The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 18

Looking down at us, the woman straightens her shoulders, ‘I’ she calls out, her voice reverberating around us, ‘am Chandra, the enchantress, part of the high council and head spokesperson for today’s arraignment. To my left, is council person Hendrix and Council person Allegra, to my right, Council person Ay-Rohn and Council person Isaiah. Between us and the rest of our brethren, we represent all versions of life that walk our Earth.

We have been selected to hear your case and pass judgement on behalf of the council as a whole, you will each have a chance to speak, and questions will be asked as and when we feel it necessary.’

The enchantress snaps her fingers, and a hum fills the air around us momentarily before fading away leaving my mates and I glancing at each other in confusion.

‘Allegra, please read out the charges against the defendants’ Chandra orders as she retakes her seat and gives her attention to the old woman who sneers at us before climbing to her feet.

‘On today’s date, March seventeenth, we convene for the trial of the Council v Carrington Star’ the old woman states loudly, her gaze never wavering from me. ‘These three werewolves are hereby accused of a breach of law twenty-six regarding multiple mates. The law states that no living being shall be allowed more than one mate which they can mark as their own. It also states that any being that is found to have two or more mates bestowed upon them must inform the council within fourteen days so a decision can be reached as to which of the mated individuals will go forward to mark their gifted other half.’

I sit up in my chair in shock, no one said to me that I had to present to the Council about getting two mates! Peeking at the men either side of me, I can see that this is also news to them.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

‘The Council puts forth that the three werewolves present here today did willingly and with extreme prejudice, flout said law. They did not inform the council of the dual mating within the specified timeframe, and then willfully mated and marked as a trio in full knowledge that they were breaking sacred supernatural laws.’ Allegra gives us all one final vindictive smirk before retaking her seat.

Chandra leans forward, her elbows resting on the desk in front of her as she presses her finger tips together. ‘These are very serious allegations’ she muses sternly, her lips pressed in a thin line.

‘We didn’t . .’ Caden starts up aggressively just before the enchantress waves her hand through the air and he falls silent, opening and shutting his mouth, unable to make a sound.

‘I don’t know what backward town you are from Mr Star’ the grumpy old gnome like man that was introduced as Ay-Rohn grouches, ‘but here we have a way of doing things and at no point does that way include shouting out as though you are the only voice that should be listened too.’

Caden’s face darkens as he tries to reign in his temper before he nods curtly and Chandra waves her hand again releasing him from her spell.

‘Call the first witness’ the Enchantress orders and a small door to the left swings open to reveal one of our own warriors who looks bewildered on how he got here.

Chandra beckons him forward and he moves closer reluctantly, his eyes to the floor.

Hendrix leaves his seat, walking down a small set of stairs and over to the warrior, sniffing deeply as his eyes shine brightly. ‘Name’ he hisses darkly to the man who fidgets under his gaze.

‘Parker’ the warrior replies roughly, ‘elite warrior for the Diamond Star pack.’

Hendrix nods, moving closer as he breathes in heavily, ‘do you know the accused?’ he asks, his voice hard and emotionless.

Parker flicks his gaze to us worriedly as he nods, ‘answer!’ the gaunt man orders making the warrior jump.

‘Yes!’ he replies quickly, ‘yes sir, I know them.’

Hendrix starts to circle him, ‘tell us who they are to you’ he murmurs softly, his gaze never leaving the werewolf whose own gaze darts nervously around himself.

‘They are Alpha Caden, future Alpha of the Diamond Star pack, Luna Jamie-Lee, mated to Alpha Caden and future Luna of the Diamond Star pack, and Warrior Hadley of the Diamond Star pack, second mate to Luna Jamie-Lee’ he rattles off immediately.

Hendrix tilts his head slightly, ‘did you know that your future Luna had two mates before the mating?’ he asks softly.

Parker flinches but then reluctantly nods, ‘yes, I found out the day after the claiming’ he mutters.

‘I see’ the man muses, still slowly circling him like a predator, ‘and what were you told when it was announced?’ he murmurs.

‘There was no announcement, word just spread through the pack’ Parker replies tightly.

‘Very well, was any kind of meeting called regarding the matter then?’ Hendrix hisses, a touch of impatience to his voice.

The warrior nods, ‘there was a meeting called two days later’ he grumbles reluctantly, ‘every pack member except the future Alpha, future Luna and warrior Hadley was present.’

‘So, the Alpha of your pack brought everyone together apart from his own son, and his son’s mate’ Hendrix clarifies, ‘why would he do such a thing?’

Parker bites down on the inside of his cheek, obviously not wanting to answer, his gaze moving to us again.

‘ANSWER ME!’ the gaunt man growls out, the two words reverberating off the walls, echoing over and over as the warrior cringes.

‘Alpha wanted to put an Alpha order on the pack’ the poor werewolf mumbles, unable to stop himself replying. ‘We were all ordered to not mention the fact our future Luna was gifted two mates to anyone outside of the pack.’

‘Why did he order that of you all?’ Hendrix asks, his voice soft again.

‘I don’t know’ Parker replies honestly, ‘Alpha doesn’t explain his decisions to us. He is in charge of our pack, we do as he tells us too.’

Hendrix turns to face the enchantress, nodding curtly. ‘Truth’ he says loudly before stepping away from the warrior who immediately relaxes.

‘You may go’ Chandra says authoritatively, dismissing the werewolf who hurries back to the door and slips outside again.

Turning back to us, the enchantress motions to Caden to stand up, the Alpha rising to his feet, his aura rolling off him as he lets the people in front of us know that he’s not intimidated.

‘Alpha’ Chandra calls out, ‘please step forward.’

Walking around the desk, Caden stands in the middle of the open space between us, eyeing Hendrix who moves closer to him, sniffing as he did with Parker.

‘Dude, ‘I’m already mated’ my mate growls, ‘only she gets this close to me without losing her head.’

Hendrix smiles widely at the young Alpha, those sharp fangs making an appearance again but he doesn’t reply to my mate’s cockiness.

‘Name’ the man hisses, starting to circle Caden who gives him a bored look.

‘Alpha Caden Star, future Alpha of the Diamond Star pack’ he replies carelessly.

‘I am confused’ the thin man murmurs, ‘you refer to yourself as future Alpha but you have your mate, doesn’t that now mean you are ready to take over your pack? Why do you think you are still waiting for your father to step down?’

My back goes ram rod straight as I feel pure anger wash through my bond with Caden. This man is picking at a sore subject and my mate doesn’t like it one bit.

‘I have no idea’ Caden snaps back, ‘you’d have to ask him, only my father knows why he does the things he does.’

‘LIEEEEE’ Hendrix hisses, like a venomous snake, inching closer to the Alpha who doesn’t move a muscle, giving off the feeling that his interrogator doesn’t bother him in the slightest. I can feel him though and there is something no quite right, Hendrix’s call out about his reply irks my mate somehow.

‘It’s not a lie’ Caden replies calmly, his face a mask of indifference, ‘I can make many assumptions as to why I’m not Alpha yet, but that is all that they would be, assumptions. My father has not voiced his reasons to me so I cannot answer your question.’

Hendrix holds the Alpha’s gaze for a moment, Caden staring back openly until the man nods and moves on.

‘Why did you not inform the council of your dual mating?’ he asks.

Caden stiffens, ‘we were trying to give Jamie-Lee a chance to decide between us’ he replies abruptly.

Hendrix frowns, ‘why would you do that?’ he murmurs, ‘the law is clear, and as the future Alpha it was most likely that you would be chosen as her mate.’

I gulp loudly, my eyes finding Hadley who is sitting tensely beside me, not saying a word.

In front of me, Caden shrugs, ‘I wanted my mate to choose me, not be forced into accepting me’ he replied. ‘Warrior Hadley is a good man and a fierce protector, he had every right to try and win his mate. It would have caused damage to my own mate bond and to our pack if Jamie-Lee’s decision had been taken from her.’

The older man smirks, ‘yet your story is that you and the warrior lost control, marked her unintentionally, isn’t that also taking her choice away?’ he murmurs.

Caden’s face snaps to the man grinning evilly beside him, the first c***k showing in his armour. ‘Jamie-Lee wanted us both, had said so numerous times over the progression of the moon phases. Our wolves could no longer bear to see her struggle with an impossible situation, they were much more closely bonded with Skarla than even Hadley and I were aware. They took over but Skarla was willing.’

Hendrix stops walking, breathing in as his eyes fixate on the wall to the right before turning toward Chandra and shaking his head ever so slightly.

‘Thank you Alpha Caden’ the enchantress calls out, ‘you may return to your seat.’

Caden moves back around the desk and sits down heavily beside me as I reach out and grab his hand under the table, trying to calm the storm that’s battling inside of him.

‘Warrior Hadley’ the enchantress asserts, ‘please step forward.’

Hadley slowly rises from his seat, not even glancing my way as he walks around the table and stands in front of the Council members, his back rigid as he awaits Hendrix’s questions.

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