The Lycan King's Fate Calling (Shawn Gibson and Sylvia)

Chapter 1083 Potion

Chapter 1083 Potion

Adela's POV.

Last night, I had watched the battle between Rufus and the vampires from a hiding spot by the rocks on the edge of the cliff. It was very fierce and intense.

I had stayed put where I was, afraid that I might accidentally get injured if I came any closer. I didn't dare to make a sound or a single move, until I saw Rufus falling off the cliff.

I remember freezing when I saw that, and I had struggled to swallow the scream that rose in my throat. I had no idea what to do.

Rufus, the strongest werewolf in the kingdom, had fallen in the hands of the vampires. Even if I had rushed in to save him, I was powerless against the vampires. I had never trained a single day in my life, and the vampires would probably kill me in the blink of an eye.

Then, just when I thought I was going to lose my mind, I spotted a nimble she-wolf leap over the cliff and disappear among the bushes below.

That had only made me hesitate more. I was itching to head down and see what was going on, but I was too scared to come out of my hiding place In the end, I stayed where I was.

It wasn't until all the vampires had been defeated by the rest of Rufus’ men that I was able to muster the courage to step out into the bloody battlefield.

It had taken me a long time to make my way down the cliff. It wasn't an easy path to begin with, and I already had a slight night blindness to deal with. The only thing I could rely on was the faint glow from my phone's screen. I remember stumbling several times and scraping my arms and knees.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Cn my way, I had almost roused a bear from its sleep, and I had to make another detour on my trek. Fortunately, I had been able to reach Rufus just before dawn

He was curled up by himself inside a cave, his face mottled with pain. He had fainted, and was clearly in a terrible condition.

There had been no one else with him, no trace of the she-wolf except for the clothes she had left behind. I hadn't the foggiest clue what could have happened between them, but I recognized the great opportunity that had fallen en my lap. I remember being so excited by the prospect that my hands were shaking

I had taken my clothes off as fast as I could, tied them to a rock, and threw it into the lake. Then, I took out the potion I had carried with me this whole time and held it up under Rufus nose to let him sniff it into his system. The potion was designed to make him mistake me for his mate. Its effects would last for a month, which might not sound long, but it was enough time for me to complete the rest of my plan.

I made sure that Rufus took several whiffs of thesubstance before I went back.1 the lake. I filled the viat to the brim with water, and then I let it sink imo the lake, much like my. clothes. And then, all that was left forme to dowastoliein his arms.

Everything had gone so smoothly, as if the Moon Goddess herself was helping me.

After a while, Rufus stirred in my embrace and started to open his eyes.

I remember how I tried my best to steady my breaths. I was so nervous, and scared that my thundering heart would expose my lie. But the moment Rufus' gorgeous eyes met mine, I forgot everything else. I could risk anything if it meant that I could be with him.

But Rufus was immediately hostile toward me.

I had prepared myself for this, of course. Ife had been the type to” pounce-on me at first sight like most other {echerous werewolves, I wouldn't have concocted such an elaborate plan. id

And so, I proceeded to gently explain how I had saved him.

Rufus had shown no emotion as he listened, though he did eventually take me back to the imperial palace without a second thought.

He had been so calm about me being his mate;-so much so that I started to think he didn't care for his mate at alt. Or was itjustmehe > didn't care for? I, on the other harid, had bgen on the edge since hewoke up. keouldn't shake off the suspicion that he had somehow learned of the trith, and was only going-along with my acting to bait me for a greater punishment.

As if to make matters more complicated, Rufus * wounds had indeed been cured. Could that she-wolf fram last night be his former mate? Wasn't she supposed to have died a long time ago? The more I thought about it, the more confused I was. What was going on? Had Rufus’ mate faked her death?

I was desperate for the answer and I knew I needed to ask that person!

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