couple of beats when I see my kids

walking in front of the love of my life.

This is the perfect description of happiness. She looks stunning. She looks perfect.

The dress makes her look like a princess. A princess that soon will become a mafia queen.

I couldn’t imagine she would look this beautiful, not even in my wildest dreams.

They approach me and her father gives me his hand to shake and I take it.

“You take care of my baby” - I nod my head and a smile forms on my lips.

“I will sir” - I tell him and then focus my attention on my wife to be and give her my hand so she can

take it.

Olivia grabs my hand and positions herself in front of me.

“Hi” - she says

“Hi” - I reply and all I want to do is kiss her but I know that I can’t.

We decided to be married by Olivia’s other brother Joseph. Joe is a nice guy but he leaves in California

so we never get to see him.

“You look beautiful little sis” - he whispers and Olivia looks at him smiling.

Joe clears his throat and speaks to the microphone.


“Welcome, family, friends, and loved ones, we gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Olivia and

Raphael. You have come here to witness this commitment to the love they share with each other. To

offer your love and support in this union, and to allow Olivia and Raphael to start this journey of married

life together with the support of people dearest and important to them.

So I say welcome to all of you who have travelled from near or far to be here, to share your blessing,

encouragement to their decision of getting married.

No ceremony can create a marriage, only you two can do it, with love, patience, perseverance and

dedication. Helping, believing and supporting each other through sadness and laughter, through

learning to forgive and learning to appreciate the differences and finally by learning to make the little

important things matter.

Now to the important part that everyone has been waiting for.

Will you, Raphael take Olivia to be your beloved wedded wife?

I will - Raphael replies

Will you Olivia take Raphael to be your beloved wedded husband?

I will - Olivia replies

I think you have prepared your vows?

Raphael do you want to go first?



“Olivia, I might’ve not known you were the love of my life the day we met, but I certainly knew you were

special. I knew the moment my eyes looked into yours that you would change my life. You made me

believe in love again, and you changed me in so many ways.

Everything that we’ve been through only makes us stronger as a couple. All the ups and downs. All the

arguments and laughs.

You are my better half and I can’t wait to begin this journey with you.

I promise I will always listen to your advice although I won’t probably take it. I promise To not only listen

but to hear everything you have to say. I promise I will always protect you from any harm. To stand by

you against your troubles.

I promise I will love you forever”

Olivia now your turn.




I never thought I would be able to love someone this much. The love I feel for you is heartwarming and

powerful. I can make me the strongest woman in the world.

When I met you I vowed I would never fall for you, now look at me. Here I am standing in front of the

man of my dreams taking him to be my husband. I will cherish every moment of our relationship. I will

cherish you from today to out last breath.

Life without you is boring and grey. With you the sky is blue and the birds sing. You gave me all I ever

needed. You gave me yourself.

I love you”

Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love and they represent the union of Olivia and Raphael in


Raphael, repeat after me.

Olivia, this ring is my sacred gift to you with my promise that I will always love, cherish and honour you

for the rest of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed you.

Olivia repeats after me.

Raphael, this ring is my sacred gift to you with my promise that I will always love, cherish and honour

you for the rest of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed you.

By the power invested in me by the state of New York. I pronounce you husband and wife.

Raphael, you may now kiss the bride.

I present to you our new couple. Mr and Mrs Lockwood.

Raphael POV

I kiss Olivia again. Her hands wrapped on my hair.

“I love you” - I whisper

“I love you too”

“Are you happy Mrs Lockwood?”

“Couldn’t be happier” - she replies and we walk out of the room while everyone is clapping and

throwing rose petals.

We walk towards a private room where the photographer is waiting for us while we sign the paperwork.

We pose for some photos and Olivia looks stunning. We both smile and look happy.

When everyone leaves we are left alone finally.

I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck.

“I love you” - I tell her

“I love you too husband” - she replies with a smile.

My lips meet hers and this is just the beginning. The beginning of a brand new life. Full of happiness

and I hope full of kids.

While we kiss there’s a knock on the door. And not long after it opens. I break the kiss and look to see

Anna staring at us.

“Yes?” - I ask her

“They need you for the entrance at the main room” - she says and I nod my head.

“Ready to go Mrs Lockwood?” - I ask her

“Yes” - she says and she holds my hand while we walk through the library towards the main room. We

have guests everywhere.

Once we enter the room everyone starts clapping and whistling. People start to form a line to come and

congratulate us.

First ones were Olivia’s parents or should I say my mother and father in law.

“Congratulations” - her father says shaking my hand while her mother hugs Olivia.

“I wish you both all the happiness in the world” - my mother in law says

“Thanks” - we both answer and then it’s my mother’s time.

My stepfather could t be present as his health is not good and he needs to stay in bed. Mother left him

with a nurse.

“Congratulations my love” - mother says giving me a big hug.

“Thank you mom” - I say hugging her back

“Take care of my baby” - she says to Olivia

“I will” - she says with a giggle.

Many people congratulated us after and not long after we were called to open the dance floor.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Lockwood are opening the dance floor” - we hear the entertainer


“Shall we?” - I offer Olivia my hand

“We shall” - she replies and we walk to the dance floor.

Perfect from Ed Sheeran starts playing and Olivia’s hands wrap around my neck while my arms hug

her on her waist.

We both move during the song just hugging each other.

Not long after a lot more couples joined us on the dance floor.

Everything went exactly as Olivia wanted. I was just happy that the cake was chocolate. I had

everything that I needed. I had my wife. My kids and my mother. What else could’ve I need on this day?

The lunch went perfect. Olivia chose the five courses to perfection.

The first course was traditional vegetable soup served with a bread roll.

The second course was a fricassé of chicken with moré mushrooms and leeks.

The third course was roasted lamb with roasted vegetables and mint sauce

The fourth course was a garden pea pannacotta

The fifth course was pink champagne truffles.

The food was delicious but the open bar was even better.

Olivia kept walking around greeting people between courses.

She is just that great.

“Hello husband” - she says when I approach her from behind wrapping my arms around her waist

“Hello wife” - I reply and Olivia smiles Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You okay?” - she asks

“Yeah, wanna dance?” - I ask her and her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Sure, excuse us” - she says to our guests while she takes my hand and I take her to the dance floor.

We wrap our arms around each other and we just stay like that dancing.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” - she asks

“I just wanted my wife for myself “ - I tell her

“Oh, sorry”

“No, no, nothing to be sorry about. You are so happy. And you’re doing great. I just missed you”

“I love you” - she says and I bend down a little and we kiss.

She has the softest lips. I don’t ever want to stop kissing her. But nothing lasts forever and the

organiser approaches us

“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time to throw the bouquet and then leave for your honeymoon “ - she says

and we both smile.

“We’re just going to say goodbye to the kids first” - I tell her and Olivia nods agreeing with me

We walk to the playroom where we have entertainment for the kids and Maria us there with them.

“Time to go” - I tell her and the hugs me congratulating us again.

Olivia picks up Mel and starts kissing her while she giggles.

“Mommy and daddy will go away for a few days but we will be back soon, behave” - Olivia says to Mel

Gabe and Mike wrap their little arms around me and we say our goodbyes.

We walk to the big steps and everything is ready for Olivia.

“Are you ready single ladies?” - she shouts and the girls go crazy.

Olivia turns her back and starts counting until three and then throws it.

Anna picks it up and there are cheering and applause.

We wave to everyone and walk out towards the car that waits for us outside to take us to the hotel so

we can change clothes and then to the private jet.

“Are you telling me where we’re going?” - Olivia asks and I shake my head

“You will see when we get there” - I tell her and she hugs me.

Hi everyone.

So they are married. I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter.

This book is almost finished.

Let me know what you would’ve changed between Olivia and Raphael. What do you expect for the next


If you go to my IG (peyton_iuga) there’s the photos of the wedding dress, the rings, the car, everything.

Next chapter will be up Friday.

Stay safe



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