The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 55

CHAPTER 55 Coroner’s Office Joy I love Fridays… I closed the book I was reading to Mrs. Jensen and watched the sunset. With the various listening devices in each location, we were able to have an idea what the other group’s plans were. Theodore Cohen had visited the Sheriff to tell him his delivery would be arriving on schedule at the diner. It was the one place Xavier had been keeping a close eye on, especially their deliveries. He noticed that every other Wednesday, several delivery trucks with a ketchup symbol on the box would arrive late at night coming from the general direction of New Salem Park. It was also the one night the Sheriff would patrol that specific area. cargo “The only way I can find out what their cargo is if I head to Theodore Cohen’s cabin in the woods before the delivery date,” Xavier said. “Chip, what is the location of the cabin?” “It’s about twenty miles away, located just outside the park, near the deep portion of the lake where people are prohibited to loiter,” Chip said “But we’re in luck. Leo and Benny just sent me a will be headed to the cabin to supervise the delivery. I’ve messaged e that thou them to send me a photo of the contents of the boxes.” We found out the boxes were filled with cold medicine, a key ingredient in cooking meth. After handing the New Salem High principal a check for the Spring Formal last Monday, my week comprised mostly of helping Cristos with the ten lucky ladies he had picked out from all the aspirants who applied to join Miss Honey Bee. We quickly posted posters of the ten women in their swimsuits, informing the public that tickets were being sold for the event. Last night, the pub was packed with people purchasing tickets. When the pub closed, Miss. Honey Bee was sold out which had Cristos scurrying to hire more servers for tomorrow’s

event. I did see Jack and Liam during the week, mostly at the pub. But after one drink, both of them would leave together saying they were just checking up on me… whatever that meant. Sebastian informed me Jack and Liam have been meeting with Dan and Cris at Hillcrest. Aside from the cough medicine delivery, we also heard Liam making an appointment to see 1/6 CHAPTER 55 Coroner’s Office someone tonight. We didn’t know who he was supposed to meet, we only knew it was urgent. Since I noticed Noah had finished his porch, I decided to come by his house this afternoon. I gave Mrs. Jensen the blanket I had ordered for her and sat down with her on the porch to read a chapter of a novel I picked up from the bookstore. It was a romance novel where the heroine was an undercover cop who falls in love with the Mafia Boss. Noah arrived as Carol was wheeling in his mother back into the house. The sun’s rays were nearly gone and the lights on the lamp posts around the neighborhood had just turned on. “Good evening, Noah,” I said. “I just finished reading her a chapter. I’ll probably come by next week. I have to head to the pub and see if the stage and the ramp holds-and if all the decorations for the stage have arrived.” “Thanks, Virtue,” he said, grinning. He seemed to be in a good mood. “I’m sure my really happy that she’s made a new friend. How about if I walk you home?” mom is “Sure.” I turned around and walked down the steps. My long red and black boho skirt twirled as I moved. I was wearing a black spaghetti strap camisole top along with the skirt, so I felt the chill of the night breeze on my skin. “So… big night tomorrow night. I have my money on number eight to win,” Noah said,

chuckling. “Ah, you already have a favorite. Will you be watching tomorrow night?” I asked. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a ticket,” Noah said. “I went over to the pub this afternoon and Patrick said tomorrow’s event is sold out.” “Well, lucky for you, I have extra,” I said, smiling at him. “You do?” Noah asked. “I’ll buy it off of you.” “Nah… what are neighbors for,” I said, playfully slapping his arm. “Come on. It’s in my v car.” I took out two tickets from the glove Coment. “For you and a plus one. My way of thanking you… now that my boutique is almost done.” “I should be the one thanking you, Virtue,” he replied. “You helped with the porch, read to my mom and now you are giving me tickets. You’re a really good friend.” 2/6 CHAPTER 55 Coroner’s Office We were standing face to face, underneath the dark sky, the wind billowing through our hair. I could feel his warm breath against my forehead as I looked up at him expectantly while he looked down at me with desire in his chocolate brown eyes. This… the two of us standing face to face as if frozen in time had filled my dreams, day and night, during my junior year in high school. It was something I had prayed to G od so earnestly for, something I had wished for with all my heart and soul as I stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom during those sleepless nights…. It was so breathtakingly poetic… if this had happened ten years ago. But now, all I can think of, as I looked at him, was his betrayal. He took a step closer, covering my hand with his. He reached up and caressed my cheek, resting his callused hand along my jaw. It took all of stop myself from flinching from his touch.

my energy + “Actually, I think you should be Miss Honey Bee. You are just…. perfect,” he murmured. He lowered his head while I stood still, anticipating his lips on mine. “Good evening, Noah, an elderly man’s voice interrupted us. I turned my head to see Old Man Tucket rolling his trash bin to the entrance of the cul-de-sac. He was smiling. He never smiled. “Mr. Tucket, how are you this evening?” Noah said, lowering his hand. “Just fantastic!” He exclaimed as he walked away. I’m going to give that guy a box of croissants. “I better get going,” I quickly said. “Chip won’t be too happy that I’m late. If you have time, drop by. If not, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I waved goodbye before entering the car. I left him standing on my driveway, his face a beet red. Blood red was a better color for him. I exited the cul-de-sac, waving at Old Man Tucket, and drove towards town. Tonight, Xavier was going to the coroner’s. 3/6 CHAPTER 55 Coroner’s Office Xavier Highland Oaks. The homes of the rich people of New Salem. It was an exclusive residential area which had several security guards patrolling the area twenty-four seven. Each massive home was built on half an acre of land giving each home the privacy each homeowner deserved. It also meant I could break into the coroner’s house without alerting the neighbors, but his home security system was so sensitive, even something as small as a rat could trip the censors, allowing the security lights around the whole house and yard to turn on, making anyone visible. “Base, I’m in position. Housekeeper has left the house and no guards in sight. Disable the security system,” I whispered, lying face down on top of the tall wall which fenced Highland Oaks from the

outside. “Disabling now,” I heard Cristos say through my earpiece. “Estimated time…two minutes. “Copy that,” I said, peering through my binoculars, scouting the area. A black car suddenly stopped in front of the house opposite the coroner’s yard. I zoomed in and saw a man wearing a suit come out. He looked familiar. I zoomed in on the car and saw the W at the end of the emblem on the hood of the car. It was Liam. “Base, I spotted the mayor coming out of his car Who owns the house in front of the coroner’s?” I asked. “Hold on,” Cristos said. I heard him clicking on his laptop for the Highland Oaks residential map. “Got it. McDowell. The home across the coroner’s is owned by Pete McDowell’s mother, Cynthia McDowell.” “I’ll check what’s happening across the street once I’m done,” I said, placing my binoculars in my bag. “You will jeopardize your mission if you get caught,” Cristos said. “Stick to the plan. Security system is disabled. You have thirty minutes.” I quickly rappelled down the wall and ran towards the back entrance of the house. Using my tools, I opened the back door and walked right in. After turning on my night vision, I quickly it was made my way through to the coroner’s office. I tried the doorknob and to my surprise, unlocked. mys His office was practically just a room with a desk and three chairs. There were no shelves, no 4/6 CHAPTER 55 Coroner’s Office books, no computer… not even pen and paper.. I was about to leave to head upstairs when desk. It was a secret door. I saw the indentations along the wall behind the On the wall, there was a light switch with a black button underneath. I pushed the button and a portion

of the wall swung open. Inside was the coroner’s ‘real’ office. Filing cabinets surrounded the walls with each drawn labeled with a letter of the alphabet. In the center of the room was an antique desk where his laptop sat. I opened it and placed my Poison Tap plug into the USB port to unlock the laptop. After a minute, done. I replaced the plug with a USB and copied all its files. Sebastian had told me that instead of making it look like a break-in, it would be better if it appeared as if nothing ever happened. After the fire I had caused at the Sheriff’s, Sebastian didn’t want people to get suspicious. After deleting the log of my activity on the laptop, I closed it and turned my attention to the filing cabinets. I made a beeline for the letter S, knowing a coroner deals with investigating the cause of death. I found many file folders with a Summers surname, two with the first initial J. I took both out and luckily found Joan Summers’ autopsy reports, one with the original findings of the coroner and the other with his doctored findings. I took pictures of all the documents inside. her file folder. After putting the folders back, I noticed a file folder labeled D. Samuels. What the f uck is this doing here? I took out the file folder and found pictures of Sebastian at his store including all the false information about him. I took pictures and put it back, then searched for Sullivan. There it was… a brand new file. folder and inside were several pictures of her. Obviously, we were being watched. If he had files on each of us, he must have files on Joy Taylor. I went to the drawer labeled with a T and found numerous file folders with a Taylor surname, but only one with the first initial J. This had to be it. My hands were trembling as I opened the folder. I wanted to puke when I saw the pictures. I saw Joy’s bludgeoned face, her jaws wired shut, her leg and arm in a cast, the bruising around her neck, the hematomas all over her body. I even saw photos of her vaginal and a nal lacerations from her brutal rape. 5/6

CHAPTER SS Coroner’s Office I felt so angry. I wanted to cross the street and shoot Liam in the head! “You only have ten minutes left. I heard Cristos say. I inhaled deeply to calm myself. I quickly took pictures of everything and placed the file folder back in its place. I made sure everything looked untouched before I left. I clicked on the black button and the wall swung closed. I hurriedly left the house, ran across the yard and climbed my way to the top of the fence. Before I rappelled down, I noticed Liam’s car was already gone. I walked slowly into the forest to where my motorcycle was parked.. “Did you find anything?” Cristos asked. “Yes,” I choked. “You found it. How bad was it?” on a sec. I think I’m going to be sick.” Chapter Comments Luna-Mom Another excellent chapter VIEW 1 COMMENT! www POST COMMENTNôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

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