The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 158

CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope Xavier I was atop one of the smaller hills adjacent to Prairie Hill, overlooking the Ol’ Barn. After parting ways with Cristos, Sebastian, Ki ki and Joy, I drove to the border between New Salem and Arnold County to where I hid my gear and dirt bike before I lost contact with Joy and Cristos earlier today. I changed into a dark tactical suit and black boots, strapped my backpack on tightly, took my sn iper rifle out of the hidden compartment of my trunk, slung it over my shoulder, and drove off on my bike. Sam was already on the hill, prepping his gun, while Dina and Lou were in a white van hidden within the forest beside the road that led to the Ol’Barn. “Dina, what’s the situation at the Ol’ Barn?” I asked while driving up the hill to a group of dirt trees along the hillside where it plateaued into a path. It wasn’t much of a climb on bike, but on foot, I bet the slippery slope was a killer. “I have eyes on three teams of mercs,” Dina replied. “One team has hidden themselves within the trees and bushes surrounding the perimeter of the land owned by the Cohens continously monitoring another team coming from the south. The team positioned on Cohen, land is wearing midnight blue tactical gear and is being led by the notorious Colonel while the other team, judging by the characteristic bird tattoo on their necks, is the Black Hawks led by a man named Brock.” “The Colonel? I mean, the Colonel… No way,” I gasped. Sam was a soldier under the Colonel’s command during his days in the military. However, the Colonel went rogue, so did many of his men, after they were left to fend for themselves for almost twelve hours against an army of rebel militants in a small village in Iraq. According to Sam, it was the very first time he actually prayed to Go d for a miracle.. Go d heard Sam’s prayer. A miracle came to them in the form of a truck loaded with weapons, grenades and ammunition. They were able to fight their way out of the village to the nearest extraction point. To us, it’s a story with a happy ending, but for the Colonel and his men, it’s a story of the worst kind of

betrayal. Well, I had to give Liam some credit. The Colonel was ex expensive. “I knew one day we’d see each other again,” Sam said through our coms, the spite evident in 11:16 Fri, Apr 5 M CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope his voice. The Colonel tried to recruit him, but Sam rejected his offer. He didn’t believe terrorism was the way to fight the government who betrayed them. off my bike. “Dina, where’s the third team?” I asked, cracking the muscles in my neck as I got off my “Third team?” She asked, puzzled. I sighed. “Hello… You mentioned there was a third team. Two on the ground while the third team is where?” “Actually, the third team is part of one of the two larger teams.” I rolled my eyes at her statement. She always had to make things so complicated. “It’s a small group of sn ipers, currently making their way through the other side of the hill you and Sam are currently on, Dina said. I shook my head in disbelief. She should have started with that. “They’ve split up. One took the right side while the other went left.” “That’s it? Just two?” I asked, parking my bike behind a tree and covering it with branches and foliage as fast as I could. I squatted down, hiding behind some bushes.. “Yep,” Dina answered. “I have eves on one,” Sam mumbled. “In midnight blu Team Colonel. tactical gear.” S hit. He was part of gun o “X, the other one is rounding the hill, walking on the path that you’re on. your left in 3-2-1, Dina counted down. I heard his footsteps before I saw him. Just like his friend, he was wearing a midnight blue. tactical suit.

He had a CB radio strapped onto his belt and a sni per rifle slung over his shoulder. He looked young like he just came out of boot camp. He was clean-sh aven, his dark hair was high and tight and he was muscular. Well, I could pretend to be part of Team Colonel for a bit. I positioned myself near the path and waited for the right time to jump. When he passed, I swiftly came from behind and swung my arm across his neck, placing him in a rear naked chokehold. Then, with one forceful jerk, I broke his neck. After moving his corpse away from the edge of the path. I took his CB radio and oun then 3/7 11:16 Fri, Apr 5 CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope quickly positioned myself against a huge rock overlooking the Ol’ Barn. “Sam, update,” I said through coms. “Neck slash” he replied smugly. “Broken neck,” I said, as I set up my gun. “Dina, I need to-” I stopped at the unmistakable sound of gunfire that echoed around me. Judging by the echoes, I suspected it came from Cohen Mansion. I took a look through my scope to check, but since I had the view of the back of Cohen Mansion, I couldn’t see anything.

“Dina, where is the gunfire coming from?” I asked. “Cohen Mansion, X” Dina answered. “CCTV shows footage of a car speeding into the compound. Sadly, the driver was executed.” “Do you know the identity of the driver?” I asked. “No,” she said. “But maybe you do. I’m gonna bring up an enlarged image for you.” I took my phone out and synced it with Dina’s feed. The image was unclear, although I recognized the well-trimmed moustache, the gold cross around the man’s neck and the mole over his left eyebrow. It was Randy’s father-in-law, Tom

Baker. Why did he just try to kill Liam with his car? Then it dawned on me… Liam must have Randy’s wife. I quickly messaged Cristos to look for her from CCTV footage throughout town. All of a sudden, gunfire erupted from down below. I quickly pocketed my phone and peered downward through my scope. It was nice to have a higher vantage point. I could see everything through the night vision capability of my sni per scope. The two t teams on the ground were waging war with one another. Although few, the Colonel and his team were well-trained while the other team in black tactical gear, although many, lacked the necessary skills. I glanced at my watch and yawned. It was nearly midnight. “Do we intervene?” Sam asked. 3/7 CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope “Not unless we are asked to,” I answered as I watched. “Besides, I want to see how good this Colonel is.” Honestly, his reputation preceded him. He was a sharp shooter and skilled with the knife. He could practically shoot and throw at the same time. I was so busy admiring him that I didn’t notice he was calling for his sni pers on the CB radio. “Roger,” I answered eagerly. Well, I did say I’d pretend. “Sam, the Colonel is asking for our help,” I said. “Copy,” Sam answered gruffly. Apparently, the wounds between Sam and the Colonel ran deep. Shooting at the Black Hawks felt like target practice. One by one, Sam and I took out Black Hawks until the Colonel yelled to cease fire. the “Good work, boys,” the Colonel praised us. “Keep an ove for more.”

“Copy that,” I whispered, disguising the sound of my voice. “We have incoming,” Sam said through coms. I peered through my scope and saw cars fast approaching. It was the townsfolk. “Ten minutes to midnight,” I said, moving my scope to see what Colonel and his men were doing. This time, they positioned themselves around the barn, and hid behind the hay bales. “X, Liam and his entourage are on their way,” Dina informed us. “By the way, feed coming from Highland Oaks shows a group of masked men. It’s strange though. The feed shows them coming from the back and, X, all of them are armed.” I groaned. There was a mob of people outside the gates of Highland Oaks. This spelled massacre. Da mmit, my men were twenty minutes away. “Dina, alert Cristos and Sebastian and tell them they need to help the people at Highland Oaks,” I told Dina. “Cony that.” 4/7 CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope “Sam, I need you to head to Highland Oaks. I can deal with this. Cristos and Sebastian may need an assist.” “Liam is one slick so nofabi tch,” Sam said, sighing. “Two in one night, at the same time G od, help us.” “I know what you mean,” I said. “Once I’m done here, I’ll make my way there. Keep me updated.” “Copy that, X.” too. It wasn’t long before several vehicles came into view, entering the wooden gates of the compound where the Ol’ Barn stood. I continued to watch using my scope as more and more. vehicles came in, surprised that the people who arrived weren’t people I had expected. After the arrival of the townsfolk, Theodore Cohen’s silver BMW SUV finally drove into the compound followed by the Sheriff, Jack and several more vehicles behind them.

I noticed movement alongside the vehicles. I peered through my scope and saw men in tactical uniform making their way to the barn by foot. Liam had thought of everything. All of a sudden, a light flashed from the distance. I peered through my scope and saw a of men making their way towards the barn. One of them was large, bald, and muscular. He must be the one named Brock. group “Time to rock and roll.” I positioned my finger and steadied my breathing. I had already estimated wind speed and established wind direction. I was good to go. Liam I told Henry to park my father’s car near the barn. The car was bullet proof with a certified standard of protection. I glanced at my watch. It was almost midnight. Before aviting the car I made a phone call 5/7 11:16 Fri, Ap CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope “Are you there yet?” I asked. “Yes, we are, MC, the clown answered. He sounded high. C rap! “Just create enough chaos as a distraction and get me that deed of sale,” I instructed. “Will do, MC.” I stepped out of my father’s car with a duffle bag in my hand, making it appear I had brought money with me. I adjusted my coat. I hated wearing bullet proof vests. It slowed me down, however in this situation, I needed one. I purposedly told Dan to tell Cris about tonight, knowing he would betray me and tell Pete. I wasn’tUpstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

wrong. He did tell him. Well, if he had a group of mercenaries, I did too, I won’t allow him to win. “Let’s all get inside for the meeting,” I told the townsfolk who were standing outside, smoking. “Tom ain’t here yet, Mayor,” said Ol’ Man Simon, “I’d prefer if we waited for him.” “I spoke to Tom and Christine and they signed,” I lied. “Maybe you and I can come to an agreement just like Tom and Christine.” “Well, whatever you gave them must be good enough. Come on people. It’s freezing. The sooner we get this done, the faster it is for me to get home,” the grumpy old man said, waddling into the barn. Without hesitation, the rest of the townsfolk followed him inside. My guards, then, followed, positioning themselves along the walls of the barn. I turned. around to give Jack instructions. “Jack, you and the Sheriff stay out here. We’ll handle this. Just have the coroner’s van ready for transfer. Jack looked at me confused. “Transfer? What do you mean- Enough of your twenty questions!CHAPTER 158 Slippery Slope I entered, walking all the way to the back where a table was set up. I placed the bag on the table and gestured for everyone to take a seat. I wanted them to be comfortable before I told them the bad news. “You guys should have just signed. Instead, you signed your death certificate.” My guards quickly took out their weapons, aiming their guns at the people seated. “You can’t do this. Our families will come looking for us,” Ol’ Man Simon said. “I know,” I remarked, smiling. “I already have that all figured out, too. Colonel, if you would kindly…” The Colonel and his men walked in and began shooting. One by one, the people fell to the floor like flies. Some tried to scurry away through the back door, however, escape was futile. We were almost done when gunfire suddenly erupted from outside. I scowled, glancing at my watch.

I was already late for another party. Chapter Comments 4 POST COMMENT NOW SHARE 7/7 11:16 Fri, Apr 5 The Joy of Revenge CHAPTER 159 Intervention Liam “Liam, we have company,” Jack yelled, looking for cover. “Get down!” The Colonel and his team quickly positioned themselves and returned fire. While Jack and the Sheriff assisted the Colonel, I went to check if every last one of Pete’s loyal dealers were dead. However, I noticed a red light aimed at my chest, so I quickly took cover, diving behind one of the hay bales in the barn. I may be wearing a bullet proof vest, but it was painful to get shot at.. I was surprised to find Mr. Lewis, one of the townsfolk, hiding behind the huge hay bale, with his back towards me, covering his head. Like Ol’ Man Simon, he smuggled drugs to the neighboring states, using his old age as his cover. When Dan told him the conditions of our deal, he ripped the NDA and threw it at Dan’s face. “If I need to stay quiet, you need to pay me more money. My Clara is in the hospital being treated for cancer and our medical insurance won’t cover all the costs. I want more money. I need more money.” Scowling, I pulled out my gun from its holster and aimed it at his back before squeezing the trigger. Mrs. Lewis was better off without you. As I reloaded my gun, I noticed the gunfire had died down. I looked around and saw one of the townsfolk trying to leave through the back. I chased after her. No one was leaving here alive.

I quickly pushed the back door of the barn open and to my surprise, I found a tall, large, muscular man shooting the woman in the back. He was bald, his oily head reflected the light from the barn, and clean-s haven with a nasty scar that ran down his left cheek. Unlike Colonel and his men who were wearing blue, he was wearing an all black tactical suit, boots, and gloves, with two silver guns holstered to each of his thighs. He smiled at me, as he raised his weapon, aiming for my head. “The ten million dollar prize.” His voice was low and menacing, sending a chill down my 1/7 11:16 Fri, Apr 5 CHAPTER 159 Intervention I raised my Wilson Combat Tactical gun at him. If I have to die, I’m taking him with me. “I can double that amount,” I negotiated. He laughed. “Peter said you’d negotiate and I’ve already taken a look at your finances. You do have that kind of money, but it will leave you almost penniless,” he reasoned. He obviously did his homework. But the bank account under my name wasn’t the only account I had. “Really now? What about my bank accounts under my various aliases? Have you checked them too?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, daring him to challenge me. “The largest meth laboratory in the country is here in my town. My town. Not Peter McDowell’s. He is a traitorous snake and will kill you once he gets what he wants. If you agree to work for me, I can make it worth your while. Just ask the Colonel.” His eyes widened once I uttered Colonel. -Every private army in the world knew who the Colonel was. However, instead of agreeing, he laughed at my offer. The b astard. “Funny thing… Peter says the same about you. Ill take my chances and go home ten million, dollars richer,” he replied, grinning sinisterly at me, the shadows on his face making him look utterly terrifying. “Then we both will just have to shoot each other.” But before either one of us could shoot, a bullet w hizzed by my head entering the large man’s skull, his

blood spraying over my face. He collapsed with a thud in front of me, dust flying up from the ground. I hurriedly wiped my mouth, disgusted at the taste of blood and raw human flesh. I kneeled down to check on the man whose dead eyes looked up at the sky. The hole was remarkably big. Obviously long range. I quickly hid myself against the hay bales along the barn. The Colonel’s s niper had a sick sense of humor. Eventually, the gunfire stopped. I picked myself off the ground, entered the barn through the back door and headed to the main entranco Thaen I found lock wincine in 2/7


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