The Mating Run

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

In His Eyes: Alpha Zeke’s POV

As | trailed behind the woman in the red suit down the seemingly endless corridor, | could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, my heart pounding with each step. Passing by rows of closed doors, the atmosphere becomes charged with a mix of nervousness and excitement. With each step, the woman's footsteps echoed loudly, adding to the oppressive silence as she refused to speak or make eye contact with me.

Finally, we stop in front of a familiar door — one that fills me with dread. The entrance to the City Council is grand and imposing, befitting the residence of the Alpha. With a sense of unease, | watch as the woman opens the door, unveiling a room occupied by a sea of individuals dressed in sleek black suits.

As | enter, they don’t even acknowledge my presence, but | can sense the intensity of their gazes fixated on me, like sharp daggers penetrating my skin. With each step towards the door, the overwhelming scent of anxiety intensifies, leaving little doubt that whatever awaits me on the other side is bound to be unpleasant.

With each step the woman takes, leading me deeper into the room, my anticipation grows and my nerves tighten. The room is silent, save for the occasional sound of a keyboard being tapped, as we make our way past rows of desks, each one occupied by a determined individual. | sense their silent judgment, as if it hangs in the air and lingers around me, intensifying the weight on my


Finally, we reach the end of the room, where a large oak door stands imposingly before us. Her expression unreadable, the woman motions for me to enter with a subtle gesture. With a shaky breath, | push open the door and step inside, the creaking sound echoing in the quiet room.

The Alpha’s office stands tall before me, exuding an air of grandeur and intimidation. The room is bathed in dim light, casting long shadows across the

polished floors. Behind his desk, the Alpha’s unreadable expression masks his cold, calculating gaze fixed upon me.

“Zeke,” Thunderously, he says, his voice echoing through the room and commanding attention. “I trust you know why you’re here.”

My throat feels parched as | nod, automatically crossing my arms behind my back and standing with a straight posture. “Yes, Alpha.”

Standing before the Alpha, his piercing gaze cuts through me like a razor, sending waves of dread coursing through my veins. | can practically taste his disappointment, a bitter flavor that lingers as he rubs his temples with frustration.

“| would appreciate it if you could clarify why my dim-witted son was airlifted y dim-witted son was airlifted from the forest.” Demanding and unwavering, the Alpha’s stern voice filled the space, leaving no room for disobedience. “Could you provide an explanation as to why he sustained bruises and injuries?”

| force myself to swallow, relieved that | had the foresight to anticipate his question. Ettie, much to my surprise, was the one who offered a solution by coming up with an excuse.

“It was... it was because of the fumes in the air,” As my words spill out in a rapid flurry, | stammer and quickly clear my throat, trying to regain my composure. “They... they made us... aggressive.”

Skepticism fills the Alpha’s eyes as he narrows them, casting a doubtful glance.

“Fumes?” His voice, dripping with disbelief, repeats the words over and over again. “Are you of the opinion that | should have faith in what you're saying?”

| give a nod, adjusting my posture to stand up straighter. “Yes, Alpha,” | insist. “It’s the truth.”

The Alpha’s doubt continues to intensify, his piercing gaze making me feel as if I’m being stabbed.

“| find that hard to believe,” he says, his voice cold and unforgiving. Still, he leans back into his chair, the creaking sound filling the quiet office, and grabs a folder from his desk. “It appears that you and your associates have been brought back here under circumstances that warrant suspicion. However, let's assume for the sake of argument that | do believe you. | would appreciate it if you could inform me of any positive developments or updates on your end. | am curious to know how your mission went.”

Bracing myself for the conversation that is about to unfold, | let out a heavy sigh, the sound echoing in the silence. There’s no benefit in trying to make the truth sound better than it is. Complete honesty is a non-negotiable expectation from the Alpha, especially when it involves matters of life and death.

“Yes, Alpha,” Despite the chaos stirring inside me, | respond with a calm and steady voice. “The mission went as planned.”

Listening attentively to my report, the Alpha nods in acknowledgment, his emotions concealed. Inhaling deeply, | brace myself for the challenges that await

1. me.

“As per your instructions, | eliminated the dissenting parties,” | continue, my words flowing effortlessly from my lips. “Additional casualties occurred as a result of unforeseen circumstances; however, they will not jeopardize the stability of your reign going forward.”

A flicker of interest passes through the Alpha’s eyes, causing them to narrow ever so slightly, before returning to his usual stoic demeanor.

“Good,” he says, his voice devoid of emotion. “I expect nothing less from you.”

| bite my tongue, refraining from clicking it in response to his patronizing tone, fully aware that defiance is not appropriate in this moment. Instead, my eyes remain locked on the Alpha, anticipating his next directive.

“lam curious to discover another piece of information. | would appreciate a thorough explanation as to why there were more casualties than instructed during your mission.”

With his hands crossed and his chin resting on them, the Alpha leaned towards me. When | looked into his eyes, | could sense a powerful intensity emanating from within. The fact that everything was broadcasted makes it obvious that he knows the truth; he’s only seeking confirmation from me. My mind races, filled with hesitation as i desperately try to find the right words in that fleeting moment. Though | understand the potential dire consequences of confessing my failure to follow orders, the truth must be revealed. Steeling myself, | feel the muscles in jaw tighten as | become more determined.

“... [had to kill them,” My confession finally escaped my lips, barely audible above a whisper. “They... they abducted and hurt my mate.”


The Alpha’s eyes narrow, their gaze filled with a flicker of intrigue. With every beat, my heart pounds in my chest, a constant reminder of the repercussions that await my admission. However, much to my surprise, the Alpha’s face suddenly changes, his features contorting into an expression of genuine curiosity.

“Your mate?” With a hint of fascination, he repeats the words, his voice carrying the intrigue. “I am interested in learning more about her.”

Swallowing hard, | felt the weight of the Alpha’s attention suffocating me like a heavy blanket. However, | am aware that | must comply; concealing the truth from the Alpha is simply not a viable choice. Although | wanted to keep Alina a secret from him, | understood that revealing the truth would be the path of least resistance. If | lie, he might resort to more extreme measures to know more about


“Yes, Alpha,” Despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me, | manage to reply with a steady voice. “She... she was abducted during the Mating Run, and |... | couldn’t let them get away with it. She was subjected to a forced injection of Hypnos, and she is currently endeavoring to recollect her memories.”

As | spoke, the Alpha leaned forward, his eyes filled with an intense fire that captured my attention. | can sense the heaviness of his scrutiny, the weight of his judgment bearing down on me like a suffocating burden. :

“And you killed them?”

The Alpha’s low and dangerous voice cuts through the silence as he asks.

| nod, feeling the tightness in my throat as tension grips me.

“Yes, Alpha. | had no choice. | was determined not to let them go unpunished for the harm they caused to her.”

The Alpha’s lips curl into a smile that exudes a predatory aura, his eyes gleaming with a hint of admiration. Leaning back into his chair, he absentmindedly rubs his chin, lost in deep contemplation.


“You did well, Zeke,” With every word he speaks, his voice exudes a strong sense of approval. Instantly, the tension in my shoulders dissipated, and | discreetly exhaled a sigh of relief. “Protecting your mate is indicative of a strong character. You have proven yourself to be a loyal and valuable asset to our pack. These are the specific qualities that are appropriate for an Alpha. Would you not agree as well?”

Relief washes over me, erasing the grip of fear and uncertainty that had consumed me mere moments ago. Though | may have deviated from the Alpha’s instructions, my actions have garnered his approval. And in the unforgiving world of the pack, that is no easy accomplishment.

“Thank you, Alpha,” Filled with gratitude, | reply in a tinged voice. “I will continue to serve you to the best of my abilities.”

With each word, he eloquently describes the indispensable qualities and traits that will shape the destiny of our pack, leaving me with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. Could this be the long-awaited moment I’ve been yearning for? The

moment when the Alpha finally acknowledges my worth and grants me the position I’ve long desired?

As the moments pass in an eerie silence, the Alpha’s face remains unreadable, his eyes locked onto me with a piercing intensity that sends a chill down my back. As my anticipation builds, it slowly transforms into a sense of unease, a growing fear that coils

in the depths of my stomach. What if I've misunderstood the meaning behind his words? What if he has alternative schemes for me, schemes that don’t encompass the coveted position of Alpha?

“Alpha,” With a slight tremble of uncertainty, | finally managed to say the words aloud. “Does this mean...?”

Just as | was about to finish my question, the Alpha dismisses me with a casual wave of his hand, his face hidden in darkness as he reclines in his seat.

“Zeke,” Cutting through the stillness, the Alpha’s voice echoes with an icy, merciless tone. “Although you may have certain skills, the role of an Alpha requires more than just combat prowess. It necessitates a selfless devotion to the group, an unwavering pledge to safeguard each member, rather than focusing solely on one individual.”

His words hit me with an unexpected force, like a sudden gust of wind that knocks the breath out of me. The Alpha’s doubt about my suitability for the position stems from my perceived failure to protect his son, questioning my worthiness. Frustration courses through me like a sharp pang, leaving a bitter taste of disappointment in the back of my throat.

“But Alpha,” | begin, my voice tinged with a subtle hint of aggression. “I did what | had to do to ensure the safety of our pack. | killed-”

“You protected your mate,” The Alpha interrupts, his unwavering gaze locking onto his target. “While that is praiseworthy, an Alpha’s responsibility goes beyond the boundaries of a single relationship. It encompasses the entire pack, with each and every member under our watchful care.”

My fists involuntarily tighten at my sides, his words searing through me like a swarm of needles. How can he dare to question my commitment and loyalty, when I’ve poured my heart and soul into protecting those | cherish? When | carried out his orders and eliminated all those who dared to dissent, the once unsteady order of the pack became solid. It feels like a sudden and painful blow, a betrayal that cuts deep into the sacrifices I’ve made for my duty.

“Furthermore,” The Alpha continues, his voice steady and resolute. “I have come to the conclusion that Victor is the most suitable candidate to be groomed as the next Alpha. He will be subjected to intensive training under your guidance to guarantee he possesses the essential attributes needed to lead our pack into the future.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

The weight of those words sinking in causes the room to tilt on its axis, making the ground beneath me feel unsteady.

“But, Alpha,” As | protested, the tone of my voice grew increasingly desperate, resonating with intensity. “I’ve given everything for this pack. I’ve carried out your orders, eliminated threats, and dedicated my life to our cause. Can’t you see”

“You've proven yourself as a capable warrior,” the Alpha concedes, “but an Alpha’s role transcends individual prowess. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of leadership, a dedication to the well-being of every member of the pack.”

My mouth is filled with a lingering bitterness, a blend of resentment and frustration.

“You will continue to serve the pack in your current capacity,” With a final tone, the Alpha declares his command, leaving no room for disagreement, “Nevertheless, have reservations about your suitability for the position of Alpha. Had my son not returned with bruises, | would have wholeheartedly offered you the position. Alas, we were not fortunate this time. Should fate allow, there may be future opportunities. In your specific case, | am hopeful that there will be.”

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