The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 30

Isaac’s POV

As I make my way up the stairs toward my office, I silently berate myself. I had a good long talk with myself last night and agreed that I need to stay away from the red haired Omega no matter what my c**k thinks.

It seems that Raelyn was on the same page as, when I went to take her down to the dining room for dinner, Yes, I know I just said I was staying away from her but it would have been rude not to show her where it was when she doesn’t know anyone!

Anyway, when I knocked, she didn’t answer, but I could hear a faint movement inside, so I knew she was awake, she was just ignoring me.

After standing there like some sort of stalker for over five minutes I had finally given up and left her alone.

As I tossed and turned in my bed later, I convinced myself that this was for the best. I know that I can’t choose an Omega to be my mate and I dragged myself to training full of good intentions to treat Raelyn in a friendly but professional manner from now on . . right up until I saw her in the dining room.

Her mere presence is like a beacon to me, and my gaze is drawn to her immediately upon entering the room.

I can’t stop my feet as they carry me toward her, my hungry gaze drinking in her profile as she talks to Sammy, one of the other Omegas.

‘Good Morning Rae’ I rumble, my voice lower than usual as I flex my fingers by my sides, trying not to reach out and touch her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Sammy openly gawking at me but I ignore her, only interested in the red head who is refusing to turn around.

I feel Indigo growl softly, not so much bothered by the disrespect but wanting to show dominance for some reason, he wants Raelyn to look at us. In all truth, so do I, and I can’t bear looking at her back for a second longer so I reach down, grab the sides of the chair and easily lift her, turning her around so she faces me.

Raelyn’s hands grab the edge of the chair in shock and Indigo chuckles, as if we would let her fall, she is perfectly safe.

Placing the chair back on the ground, I study her face, my amusement growing as she tries to avoid my gaze, her cheeks straining from the mouthful of food she’s just taken.

It shouldn’t, but the look of the omega flustered and embarrassed as she tries to swallow her mouthful, warms me and I can’t help but tease her.

‘I don’t like being ignored’ I murmur, as my eyes rake over her tight fitting sweater that fall over the waistband of jeans that mould to her skin.

I watch the older woman start to chew frantically, staring anywhere but at me as I try to stamp on a grin that’s tugging at my lips.

‘I also don’t like not being answered Omega’ I continue in a silky smooth voice that if I’m not mistaken, causes her to shiver. I’m enjoying her flustered expression as she swallows, her eyes watering slightly as she manages to finally gasp out, ‘good morning Beta’.

My smile grows as my name rolls off her tongue, everything about it calling to me on a primitive level, making me want to own her.

Taking a seat, I brush my knee against her, just to see what she does, and am pleased to see my affect as she physically shudders, her fingers trembling as she reaches for a glass of water and gulps down half the contents.

‘Are you nervous?’ I murmur, knowing she is and loving how tongue tied I make her. Just to be an a*****e, I lean closer, watching her swallow thickly, her gaze peeking at me from the corner of her eye as I nab a piece of her bacon from her plate and bring it to my own lips.

Her head turns, her eyes fixated on the bacon as I poke my tongue out and catch the edge, pulling it slowly into my mouth.

‘No’ she whispers, ‘I was . . I am . .’

Oh she’s very nervous around me and I shouldn’t be as thrilled about that as I am.

Leaning into her again, I place my lips a hairs breath from the shell of her ear, so close that she can feel my breath on her skin. ‘it’s OK, I make a lot of wolves nervous, you don’t have to be embarrassed’ I say quietly so only she can hear me, earning myself another small shudder and a breathy gasp.

Pulling back again, I quickly swipe another piece of bacon from her plate, tossing it into the air and catching it in my mouth as though I didn’t just invade her space and give myself a situation in my jeans that I hope isn’t too noticeable.

Standing up, I push back my chair slightly, hesitating for a split second before having one last moment of her attention on me.

‘You want to finish your meal Rae’ I say softly, keeping my gaze fixed on her, ‘It would be a shame for all that deliciousness to go cold, though I have to say, I do prefer to take my time when I’m eating.’

Yeah, I need to leave right now because I’m very very keen to show her just how well I can eat.

Dragging my gaze reluctantly from Raelyn, I focus on Sammy who is still staring at me with an open mouth.

‘Sammy’ I greet, nodding to her, ‘you taking care of our newest member today?’

Sammy nods, and I tell her to make sure she gives Rae a thorough tour before leaving.

Heading out of the dining room, I step into the foyer where I almost crash into someone. Reaching out instinctively, I grab their arms to steady them before realising it’s my sister Jamie-Lee who is glaring at me.

‘Your office’ she mutters darkly, ‘now.’

Sighing, I nod, falling into step with her as we climb the stairs and head toward my office, Jamie-Lee pushing open the door and walking inside, taking a seat without waiting for me to offer.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Shutting the door behind us, I walk around the desk, sitting down in my chair and leaning back as I wait for my sister to say whatever it is she needs to say.

The silence stretches between us as we hold each other’s gaze, waiting for the other to cave.

Finally Jamie-Lee huffs loudly, ‘what is going on between you and the Omega?’ she demands.

I refuse to fidget under her gaze, forcing a nonchalant expression as I shrug my shoulders.

‘Nothing’ I reply easily.

My sister scowls, ‘I saw you talking to her in the dining room Isaac’ she snaps in annoyance.

‘What? I went over to say good morning and to ask her how she slept’ I retort, ‘she doesn’t know anyone here apart from a couple of warrior females who I doubt will surface from their mates rooms this week. Am I just supposed to ignore her? Let her fend for herself on her first day?’

Jamie-Lee’s eyes narrow at me, ‘you have never felt the need to check on any previous new members’ she replies pointedly.

‘We’ve never had an unmated Omega offered up as trade into our pack before’ I counter. ‘This is an unusual situation Jamie Bear, plus we have the whole one month switch back thing, I want her to know that she can come to us if she doesn’t want to stay here at the next full moon.’

I can see my sister determination slipping and I silently clap myself on the back for such a good argument.

Jamie-Lee sighs, her shoulders sagging, ‘I . . just don’t want to see you or Raelyn get hurt’ she admits.

Indigo growls in my head as I frown, ‘why would Raelyn get hurt?’ I ask, a bite to my voice that attracts my sister’s attention and I curse under my breath that I can’t keep my damn emotions in check.

‘You know that she cannot be your chosen mate, right Isaac?’ she asks reluctantly.

I blink at the sudden question, throwing a tight leash on the anger that washes through my veins. ‘I said that there is nothing going on Jamie-Lee’ I snap, the use of her given name causing her to recoil from me in shock. I never call her by her name, not since she was a tiny pup so to use It now tells her that I’m pissed.

‘I’m not accusing you of anything’ she murmurs softly.

‘Sure doesn’t feel like that’ I growl back.

Jamie-Lee sighs, pushing her long brown hair behind her ear as she studies me. ‘Raelyn is a nice girl from what I can see’ she states quietly.

‘Yes she it’ I agree immediately.

My sister nods, ‘and I can see that whoever gets to be her mate will be a lucky wolf.’

I nod sharply, trying not to allow the pain of the thought of someone else claiming the Omega to show on my face, refusing to allow my sibling to see how messed up I am over our newest member.

‘Isaac’ my sister sighs, ‘I love you, you’re my big brother, and I say this with your best interests at heart. As nice as she is, Raelyn cannot be the Beta female. It wouldn’t be fair, she would not be able to keep up with the training required for the position nor would she be able to deal with the weight of half of your workload. I don’t tell you this to be a b***h, because if I had my way, you could have whoever you wanted, but you are the Beta and you need a strong female beside you.’

‘You are reading too much into a three minute conversation’ I retort harshly, turning away from her because I hate that she speaks the truth. As much as I want Rae, to put her into the position of being my mate would be cruel.

My sister stands up from her chair. Moving around my desk to place a hand on my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. ‘If you say so Isaac, then I believe you and I won’t say anything more’ she replies before pressing a k**s to my cheek and walking to the office door.

Pulling it open, she gives me one last smile before walking out and shutting the door behind her with a soft click.

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