The Mating Run

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Zeke’s POV In His Eyes: Coward Cowards can be easily spotted, as they tend to hide in the same place, cowering and avoiding any confrontation.

Victor Craft is an manipulative bastard who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it meant causing harm to others. With his father being the Alpha, he’s well aware of the privileges that come with it, allowing him to escape consequences for the most part. The only source of tension between him and his father arises from his father’s aspiration for him to pursue the same path, a desire that Victor vehemently rejects.

The length of time | have known him surpasses his knowledge of my presence, and this is a reality that | despise. Having spent my whole life in the shadow of others, | knew that the people of Springcrest Pack could benefit from someone like me who excelled at bringing structure and organization. If only they could see Victor Craft’s true nature, they would realize he is not fit to be an Alpha.

Regardless of my abilities, an outsider leading them is met with skepticism and lack of trust.

The forest towered above us, casting a shadow that felt ominous and foreboding. Its branches stretched out like twisted fingers, as if beckoning us towards an unknown fate. As | walked, the weight of the trees seemed to intensify, their immense presence making me feel small and insignificant.

Behind Alina and me, Ettie’s incessant complaints pierced through the silence like nails on a chalkboard, making my nerves tense up.

“We're lost,” Filled with frustration, Ettie’s voice came out as a whine. “I told you he didn’t know shit.”

Resisting the urge to snap back, | clenched my jaw tightly, the pressure building in my temples. Instead, | focused on putting one foot in front of the other,

the scent of damp earth and decaying bodies filling my nostrils as | trudged through the dense underbrush. Like a sharp knife, Alina’s voice pierced through the tension, leaving no room for doubt with its unwavering firmness.

“Stop complaining, Ettie,” Alina retorted, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. Alina’s tired too, even though she may not admit it. We have been

walking for hours, and our weary footsteps echo through the quiet forest. “We need to trust Zeke.” Glancing back at them over my shoulder, | locked eyes with Alina, her determined stare matching my own. “Thanks,” | said gruffly, my voice laced with frustration. “We need to keep


With a resolute expression, Alina nodded in agreement, her conviction evident. As | start to relax, thinking everything is fine and our journey can proceed peacefully, I’m startled by the sound of Alina clearing her throat. As | focus my sight ahead of us, | notice Alina quickening her pace to match step with me, her footsteps echoing in sync with mine. Trying my hardest to maintain composure, | turn to face her, suppressing the urge to let out a sigh.

“But... Where are we going, Zeke?” Her question hung in the air, her voice wavering with uncertainty. With a firm tug, she secures her backpack against her back, her eyes darting from side to side as she bites her lips in apprehension. “It feels like we're going in circles.”

With a gentle touch of my finger to my lips, | motioned for them to stay silent. “We'll talk later,” | said tersely, my tone leaving no room for argument. “Right now, we need to focus on finding Victor.”

With that, | turned back to the task at hand, my body tense as | surveyed the forest, acutely aware of the slightest sound or movement that could indicate danger. As we walked deeper into the forest, the trees seemed to tighten their grip, their twisted branches creating haunting shadows on the forest floor. Giving them a proper answer was my intention, but the silence was essential for the successful execution of our plan.

To be frank, | was beginning to question my intuition as well, but I’ve always had a knack for reading people accurately, especially when it came to that bastard. Predictability was a defining trait for cowards like him.

After what felt like an eternity, we stumbled upon a clearing where a towering tree stood, its branches reaching up as if trying to touch the sky. Its silent vigilance. was palpable, as if its watchful gaze was constantly upon us, weighing us down. Silently, | unburdened myself of my backpack and passed it to Alina, ready to start

my ascent.

From below, Alina’s voice reached my ears, its confused tinge making me pause.

“Uh... What are you doing, Zeke?”

My attention was completely absorbed by the task at hand, causing me to disregard her question entirely. The sound of my heavy breathing filled the air as | started to climb, my muscles working hard to pull myself up into the branches above. Ignoring the pain, | pressed on, feeling the rough bark scrape against my skin as | climbed higher. With each step higher, the sounds of the world below grew fainter, replaced by the rustling of leaves and chirping of birds in the vast forest ahead. From my vantage point, | could see the vast expanse stretching in every direction, with the treetops dancing gracefully in the gentle breeze below.

“He’s probably getting a better vantage point to see where Victor is,” From below, Ettie’s voice cut through the air, filled with sharp accusations. “You're just lost, aren’t you, Zeke? You’re too proud to admit it, so you're climbing up there to save face.”

Ignoring her words, | clenched my jaw tightly and pressed on, determined to reach the top. The branches beneath me swayed with an unsettling rhythm, adding an element of danger as | balanced above the forest floor. But | remained steadfast in my determination. There was a mission that needed to be accomplished, and | was willing to overcome any obstacle. If Victor had possessed my qualities, he could have been an exceptional Alpha, but unfortunately, he does not.

After a long and arduous climb, | finally reached the top of the tree, and the breathtaking view of the forest below took my breath away. The world stretched

out before me in a breathtaking display of green and brown, as | observed it from my elevated vantage point. The gentle breeze caused the trees to sway, and their leaves whispered a soft melody in the wind. However, Victor’s absence was glaringly evident, with no trace of him in sight.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

| carefully surveyed the horizon, my eyes quickly shifting from one tree to another, hoping to detect even the slightest movement or sign of life. But there was nothing, just the stillness of the forest and the sound of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. Frustration overwhelmed me, causing a heavy sigh to escape my lips and my shoulders to slump in defeat.

Could it be that | had been mistaken this whole time? Maybe Ettie had been right all along, and perhaps | should have just confessed to it. | can’t stand the fact that Ettie was right-it’s infuriating. Clicking my tongue in frustration, | pause for a moment to wipe the sweat from my forehead before mustering the courage to look down and prepare to climb down.

But then, right when | was on the verge of giving up, | caught a glimpse of a familiar sound.

The tranquility of the forest was abruptly interrupted by the sharp crack of a branch breaking, its sound resonating through the trees. Adrenaline surged through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest, as | desperately tried to pinpoint the origin of the sound. With heightened senses, | dedicated myself to listening intently, hoping to catch any hint of motion or activity. And then, it came into view, capturing my attention. In the distance, a sudden burst of movement caught her eye — a figure clumsily darting between the trees.

As | lunged forward without hesitation, the feel of branches brushing against my skin and the rustling sound of leaves filled the air, intensifying my pursuit of the fleeting figure. My senses were on high alert, and my instincts were razor-sharp as | embarked on the hunt. With anticipation coursing through me, | pursued the elusive target, my breath coming in ragged gasps as | closed in, feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

With every step, my anticipation grew, and | could feel my blood coursing through my veins, fueling my excitement. In His Eyes Coward

And then, as if it were a mere illusion, the figure faded into the dense foliage, abandoning me to the oppressive solitude of the forest's darkness. A frustrated growl escaped my lips, as my clenched fists trembled with anger. | muttered curses quietly under my breath. Nonetheless, | was determined and refused to be discouraged. A ferocious roar erupted from within me as | lunged forward, propelling myself through the towering trees, my pursuit propelled by an unwavering resolve and an unstoppable drive.

Victor was going down, of that | was certain, and nothing was going to stand in my way.

The sound of the wind gently caressing the leaves filled the air, the branches groaned in protest as | carefully navigated through them, and the distant cry of a bird added a touch of melody to the surroundings. In the midst of the jumble of noises, my heartbeat clamored for attention, its steady, forceful beat overpowering all other sounds.

At last, after what felt like an eternity, | glimpsed my target-a swift, shadowy figure leaping from branch to branch. Victor Craft. He sees me first, his gaze fixating on me before | have a chance to see him. He lets out a string of curses, his eyes burning with anger as he glares at me.

“This is utter bullshit! F**K!” With a feral snarl, | leaped forward, closing the distance between us in a matter of seconds.

My hand clenched Victor's collar, my fingers gripping the fabric tightly as | pushed him down onto the forest floor, feeling the branch beneath us. He fought against me, but my strength easily overwhelmed him, leaving him powerless beneath me. With a smirk, | leaned in close, my breath hot against his face as | spoke.

“Do you have any idea what | had to do to find you?” A low and menacing growl escaped from my throat, “All the risks | had to take, all the dangers | had to face? And for what? Just to find a pathetic little worm like you hiding in the shadows.”

Victor's malicious gaze bore into me as he sneered, his eyes brimming with

contempt, and he spitefully spat in my face.

“Go away, f**king bastard,” he hissed, his voice dripping with venom. “Leave me alone. | want nothing to do with you.”

| chuckled darkly, wiping the spittle from my face with the back of my hand.

“You want nothing to do with me, huh?” | said, my voice laced with sarcasm. “Well, I’m afraid it’s too late for that, Victor. You see, I'm not going anywhere until you get us what we came for.”

My hand wrapped around his jaw, my fingers pressing into his skin as | maintained a steady gaze into his eyes. | watched as Victor wriggled helplessly beneath me, his legs flapping aimlessly, his eyes on the verge of popping out of

their sockets.

“Tell me you understood. You’re going to give us what we want,” | said, my voice low and dangerous. “Or else.” me?”

“Or else what?” he spat, his voice trembling slightly. “You think you can scare

“You dare to speak to me like that?” | snarled, my voice rising in fury. “After everything you’ve done?”

“What are you going to do, huh, bastard?” he taunted. “Hit me? Go ahead, give it your best shot. But we both know you don’t have the guts. Do you know who | am? Do you know who my father is? Do you know how easy | can get you killed-”

In a fit of frustration, | could feel my teeth grinding together, my anger bubbling

and up uncontrollably. With a swift glance, | assessed the area for any cameras, a once satisfied, | proceeded with my plan. With all the force | could muster, | raised my hand and delivered a powerful backhand across his face. The sound of the blow cut through the stillness of the forest, its echo lingering in the air like a haunting melody. As the blow landed, Victor jerked back in surprise, feeling the sharp sting on his cheek.

His eyes burned with intense hatred as he glared up at me, his mouth stained with blood that he spat onto the forest floor.

“You'll f**king regret that.”

But | just laughed, a cold, mirthless sound that echoed through the trees.

“I'm not the one who's going to regret anything.” My words dripped with malice as | lightly slapped his cheek, relishing in the satisfaction of asserting my dominance. | could see a red handprint forming on his cheek from the force of my slap. “You are.”

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