The Rebirth of a Scorned Heiress

Let’s Work Hard Together

Following the acquisition of the studio building, Lily and Alana got busy with setting up the place in a week in preparation for the registration of their company. “You’ve not had anything since morning, you should eat something” Alana pressed as she brought out two bowls of instant noodles for the two of them.

Lily glanced at the meal and scrunched up her nose, not liking the look and presentation. Since she had woken up as Lily, one of the things Victoria could not get used to about the previous owner was the diet.

Not only had she been fed the best food since she was a kid, Victoria had a sensitive tongue and it wasn’t easy to please her with food, which was why she learnt to cook early. Alana noticed her subconscious reaction and thought nothing of it.

“Sorry if you aren’t fond of instant noodles, I wanted to cook but I was afraid I would burn down the building” she explained with flushed cheeks. Due to her excellent needlework, she had never been allowed to do anything that could destroy her hand and so she lacked basic knowledge about cleaning and cooking.

Lily sighed and picked up the bowl of instant noodles. “Next time, just buy the ingredients I will cook the meal and you don’t have to be frugal with meals, you can order out when you can’t cook” she instructed and began to eat before it got soggy.

Lily checked the time after eating and realised it was too late to return to the hostel so she got comfortable on the couch and continued to work. Alana, not intending to go back home to attend the family banquet that always made her regret being born into the family, also stuck around and they worked harmoniously all through the night.

As the sun rose, the preparations for registering the company were nearly complete. All that was left was to finalise the last member of their staff. To get government approval, they needed at least three people on board. “Do you have any recommendations?” Lily asked casually as she expertly flipped the pancake.

“What are we looking for in the last person? You are a designer and I am a seamstress, what would the third person be?” Alana asked curiously as she flipped through her memory for anyone who would be willing to work.

“They could be anything, a designer or seamstress, even a Part-Time model will do, it doesn’t matter, we just need them to get registered” Lily explained.

“They can also be part-timers” she added and Alana gave a nod. “Don’t you have people you can employ in your school?” She asked and Lily tutted.

“I don’t get along with lots of them. It will be inconvenient to employ anyone. If you don’t have a recommendation, that’s fine also” she replied. The bell from the store rang and they both walked outside to attend to the delivery.

“Good morning, is this Lily’s?” A young handsome guy greeted them politely as he held a packaged box. “Yes, this is Lily’s,” Alana replied. As Lily set her eyes on the young man, received a system notification.

{Employe Gary Green: reward-100 points}

Reading the notification, Lily could tell what the system was thinking and she smiled. The boy was truly beautiful and his skin was too well taken care of. She walked up to him and smiled.

“Hello, my name is Lily, a second-year student of Yellow Hill Fashion School!” She introduced herself with her hands stretched out. Startled by the sudden friendliness, Gary moved back but soon met her hand with his.

“Hello, I’m Gary” he introduced awkwardly and Lily nodded while checking him out. From his appearance, he looked like a student in his last year of high school, however, his clean and handsome face was enough to make ladies older than him swear. ‘Perfect model’ Lily thought.

“Have you ever thought of being a model?” She asked. Alana, who had thought her boss had fallen in love with the handsome guy, couldn’t help heaving a sigh of relief when she heard the question.

‘Turns out that she was thinking about business even in the face of such handsomeness. Ah! How business-oriented!’ she praised in her heart and continued listening to the two talking.

“Uh… no… I haven’t” Gary replied with flushed cheeks and Lily sighed in disappointment, her expression matching her feelings.

“Too bad, you have the perfect skin and build to be a model” she pressed on and Gary scratched his nape in embarrassment at the compliment, not knowing how to respond. He awkwardly voiced out, “Thank you”

“Why don’t you come and work for us? We are just starting and together we can develop!” She offered and Alana smiled encouragingly, seeing the man hesitating.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You can trust us, although we are just starting, my boss here is talented! And she won’t treat you badly!” Alana chipped in and Lily smiled at her in encouragement.

Tempted by the thought of earning more money, Gary welcomed the idea. “I have never modelled before and I might not get it right, why don’t you look for someone else?” He offered. Of course, the extra money will help him and his siblings survive, but the thought of pulling down the two ladies made him retreat.

“All you have to do is agree, we will sponsor your training” Lily assured. “Of course, as of now, we can only offer you five hundred per shot and we will increase it as we go on. You should think about it and get back to us!” Gary nodded.

“Then I will get back to you soon, but I can only work per time, I’m still in high school” he explained and Lily shrugged.

“We will just have to schedule your shoots on weekends, you have nothing to worry about. We are still a start-up business and we don’t have much work at the moment, and since I’m also a student, we will have a tight schedule so our work will mostly be done on weekends” Lily explained indepthly Gary nodded, already down for the job.

However, he needed to consult his siblings before agreeing. Lily allowed him to leave when she noticed she had planted a seed in his heart.

As he left, Alana squealed excitedly. “You have good foresight! He has the best temperament to be a model! I’m afraid if those big companies see him, he’ll be poached!” She voiced out and Lily chuckled.

“I don’t mind if he works for others, as long as his name is on our employee list and we can register the company” she replied and Alana frowned.

“I’ve been meaning to ask but is there a reason why you are rushing to establish the company? “She asked and the smile on Lily’s face disappeared.

“I have a wish to join the national competition and I was already chosen by the school, however, after my accident, I was replaced. If I don’t join this year, I will have to wait another two years and I can’t “she explained and Alana nodded knowingly.

“I will work hard and make sure we have enough qualifications to join the competition!” She vowed with a cute pouting expression, making Lily laugh fondly.

“Then, let’s work hard together!”

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