The Lost Luna Princess

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Jason’s POV

A week after I killed the Luna, I decided I would try my luck with the alpha, he would be expecting

me to be lay low after what I had done so this was the perfect time. I had spent the last week watching

from a distance as the royal pack mourned their loses and even though I felt bad for the rest of the

pack’s families, Blake reminded me that with war there is always casualties.

The rogues I joined had set up camp about 5 miles away in a cave that seemed to go on forever

with a few tunnels underground. The tunnels were used so that they could travel to certain areas

without other wolves catching their scent. It turns out they had been there for quite a while, and we

never knew about them.

We decided it would be best for me to face the Alpha by myself as the stench that they had would

give their positions away immediately. I allowed myself to be seen by a guard near the lake knowing

that Alpha William would want to personally kill me.

“HAHA he will not be expecting this to be how he dies” my wolf Blake roared in my head.

“Shut up mutt, we cannot start getting cocky that’s how we will fail” I told him even though he was

right, the alpha would defiantly not be expecting this.

As Alpha William showed himself, I began to taunt him about Vanessa knowing it would have the

reaction I wanted.

“Your Luna claimed to be a descendant of the moon goddess and yet I ended her life with ease.

She didn’t even try to fight me. She was weak”

“You didn’t give her a fucking chance though did you Jason, what kind of coward attacks their Luna

with a wolfsbane laced silver knife. If you thought of her as weak you would have attacked her in wolf

form you traitorous bastard”

“Vanessa and her wolf wouldn’t have stood a chance not against Blake, she hadn’t trained since

she gave birth to your brat”

“That’s where you are wrong Jason. Being a mother only made her stronger. You were too busy

planning my downfall to register that. And as for diamond she would have ripped you apart. She never

once used all her strength she never needed to and when she did need to her chance was taken away

by a coward. By you!”

“Well at least you got to say goodbye to her, you won’t get the chance to say goodbye to your

daughter. How does it feel to know her life will also end at my hands and before she even gains her

wolf Hahahaha”

As he shifted into his wolf I stayed in my human form. Maximus was a big wolf bigger than any

other alpha wolf being as he was the king. His fur was a deep black resembling the midnight sky. His

eyes a bright shade of red starring right at me.

“SHIFT and fight me you coward?” Roared Maximus and all I could do was laugh.

This disrespect just pushed him over the edge and as he lunged at me, I drew a silver knife laced

with wolfsbane and poison then stuck it into his side. He would die the same death as his precious

Luna had, slow and painful. Maximus howled alerting the rest of the pack he needed help. Before I had

time to strike again Maximus slammed me into tree not registering how serious his wound was. I knew

that the silver and wolfsbane wouldn’t be enough to take him down which is exactly why it had been

mixed with a rare kind of poison. I didn’t know the name of it as one of the rogues had gotten it telling

me it would take even the alpha king down.

As he lunged for me again, I rolled to the side stabbing him again but this time into his leg. I

watched as he slumped to the ground with a sickening thud.

“There I thought one stab would have done it with his weakened state from losing his Luna”

“Blake, I told you we couldn’t underestimate him. His blood is strong that’s why he was the king in

the first place”.

Knowing alpha William wouldn’t recover from this I stabbed him again in the back and before I

turned away, I gave him some parting words.

“Once I find your daughter your bloodline will cease to exist”

And with a smirk etched onto my face I walked away leaving my once best friend to die.

Chapter16 years later……

- Marie’s POV

It had been nearly 16 years since Jason and the rogues had attacked the royal pack resulting in

the death of Luna Vanessa. When I left with Angel I ran until I couldn’t run anymore, I should have

taken one of the SUVs that was in the garage but there just wasn’t enough time.

Jason had followed us into the forest, but my stealth skills were much better than his tracking and

so I was able to lose him. After making sure we weren’t being followed anymore, I mind linked Nick to

tell him we had escaped. Alpha William decided I should take Angel to the Moonlight Pack as the alpha

there at the time had been a good friend of his dads, and it would be safe for us to reside in their


I made my way into the local village securing a vehicle and made our way to Alpha John knowing

he was expecting us. It would be a long drive but if I was to have run in my wolf form it would have

taken a lot longer especially as I had a pup to carry.

The moonlight pack was a good 8 hours’ drive from the royal pack, situated on the edge of a small

town backing onto the mountains but surrounded by forest. We didn’t stay in their pack house even

though they had offered, instead choosing to stay in one of the houses on the edge of their territory.

This way if we were ever found out it would make getting away a lot easier. Like the royal pack many of

the wolves from here had jobs in the town as well as in the pack house.

Nick found us about a month later and we raised Angel together. Nick took a job in the town

working as a car mechanic to avoid suspicion and I became a stay at home mum. You see being the

gamma of the royal pack, Nick earned a lot more than the average wolf and technically didn’t need to

work. But as we didn’t want everyone knowing where we were from it’s what we had to do. The only

person that new who we were was Alpha John, he took our secret to the grave not even telling his son


Angel knew who her parents were, we made sure of that. She also knew that she was the sole heir

to the royal pack but warned her not to share that information with anyone as if shared with the wrong

person it could lead to the wrong people finding her. Angel began to look more like her mother every

day, her hair long and curly, as yellow as the sun and eyes like the ocean. She was beautiful. However, NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

she inherited her dads short temper and attitude but also his kindness and the heart to help anyone no

matter who they were. Angel had gotten her wolf Star at the age of 10, this was a lot earlier than

normal wolf. We put it down to the fact she had the blood of the moon goddess as her mother was a

direct descendant.

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