The Perfect Luna

Chapter 64. Betrayal Hurts

Chapter 64. Betrayal Hurts

“As you know, we live in a world where only the strongest and the fittest survive,” Brayden started his speech, “This is why it is so important for us to continue our bloodlines and create heirs. So that when we get weaker, they can step up and take our place! For us wolves this is

crucial. Otherwise, our pack will be done!”

Riannon stood and listened to his speech next to her former self, remembering almost every word. One could never forget when they were humiliated like that. But looking at her old self now, she was proud of her for not breaking down in front of everyone. By that time, she didn’t have anyone close for support.

“My legal wife Riannon and I have tried to have pups for some time now,” he continued his grand speech. (This novel will be daily updtaed at was a lie. They didn’t try to have children and actually planned to have them later. But he was now using their absence to justify what he was doing. And it was working because he was receiving sympathetic glances from the crowd. “But we were unsuccessful,” he even let out a heavy sigh. She wanted to slap him. Ria also realised that if she was made of flesh right now, she would have said something, would have fought for her honour and defended herself against all odds. She changed a lot even though not much time


But she was just a bodiless spirit now and couldn’t change anything in what was happening. She was here to learn.

“You also know that the Moon Goddess blessed me and helped me to find my true mate,

Roxanne! I didn’t understand the will of the Goddess from the beginning. But Selene is wise and she knows what she is doing. So, my beautiful mate with the kindest heart in the world became pregnant with my pup and ensured our pack’s future! And after very careful consideration, I realised my mistakes. I was

worried that Roxy here was just an omega, but she taught me a valuable lesson and proved the importance of mates.”

She remembered how every word of his was punctuated with the beating of her heart in her ears and she touched the hand of the past her as she stood there. Even knowing that it wouldn’t help.

“This is why I had to take a very hard and drastic, but very important decision for the sake of our pack. Today I received approval of my divorce and our ways with my wife Riannon Tho… Michaels part. Riannon Michaels, I reject you as my chosen mate. And with a heavy heart, I denounce you as the Luna of this pack, but as my dear friend, you are always welcome to stay here as a regular member of the pack and I promise to take care of you as I do of

“No thanks,” the present Ria snorted to herself.

People around them were whispering and gasping, but a lot of them were nodding in approval. Ria tried to remember the faces this time. Anything could be crucial.

“Moving on from the sad news,” Brayden raised his voice, “Let me introduce the new

Luna of the Silver River pack! Roxanne Belgrave!

He stretched her head and Roxanne walked out in a golden maternity dress. Just as

tacky as she remembered.

“She will become Roxanne Thorn in the nearest future,” Bray went on, looking at the fox with gleaming eyes, “But she starts her Luna duties today. Roxanne, do you swear to serve as Luna of this pack and always have the best interest of our people in your heart?”

“I do, Alpha,” the vixen said proudly.


“Do you promise to devote your life to the pack’s safety?”

“I do.” More lies. “Do you swear that you will work hard every day for the pack’s prosperity?” “I do, Alpha.” Lies again.

“Roxanne Belgrave, by the will of the Moon Goddess Selene,(This novel will be daily updtaed at I announce you the new Luna of the Silver River pack!” Brayden growled and wolves around them started howling in celebration. This was the moment when the past her wanted to leave, but then she heard something else.

“And I want to seal this joyful day with a promise of my eternal love for my beautiful mate, Luna and future wife!” Brayden announced, walking behind Roxy. He carefully took all of her hair to one side and placed a soft kiss on her exposed neck. She moaned lightly and Riannon

remembered how it made her stomach turn.

The Alpha extended his canines and grazed them over the girl’s skin. She let out another moan and that seemed to do the trick as he sunk his teeth into her flesh, marking her for life.

And this was where the past Riannon finally run away, pushing through people who did not care about her anymore. It was funny how fast they were changing their sides and switching their loyalties. Ria noticed from the corner of her eye, Alice offering her old self a drink. Something with alcohol this time, which the former Luna drank in one gulp and walked away. The omega who served her looked guilty but in just a few seconds she was approached

Ria got closer to the two of them, observing them carefully.

“I’ve been watching you for a while now, Alice,” Marcus smiled charmingly at the young maid, whose cheeks flush at his words. She was clearly inexperienced, and he was a player. And an elite warrior at that. Dating someone like him was probably beyond her dreams.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You know my name?” she raised her eyes at him and for a second there Riannon felt sorry for the girl, who was falling into the big bad wolf’s trap. But then she noticed the glass that probably still contained the traces of aconite with which the omega poisoned her. It made the pity fade away as she watched the man taking the girl away from the party that started.

She followed them into the woods where they started making out passionately. Marcus roughly turned the girl to face the huge oak tree and lifted the skirt of her summer dress up. He didn’t even bother taking her underwear, just moved it slightly to get access. He took her not in the nicest of manners but she seemed to enjoy it. Even when he laced his fingers around her neck while pumping into her from behind. Riannon turned away as this was the last thing she wanted to see. But very soon she heard him grunt which probably meant that he was done. Alice moaned. Not very believable. After all, the whole thing lasted just a minute or two. But then Riannon heard a sound of a snap and turned back to see the girl already lying on the

ground with her head in an unnatural angle as he tucked his member back into his jeans.

He lifted the girl’s feet and started dragging her away while no emotions were evident on his face. This was the moment when she promised herself to kill him as soon as she was back.

People like that didn’t deserve a second chance.

But she did not follow him as he dragged Alice’s body. She knew that she had to be in a different place to learn what she really came here to learn.

She came back to the party and found Roxy celebrating as the new queen B of the pack. She had a lot of people around her but soon she started sighing a lot and complaining about

how tired she was.

“It’s hard to carry an Alpha baby,” she giggled, “He is so strong and healthy. He kicks me every day and so hard. It’s exhausting.”

“You need rest, my dear,” Harper gave her a hug and caressed her stomach, “The future of our pack is literally inside you. Maybe it’s enough celebrations for tonight? I think it’s time to take your vitamins.”

“You are right,” Roxy nodded to the disappointment of the others around them, (This novel will be daily updtaed at“I’d better listen to my sister-in-law. You are the best, Harp.”

Until you.”

That was a jab at her, but Riannon didn’t care anymore.

She followed them as they went back into the house and all the way back to Brayden’s bedroom, which Roxy was sharing with him tonight. Harper helped her to sit in a comfortable

chair, which was new. Just a week prior, Roxanne ordered a complete makeover of their house

and threw away everything that Ria ever touched. Or loved.

“Thank you,” the fox accepted the pills and the glass of water handed to her, “You are so sweet. Did you manage to talk to Ash already?”

“No,” the girl sat in the next armchair, frowning, “It feels like he is avoiding me.”

They sat in silence for a while until Roxanne spoke.

“I already told you what the problem there is,” the fox started playing with her hair


“She will be leaving the pack soon,” Harper folded her hands on her chest and her nostrils flared visibly, “And then we will finally have a chance. Ash wouldn’t leave his Beta

position for her.”

“Oh, Harp,” Roxy sighed and it didn’t look natural at all, “I don’t know how to tell you… But I heard rumours between the omegas that he is going to propose to her tonight.”

“What?” Brayden’s sister shifted uncomfortably in her seat and looked at her so-called friend in shock, “It’s impossible!”

“I am sorry,” Roxanne put her glass of water onto the coffee table, “People saw him buying a ring and bragging to his friends about it. She will have his mark on her neck tomorrow. And I just… I don’t want you to suffer. You know I would do anything for you. You are really like a real sister to me!”

“What shall I do?” Harper was tearing up now, her lips trembling, “I love him so much. I… I waited for him to notice me for years.”

“And I think he likes you… a lot,” Roxy placed her palm on top of hers, “When I see you two together, you look like a perfect couple. But Riannon… She has her way with men. Sometimes I think that she is a witch or something. There couldn’t be any other explanation.”

“Right,” her sister-in-law nodded, “Ash is not his usual self when he is with her…”

“I hate it, Harp,” Roxanne squeezed her arm tighter, “I think this was happening to your brother as well. And only the power of true mate bond helped to get rid of that… unhealthy


“It’s of no help to me though,” Harper threw her head back, “we aren’t true mates.”

“But it’s still true love,” the fox was weaving her web, “And you have to fight for love. Just

imagine how your life would change if Riannon Michaels is not in it.”

“Don’t tempt me,” Harper let out a laugh and then she got quiet. “Oh, no,” slipped off Ria’s lips, “It can’t be you!”

She knew that Harper did not like her, hater her even. But this was too much. She couldn’t… She didn’t have it in her.

“I can’t do anything about her,” her ex-sister-in-law muttered, “She is way stronger than


Roxanne stood up from her chair and went to Brayden’s bar.(This novel will be daily updtaed at There she found a bottle of Irish cream and poured some into a glass, throwing there a few ice cubes from the mini-fridge as well. And while she was bending, she got out a little vile from out of a pocket of her dress. Ria watched as she added the whole little bottle into the drink and mixed it quickly, offering it to Harper afterwards.

“Drink it,” she smiled, “You will feel better.” She watched the girl as she slowly made gulp after gulp.

“You know, if you were to consider doing this after all,” Roxy sat on the armrest of the chair to be closer to her victim, “then today would be the best day.”

“Why?” Harper looked at her with eyes that had a problem focusing.

“Because she is vulnerable and weak after the rejection today,” the fox smirked, leaning to the she-wolf’s ear, “And because she was given sedatives today to make her weaker and slower. There wouldn’t be a second chance like that to get rid of her…”

“Then you do it!” Harper snorted.

“I can’t,” Roxy shrugged her shoulders, “Shifting may harm the baby. But I can provide you with an alibi. And I can be with you when you do it…”

“Brayden will find out… and Ash…”

“I will take care of Brayden,” Roxanne assured her, “And as for Ash… you could be the one to make him forget about everything.”

“I don’t know,” Harper mumbled and she didn’t look her usual self. She tried to focus her

vision but struggled with it.

“Fine,” Roxy stood up, sighing in disappointment, “Forget about it. Maybe this is why he

chooses her… She has the guts. If it was the other way around, she would have killed you without hesitation. I guess Ash loves stronger women. I’ll probably need to start looking for a cottage for the two of them tomorrow. He would want to start a family as soon as possible…”

Riannon stood in front of Harper, still not believing in what was going on. Harper’s wolf

wasn’t even brown! It was red!

But… in the light of the moon and dying from poisoning, could she really tell the correct shade? Red wolf fur could have been easily mistaken for brown in dimmed lighting.

“Do you think the house that Petersons were occupying will do for a Beta and his wife? Or would they want something bigger?” Roxy kept torturing the girl next to her.

“No, stop,” Harper said in a hoarse voice, “I will do it. Just… help me.” “No,” Ria whispered helplessly.

“Of course,” Roxanne giggled, “Let’s go. She must be ready by now.(This novel will be daily updtaed at All you need to do is shift and finish her off. I already did half of the job.”

They went out of the room, leaving Riannon alone. She did not know whether to follow them next. She already knew what she came here to find out. And the pain in her chest was enough…

However, after careful consideration, she ran after the two… she didn’t even have a word

for them.

She had to see it to know for sure…

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