The Mating Run

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

In His Eyes: Equals Zeke’s POV “Hey, where you off to?”

Turning towards me, Alina raised an eyebrow, silently asking for an explanation. Her hair was neatly pulled back into a half ponytail, and she had her hoodie tied around her waist. Ettie has been unconscious for a few days now, and there are no signs of her waking up. Despite her best efforts to appear unfazed, Alina’s weary eyes reveal her exhaustion through the prominent bags beneath them.

To be honest, I’m kind of scared of letting her go anywhere without me. | worry about what could happen when she’s on her own. And I’m scared that her brain will make her go to that dark place again, where she becomes unreachable to me. | can tell that Alina is aware of my proximity, as she subtly glances in my direction. But every time, she instinctively reaches out to touch her mating mark, indicating her understanding of its meaning.

“Take it easy, Mr. Stalker.” With an exasperated sigh, Alina rolls her eyes and begins to make her way towards the door. “Look, | gotta go pee real quick. | don’t think I'll need your help on that one, Zeke.”

“Can never be too careful.” “Alright, Mr. Stalker. I'll be back before you even notice I’m gone.”

After she disappeared into the forest, | was left alone with only the flickering candlelight illuminating the room and the stillness of Ettie, lying unconscious on the makeshift bed. | busied myself with sharpening my tools, the sharp, metallic sound breaking the eerie silence of the cabin. With each stroke, the sharpening stone effortlessly glided across the blade, leaving a sharp, polished edge.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Throughout my work, | kept my senses heightened, ready to pick up on any subtle shifts in the environment. The forest outside seemed to hold its breath, and every rustle of leaves or distant snap of a twig was a potential threat.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by a faint, almost imperceptible creaking sound that barely registered in my ears. My instincts took over, causing me to spin around in one fluid motion, knife raised and prepared for whatever danger may come. Ettie came into view, and my eyes instantly widened. Her gaze lifted, connecting with mine, and the intensity in her eyes sent shivers coursing through

With her elbows as support, she lifted herself up, resembling a marionette controlled by unseen forces. As she looked at me, her eyes no longer held any trace of recognition or emotion, only a blank and empty stare. It was as though Ettie had become a conduit for an unknown power, her body a mere vessel, and the darkness that enveloped her was beyond anything she had ever encountered. The sight. strangely reminded me of Alina when | found her vulnerable and alone.

As | moved back cautiously, | could feel my muscles tightening with each step. Her eyes were distant and unfocused, leaving me unsure if she could comprehend or respond. There was no warmth in her gaze, no recognition. It was akin to gazing into the unfamiliar gaze of a stranger.

For a brief moment, she continued to be motionless, the silence growing more pronounced with each passing second.

Then, with an unsettling speed, she lunged forward. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, | swung the knife in a swift and instinctive motion, warding her off. In the dim light, the gleaming blade caught my attention as | struggled to comprehend the unfolding situation.

“Hey, stop!” | let out a shout, my voice shaking with a mix of frustration and desperation. The deranged look in her eyes persisted, leaving no doubt that there was no use in trying to reason with whatever had taken control of her. “I mean it,


As she continued to advance, my heart raced and | instinctively took a step backward, desperately searching for a plan. The cramped cabin forced me to consider my limited options, and the weight of the situation bore heavily upon me. As | was about to knock her out with something, Alina bursts back into the cabin, her panicked breathing filling the room.

Without uttering a single word, | stood there and witnessed Alina’s joyful sprint towards Ettie, their embrace filled with warmth and affection. The room seemed to hold its breath as Alina clung to Ettie, her eyes closed as if savoring the reality of's


Thank the heavens you're finally awake,” Her voice barely above a whisper, Alina spoke with a heaviness of emotion. Her cheeks were streaked with tears, leaving her clothes moist and clinging to her skin. “You bitch, you had me worried!”

Frozen for a moment, Ettie hesitated before slowly reciprocating the embrace. As she looked at Alina, her eyes transformed from a vacant stare to a glimmer of recognition. A tear escaped her, tracing a path down her cheek as she, too, succumbed to the overwhelming wave of emotions. The next thing | know, they were both holding onto each other tightly, their tears flowing uncontrollably.

It was as if | had become invisible in that moment, fading into the background. The relief that Ettie no longer bore the murderous intent she had displayed moments ago was so overwhelming that any sense of exclusion faded away. Alinal and Ettie had been through something | could only attempt to understand, and their connection, forged through years of friendship, took precedence.

“| thought | lost you, Ettie,” Her voice trembled as Alina whispered, a blend of relief and lingering fear evident in her words. Her fingers traced invisible patterns on Ettie’s back, as if reassuring herself that the friend she had feared losing was indeed there. “Do you know how scary that was?”

There was a noticeable change in Ettie’s eyes — they had transitioned from a vacant stare to a glimmer of recognition. “I was lost after what happened to us... it was like | couldn’t find my way back.”

“| missed you so much,” Alina admitted, her voice barely audible, as she wore a confused expression while Ettie spoke into her ear. “I really did!”

Ettie pulled away slightly, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of unspoken words.

“| missed you too, Alina.

In His Eyes Equals

Alina hesitated, but eventually broke free from the comforting embrace with Ettie. Their reunion, once a bittersweet symphony of shared memories, now faced an unexpected chord. Alina cleared her throat, and as she turned towards me, a sense of belonging washed over me, making me a part of the conversation finally.

“Zeke,” Alina began, her voice hesitant yet determined, “This is Ettie.”

Ettie’s eyes, which were previously clouded with confusion, locked onto me. The disappointment in her eyes cast a shadow over their reunion, dimming its once radiant glow. The cabin’s weathered walls seemed to constrict, burdened by the weight of unspoken emotions that filled the air.

Continuing on, Alina’s reluctant truth resonated in the weight of her words. “Zeke is my mate, Ettie.”

With a flicker in her eyes, Ettie expressed a combination of surprise and disappointment, her gaze quickly shifting downward as if trying to make sense of the sudden change.

“I'm happy for you, Alina,” Ettie said, her voice filled with a forced cheerfulness that couldn't hide her true emotions. “Really, |


The bittersweetness of their reunion hinted at the complicated reality they were now facing. Although | couldn’t grasp the full story of what had happened between them, Ettie’s peculiar behavior compelled me to instinctively move closer to Alina. | refrain from touching her, aware that Alina would disapprove of any territorial gestures. However, | observe how Ettie subtly averts her gaze from Alina when | am in her presence.

Alina’s eyes were drawn to the bandaged wound at Ettie’s neck as she turned towards her with a mix of pity and concern. “What happened to you, Ettie?”

Alina’s voice resonated with genuine concern, her unwavering gaze fixed on the wound. Ettie’s face betrayed a flicker of vulnerability as her gaze met Alina’s. Ettie’s hand hovers just above her bandaged wound, trembling slightly, before she

lets out a heavy sigh and averts her gaze, overcome with shame,


“... [don’t remember much. There was someone, and they... they tried to mark

Despite my best efforts to stay out of the conversation, | found myself unable to resist jumping in.

“You're a Hunter.” Startled, both of them turn towards me as | say the words out loud. “You can’t be marked.” Ettie gave me a condescending look, as if | were some dumb idiot.

“Yeah, no shit.” Ettie muttered under her breath, her eyes widening like she couldn't believe she had actually said something like that. Clearing her throat, she absentmindedly scratches her cheek, trying to divert her attention. “My bad, | have no clue why | said that. | don’t even remember them, anyways. | caught a whiff of smoke and then, well, yeah. | think they thought | was a Hider or something. | think, that’s all | can remember anyway.”

When smoke was mentioned, both Alina and | exchanged wide-eyed glances. No words were exchanged, but the knowing glances between us spoke volumes about what Ettie was referring to. A strand of hair falls in front of Alina’s face, and as she tucks it behind her ear, a delicate blush spreads across her cheeks. | couldn’t resist, and my arm instinctively wrapped around her waist, giving her a gentle

squeeze. Ettie’s face twisted in disgust as she couldn’t help but notice the display. She chooses to stay quiet, allowing us to be in our own thoughts. It’s not until Alina speaks up again that Ettie decides to speak.

“You fought back,” Alina concluded, her voice tinged with a hint of pride. “You didn’t let them mark you.”

Her nod was accompanied by a flicker of pain in her eyes, evidence of the silent battle she had been engaged in. “I fought back because | didn’t want some stranger marking me. You already know this. But your mate’s right, Hunter’s can’t be marked. That's why this thing on my neck is all messed up. Whoever that Hider was, they

must have been super high too.” With hesitation, Alina’s hand instinctively reached out to touch Ettie’s shoulder.

“I'm sorry, Ettie,” Alina’s whisper filled the cabin, her voice blending harmoniously with the darkened atmosphere. “I wish | could remember everything. | wish | could’ve been there for you.”

Ettie, with eyes reflecting the resilience that had defined her battle, mustered a weak smile. “It's not your fault, Alina. |... | should be the one apologizing too, after what happened between us back then.”

Once again, Alina’s eyes betrayed her confusion as she shook her head, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. It seemed that Ettie was oblivious to Alina’s confusion, but slowly, she began to understand it as well. Ettie, for the first time ever since Alina told her that | was her mate, finally acknowledged my presence

with a curious glance.

“Why... What’s happening with her?”

“Oh...“Alina mustered a weak smile once more, absentmindedly scratching her cheek. “I uh-”

| interjected, positioning myself as a barrier between Alina and Ettie, determined to diffuse the tension. The lack of appreciation from Ettie and the snarl on my back from Alina made it clear that they didn’t appreciate what | did.

“Can we talk?”

| asked Ettie, and she gave me a wary look, as if she wasn’t sure if she could trust me. | felt a gentle shove on my back, and | turned to see Alina trying to get my attention. Glancing over my shoulder, | see her standing there, her eyes filled with

anger. “Whatever you have to say to her, you can say with me here, Zeke.” “Alina-”

“No, Alina, he’s right.” With a firm grasp on my arm, Ettie wasted no time in yanking me out of the cabin. | couldn’t help but let out a surprised grunt when Ettie grabbed me. Despite my initial reaction, | didn’t put up a fight. | wanted to have a conversation with the crazy woman too. “I think it’s time for a little chat between your mate and me.”

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