The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 29

We sit with our friend until the Alpha links her, calling the she wolf to his office. Giving us all a fear filled look, Taiga hurries into the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth before dragging on clean clothes and racing from the room, leaving us behind.

Traipsing downstairs, we find Eric and Tyler waiting for us, both of them looking pretty fresh for two men that should have been training.

“We missed you’ Tyler shrugs with a grin as I raise my eyebrow questioningly.

Ugh, go away and be mushy in your rooms’ Arleth grumbles, shooing us with her hands, ‘we’ll be outside with all the other lonely hearts.’

Laughing, Inaya and Eric wave before heading in the direction of Eric’s room, Tyler and I watching my other two friends walk out of the pack house before he turns me to face him and presses his lips to mine.

I missed you’ he mumbles against my lips.

We’ve been apart for like an hour I point out, even though I melt into him, kissing him back eagerly.

“Too long’ he grumbles, 1 might have to tie you to my bed so you can never leave.’

I lean back, my smile widening, I might like that’ I purr, and I giggle at the growl that leaves my Mate, his eyes darkening.

‘Lauren?’ a panic filled voice fills my mind, and I immediately tune into it in worry.

Mom?’ I call back, ‘is everything OK?’

“It’s Raelyn’ my mum frets and I can imagine her pacing, ‘ she’s gone into labour’

I still at her words, feeling Tyler’s arms tightening around me as he feels my change in demeanour through our bond

‘But it’s too early’ I whisper, ‘she’s still got ten weeks to go!’

‘I know, she’s at the clinic now, the family are all in the waiting room, Isaac is with her, we are waiting for news. I’m sorry to put this on you, you and Tyler just found each other, I wanted to wait but … ‘

‘No it’s fine, I’m glad you told me’ I reassure her, ‘we’ll be right there, let me know if you hear anything in the mean time.’

“Ok sweetie, we’ll see you in a few minutes’ my mother replies and I can hear the relief in her voice, she wants her family around her, needs us together to support each other as my brother and sister-in-law go through this scary situation.

Focusing back on Tyler, I quickly explain what has happened before we both rush over to the clinic, bursting through the door to find my parents, my sister and her mates, my brother Philip and Missy all crowded in the small seating area.

Looking up, mum breaks away from the group, hurrying over to us and engulfing first me and then Tyler in a tight hug.

‘Oh, I’m so happy for you both, I prayed you know, for you to be Mates’ she sighs as she pats my cheek.

Smiling, I scoot around her, heading to the rest of the family, a knot in my stomach.

“Have you heard anything? Is Raelyn OK? The baby?’ I blurt out, looking at each member of my family in turn.

My father drags his hand through his hair as he blows out a breath, ‘no one has been out yet, but your mother spoke to the receptionist after she linked you and she thinks they might be prepping for surgery.’

My throat tightens as I wobble, two strong arms wrapping around me as those now familiar tingles flicker across my skin.

“Rae and the baby will be OK Rennie Tyler soothes in my ear, ‘she’s a strong woman, and no kid that’s related to you lot is going to let something like being a little early stop them from thriving.’

A small giggle leaves me as I relax into his comforting embrace, thankful that the Goddess gave this man to me, my rock, every time I’ve needed him.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

‘So, you and my sister’ Philip grunts, inching closer to us, ‘ about time, I don’t think any of us could deal with that hang dog expression you constantly had when you looked at her.’

‘Philip!’ Missy snaps, walking to her Mate’s side and glaring at him, before turning to us both, ‘what he means to say is congratulations’ she adds with a warm smile.

Haugh as I shake my head, ‘I got the meaning, he has been my brother for twenty one years’ I reply as I reluctantly leave Tyler’s arms so I can hug my sister in law as Tyler shakes hands with Philip who claps him on the shoulder affectionately.

Next I’m being surrounded by Jamie-Lee and her Mates, each one hugging me tightly, I’m so happy for you’ my sister sighs, squeezing me until I can’t breath.

‘Thanks’ I manage to croak out as Hadley thankfully disentangles me from his Mates death grip.

“You’re going to suffocate the girl’ he teases gently before pulling me into a much looser hug.

‘But she found her Mate! And it’s Tyler, it’s just so great!’ my sister wails before bursting into tears.

I raise an eyebrow at Caden as Hadley quickly releases me and grabs Jamie-Lee, guiding her over to a chair to sit down.

‘Hormones’ Caden whispers conspiratorially, remember what she was like with the last one?’

I nod, grimacing over the memory of finding my sister bawling her eyes out, holding one of Jayden’s baby shoes that had gotten damaged in storage and she wanted them for the new baby.

“So do we think it’s a girl?’ I whisper back

Caden grins, giving me a wink, ‘Leeway refuses to agree but she only gets like this with Hadley’s kids, my boys never made her break down over a commercial for a lost dog.’

Haugh, earning myself a scowl from my sister, ‘I can hear you both’ she growls, ‘I am not hormonal!’

No babe, of course you aren’t Caden agrees, I’m just teasing, you are completely rational at all times.’

We both turn away, sniggering, trying not to catch each other’s eyes as my sister huffs behind us.

What happened with Ophelia?’ I ask finally, sobering my brother in law up as he sighs deeply.

‘She’s still in the dungeon, I don’t really know what to do with her he admits. Your mother wants her executed, and she did attack not only a pack member but the sister of the Luna, that’s a big no no ..:

‘But you hate the thought of ending her life when I’m fine’ l question understandingly.

Caden nods, I wonder about banishing her from the pack but what’s to say she wouldn’t cause trouble later?’

I nod, not really knowing what to say to him, on the one side, she attacked me and could have killed me, but I can’t forget that we were such good friends before and killing her feels so … barbaric.

‘So she sits in the cells until we figure out what to do with her’ Caden finishes grudgingly.

You’ll figure it out’ I murmur, patting his arm, ‘you’re the Alpha, it’s your job.’

The Alpha chuckles, nodding ruefully, ‘yeah, don’t remind me he grumbles before heading back to his Mates, and sitting down beside them.

Walking back to Tyler, I take a seat next to him, curling up into his side as he wraps an arm around me, silently giving me strength. No one speaks really, we all just sit together, waiting for any kind of news to be brought to us.

Hours later, the door swings open, my brother striding into the room, still dressed in a gown, his expression tired but elated.

I jump to my feet with the rest of my family, beating them to him as I grab his arm.

‘Has she had the baby? Is everything OK? How’s Raelyn?

What is it?’ I fire at my brother excitedly.

“Little girl, three pounds eight ounces, mum and pup are doing fine he replies, smiling widely at all of us, ‘she’s tiny but she’s a fighter, doc said that she’s doing well

“Oh my God! I’m an auntie!’ I scream, throwing my arms around my brother and hugging him tightly as he laughs, hugging me back.

My family crowd around us, Mum crying as we all kind of fall into a big family hug.

‘Oh I’m so relieved, and Rae? She’s OK?’ mum croaks tearfully.

Isaac nods, ‘she’s fine, she’ll be sore as they had to give her a cesarean so she’s on doctor’s orders to take it easy but she’s awake and little Molly Collette Sparks has already fed.’

We allacoo over the name of my new niece before Isaac takes Mum back to see Raelyn and her grandchild explaining that he’s only allowed to bring one guest in today as Rae needs her rest.

Tell her I love her and congratulations’ I yell after my brother excitedly, bouncing on my toes until the door swings shut again, hiding my mother and brother from view

‘Ren, they’ve gone Tyler chuckles behind me before I feel the familiar tingles of my Mate wrapping his hand around my wrist and pulling my back into his hard chest.

I have a niece’ I sigh, ‘another niece, that’s all my brothers and sisters with kids now.

Tyler nods, kissing my neck as I tilt slightly to allow him access, “ever thought about wanting to join them?’ he asks softly.

I turn my head, looking back at him in surprise, ‘kids?’ I ask Tyler nods, ‘not yet’ he replies, ‘we’re still young, but maybe in a few years … do you want kids Ren?’

I turn in his arms, pressing my lips to his, ‘I want lots and lots of mini you’s’ I whisper, ‘how many do you want?’

‘As long as we get at least one that’s your miniature, you can have as many as you want baby’ he growls back happily.

After my mother returns from visiting Raelyn, her phone full of photos of our new family member, Jamie Lee is whisked away by Caden and Hadley to rest. Missy reluctantly says that she needs to go pick up the kids from her own parents, leaving the rest of us to head back to my parents’ house to celebrate. Everyone is chattering excitedly as we burst through the door, my parents first, followed by me, Tyler and then my brother Philip who decided to pop back for a celebratory drink before heading back to his Mate and family.

Crowding into the kitchen, we all stop short at the sight of my sister Bailee sitting in one of the kitchen chairs, her hand resting on a car seat that contains my new born niece whilst my two year old nephew sleeps soundly on her other shoulder.

‘Bailee?’ Mum asks uncertainly, moving toward my sister as she gives us all a weak smile, ‘is everything OK?’

Bailee shrugs nonchalantly, avoiding our gazes, ‘not really’ she replies, ‘but if it’s all the same to everyone, I’d rather not talk about it right now.’ She meets my mother’s gaze and the light from above highlights the red rim around her eyes.

‘Is it OK if the kids and I use my old room?’ she asks, glancing down at her son as he cuddles closer to her chest.

‘Bails?’ I call to her, wanting to reach out to my big sister and pull her into my arms.

Bailee turns her gaze to me, a pained look in her eyes, ‘hey little sis’ she murmurs, ‘1 heard about you and Tyler, congrats guys, I always knew that you two were meant to be.

She returns her gaze to our mother, waiting until the older woman nods before standing up, rearranging her son in her arms, and reaching for the car seat.

Philip beats her too it, striding forward and grabbing the handle, ‘I’ll help you’ he says firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Our sister hesitates for a moment before nodding, heading for the stairs, leaving us all staring after her wondering what the hell is going on.

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