The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24


Diana cheerfully dragged me to where a few girls were gathering.

Some of the rooms‘ door was locked and but I could hear faint noises from the


It seemed the owners of the room did not want to socialize.

I wouldn’t blame them.

If my heart did not burn with thoughts of escape, I would not attempt to go out of my room.

The girls stood as they chatted excitedly.

Including Diana, the four of them had two werewolves and two humans in their group.

I looked around, there was no electrical gadgets humans normally use to catch fun or waste away time.

It seemed Mr. Drake turned this place into some sort of twisted werewolf pack that worships his every move and action.

“Hey everyone, this is Avery. She is Mr. Drake’s new girl.” Diana introduced and the girls hummed as response.

Only one girl kept a stiff face when Diana introduced me.

She clearly did not want me here but I won’t let somebody’s emotions hinder my own lifeline.

I had to know the situation of this place as soon as I can.

I was on a limited time.

I don’t know when or if Mr. Drake would call me to serve him.

I flashed a bright smile and Diana nodded at my way of familiarizing myself with these girls.

Diana turned to me, “This is Sika, Willa and Annette.”

Sika was the girls that had made it very obvious she did not want me here with her expression.

“I have a question to ask. I don’t know if I can do that.” I probed and Diana gestured for me to go ahead.

“Questions? I don’t know why she forgot the first rule so quickly. These newcomers never change. Did she think she is some kind of superhero?” Sika whispered under her breath.

I ignored the words‘ she said.

I don’t know if I was encroaching on Sika’s desires or profits for her to be



targeting me specifically like this.

This is the first time I am meeting Sika so there should have been no bad blood between us.

There was two human girls with us and if Sika wanted to whisper, she could have dome it in a way that only the werewolves with sharper senses would hear it.

Instead, she made sure everybody here heard it.

One of the human girls, Willa darted furtive looks at my face but I ignored those looks too.

Everybody tacitly kept their mouth shut on Sika’s words.

Nobody wanted to poke through the paper thin wall hiding things that were already exposed. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

However, Diana’s expression was very dark.

I did not want to start any issues with anybody because I am new here. Diana took a deep breath, “Ask away. We would answer to the best of our ability.” “Why are those girls inside cages?” I had wanted to know the answer to that questions since I saw those girls locked up inside their metal cages like poultry animals.

I tried to ask the plump woman that brought me here but I received a scolding session instead.

“The woman that assigned me my room refused to answer.” I continued.

“That woman’s name is Beatrice. She is similar to a housekeeper or butler here in Mr. Drake’s household.” Diana started, “She takes superiority and rules very strict. She hates newcomers that disobey imtructions from their superiors.”

Diana was right about Beatrice’s character.

I saw how she couldn’t wait to ingratiate herself with my patron but when she is facing me, someone that is lower than her in power, she turned overbearing and cold.

Beatrice was the kind of person who had fear for the strong but she would oppress the weak if she ever finds herself in an opportuned situation.

Diana looked at the girls that was inside those cages, “Those girls had offended either Mr. Drake or his beloved sister. They did not want to bend to the rules so they had to deal with the consequences of their actions.”

Diana was speaking with a hard tone but the expression on her face was dark and sad.

I could sympathize with how she felt.

I haven’t met Mr. Drake’s beloved sister but I had met Mr. Drake himself.

This place was obviously following the rule of the jungle that dictated the survival of the fittest.



No person can guarantee that they would not do something wrong. Nobody can say confidently that they would be able to keep everybody happy for eternity. A mistake can throw a wrench in any carefully constructed plan.

Pity coated my face as I stared at the poor girls stuck in their imprisonment. Even if they had done something wrong, their crime should not warrant a treatment catered to livestock.

I did not want my escape plan to fail because I might end up in the same predicament these girls are in.

Diana seemed to have seen the abnormal expression on my face. She patted me softly.

“Every girl here is bought for Mr. Drake’s enjoyment. How do you guys cope with serving Mr. Drake? Don’t you get jealous?” I asked because I didn’t understand. These girls were hanging out together and they had good relations with each other, I can not wrap my head around the fact that they would still be able to sleep with the same man despite their friendship.

The thought of my best friend, Sadie sleeping with the same man I was sleeping with caused disgust and chills to rush down my spine.

I had emotional ties to the stranger that fathered my pups but I knew we were not destined to be together.

Even if the rational part of my mind knew that we had no fate together, the emotion part of my mind refused to let him go.

I can not entertain any thought of a female of any race approaching him.

Anytime that kind of thought comes in, I would almost go insane with jealousy.

To give myself more peace, I would think of our passionate encounter instead of stressing myself over who his future partner would be.

This girls could calmly interact with one another when they serve the same man. I had to give kudos to them.

I would not be able to try this stunt because I would have gone mad with jealousy.

I did not know I had that part of myself before but now I knew, I can be very possessive.

I wanted my future partner to be mine and mine alone. No third party is allowed to partake in what me and my future partner shares.

Our matrimony has to be sacred and pure.

In my mind, the only two people my relationship can have is just me and my future partner.

It was why alpha Jake’s suggestion for me to be his concubine after he rejected me didn’t sit well with me.

Annette, Sika, Diana and Willa had their mouths opened wide in shock.

This topic was a sensitive one.

I knew from their shocked expressions that nobody had been as direct as I was when asking this specific question.

Diana had an awkward smile on her lips, “We are mortals, we get jealous but we don’t let that blind our ability to think.”

After her words Diana gave a pointed look to Sika like she had a lesson for Sika to emulate in her words.

Sika turned her head away and she did not look at Diana.

Mentally, I agreed to Diana’s words.

I was mortal too.

I get angry, sad or jealous but I would let my reasoning faculty come back after my emotional self had run its course.

I would never let my emotions decide everything for me.

Anybody that is ruled by only their emotions are just animals.

Animals depend thoroughly on their instincts and anybody that lets their emotions take control of all their decisions is in the same class as all the animals in the animal race.

“As for the hope that differentiates us from these girls in cages, Mr. Drake does not have a mistress by his side yet. All of us here harbor the hope that we would become the sole wife of Mr. Drake.” Diana


“Being his wife is enough to motivate us to look forward to a better tomorrow.” Annette said wistfully as she stared at the passing white clouds drifting in the darkening sky.

Their hope might lay in the hands of Mr. Drake but from my experiences, I can’t let another creature that do not want my survival and bliss over his life have the key to my happiness.

It would be a very foolish decision if I attempt that route.

To me, being the official wife of my patron still had the same emotional responsibility being his bed warming maid had.

A leopard can not change its spots.

Mr. Drake would find it hard to change and that is even if he tries to change.

As the official wife of Mr. Drake, you have to accept and live with the fact that your husband can have many women besides you.

Being the official Mrs Drake might being riches and glory. It might even bring the freedom these girls desire but this position came with a very threatening baggage. The position of Mrs Drake is emotionally taxing.

The person to fill the position would have to live with a man that would be regarded as public husband.

Lily had helped me escape because she didn’t want me to become a concubine for alpha Jake.

I had manipulated the sense of crisis a woman is supposed to feel when she feels like her man is getting into the traps and wiles of another lady.

Besides, if the person to fill the position of Mrs Drake came from these girls, the mentality that every of Mr. Drake’s actions and movement have to be worship would be ingrained too deep.

The new Mrs Drake would not have a settled mind at all because she knew that her background was of a bought slave.

Shewould feel like her position is not stable.

She would stated to get paranoid that other girls might snatch Mr. Drake’s love and as a result she might lose her position.

The position of Mrs Drake came with too many complications.

The unlucky person that fills that position by Mr. Drake’s side would always be between a rock an a hard place.

I shook my head at the thought of being Mr. Drake’s official wife.

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