The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 43

Isaac’s POV

I’m taken by surprise as Indigo suddenly pushes forward, throwing me to the back of our mind as he takes control of my body. His Beta aura rolls off him as he whispers words to Raelyn that seems to frighten her but also, from the flicker in her eyes, excites her.

‘RUN!’ my wolf suddenly growls, a Beta backed order rolling off him and over the Omega.

‘Indigo! No!’ I yell, worried about what such an order will do to the lower ranked wolf.

‘She’s fine, look at her’ Indigo growls, a rumble of pleasure flowing through us, my wolf is impressed with the Woman who seems to make a decision a split second before she shoves at our chest.

Indigo falls backwards with ease, grinning as he lands on his back and rolls over, just as Raelyn reaches the door and drags it open.

‘I’m counting to twenty little wolf’ Indigo calls after her, and the scent of her arousal builds seconds before she’s gone, sprinting away from us as fast as she can.

‘You cant chase her, she’s an Omega!’ I hiss, trying to regain control from my wolf but he just pushes me back with a laugh.

‘She wants to play’ he growls happily, ‘wants us to chase her, catch her . . and you want to do it too’ he adds slyly.

I open my mouth to argue before snapping it shut again, my wolf’s laugh shakes my body as he counts silently before pushing up to his feet and racing for the door.

Senses on high alert, he easily tracks Raelyn’s scent down the stairs to the first floor. It’s stronger at the base of the steps as though she stopped for a second, trying to figure out where she should go.

Her scent moves to the right, away from her room and I’m secretly glad that she’s making this harder for us.

‘Omega won’t be easy to catch’ Indigo rumbles, ‘she will make us work for it.’

I can’t help it, the chase is getting to me, ‘find her’ I encourage my wolf, ‘where has she gone.’

My wolf smirks as he takes off down the corridor, toward the other side of the pack house, Raelyn’s scent easy to trace. When we reach the other end of the house, we stop at the back stairs, one set leading up to the second floor, the other leading down to the kitchens. Here, her scent splits, both going up and down.

My wolf growls excitedly, sniffing both ways, growing more excited when he can’t work out which way she went.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Picking upwards, we get to the top before her scent cuts off, clever girl knew we would use our senses to track her and gave herself valuable seconds laying a false trail.

Indigo turns around and heads back down the stairs, stepping off just by the kitchen door where again, Raelyn seems to have paused before making her way into the kitchen.

Pushing open the door, my wolf and I are accosted by the sounds and smells of food being prepared, the strong scent of herbs and spices covering the trail of our prey.

‘Beta, are you OK? Do you need anything?’ one of the Omegas asks when he spots us in the doorway.

Pushing forward, I shake my head, smiling, ‘no but thank you,’ I reply, ‘I’m just taking a short cut.’

The young man nods, returning to his task as I move around the room, Indigo, happy to take a back seat for a minute now he knows I’m active in the hunt now.

We pick her scent back up by the back door that leads out toward the basketball court and around the side of the large vegetable patch that Caden had built after deciding that it would be good to be a little more self sustainable.

I follow Raelyn’s distinct scent, the wind carrying it to me, leading me away from the pack house and toward the trees at the back of our territory. I know that the Omega will be safe, even if she is alone, our borders are well guarded but I send out a link to the warriors on duty to let them know that both I and Raelyn are in the forest. As Rae still hasn’t been initiated into the pack, her scent doesn’t carry the tinge of Caden’s b***d like the rest of us do and I don’t want anyone to mistake her for a threat.

The warriors all confirm that they have got my message and agree to keep a perimeter around the area but not interfere with either of us.

Smiling widely, I head into the trees, sniffing the air as Indigo growls lowly in my mind.

‘Shift’ he huffs, ‘scent her out easier.’

I nod, stripping out of my clothes and placing them in the branches of one of the trees before the familiar feeling of my bones cracking and realigning overwhelms me.

Seconds later, the huge form of Indigo stands in my place, his brown fur soaking up the sunlight that streams through the leaves above us.

He yips loudly, shaking out his fur before sniffing around us for a second and taking off into the woods.

His paws thud against the ground as he follows Raelyn’s scent which is now so much stronger to our sensitive nose.

‘She’s hiding’ my wolf rumbles excitedly, ‘but I’ll find her, she won’t evade me for long.’

The little Omega is crafty, walking in different directions before doubling back on herself, she even crosses her own path at one point. Each time that she manages to confuse my wolf, he gets more excited, his prey drive so high, that he is almost vibrating.

After twenty minutes, Indigo lifts his head, a soft growl of victory leaving his body before he pounces into a nearby bush as a scream issues from it and Raelyn scrambles out the other side breathing rapidly.

Her eyes are wide as she watches Indigo who stalks her slowly, her feet shuffles backward nervously as she half whimpers, half giggles nervously.

Lunging forward, my wolf gently knocks her over, the Omega falling backwards with a yelp as her arms go up over her face. Indigo stands over her, growling softly, his paws pinning her to the ground as he sniffs all over her face and body before licking her.

‘Ewww’ Raelyn laughs, trying to swat at him, ‘so gross! Wolf drool!’

Indigo lets out a husky laugh, shaking his fur before licking her again, his tail wagging happily as he covers her in wolf k****s all over her face.

Finally backing up, my wolf drops his head to his paws, his a*s in the air as he wags it happily, growling at her as she slowly sits up and pushes her mussed hair out of her face.

‘Play’ my wolf barks at her, straightening up and nudging at her shoulder with his head.

Raelyn looks at him confusedly as I shake my head in amusement, ‘she doesn’t have the pack link yet dude, she can’t hear you’ I chuckle.

Indigo ignores me, ‘play!’ he barks again, tail wagging so fast as he bounds around her, grabbing her top between his teeth and tugging lightly.

‘Hey! Stop that’ she giggles, pushing him away, ‘that’s my favourite shirt.’

My wolf nudges her again, insistently, trying to get her to strip and shift as she watches him in total bewilderment.

Finally, with a snarl of exasperation, Indig shifts back into our human form, straightening up as Raelyn’s eyes widen, her gaze falling to my mid section as her lips part in shock.

‘Shift, run with me’ Indigo growls, ‘want to play with wolf side.’

Raelyn’s gaze is fixated on my naked body, that my wolf has no issue showing off. Nudity means nothing to him and even my g***n of mortification doesn’t divert the animal from his goal of getting Raelyn’s wolf to come out and play with him.

Indigo’s words finally seem to register, as her gaze snaps to mine, her face paling as she slowly licks her lips, her eyes darting around us.

‘Ohhh’ she mutters in panic, ‘yeah . . um . . . I don’t think I . . I mean she wants to Indigo.’ She shakes her head, keeping her gaze away from ours, ‘she’s shy’ she adds hurriedly, ‘she doesn’t feel comfortable coming out right now.’

Indigo frowns, not understanding her reluctance, wolves are not shy creatures and they always want to shift, to run free in their true forms.

‘Wolf play?’ he asks again, tilting my head as he watches the Omega.

‘No, I’m sorry Indigo . . she can’t’ Raelyn whispers sadly, ‘she’d really like too . . . but she can’t.’

Taking back control of my body, I place my hands over my junk as I stare at the Omega who has picked up a leaf from the ground and is now shredding it with her fingers. The excited and giggling woman of a few minutes ago. Long gone.

‘Rae’ I say softly, crouching down beside her and reaching out with one hand to tilt her face up to me, my heart aching when I see the tears that are pooled in her eyes. ‘What’s wrong?’

The Omega forces a smile, shaking her head slightly as though trying to rid herself of whatever is upsetting her, ‘nothing’ she replies quickly, too quickly to be exact. ‘My wolf just doesn’t want to come out right now, she . . we . . we went for a run earlier, she’s very tired right now’ she adds defensively.

My frown deepens as I hold her chin firmly, forcing her to look at me, ‘Rae’ I rumble sternly, ‘what is your wolf’s name?’

I’ve thrown her off guard with my question, ‘wha . . what?’ she stammers, definite fear in her eyes.

‘Your wolf’ I repeat, ‘what is she called?’

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