The Omega's Sweetest Revenge

62. The Luna Is Pregnant!

62. The Luna Is Pregnant!

CHAPTER 62: The Luna Is Pregnant!

ALTHOUGH IT WAS hard for Lilian to adjust to her work, she still tries her best to accommodate all the

wolves who have problems that need her help. It was honestly draining her but there's no room for

complaining right now. This will be her life from now on. She needs to get used to it.

She never really sees herself to be the leader of the pack someday. But then... things changed. Here

she is now... leading a thousand wolves in one pack. She's also the next in line successor of Calista in

Midnight Pack. The responsibility on her shoulders is really heavy but Calista never pressured her

about it which was a good thing.

"Luna, thank you so much. My son will finally be at rest now that he's put to a nice place," said

Criselda, one of the old wolves in the pack who has a warrior son that died from the tragedy.

Lilian smiled and held Criselda's hand. "There's no need to thank me, Criselda. This is the least thing

that I could do after what he did to all of us. Your son did his best to save the pack. I will be forever

grateful to him."

Criselda also smiled, her tears brimming at the corner of her eyes, but it's a tears of joy. Although

Criselda lost her dear son, she feels at ease knowing that Lilian never abandoned them like a true Luna

or Alpha should do. After being doubted by many wolves with her capabilities, Criselda could tell that

Lilian really deserves her position. Lilian didn't let herself be affected by the other wolves' negative

words towards her.

"You are so kind. Thank you, Luna!" Criselda didn't stop herself anymore. She came closer to Lilian

and hugged her so tight even though the two pack warriors who were guarding Lilian almost stopped

her. But Lilian was able to tell them that it was fine. She hugged Criselda back tightly.

It warms her heart knowing that the wolves she helped in the pack appreciates her efforts. Criselda

was one of the wolves who believed in Lilian despite being criticized by almost half of the pack. Some

left the pack and Lilian didn't stop them anymore. It was still their right to choose whether they wanted

to stay or not. She's not in the position anymore to stop them. Some of them believe that Alpha Karius

is the only one who could rule the pack better.

And Lilian understands their point. She won't argue that because that's the truth.

She failed to recognize all his efforts here when she came back to his pack because she was too

focused on her revenge back then.

Lilian stuck on being called as 'Luna'. Well, she's still the alpha of the pack but she prefers to be called

that way. And... she wanted Alpha Karius to be the only alpha of the pack.

Later that day, after her visitation to the families who had lost some warriors, she decided to take a rest

for a moment in the tree house. But before that, she talked to Calyx to make sure that everyone in the

pack is safe and secure. Even though there's no threat from rogues anymore, she still makes sure that

the pack warriors are guarding the pack.

When she's finally inside the tree house, she sat on the bed and sighed heavily. The silence finally

embraced her again as some thoughts came rushing in her head. This is just the start of not being with

Alpha Karius but it feels like it's been a year already. It felt so long. She always yearns for his touch and

kisses everyday.

"I miss you so much," Lilian whispered in the air as if he could even hear her... as if he's still with her.

She sighed and slowly laid down on the bed as the tear slowly slid down the side of her face and

smiled sadly.

It was wrong but... there are times that Lilian wanted to end her life to stop feeling the pain in her chest.

She sometimes thought that it was the only way to be with Alpha Karius again... in another life.

But until now, she's still holding on to the words of Tatianna to her. Tatianna told her to trust her. But

how could she even trust her if she's almost losing hope everyday?

"When will the pain end?" She asked again in the air as she closed her eyes.


EVERY DAY THAT passing by was a torture to Lilian. One thing that really helps her a lot to cope up

with the pain and missing Alpha Karius was working. She knew that it wasn't healthy anymore but it

was the only way that she knows that could make her forget about Alpha Karius temporarily.

Temporarily. Yes, it was all temporary because after a tiring day, when she's alone again, she will think

about him. It was hard but Lilian kept on holding on. If she gives up now, what will happen to the pack?

She's starting to love the pack already and she knew pretty well that that's what Alpha Karius wants her

to do.

There's no room for giving up. Lilian keeps on fighting her sadness everyday even though she feels like

she's not going to win at all. Sadness will always find its way to torture her.

"You've been really working hard the past few days."

Lilian stopped on checking some papers inside the library of the mansion before she looked up at

Calyx. The mansion has been fixed by some of the wolves and of course, with the help of Calista's

pack. And it was a good thing that they were able to put it back on its normal state after the tragedy.

There are so many casualties. But because of their hard works, everything is fine now.

Lilian rarely stays at the mansion. She would only go there if she needed to check some things in the

library or if she needed some books. She prefers staying in the tree house or Alpha Karius' office. The

mansion was a reminder of his... death for her. And aside from that, she's seeing him on every corner

of the mansion. It will be harder for her to accept that he's gone if she will stay there longer.

"It's work. I can't just dismiss this," Lilian replied as her gaze went back to the papers again. She's

actually checking the names of the families that she needed to give some help. They will be giving

some help the next day like giving clothes, foods and other things that they might need for their

everyday life. It's the least thing that they could do for them.

"You should at least rest. Aren't you tired?" Concern is laced on Calyx's tone as his brows furrowed but

Lilian still smiled at him.

"Not really." Lilian shrugged her shoulders. "Check this list. I want all the names of the families of the

pack warriors that have been injured and... died that day. We will send some help the next day." She

gave the paper to Calyx.

Calyx nodded before accepting the paper from Lilian. "Okay. I'll go now so I can finish this sooner. I just

checked on you here. I'll ask Nadia to send you food here later."

"Thank you," she answered and smiled a bit and leaned her back on the chair where she's sitting. She

massaged the side of her head when she felt like it was aching again. Maybe because she hasn't

gotten enough sleep.

Lilian hasn't really been okay the past few days. That's the truth. She was just keeping herself busy to

stop some negative thoughts in her head. And now, she's not that surprised anymore feeling a Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

headache and it didn't even help that she felt like she's about to puke. She sighed heavily to relieve the

churning of her stomach.

Moments later, Nadia came inside holding a tray with food on it. She smiled seeing her. Among all the

helpers in the mansion, Nadia was one of the survivors of that tragedy. Nadia was able to hide

underground despite the danger that they may face since there are also some cracks on the floor of the

mansion. And Lilian is glad that Nadia was able to live after that.

"Here's your food, Luna," Nadia said as she placed the tray on the side of the table.

Not long enough, Lilian frowned after seeing the scotch egg with orange juice beside it. She smells

something weird. She tried getting the plate and smelling the scotch egg but covered her nose

immediately and put back the food.

"What the hell? It doesn't smell good to me!" She couldn't help but to glare at Nadia who's obviously

shocked at her sudden reaction upon smelling the food.

"B-But, Luna... I just made that a while ago--"

"I don't care. Just make a new one," she said, cutting her off from speaking.

Lilian decided to stand up to open the windows wider for the weird smell to come out but then, her

world suddenly swirled around making her drop to the floor.

"Luna! Help!" She heard Nadia shout but everything was already black for her. Lilian fell into deep

slumber with Nadia who's already hysterical and called for help.


"WHAT HAPPENED?" LILIAN asked as soon as she opened her eyes. Her brows furrowed at first and

thought where she was, but then it slowly registered in her mind that she's inside her room with Alpha

Karius in the mansion.

Lilian saw Penny, Nadia and Calyx just beside her bed. Lilian's brows furrowed as she tried to get up

from the bed and recalled what happened.

From what she remembered, Nadia gave her food that she didn't like the smell of. And when she's

about to open the window, she passed out. She gasped. Goodness. Is she... unwell? Why did that

happen to her?

"From now on, you're not allowed to work that much anymore, Luna. It's not good for you," Penny said

seriously, making Lilian look at her.

Lilian's brows furrowed, not really liking Penny's tone. She's the Luna here so why the hell would she

command her what to do?

"And why should I follow you, huh?" Lilian asked, arching a brow, trying to intimidate her but it wasn't

effective. Penny remained serious.

"This is for the better, Luna. You're pregnant again. Take care of yourself and have enough rest."

She gasped. What Penny said is still processing in her head. But is it really true? She's... pregnant?

Oh, goddess!

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