The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 98

CHAPTER 98 Drunk Cristos After shopping all day, we were finally seated in a private room on the top floor of RPM Steak at North River waiting for our orders arrived. Dan and Nicole led the way to Michigan Avenue better known as the Magnificent Mile, the shopping district of Chicago, the home of luxury brands which were non-existent in New Salem. We went directly to Oak Street, the high-end enclave in the city’s Gold Coast neighborhood. If Los Angeles had a Rodeo Drive, Chicago had Oak Street. All the high-end luxury brands and designers like Armani, Hermés, and Escada including Harry Winston and Bucellati were here. To my surprise, the first store we entered was Giorgio Armani. Unlike the others, I was looking for a more frendy and casual look. But then again, this was Armani. I have to admit Noah was a good looking man. codd easily see why loy fell in love with him when they were teenagers and why most of New Salem’s single women were vying for his attention. His natural golden blonde hair glistened under the sunlight, his tan skin oozed masculinity, while his dark brown eyes, veiled beneath his long eyelashes, possessed a mysterious character behind them. Then, there was his dazzling smile which I noticed had caught the attention of the svelte brunette sales clerk standing beside him. She was eyeing Birr him with a t winkle in her green eyes. oh was the boy who every girl in New Salem High wanted to be with. Joy, being his bestfriend, must have been the envy of every zin in school. Destroying her the way Liam, Iran, Jack and Cris Gid, paved the way for others to get Joy’s coveted role in Noah’s life. I wondered what had happened after Joy left. No one spoke of her. They always referred to here at the son who left New Salem. 1 shadowed foah wondering if he was going to purchase anything. While Nicole took clothes off the racks like she could afford anything and everything, Noah rubbed his fingers on the eleg of the hung, loving the feel of the smooth delicate fabric on his fingers, seemingly debating with himself whether he

should buy one. As I looked around the store, I decided to play the little devil who whispers in one’s ear. 1/6 11:34 Fri, Mar 29 CHAPTER 98 Drunk “As an owner of a company, you sometimes need dress shirts and slacks when you’re meeting with someone,” I said casually. “That’s okay. I don’t usually have to meet the client,” he said. “Lisa and Nicole are the ones. who meet with the clients and draw up the plans. I just do the work.” “Yet, there are clients who need to meet you before they agree on anything. When Bo and Dom moved here, I heard you weren’t able to meet with Dom, so he decided to hire Bo’s: contractor instead. You could have earned a lot from Dom alone. But I guess it’s a good thing. you were hired by Linda Jacobs to do the funeral home,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “No use crying over spilled milk.” “Speaking of Dom, have they cleared him?” He asked. I saw him smirk before he quickly turned his head to look at some socks. “From being involved in the Marla Lawrence drug bust? Yes, they did. Jack conducted a to a pink silk search at Dom’s before Dan and I left for the airport,” I answered, walking over shirt hanging on a rack. “Why do you ask?” “I heard Dom bought Marla a new car. Didn’t they just meet at the pageant last Saturday?” Noah asked, his tone curiously spiteful. “Cynthia McDowell died, the funeral home went up in flames and nine people were found dead. If there’s a lesson these past few days have taught me, it’s not to waste any time,” I said while putting the pink shirt I took off the rack against myself as I stood in front of the mirror-to see if it fit. “If you think buying someone a car is a bit excessive, how about a marriage proposal? Liam only went out with Virtue one time and he’s going to propose to her tomorrow. “Are you guys sure he’s going to propose to Virtue? Noah asked while he stood in front of the mirror

and checked if a necktie would go with his outfit. “I remember Nicole mentioning Liam is arranged to marry some other girl. I know Liam, Chip, and I can tell you his father’s approval means a lot to him. And what about Virtue? Virtue has only known Liam for a couple of weeks and they’ve only gone out once. Virtue doesn’t strike me as a power-hungry, gold digging bitc h. Why would she accept his proposal?“ “Seems like you’re against Liam and Virtue marrying,” I said, handing the sales clerk the pink shirt. “Any particular reason why?” He laughed, as if what I said was a joke. “It’s none of my business really and I actually don’t care. I’m just saying… whatever this is, Chip, isn’t going to end up in a fairy tale wedding and a happily ever after. Virtue and Liam? They don’t make any sense. Just like Dom and Marla. Noah said, handing a neck tie, some? 2/6

23 11:34 En, Mar 294 b CHAPTER 98 Drunk socks, and a belt to the sales clerk. “Let’s just say you guys are right and Liam proposes to Virtue, guarantee Virtue won’t accept his proposal and whatever future you guys are magining isn’t going to happen. Personally, I believe Virtue deserves someone better… someone who can take care of her, who will love her, cherish her and never leave her side. That someone isn’t Liam, Chip.” I was surprised to hear a jealous tone in Noah’s voice. You think that person is you?” I asked. “Maybe he answered, admitting he wanted Joy. Why ave I not surprised? wat about Nicole? She seems to be in love with you, I pointed out. “But you aren’t in lotow with her, arent you?” Noah chuckled. smosen to say, Noan admitted. “I grew up with Nicole. To be honest, I think she’s over 7 2010 over Liam. NôvelDrama.Org content.

But we wenud happy when she heard about the proposal. I think Nicole has moved on.” Welt 118d considering my options, Noah said. “Plus, I need to focus on work and earn more money. and I have a paralyzed mother to care for. “Now? este e 43.1, ocked to hear what Noah had admitted to me. Noah daring netopine soject, but she just lowered her eyes. I’ve picked ou Let’s pr er, “I don’t know if I snod o my this, Noah said, pointing at a dark blue silk shirt. Live a little, Noadstersuading him to buy the thousand dollar shirt. “One shi hurt. He nodded his pead and n mdeti d’ur e sake clerk the shirt. The brunette smiled brightly at him which earned nera are from hole. Sincer Minole and Dan were close frist, there was no way Noah could talk himself out of having dinner with us. It was my two by the drinks and get them drunk so they’d talk. We had been sippany on dumpagne whole afternoon… just a little bit more and my companions would be drunk. 316 11:34 Fri, Mar 29 CHAPTER 98 Drunk While we waited for our food, I ordered c ocktails and appetizers, paying extra to have them put in an extra shot of tequila in their Crystal Paloma c ocktail. Our servers came back with our orders of Bone-in Ribeye steaks, Big Eye Tuna Sashimi, Bacon Mac and Cheese, Millionaire’s Potato, Chilled Oysters and our platters of expensive Wagyu micro steaks. To compliment our dinner, I bought bottles of Bordeaux. After the hearty meal, I leaned back on my seat and waited. After our third bottle of red. wine, the stories began.. “So all of you went to school together?” I asked. Nicole and Dan nodded their heads enthusiastically.

“Yep, we were all part of the same group in high school,” Dan said loudly. “Noah became friends with us during the summer before sophomore year and Lisa came in during our senior year. Yeah, you guys used to come in when I was flipping burgers at the diner,” Noah said, slurring. After his third glass of wine, he opted to drink beer instead. “But I thought you were all friends even in grade school,” I said, puzzled. “Uhm, no. I was friends with Abigail and Liam in grade school,” Nicole said. “Abigail was my closest friend and Liam was my childhood crush. We became girlfriend and boyfrien middle school. That’s when I started growing boobs while the rest grew pimples.” “And you Noah? Why weren’t you guys friends then?” I asked. “Because Noah had this awful stutter,” Dan answered quickly. “The only person who coul actually understand him was Joy.” Nicole roughly nudged Dan in the ribs after he said her name. “Joy?” I asked while I refilled their glasses. Here we go… “The girl who left during our junior year. Her family used to own the grocery store and the Old Taylor House, Dan said. “Joy was this pathetic little girl who used to follow Noah all around high school. Sure, she was this cute little thing during grade school, but when puberty hit, she was awkward and gangly.” “Old Taylor House? The same house Virtue moved into?” I asked curiously. Dan nodded his4/6 11:34 Fri, Mar 29 CHAPTER 98 Drunk head. “What happened to her?” *During our junior year, she sprouted boobs and became the town’s wh ore,” Nicole hissed. “She did Liam, Jack and Cris, then I guess she promised some other boys to… you know. They ended up gang raping her in the boy’s gym. She pointed the finger at Liam, but everyone in school knew she was

lying.” “Nicole, Noah uttered, giving her a warning look. Nicole shrugged her shoulders, looking unperturbed. “Oh my gosh! Did these boys get arrested for what they did to her?” I exclaimed, shocked. “No. As I said she was the town’s w h ore- I cut off Nicole. “Rape is rape,” I pointed out. “If she said no, whether or not she was known to have multiple partners, that is considered rape. Noah, you lived next door to her, right? Did you help her?” Noah was so busy glaring at Nicole that he jumped when he heard his name. “I did. I was the one who brought her home… she was all bloodied up from the assault,” he answered grimly. “So what happened when she left?” I asked. “We forgot about her,” Dan admitted, averting his eyes, “Lisa came into our group began following Noah just like Joy.” Nicole kicked Dan underneath our table and him.. Nicole at No wonder Nicole led Joy into the boy’s gym. “Well, Nicole, since you dress up like the town’s w h ore, if you ever get gang raped, ren your schoolmate named Joy,” I said, disgusted. “Chip, we were teenagers,” Dan reasoned “We-” “It doesn’t make it right,” I said. “I remember in my neighborhood, there was this young girl who was raped by a group of teenagers. After a week, those teenagers disappeared. Here in New Salem, you walk among them. How is that possible?” “If you have enough money and connections, that s hit disappears, Noah admitted harshly. “Noah!” Dan exclaimed, trying to hush him up. Noah raised his finger to silence him while raising his glass to his line.. 5/6 11:34 Fri, Mar 29

CHAPTER 98 Drunk After ch ugging the rest of his beer, to my surprise, he laughed sinisterly. Noah leaned over our table and sneered at Dan. He had this insane look in his eyes which was unsettling… and frightening. Dan gulped down the lump in his throat while I stared at Noah, stunned to see a side of him that I have never seen before. He slowly turned his face towards me while I quietly sat in my seat, looking at him wide- eyed and uneasy. “You know, Chip, you’re right. We at New Salem, we walk among them, giving these sons of bi tches opportunities to become rich and powerful. They’ve forgotten their true place in society… a jail cell. Sadly, they’re a bunch of lowlifes who act like they own the town, he said, his voice harsh and angry. “If you care for Virtue, Chip, you should do everything in your power to sway her decision. Tell her not to accept Liam’s proposal.” “Im sorry,” I said, confused. “How does Joy’s rape figure in with Liam’s proposal to Virtue? I thought joy accused him, but another group was guilty of the rape.” joy was my bestfriend, Chip, and she never lied. Chapter Comments on now things are ramping up, hope Marla’s mum gets back to being stable. Morgan mock ner head” WWW ALL 2 COMMENTS 63 < SHARE POST COMMENT 616

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