The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 64

Caden’s POV

We only run as far as the closest town before shifting back and grabbing a cab into the city. I find a secluded hotel that I walk into on my own, heading to the front desk to book us a room. Jamie-Lee and Hadley hide in a corner of the foyer behind a large fern, before seeing me leave the desk and scurrying over to meet me at the elevator, Hadley keeping his head low as they slide into the small cart behind me. Jamie-Lee frantically presses on the button to shut the door, glaring at an old couple who walk up and are about to press for the lift, holding their gaze until the door shuts and we start to move upward.

Heading up to the sixth floor, I walk out first, jogging to our door whilst Hadley and Jamie-Lee play at being the world’s worst spies, darting along behind me with glances over their shoulder that would make a young pup suspicious.

Pushing Hadley into the room, Jamie-lee yanks me in behind them and slams the door shut before letting out a deep breath.

‘OK’ she says firmly, ‘Hadley, you stay here, Caden and I will go to the Council.’

I immediately shake my head, ‘nope’ I disagree, ‘I am going to the Council alone.’

My Mate opens her mouth to argue with me but I grab her hand and pull her into my chest, kissing her until she sags against me.

‘We still don’t know if Avrilak told anyone about you’ I murmur, ‘I am not taking you into that place until I know you are not being hunted.’

I see a flash of silver flicker in Jamie-Lee’s eyes as Skarla lets her displeasure show.

‘Skarla’ I growl, ‘you will stay here, I’m going alone.’

Hadley stands up, dragging a hand through his hair, ‘you need back up Caden’ he grumbles, ‘I should come with you, plead my case.’

‘No!’ I snap gruffly, ‘we lost you once, we are not losing you again, you are getting on that plane even if I have to parcel you in a packing box and stow you as cargo.’

I cross my arms and glare at the man until he breaks eye contact with me, taking a seat on the bed though he grumbles under his breath.

‘Caden’ Jamie-Lee murmurs, reaching out a hand to place on my arm.

‘Baby’ I plead, ‘you need to let me do this, out of all of us, im the most likely to be able to walk out of that place again.’

My two Mates glance at each other before turning back to me and nodding.

Gripping Jamie-Lee’s hand with my own for a second, I remove it from my arm and walk back to the door. With a hand on the handle, I turn back to the two people who mean the most to me and say, ‘lock the door as soon as I leave, answer it to no one except me.’

I turn back to the door before hesitating again, peeking over my shoulder at the warrior, ‘oh and I know you haven’t seen our Mate for a while, but could you please keep it in your pants until I get back? I really need to not have a raging hard on whilst talking to this bastards.’

I exit out of the room, leaving a stunned silence behind me and jog back to the elevator, pressing the call button. I was only half joking, I know this is probably not even something either of them are thinking about right now but just in case, I could do without feeling Jamie-Lee’s excitement in the middle of a conversation with the Council.

The thought leads me to winder if I will also feel Hadley’s excitement now, the thought intrigues me more than it should and my hand moves to his mark on my neck instinctively as I rub my fingers over it. I know the man feels guilty for marking me whilst I was unable to agree, but I’m really not upset. Things have changed between the warrior and me ever since we both marked our mate, from before that if I’m completely honest with myself. It feels right, to have his mark on my body and to see mine on his. I love him and Jamie-Lee more than any two people on the planet, I have no idea how this will effect our relationship but it doesn’t scare me like I thought it would.

I step out onto the sidewalk, hailing a cab and giving the address of the Council building, settling back into the seat as the cabbie talks to me about the weather, grunting non committedly each time he pauses for breath.

We arrive a few minutes later and I hop out, handing the driver a decent tip before jogging gup the stairs and into the building.

Pushing through the doors, I move through security and head toward the reception desk that has a young male seated behind it this time. I smile widely, noticing the way his eyes flicker over my body before landing on my marked neck.

He sighs dramatically, ‘why are all the cute ones always mated?’ he mutters to himself before hitching on a smile and greeting me. ‘Hi and welcome to the Council buildings, my name is Terence, how can I help you today?’

Blinking back my surprise at shake my head slightly and grin, ‘umm, I was wondering if there was one of the Council members here that have a few minutes? I’m looking for Isaiah if he’s free?’ I add as my father’s friend’s face swims into my mind.

‘Do you have an appointment?’ Terence asks as he taps away on his computer.

I lean over the desk and glance around conspiratorially, ‘no, it’s a bit of a surprise visit, he and my dad are old friends, my mum, the Luna, is trying to organise as special party for him, big birthday you know? Been trying to get hold of Isaiah for weeks but the man does not answer a text! I’m here on business and volunteered to track the guy down for her.’

Terence nods, his eyes widening, ‘oh your father is an Alpha huh?’ he asks, as there’s another run over my physique. ‘Oh I know what these Council people are like, always busy, never stop for a second.’ He reaches over and pats my hand before glancing around again, ‘I’m sure you have an appointment Mr . . ‘

‘Caden’ I fill in, ‘Caden Star.’

‘Mr Caden Star’ the receptionist repeats, typing fervently on his computer for a second. ‘Oh there you are! I knew I saw your name, you have a meeting with him in fifteen minutes. You’ll have to go to court five though, he’ll be there preparing for a case he’s presiding over.’

He gives me a cheeky wink as I think him and I can feel his eyes on my a*s as I turn and walk down the corridor toward court room five.

Stopping outside, I contemplate knocking but decide to just inch open the door and make sure the man is alone before announcing myself.

Pushing down the handle, I peek through the gap to find a small room behind it. There are only a few rows of benches for spectators and at the front is a small office desk rather than the huge podium of our trial. The Council man is sat behind the desk, his head tilted forward as he writes in some sort of book. Pushing the door wider, I step inside and close it behind me before clearing my throat to announce my presence.

Isaiah startles, his gaze ripping up to me just as a huge smile creases his face and he stands up, hurrying around the desk with his arm outstretched.

‘Caden!’ He booms, ‘what a pleasant surprise, you just caught me, I have a case in thirty minutes.’

I nod, returning his handshake with a smile of my own. ‘Your receptionist said I could probably just catch you between cases if I was quick’ I confide.

Isaiah chuckles, ‘is Terence covering the lunch period again?’ he asks in amusement.

I nod, making the man laugh harder, ‘he can never stop himself from just letting people walk in, especially if he thinks that they are cute’ he adds with an eyeroll.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Sobering, the Council man fixes me with a look, worry creasing his brow, ‘now I’m not saying I’m not happy to see you Alpha’ he murmurs, ‘but it’s not a usual occurrence. Is there a problem? Are you parents OK?’

I nod quickly putting the man at ease, ‘oh yes, they are fine’ I reply, ‘this is actually more of a personal visit for myself.’

Raising an eyebrow, Isaiah beckons me to follow him, taking his seat as I sit down across from him in a free chair I assume is for whoever is being tried. Placing his fingers together, the man waits patiently for me to state my business.

‘It’s about our trial’ I start reluctantly.

Isaiah nods, ‘I fought has hard as I could Caden’ he replies reluctantly, ‘but I could convince Allegra to vote against your fine. I know it was a lot of money for your pack to have to pay for something that frankly wasn’t your fault. I personally agree with Mr Carrington, that we have no right to tell the Goddess that she is wrong.’

I shake my head, ‘no, I accept that despite everything, I broke the law and it was lenient of the Council to only fine me, I’m actually here about Hadley.’

Isaiah’s frown deepens, ‘Mr Carrington, what would you need to discuss about him?’

I sigh, ‘about his punishment’ I reply, ‘I need to argue it.’

I watch as bewilderment settles on the man opposite’s face, ‘you want us to fine him too?’ he asks slowly.

I nod quickly, ‘yes!’ I agree, ‘a fine would be welcome, we would happily pay a fine for Hadley’s conviction.’

The Council man shakes his head in confusion, ‘conviction?’ he repeats, ‘Mr Carrington was found innocent of all charges as was your Mate. They were lower ranking wolves at the time of the double marking, there is no way that we could hand them a punishment. It was obvious that your wolves all took over and forced the marking, to be honest, I’m shocked that they managed to hold off for nearly an entire full moon.’

I blink in shock, ‘no, Hadley was found guilty’ I mutter.

Isaiah shakes his head, ‘no, innocent’ he replies, ‘on a three to two vote. Myself, Ay-Rohn and Allegra all voted in a full dismissal of his case.’

‘Wha . .’ I shut my mouth swallowing, ‘sorry, Council Woman Allegra voted for dismissal? She was gunning for us all to go to prison!’

Isaiah laughs, ‘Allegra likes to play the bad guy, put the fear of the Goddess into rule breakers so they don’t do it again. But between you and me, she’s a soft one, and she does enjoy a good love story. She never intended to find you guilty though she did vote for your fine, she’s not that soft’ he adds with a wink.

I’m lost, they all sat there whilst Caden was convicted and taken from the Court. ‘When you came back to the court room . . ‘ I mumble.

‘Yes, normally we would all come back but the case ran on a little longer than intended and we all had other cases so Chandra volunteered to come back alone to let you know that you were free to go.’

I slump back in my chair, mouth hanging open as Isaiah watches me with concern, ‘are you OK Caden?’ he asks, ‘do you need a drink of water or something?’

I shake my head quickly, ‘no’ I reply, ‘no, I’m fine, sorry. We had an incident at a Motel, my warriors that were still here after the case ended, were killed by some unknown assailants. I need to go and get their bodies released to return them home. It has just hit me that I’ve got to inform their families of the passing of their loved ones.’

Isaiah’s face crumples as he nods sympathetically, ‘are they at the morgue?’ he asks, pulling his phone out of his pocket. ‘I’ll give them a ring, let them know you are coming, get the process sped up for you.’

I nod my thanks, wondering if I should let him know about Avrilak and Hendrix but decide against it. Both men are dead, any of his followers that are left will disband as they have no understanding of who Jamie-Lee is so won’t come after her.

After his phonecall, Isaiah stands again, stretching out his hand that I take, shaking it firmly. ‘Thank you’ I say sincerely before turning and leaving the court room, heading back to my mates with the news that Hadley is free to leave.

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