The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 14

‘Jamie-Lee! We need to leave!’ Caden’s voice floats up the stairs to me in our bedroom as I try to cram another jumper into my carry on. the use of my full name tells me that my Alpha has reached the end of his rope, the previous six calls to me had been a mix of baby and Leeway.

We are going to the capital for three nights and staying in a hotel nearby. In the back of my mind is the thought I won’t need any of these clothes if they throw us in prison. I’m sure they provide those fetching orange jumpsuits for all the inmates that holiday at the big house. Regardless, I’m choosing to think positively and packing as if we will be doing some sightseeing and going out for dinner before coming home.

‘Leeway!’ I huff as I sit on my case, forcing it closed and zipping it shut.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I’m coming, keep your tighty whitey’s on’ I grumble back as I walk out of the room and down the stairs to where Hadley and Caden are both waiting for me.

‘I heard that’ Caden mutters in my ear as he leans forward to take my case from me, ‘and just so you know, I’m going commando today.’

I almost swallow my tongue at the image that pushes through my mind whilst Skarla prances around in my head urging me to ditch the Council and grab both my mates by the shirt and drag them back up the stairs again.

‘Nope’ Hadley growls from beside us placing a hand on my back and steering me out of the door, toward Caden’s truck. ‘We will miss our flight, keep your thoughts to yourself woman.’

I gaze up at him innocently, ‘I didn’t do anything’ I reply.

‘I can smell your arousal, Lee, and I can feel your emotions’ the warrior retorts, opening the door and helping me in whilst Caden throws our cases in the boot.

Leaning closer he whispers, ‘and I saw Cobalt surfacing so I definitely know that what you were thinking was naughty’ he adds, winking and straightening up, shutting the door before I can answer.

Caden slides in behind the wheel as Hadley sits behind me, running his fingers up the back of my neck teasingly before retracting his hand and putting on his seatbelt.

I glance over my shoulder, scowling at him as he grins, not at all concerned that he’s sent my body into overdrive.

‘I thought you told me to behave’ I growl at him.

The warrior shrugs, ‘I did’ he agrees, ‘but I never said anything about me having to do the same.’

Beside me Caden laughs, throwing the truck into gear and pulling away from the house, moving around the edge of the training field and heading toward the pack border.

As we circle around the pack house, two SUV’s join us, one taking the lead in front of Caden’s vehicle, the other following behind.

Noting my confused look, the Alpha takes my hand in his giving it a small squeeze. ‘Did you really think that my dad would let us all go off to the council without protection?’ he murmurs in amusement. ‘Let’s not forget that you are his favourite child, and your dad is his Beta. I’m actually shocked that he didn’t insist on coming with us as your own personal guard.’

I shake my head at the man’s theatrics, ‘you know he loves you’ I reply, tightening my fingers around his.

The Alpha snorts, ‘yeah, he just doesn’t think much of me’ he mutters under his breath.

They continue the drive in silence, the only sounds coming from the radio that’s tuned into some rock station. Two hours later, they pull into the Wolfen airport, a private airport owned and run by the Council for supernatural beings. Though any supernatural creature can use it, the planes are mostly used by the Werewolf population. A few of the larger packs, including our own, also keep private planes here and we are heading toward one of the hangers where a small plane is waiting for us.

Pulling up beside the airplane, I gape out of the window at the sleek silver bird that has two men moving around it, checking everything.

My view is suddenly blocked by a huge figure as my door is opened and Hadley reaches in to take my hand, helping me out of the truck.

‘Impressed?’ he teases, making me blush a pale pink.

‘I’ve never been on a private plane before’ I huff defensively, ‘sue me for being a bit awed.’ Note to all, I’ve never been in an airplane full stop, every time we went on vacation, my dad drove us.

Hadley chuckles, ‘sweetheart, that isn’t just awe, that was the face you have when Caden takes his shirt off and you aren’t prepared’ he replies.

I splutter as a husky laugh echoes beside me, ‘she pulls that same face when you strip as well’ Caden adds as he slips an arm around my waist, squeezing me to him.

‘Hmppf’ I huff in annoyance, ‘you keep this up and neither of you will see me strip in the foreseeable future.’

The two men shut up immediately, and I smirk victoriously, that’s right boys, I can play dirty if I need to.

‘Alpha, Luna, welcome’ a gravely voice calls out from my right and I turn to find a gnarled looking older wolf walking toward us, hand outstretched toward Caden who takes it in his own, shaking it firmly.

‘Derrick’ the Alpha greets warmly, ‘how does she look? Any issues?’

The wolf shakes his head, glancing back at the plane, ‘she’s looking good’ he rumbles, ‘and the weather report is fair so you should have a smooth ride to the capitol.’

Caden thanks the man, who heads back toward the plane, giving it one last inspection before turning to a tall woman dressed in a pilot’s outfit and talking to her as she nods.

‘Alpha, we have checked everything, you are free to board’ one of our warriors says as he approaches us.

‘Thanks, Mark’ Caden replies, shifting his arm so his hand is on my back and steering me toward the open doorway as Hadley grabs our cases from the boot and follows us a step behind.

Entering the small space, I walk past a young woman in a stewardess outfit, a pin with our pack crest on her chest, who greets me cordially. Looking around the confined area, I count twelve luxury seats in the main cabin, eight are placed either side of two tables at the back of the cabin, the remaining four are all forward facing nearer to the door and cockpit. The four seats at the front are already occupied with high ranking members of our elite warrior team who nod to me as I meet their gazes.

Behind the seating is a door that I assume leads to a bathroom and maybe a kitchen but I can’t be sure as the door is shut.

Caden releases me and ducks through the doorway into the cockpit, most likely to check in with the co-pilot before we take off.

‘Luna’ a voice says beside me causing me to turn and find Melanie, one of the Alpha’s own team beside me. ‘You, the Alpha and warrior Hadley are sitting over there,’ she indicates to one of the tables that has the pack crest inlayed into the wood.

Nodding, I give her a small smile, moving toward the back of the plane and taking a seat facing the front.

Hadley joins me moments later, our cases now gone from his hands, and he slides into the seat next to me with a wicked grin.

‘That’s my seat’ comes Caden’s voice seconds later.

‘You snooze you lose’ Hadley replies calmly, throwing his arm around my shoulders as I giggle. ‘Plus, you sat next to her in the car all the way here, it’s my turn.’

I try to smother my smile as the pair have a stare down before Caden huffs loudly but slides into the seat across from me. ‘I hate that she’s marked you’ he mutters darkly to the warrior, ‘ever since you got her teeth in your neck, I can’t get you to submit.’

Hadley laughs, pulling me closer to him, ‘you know, I’ve noticed that too’ he muses, ‘can’t say it bothers me at all.’

I turn my gaze to the window beside me, tuning out my mates’ bickering, watching as the people below us move out of the way, the door at the front being shut and locked by the flight attendant who greeted me when we boarded. She then moves through the cabin, checking that we are all safely strapped in before heading back to the c**k pit and taking her seat behind the pilot.

I hear a whining noise and a few moments later, the plane starts to roll forward, and I watch through the window as the hanger slides past us before it makes way for tarmac and grassy areas. We creep along, following the wide road before coming to a stop and all I can see beside me is green grass and a tree line in the distance.

A loud roar suddenly fills the quiet cabin and my fingers grip into the arms of my seat as I sit up ramrod straight, my eyes moving around the cabin and through the window, for whatever it is that’s growling so loudly.

A hand settles over mine, prying my nails from the plush leather as I glance worriedly over at Hadley who is smiling down at me, ‘relax sweetheart’ he says over the angry bear, ‘it’s just the engines.’

I raise an eyebrow uncertainly, that sure as hell sounds like a really pissed off wild animal to me but before I have a chance to argue, I’m pushed back into the plush leather seating as we surge forward, the plane gathering speed as the growl gets louder.

I close my eyes, crushing Hadley’s hand as we thunder down the runway before the plane tilts back and we lift into the air. A scream of terror lodges itself in my throat, what the hell was I thinking? Wolves are not supposed to fly! We don’t have wings and are super fast, how much more indication did I need that we were designed to stay on the ground?

My eyes are squeezed so tightly shut, I can feel a headache brewing from the tension but I can’t bring myself to open them, terrified that I’ll see the earth plummeting toward us as we fall out of the sky. How do these things even stay in the air? It must weigh twenty tonnes at least, how can air keep that kind of weight up?

‘Sweetheart’ Hadley calls out as his fingers try to pry my death grip off his other hand. ‘I’m going to need you to relax just a little, the b***d can’t get to my hand.’

My eyes snap open as I look down to find the warrior’s fingers white from the strength of my grip. Forcing myself to let go, I immediately grip the seat again as Hadley flexes his fingers with a grimace.

‘Baby, are you OK?’ Caden asks from across from me, concern lacing his voice.

I nod curtly, ‘how long is this flight?’ I manage to force out.

‘Eight hours’ the Alpha responds, making me g***n softly, eight hours? Will we even make it? What if we run out of fuel? A car can’t drive for eight hours without stopping, can it? So how can a plane?’

A movement to my right has me opening my eyes again to find the flight attendant beside us, looking at me in concern before turning her gaze to Caden.

‘Would you like a drink Alpha? Or something to eat?’ she asks calmly.

How is this woman so calm? And why is she out of her seat? Doesn’t she know that we are miles above the ground and could fall to our deaths at any moment? This lap belt is all that stands between me and annihilation and I’m not taking it off for anyone!

Caden nods, ‘I’ll take a beer thanks’ he replies, ‘can you bring the Luna a sparkling water as well’ he adds.

The flight attendant nods before turning to Hadley, giving him a smile, ‘and for you warrior?’ she asks, c*****g her h*p slightly against the table as she takes in my mate.

Suddenly my imminent demise is not forefront of my mind as a growl leaves my lips and I wrap my arm around Hadley’s possessively, glaring at the woman who blinks in surprise, backing up a step.

Caden smirks as he turns to the shocked woman, ‘my Luna gets a little possessive of her mates’ Carly’ he explains. ‘I’m sure you meant nothing, but we are newly mated, so maybe don’t check out her other mate in front of her.’

Carly gulps as her head swivels from Caden to me and then to Hadley, who has wrapped an arm around me and is playing with the hair hanging over my shoulder.

‘Two . .’ the she wolf mutters before catching herself, ‘of course Alpha’ she says quickly, ‘I’ll get your drinks immediately, and a beer for the Luna’s mate?’ she asks eyeing me nervously.

‘That would be wonderful Carly’ I reply, snuggling closer to Hadley as I stare up at the woman through my eyelashes.

Nodding, the she wolf turns to hurry behind us, opening the door and slipping behind.

I sit up slightly, turning to watch her go before returning my gaze to my mates who are both watching me with matching amused smiles.

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