The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Epilogue

Five years later

I’m flat on my back in the middle of the bedroom that I share with Caden and Hadley in the Alpha suite. Two fans are aimed down on me at full speed and I’m in just my panties and bra as Hadley sits on the bed behind me pouring me yet another drink.

‘Goddess, it’s so hot!’ I m**n, wanting to wipe the sweat off my body but my arms won’t move. ‘I hate you’ I add grumpily, ‘I hate you and Caden!’

Hadley chuckles, moving next to me and kneeling down to hold a straw to my lips so I can drink without moving. ‘How can you hate us?’ he teases, ‘you don’t even know which of us it to blame.

I c***k open an eye and glare at the man who normally makes my stomach flip. Talking of my stomach, I look down at the huge bump that used to be my waist, the reason I’m so damn uncomfortable and overheating.

The door to our bedroom bangs open and two pairs of feet thunder toward me before skidding to a halt.

‘Eww!’ comes the disgusted voice of mine and Caden’s four-and-a-half-year-old son Jaden. ‘Mommy! Where are your clothes? People don’t want to see that!’

‘Yeah eww’ his younger by six minutes brother Haden mimics, peeking out from behind his brother’s shoulder to look at me.

I wave a hand listlessly at the pair, to hot to argue that they barged into my room without knocking.

‘Dad!’ Jaden huffs, walking toward Hadley, pouting as he points at me, ‘make Mommy put some clothes on.’

Hadley laughs, grabbing a boy under each arm and throwing them onto our bed where they bounce, laughing loudly. ‘Mommy is growing a baby brother or sister in there’ he replies, ‘neither me nor your daddy are going to argue with her. What ever mommy wants, mommy is going to get.

Jaden and Haden both glance over at me but seem to decide not to argue which is a miracle. They are identical to Caden, the only thing they got from me was their eyes, I’ll admit I huffed when they were born, I carry them and they come out the spitting image of their dad!

Jaden is very much an Alpha pup, he is vocal, strong willed and kids flock to him. Haden is more reserved, happy to stand back and let his brother lead, always thinking before he makes any decision.

As Hadley messes with the boys a pair of feet tiptoe in and I glance over, smiling as my three year old daughter Haylee trips in, a pastel coloured crocheted blanket clasped in her hand like always.

Haylee is as much like her father Hadley as the boys are like Caden, she is also quiet like her father, rarely feeling the need to talk to others. She moves past me, walking up to her daddy who stops tickling the boys and scoots to the edge of the bed, picking her up and planting her on his lap as she snuggles against his chest.

‘Are you going to let me wash this yet?’ Hadley teases, pulling gently at the blanket as Haylee shakes her head, smiling softly.

Just after she started walking, we had gone over to the Carrington house to have a bit of time as a family after deciding that the pack house would be home and Hadley’s house would be where we stay when we want time as a family. Hadley was cooking, Caden was building a train track with the boys and I was trying to get comfortable on the sofa when I realised Haylee was gone. Panicked, we scoured the house for her until Hadley found her in his parents wardrobe digging through a box where she found a crocheted blanket. Hadley explained that his mum had made it when he was a baby and it used to be in his cot. Haylee wouldn’t let the thing go no matter what I promised her and in the end Hadley told her to keep it, that he thought her grandma would have wanted her to have it. Since that day, the blanket has gone where Haylee goes, and we have to steal it in the night just so we can occasionally wash it.

‘Is there a party going on in here?’ comes Caden’s voice as he strides into the room, our eighteen month old son, who is a perfect blend of me and his father, curled up against his chest. ‘Do you see this Cody?’ he asks in mock horror, waving his hand at us all, ‘they are having a party and didn’t invite us!’

Our toddler cuddles into his dad, his brown hair tucked under the Alpha’s chin as he sucks his thumb.

We all agreed after Cody that he would be our last pup but then one year later I’m sat in Doctor Meadows office clutching a sonogram picture. Seems the Goddess was right, we were in line to have at least one surprise.

I g***n loudly, pulling my knees upward under protest as Caden’s gaze swivels to me immediately. ‘What’s wrong Leeway?’ he asks worriedly, ‘is it the baby?’

I g***n again as I try to roll over, to get onto my hands and knees, ‘I need to pee’ I huff out in annoyance. I swear that’s all I do for the last two months of pregnancy! Pee! Thank the Goddess that werewolves are only pregnant for six months, how do human women manage nine? Can they even leave the bathroom in their last trimester?

Caden hands over Cody to Hadley, pressing a possessive k**s on the warrior’s lips before straightening up. Hadley gives the Alpha a look as he positions Cody on his other knee, Caden giving him a taunting smirk before stepping back over to me and helping me to my feet. Steadying me as I wipe my sweating forehead with the back of my hand, Caden waits patiently for me to nod that i’m Ok to hold my own weight. I nod curtly whilst thinking damn my Mates and damn this unholy inferno of a heat wave that is making me miserable!

My thighs clench together as I suddenly feel water drip between my legs and I glance down at the puddle of water underneath me.

Jaden and Haden stop hitting each other with pillows, Jaden’s nose wrinkling as he stares at the floor in horror.

‘Mommy wet herself!’ he exclaims loudly as I grip my stomach, pain washing through me.

‘No I didn’t’ I grit out, breathing through the pain, ‘my waters broke.’

Jaden glances at his brother before shrugging, not understanding what the hell I’m talking about. ‘Do we need to get her some of Cody’s diapers?’ he whispers loudly as Haden nods solemnly.

‘Boys!’ Caden growls warningly, ‘Mommy is having the baby.’

As the boy’s eyes widen, Caden swings me up into his arms and starts to stride toward our bedroom door.

‘Uh Star!’ Hadley calls out behind us, stopping the Alpha as he turns back to raise an eyebrow at our other mate. Placing Cody and Haylee onto the bed he stands up and crosses his arms. ‘I know our mate is in labour’ he states slowly, ‘but you are about to carry her through the pack house in her underwear. Now I have no problem with our girl walking around naked in here but I have to draw the line at the males in this pack looking at what is ours.’

Caden glances down at me as if he’s only just realised that I’m practically in my birthday suit as he nods. ‘Get her coat’ he orders, ‘we’ll wrap her up in that.’

‘Like hell you will’ I argue immediately, glaring up at Caden as he looks down at me, ready to take me on. ‘It’s like three million degrees’ I huff, ‘you are not putting a damn coat on me! The pack can see what I had for breakfast through my v****a for all I care right now, I’m not wearing a coat!’

As Caden opens his mouth to argue back, Hadley blows out a breath and strides across the room, pulling open one of his drawers and grabbing one of his work out shirts that’s sleeveless and breathable. He walks back, pulling it over my head as I shove my arms through, the material dropping to my knees as Caden manhandles me to get me covered.

Turning back to the door, I stop the Alpha again, ‘Wait!’ I yell as Caden blows out a breath of frustration.

‘What now?’ he growls, ‘you need to get to the clinic! Cody only took like an hour to arrive, I do not want you pushing out our baby on the packhouse steps!’

I shake my head at hem, Cody took three hours and seventeen minutes to arrive, but my Alpha has always got in a state when I go into labour. ‘The kids’ I say, jerking a thumb over his shoulder, ‘we can’t just leave them here alone.’

My mate sighs deeply, ‘I already linked Ellen and your mum’ he mutters, ‘they are on their way.’

As if they were summoned by his words, I hear the door to the Alpha suite slam open and rushing feet.

‘Is it time?’ my mum squeals excitedly, clapping her hands together as she practically bounces on the balls of her feet. Ellen walks in behind her, her son Dillon on her h*p as she shakes her head at my mum.

‘Sorry, I couldn’t find Dillon’s new stuffie’ she sighs, walking over to place the fourteen month old next to Cody, the little boy showing my son his stuffed toy that is grasped in his hand. Ellen found her mate on the first claiming after her twenty first birthday, and much to her older brother’s horror, was pregnant within a few months.

‘Grandma!’ Jaden screams, standing on the bed and launching himself at my mother, Hadley easily catching him mid air and pulling him into his chest as my mother grabs at her chest in fright.

‘Dude!’ Hadley chastises gently, ‘what did we say, no jumping at Grandma, you are getting to big for her to catch!’

He hands our eldest to my mother who covers his face with k****s before attacking the rest of my children in turn as they giggle and squeal.

A g***n rips out of me again as another contraction hits, drawing all attention back to me again.

‘let’s go!’ Caden orders, sweeping me out of the room as I shout out instructions over his shoulder, Hadley behind me, shaking his head in amusement.

‘Not my first time looking after children Jamie-Lee’ my mother calls back to me and I swear I can hear her roll her eyes.

The Alpha carries me through the pack house as people shout good luck to us, everyone excited about the prospect of another Alpha pup, though they’ll love he or she just as much if she’s Hadley’s too.

Entering the clinic, we’re ushered into the Luna room that is already prepared for me. Caden places me on the bed with care, his hands reluctant to let go of me as the Doctor walks in and smiles at me.

‘So, this little one is finally ready to make an appearance?’ he asks jovially, ‘how long have you been in labour?’

I avert my gaze from my Mates as they both turn to me simultaneously, their eyes narrowing.

‘I woke up with pains’ I admit sheepishly.

‘Jamie-Lee!’ Caden growls out as I glare at him.

‘What?’ I demand, ‘I thought it was Braxton Hicks, you remember how many times we came down here with Haylee to be told it was nothing?!’© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

The Alpha throws his hands up in the air but my gasp of pain has him beside me, my hand in his has he squeezes my fingers gently, Hadley doing the same on the other side. What can I say, he may be a big tough Alpha, but when it comes to me and our children, Caden is one big old teddy bear.

It seems our pup is in a hurry, because it’s only an hour later that I’m being told to push, sweat pouring down my face as I promise both men that they will never touch me again.

I don’t know how long I’m pushing but it all melts away to seconds as Doctor Meadows holds up my baby and places her on my chest.

‘A beautiful baby girl’ he announces proudly as I look down at another replica of Hadley!

‘Seriously?!’ I huff out, glaring at Hadley as if it’s all his fault that yet again, my pup has come out not looking like me! The warrior shrugs as he grins widely, Caden laughing as he moves around my bed to hug the man.

‘Congrats daddy’ he teases.

Hadley hugs him back before leaning over me and placing a k**s on my lips, ‘thank you’ he whispers softly, his eyes trailing over my face and then to our daughter as my insides melt.

‘Want to hold her?’ I whisper as a blanket is placed over our daughter and her tiny fingers wrap around the edge instinctively.

Hadley nods quickly, taking the baby gently from my arms and wrapping her carefully before cradling her to his chest. My heart hurts as I watch him, there is something about a huge strong man holding a tiny pup like she’s his entire world.

Caden presses a k**s to the baby’s head before moving back around my bed as the doctor leaves us to ourselves, and cuddles up beside me, placing a k**s on my lips.

‘She’s beautiful’ he murmurs, glancing at Hadley who is rocking her gently, talking softly to her.

I nod, smiling tiredly, ‘she really is’ I agree.

‘Sooooo’ he murmurs, giving me that look that I know too well.

‘Nope!’ I reply immediately, narrowing my eyes at him, ‘she is the last Caden Star! Five is enough.’

Caden holds his hands up, ‘of course baby’ he agrees immediately, ‘but . . .’ he gives me a small smile, ‘there are three of us, it just seems cruel that one of us only gets to cuddle one pup when the other two get two . . ‘

I raise my eyebrows turning toward Hadley for backup but find him nodding in agreement, ‘six is a nice even number’ he adds to Caden’s argument.

‘Oh my Goddess, I literally just pushed her out ten minutes ago’ I g***n in exasperation, covering my face with my hands. Taking a deep breath, I peek out at my Mates who are both grinning at me widely, they already know what I’m going to say, bastards.

‘Fine’ I huff, ‘one more, but you are going to have to fight it out between you over who gets to father this one.’

Hadley nods as Caden holds out his hands, ‘rock, paper, scissors for it?’ he asks with a smirk as I reach out and slap his arm.

‘You are not rock, paper, scissoring for who gets to get me pregnant!’ I growl as the Alpha laughs, pulling me into his chest.

‘Your right baby’ he agrees, ‘I think we should just let it be a surprise, but we are going to need a lot of chances Leeway.’

I shake my head but I’m smiling, ‘so we are agreed, one more’ I repeat firmly, wanting to hear them both agree.

‘Absolutely, one more’ Hadley says with a smile as I turn to the cocky Alpha.

‘One more . . right?’ I push.

Caden’s smile widens as he tucks me closer to him, kissing my lips, ‘one more baby’ he agrees.

‘I mean it Caden, we are having one more and then my uterus is closed for business’ I warn.

‘I heard you baby’ the Alpha replies with that knowing smirk, ‘one more pup and that’s it . . . . though things don’t always go to plan’ he adds, glancing at our daughter still secure in her daddy’s arms.

I g***n loudly, throwing my head back against the pillow, both my Mates laughing at me. These two! They’d be happy for me to have twenty pups and the way it’s going they might just get their wish.

I look between them both as Hadley places our daughter back in my arms, kissing me again before curling up on the bed on the opposite side to Caden.

‘So what shall we call her?’ Hadley asks quietly, glazing down lovingly at our child that is already asleep.

I tilt my head, looking her over, ‘what about Cadence?’ I offer quietly.

I feel Caden’s body stiffen as he looks at me, ‘she’s yours and Hadley’s’ he murmurs.

I shake my head, ‘no’ I disagree, ‘she’s all of ours and I think she looks like a Cadence.’

I glance up at Hadley who is nodding agreement, looking over at the Alpha, ‘I think she looks like a Cadence too’ he agrees.

Caden nods, wiping at his cheek as he smiles, his l*p trembling slightly, ‘our Cadence’ he whispers, ‘you are so special. Daddy, Mommy and I love you so much little girl.’

I reach out, running a hand down his face, shifting slightly so I can do the same to Hadley. ‘Thank you’ I say, ‘for fighting for me, putting me before yourselves and for giving me the most amazing family.’

Hadley cups my face, kissing me, ‘we would do anything to make you smile sweetheart’ he murmurs against my lips, ‘and we should be thanking you, for giving us the family that we both craved.’

I smile against his lips, pulling away only so that Caden can k**s me too before we lay in the bed, watching the newest member of our family sleep, completely unaware of how much love surrounds her.

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