The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40


We finally arrived at the next house. The house was bigger than the previous one we had been to.

Alpha Philip knocked and a man answered the door.

His eyes was red and bloodshot. It was similar to the werewolf we visited previously.

“This is Peter. He lost his two daughters.” Alpha Philip introduced.

Peter opened his door wider and he led us in. He did not say a word.

We all went in.

Immediately I entered, I observed the place.

There was broken pieces of furniture scattered on the floor and the whole house was in a rough state. Still, something seemed inconsistent · somehow.

I stared into the man’s eyes.

The eyes can be the window into the soul.

Sometimes, the secrets a person seeks to hide would be revealed with just a glimpse into their eyes,

This man acted the part of a distraught father well but something doesn’t sit well with me.

It felt fake.

In the previous house, I had no choice but to succumb to the powers of my emotions.

I was immersed in the emotions the previous werewolf emanated.

I turned my eyes to alpha Philip.

He had a confident smile on his face that prompted my urge to punch him.

Why was alpha Philip so confident?

The more he acts this way, the more I wanted to unravel his secret. “Where was your daughters kidnapped? Are they the type to go on outings?” I repeated the questions I asked the first werewolf we visited. An unknown look flashed through Peter’s eyes.

He exchanged a look with alpha Philip.

I narrowed my eyes.

What are they exchanging information about?

I did not underestimate the information the eyes can transmit.

It is like the humans say.

A picture could contain a thousand words.

The type of info the eyes can pass is special.

I knew there had to be something fishy going on here.

The man’s countenance was sad on the surface but I could feel a weird

emotion from him.

The emotion did not fit into the current situation at all. It was a happy emotion.

As I grew up in the Silver Crescent Pack, I had learnt to read emotions and body language.

It was one of the reasons why I felt uncomfortable in alpha Philip’s


My past with Lily refined this skill.

I had blamed and chided myself for failing to realize the real intentions Lily had for me.

I had learnt to be extra carefully after all my experiences too.

It was why I would not discard my gut feeling any time it appears. “I wasn’t in the pack when my first daughter disappeared because I was running an errand for our pack’s alpha.” Peter explained, “My second daughter went for a party with her friends in the neighboring pack. We found a piece of her clothes on the route that leads to that specific pack she was heading to.”

I watched him as he spoke.

“We found signs of struggle on the route we found my daughter’s clothes.” Peter paused, “She didn’t reach the neighboring pack too so we added her case to the kidnappings that the rogues are doing.”

I was going over his words carefully, I did not want to miss something because of negligence.

Besides, I was trying to find a flaw in his words.

My experience with other people I have crossed paths with assured me

that Peter wasn’t what he seemed to be.

To me, he felt emotionless when he mentioned his daughters‘ kidnapping.

That wasn’t something a true father should portray or show.

It was strange.

I knew for sure that I wouldn’t behave like Peter was acting if one of my pups goes missing.

I would have been long gone on my craziness journey.

It was even something I would not dare imagine.

Although i haven’t seen my pups yet, the thought is too painful to think about.

Peter’s emotions, words and actions were off.

I knew that the way each parent showcases their love is different but Peter seemed to have no love for his offsprings.

I don’t know if I was the only one that felt Peter’s strangeness.

No matter how he tried to hide it, I could detect the apathy he felt.

I even have the suspicion that he was not the real father of the girls that went missing.

However, I could not say my suspicions out loud so I kept it within me for now.

Besides, something was wrong with his alibi.

Why was he sent on an errand?

The first werewolf we visited wasn’t in the pack when his daughter was kidnapped too.

The two of them was sent on an errand that guaranteed their absence in the pack whenever the rogues wants to attack their daughters.

It was strange.

I continued to think but I didn’t let it show in my face.

“Mr. Peter, can you show us the place your first daughter went missing?” I requested but Peter shook his head.

“I can’t desecrate my daughter by letting you people visit her. I don’t want to disturb her myself.” Peter stopped us with a pained look on his face.

I was almost swayed by his apparent pain but I held myself back.

This matter won’t be as simple as I am taking it to be.

“Why? You will be able to get justice for your daughters if our investigations find the culprits.” I stared at him.

Peter was behaving like alpha Philip.

It was like they didn’t want the omega warriors‘ investigation to bear fruit.

Peter wasn’t cooperating at all.

The werewolf before him that lost his only daughter helped us with everything within his power even when it caused him grief.

Peter was the opposite.

However, we can’t force Peter to do what he did not want to do. It would wreck our reputations.

If I was alone, I would not mind trying to pressure him but I was not alone.

The other three female warriors was with me.

I can not spoil our reputations because of a momentary impulse.

“I just can’t.” Peer refused again.

He did not give a tangible reason for his refusal and he played the emotional card well.

There was no way to find fault with him.

Peer was giving me the feeling that he doesn’t want to find his daughters. I don’t think he wants to look deeper into the matter.

Peter clearly wants to let it go.

“Alpha Philip, please take us to see the other victims‘ families. We would like to look at the other two packs that was affected by the rogues kidnapping too.” I said to alpha Philip and he led the way immediately. I did not glance at Peter..

I had already gotten something equivalent to what I came for.

I knew alpha Philip and Peter had to be in cahoots.

For their sake, I wished I was wrong in my guesses.

The punishment that would befall the evildoers isn’t something light. Cooperating with the enemy to harm one of your own was unacceptable. I sighed.

For their sake, I hoped I made a mistake.

Perhaps Peter thought he was obstructing us from moving forward in our investigations. He did not know his refusal contained as much

information that his acceptance would have carried.

If I hadn’t visited the werewolf that had lost his only daughter, I might not have gotten a clue this quick. I might not notice Peter and alpha Philip’s suspicious points sooner.

The contrast between the first house we visited and the second one was drastic.

I watched alpha Philip like a hawk.

He was showing his trails unknowingly.

When everything falls in place nicely, I was going to fell him in one blow.

In the past, I was willing to give alpha Philip the benefit of doubt.

I had even blamed myself for having such a strong bias against him when I just met him.

It seemed my gut feeling was right in this situation.

Even if alpha Philip was not the mastermind of this kidnappings that the rogues were doing, he definitely had a hand in it.

What I could not wrap my head around is why an alpha of a pack would be at ease with letting his pack members be at the mercy of the rogues.

He reminded me of alpha Bryan.

Alpha Bryan was better than him in a sense. At least, alpha Bryan would not cooperate with rogues.

He might give his pack members away but dallying with rogues was a no–go area.

My eyes grew cold.

I just arrived at the conclusion that alpha Philip had to be helping the

rogues. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

It was why he was trying to covertly sabotage the investigation we were working on.

Peter was onto this scheme too.

A frightening possibility came to my mind.

The only way Peter can secure a deal with aloha Philip was through his daughters.

He had a hand in his daughters‘ kidnapping.

It might be the reason why I felt a type of apathy from him when he was narrating what happened.

My heart burned with hatred.

Why would a father do this?

Is it for material gains? Is it for power?

I don’t even know how many victims‘ families alpha Philip cooperated with.

The only thing I can use to discern is my guts and experience.

I shook my head to clear my chaotic thoughts.

Alpha Philip should continue his tricks. I was going to let him live a while longer.

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