The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 18

Lauren’s POV

‘Ren?’ Tyler croaks again, his heavy weight delicious as it holds me against the mattress. He’s waiting for my answer even though I can see it’s killing him to stop.

Holding his gaze, I crane my neck so I can capture his lips with mine as I slowly begin to glide my hand up and down his length.

That one single movement is all it takes, and Tyler’s resolve disintegrates as he devours my mouth, each stroke of his tongue possessive and hungry. His hand leaves my h*p, as he rolls us onto our sides and runs his finger around the elastic of my panties before dipping within the thin fabric, tracing over the small amount of curls before cupping me, letting me know how much he wants this.

He’s not alone, I crave him in a way I’ve never craved anyone before, his touch on my bare skin sending shocks through my body.

He dips between my folds, a desperate g***n leaving his lips as he finds me wet. Tracing upwards, he finds my clit, circling lazily as his tongue curls with mine.

‘Need to taste you Ren’ he growls, dragging his lips from mine, his eyes wild.

I nod, not daring to speak in case my voice betrays me, eyes darkening into pools, Tyler crawls down my body, positioning himself between my legs as he drags my panties down and throws them away over the side of the bed

Settling between my thighs, he gently gets me to widen so his broad shoulders fit before bending forward and running his tongue through my folds.

My h**s jerk instinctively from the contact, a m**n of pleasure leaving my lips as I snake a hand across my chest and pinch my own n****e.

Dominant fingers wrap around my stomach, pressing me down as the warrior lazily dips into my entrance before tracing upward and circling my clit.

‘Ty’ I whine, my body firing up but unable to climb with the slow torture that the man is doing to my body.

Tyler chuckles, the sound dark and dangerous, vibrating through my p***y, making me grind against his face.

‘So needy baby’ he grumbles against me, ‘do you need something? Tell me what you need.’

I blush, I’ve never done dirty talk, and the thought of telling this man what I want is embarrassing.

‘Tell me Ren’ Tyler orders, blowing gently over my clit before sucking it into his mouth.

“1.. want’ I manage to force past me lips, ‘please!’

“What do you want me to do?’ the warrior pushes again, releasing my clit as I g***n in disappointment. His tongue barely touches my folds, just enough pressure for me to know what he’s doing but not enough to stoke the fire that already burns within me

‘Use your words little Ren, I want to hear you say it Tyler teases.

‘I want .. ‘ I swallow as he teases my entrance with a single finger, but refusing to push inside of me. ‘I want you to f**k me with your fingers’ I rush out desperately, his constant teasing bringing me to the point of saying anything to get him to bring me to release.

‘Good girl’ the warrior growls as he slides inside of me, my muscles tightening around the intrusion, wanting to hold him inside of me. Slowly he eases out of me only to thrust his finger back inside again, his tongue moving back to my clit, circling the small nub as my body seeks out release.

‘Faster’ I m**n, moving my h**s in time with his movements, ‘more.”

Adding another finger, Tyler’s mouth sucks and licks like a man starved, and I’m the only thing that can sate him.

You taste so good baby’ my best friend murmurs, like cotton candy, I could eat you all day and never get tired of your taste. I’m going to make you come Ren, you’re going to release that sweet juice all over my fingers whilst you scream my name. My name is the only name you are ever allowed to say when you come, you understand me baby?

Only mine!”

“Only yours’ I agree, lost in the building tension in my body, everything wound tight as I reach for oblivion.

*Once this sweet p***y clenches around my fingers, I want to feel you clenching around my c**k he continues roughly.

You’re going to ride me hard and fast, I want to see your face as you take pleasure from me.’

I nod, not even able to come up with a response, l’ll do anything he says if he will just keep doing what he’s doing.

He reaches up with one of his hands, pushing my own away to replace my fingers with his own, pinching hard as I cry out.

‘That’s it beautiful’ Tyler rasps, you like a little pain, don’t you?’

“Y. yes’ I admit, my face flushing but I can’t seem to stop myself from telling this man what he wants me to.

“Yeah, you do’ the warrior mutters before nipping the inside of my thigh with his teeth as his thumb takes over rubbing my clit in time with his fingers thrusting inside of me.

The stimulation is too much, my mind can’t decide what to focus on as y o****m crashes over me, lifting my back from the mattress with the strength.

Tyler’s name falls from my lips over and over again in a soft prayer as he coaxes every last second out of me, gradually slowing his movements until I fall limply back onto the blankets.

Pulling his fingers from me, he lifts them to his mouth, sucking them between his lips as he eyes fall closed, a look of pure desire etched into his face.

As he slides his fingers from between his lips, his eyes open and he gives me the look of a predator before lying down beside me, grabbing my h**s and rolling me on top of him.

‘Ride me’ he orders, those dark, l**t filled eyes dominating my attention, ‘straddle my waist and slide that sweet, hot p***y over my c**k. I want you to guide me in baby, I want to watch you ease me inside your body!

Unable to look away, I sit up, my knees falling either side of his h**s as I straddle him. His hard length slides between my folds, sending electric pulses through me as the tip touches my overly sensitive clit.

“Up on your knees baby’ Tyler murmurs, ‘let me see how you take me.’

I do as he says, pushing myself up so I can reach between us, my fingers wrapping around him before I place him at my entrance and slowly lower my h**s as he sinks into me.

His eyes are riveted to the space between us, carnal possession in his eyes as he watches me stretch around him, welcoming him into my body.

‘F*ck’ he growls, that is the hottest f*cking thing I have ever seen.’ His gaze snaps to me, ‘ride me Ren, let me watch you pleasure yourself with my c**k!

I suck in a breath as adjust to his size, before hesitantly starting to move my h**s, a whispered m**n slipping from my lips at the feeling of being so full. I peek up at the warrior, finding him staring at me with raw hunger that feeds my confidence as I rock harder against him.

Pressing my hands against his rock hard abs, I raise my body slightly, sliding back down as he growls in approval. I do it again, moaning as his fingers find my waist, helping to lift me before slamming me back down again, hitting that sweet spot inside of me that makes my eyes roll back.

‘Oh Goddess’ I whimper, feeling that familiar build starting within me, ‘feels so good’

Yeah’ Tyler agrees, ‘feels perfect baby, you are perfect. I need to feel you come around me, can you do that for me Ren?’

I nod my head, my h**s moving faster as I chase down my release, everything feels so good, I don’t want it to end but I also desperately want to fall apart more than I want to breath.

Seeming to sense that I’m close, Tyler reaches between us, his thumb finding my clit as he starts to rub smoothly, his dirty mouth whispering every thought that enters his head.

My own whispered prayers mix with his as everything around me faded away, the two of us lost in each others bodies.

I’m so close, the words fall from my lips like a plea, Tyler must hear me because his h**s start to thrust upwards, harder, his thumb teasing me as he completely takes over.

I have no control, my walls tighten as my o****m washes over me, a cry ripping from me as I fall into the abyss.

My name a growl on his lips, Tyler surges into me, once, twice more before he finds his own release, the two of us riding through our highs before I fall forward, my body spent, Tyler’s arms wrapping around me, holding me to his chest.

‘That was … ‘I start tiredly.

“Yeah’ the warrior mutters, his hold on me tightening a fraction.

After a few minutes, I reluctantly slide off of the man underneath me, making my way to his bathroom to clean up, shivering slightly at the feel of his gaze on my naked body.

Heading back out into the bedroom, I nervously inch around the bed, sitting on the edge and reaching down to the floor to scoop up the t-shirt I was wearing earlier.

What are you doing?’ Tyler growls softly from behind me, seconds before I feel his lips on my neck, sucking the skin gently as I m**n before nipping gently.

I was getting dressed’ I manage to reply, my voice breathy and uncertain, my body still, unable to move as his mouth teases its way up my neck and to my ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth.

Reaching around me, the warrior plucks the top from my fingers with ease, and drops it back to the floor again, ‘you think we’re done Ren?’ he asks, that sexy rumble back. ‘ We’re far from done, we’ve only just started’ he adds before pulling me back onto the bed and rolling me over onto my front.

I peek back at him in surprise as he gives me a wicked smile, ‘up on your knees baby’ he orders me, the sound rolling through me as I eagerly do as I’m told.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I gasp out as Tyler pushes my legs apart before slamming into me from behind, his fingers digging into my h**s as he pulls back and thrusts into me again.

‘Oh Goddess, more I plead, ‘harder!’

I can’t see his face, but I know the warrior heard me because he does exactly what I want, what I need and I’m soon spiraling once again as this man drives me to pleasure that I never knew existed before

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