The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 87%1 I knew that Jaxon had gotten the same message because he turned to me with eyes filled with understanding. I wanted to leave immediately but he wouldn’t let me. He reminded me how we have a family and the last thing either of us needed was to leave them unattended. It was frustrating to say the least but knew he was right. If need be, we could have found a guard to watch over them but what was the point?” I reluctantly allowed it slide and told the guards I would be there to see Violet tomorrow. It was arguably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do but I knew it was for the best. When got to sit with the kids and have dinner, I knew I had made the right choice. It didn’t stop me from thinking about Viglet and everything that had happened but at least it enabled me to focus on my family and what was directly in front of me. I realized that what Violet wanted was to take me away from them and by rushing to see her, I would have been giving her exactly what she needed. After dinner, Jaxon and I tucked the kids into bed. It wasn’t something we had done in a while but we figured today was the perfect day. We put Kieran in bed first mainly because we knew he would demand less attention than Kiara. Once he was settled, we got into Kiara’s room where she was bundled under her huge blankets and millions of pillows. She was quiet while we read her story and quiet when we kissed her good night. She only spoke when we were about to leave the room and she spoke in a voice barely over a whisper. I was shocked I even heard her because of how softly she spoke. She called out to me and I made my way over to her. I crouched down next to her and waited for her to gather the courage to say the words she needed to. “Mummy,” she began unsure and I hummed to let her know that I was listening. “I had a dream last night and it was scary. There was a woman but she didn’t look very nice and she looked like the mean lady who took me before. She was trying to hurt you but then she didn’t and there was someone else but I didn’t see his face. He was hiding in the back and he was holding a long rope that he was using to pull the mean lady around.”

I was confused by her analogy. I guessed she meant Violet but I didn’t know what she meant by the man in the shadows. I didn’t even realize how close Jaxon was standing to me until he spoke. “Was the man controlling her?” he asked and Kiara rodded eagerly. She looked up at Jaxon as if he held all the answers and he placed a soft kiss on her hair. “It’s just a dream, there are no scary ladies or men in shadows. You are safe and everything is fine, okay?” She looked hesitant and unsure but she nodded. “Okay daddy, goodnight.” She turned on her side to sleep and Jaxon pulled me out of the room. He didn’t say a word until we were in the safety of our room. He turned to me. “Has she ever seen Violet before?” I shook my head. “She doesn’t even know that Violet exists. How could she have a dream about someone that she doesn’t know?” “Do you think it’s part of her powers? Maybe it gives her some kind of prophetic dreams or something. What about the man in the shadows?” “I don’t know,” I admitted. “it could just be a dream borne out of childish fear.” Even as I spoke those words, it was clear that they were a lie. We both knew that there was some truth to what Kiara dreamt and that meant that there was someone else who was masterminding this entire thing and we had no idea who he was. As I climbed into bed that night, I knew sleep would not find me easily. The next morning. I debated taking Kiara with us to the pack house to see if Violet was the one in her dreams but I didn’t want to expose her to any danger. Jaxon already told her that it was just a dream and the last thing I wanted to do was to make her believe otherwise. She stayed home with Nadia as usual while Jaxon and I rushed over to the pack house. Kieran wasn’t too happy about his guards when we dropped him off but I assured him that it would only be for a while. When we got to the pack house, my skin was itching with anticipation and nervousness. Jaxon was going with me to the dungeons and his presence was the only thing keeping me from losing my cool and dissolving into a fit of nerves. As if he could feel my nerves, he placed his hand at the small of my back to steady me. It helped but not enough. 1/3 13:01 Fri, May 24 G MO

Chapter 85 87% The further into the cells we went, the worse my nerves g face her. “You don’t have to do this.” s got. Jaxon stopped me before we got to her cell and turned me to “I do,” I told him. “I am the one she wants to see. She won’t answer any question otherwise. I know Violet and I know the games she plays. I will be fine, you’re going to be right there with me, right?” “I wouldn’t dare to go anywhere else.” I didn’t know what I was expecting when I looked at Violet but when I saw her, I knew that wasn’t it. She looked smaller and frailer than I remembered. Her hair was in knots from lack of care and there were dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn’t slept properly in weeks. She looked a lot different from the formidable woman who terrified me in my own home. I couldn’t even relate the person I was seeing to the person who made my life a living hell. “Hello, Violet,” I began and she looked up at me. Despite her appearance, she was still beautiful and her lips turned up into a snarl. “You made finding you harder than it should have been.” “You must feel so proud of yourself right now. You slept in a bed while I slept on the floor of a cold cell. You’re Queen of the lycans but the truth is that you will always be an omega. You can wear fancy dresses and parade yourself as otherwise but inside, you’re still a rotten little bi*ch, she spat and I felt Jaxon growl beside me. Violet at least had the decency to look frightened when she heard the sound. “I didn’t come here to fight you, Violet. I never wanted to fight you. If you had just walked into the palace like a normal person, you would be treated like a guest and not a prisoner but as it is, you harmed our people and you threatened my son. excuse me if I don’t think you’re safe enough to sleep in a bed.” Violet laughed humorlessly. “You took everything from me. Was it so bad of me to want to take something back? You took my sister and my mother and as if that wasn’t enough, you took my mate. Do you know how hard it was to get Noxian to fall for me? Do you know how many weeks I spent feeding his ego and getting him to notice me? You just walked in and you were handed the

mating bond on a silver platter. As if that weren’t enough, you get handed off to the lycan king who ends up being your mate.” “I’m sorry you feel that way but I didn’t mate with Noxian. I was sold off in your stead. I didn’t steal anything from you. refused and I was forced to pick up your slack. If you’re looking for someone to point fingers at then I’m not the right person.” You “Self-righteous, Freya,” she practically spat. “I knew you would say that and he did too. I didn’t have plans for revenge but you could imagine my joy when he came to me and he offered me the chance to get back at you. I’m not the only one who hates you, Freya. You’ve wracked up quite a number of enemies since you came here,” “What are you talking about?” I asked and she shrugged then turned to Jaxon. “My bad, they’re actually your enemies,” her tone was condescending. “I may not be able to get to your son or your family but he can. I know you’re going to execute me or torture me but I don’t care. It is nothing compared to what I already faced with Noxian.” She pulled up her sleeve and I saw cuts and scars. Violet was a strong wolf so it would have taken a lot for her to scar that way. It would have taken a silver weapon. I could not imagine Jason taking a silver weapon to my skin. As if thinking the same thing, his arm wrapped around my waist to pull me closer. Violet let her sleeve fall. “I am prepared for whatever you want to do to me. I will die a happy woman knowing that your ruination is only a few steps away.” I made my way closer to her rell and squatted until we were at eye level. “Tell me who he is or at least tell me where he is.” “Why would I do that? It defeats the entire purpose of the element of surprise.” “Tin shocked you would let someone else take your chance at regenge. Isn’t that what you want? What if he double crosses you and choses not to do anything” 2/3 13.01 Fri, May 24 G MD Chapter 85

87%# “He won’t,” she seemed very certain of the fact. “In fact, he already has the plans in motion as we speak. A man’s enemies are the members of his own household. You should know that since we took you in and you took everything from us. It is only fitting that someone in this very palace should do the same to you.” I did know if she was playing mind games but I knew Violet and I knew the fact that she wouldn’t lie about something like this. I knew I wasn’t going to get any more answers from her so I stood to my feet. Just as I was turning away, she grabbed my arm through the bars and pulled so they were flat against the silver. The metal burned into my skin but I refused to give her the satisfaction of flinching. Jaxon moved but I held out my free hand to stop him. -This is what I felt every day of my life since the moment I mated with him,” she spat. “I endured it because at least I got to be Luna and then he discarded me like trash when he heard about you.” “That was not my fault. I don’t control Noxian’s actions and you can’t blame me for him being a d*ck.” She smiled ruefully and let go of me and I pulled my hand away sharply. The smell of burning flesh permeated through the air and Jaxon was by my side in an instant. He began leading me out of the cell but when we got to the door I heard her speak “Freya,” she called out and I turned to her. “I’ll see you in hell 3:3 曲 SEND GIFT COMMENT,Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

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