The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 88

Sinking into her chair in the middle of a café, surrounded by a cheerful and bustling crowd on all fronts, Bella felt stuck. The plan she had

hatched with Luna Victoria depended entirely on Maeve's social disgrace. It was no longer purely because of Prince Xaden. This was a matter of revenge against a pathetic girl who did not deserve the life she'd been practically gifted. But if there was no longer a relationship for them to destroy, a pregnancy too difficult to prove existed, and Maeve was living happily in the capital with another man... it became more and more apparent she would not find the answers she needed. What was Bella supposed to do...?

What did that mean for their plan? How would they get their revenge and be able to restore Sarah's freedom?

How...? Isabella seethed, shaking with unfathomable rage. How did her plan fail this time?

After encountering Xaden in the palace hallway mere hours ago, she isolated herself in the closest, most serene space she could find where she felt no one else would dare to intrude on her.

So, here she was, pacing in the gardens surrounding the palace, which the royal family seldom visited at this time of day. Isabelle often liked to lose herself in the maze of lush trees, topiary, and flowers of every species imaginable. Such a paradise was normally enough to lift her spirits.

But not this time.

She had been so careful, so meticulous in designing the plan to incite a confrontation of sorts between Maeve and Xaden's former flame. It was nothing like her humiliation-by-vomit plan or the attempt to spoil her relationship with the Luna Queen, who, for some reason, had taken to Maeve remarkably well.

It was perfect. Nary a flaw to be seen anywhere. And, oh, how well it had done the job.

Maeve was grossly shaken by that encounter. Isabelle saw it with her own eyes, and being able to watch it all unfold filled her with a giddy sort of joy that she hadn't felt in a long time. Possibly not since she'd first become a Luna Princess.

The way Maeve had closed herself off to Xaden as soon as he tried to explain himself. How she had deliberately shifted further away from him. The ensuing desperation that marred his face to repair the situation.

It was her plan come to life, and it was glorious.

It should have been enough-more than enough-to make Maeve realize just how far out of her league Prince Xaden was, and how little she befit the title of Luna Princess. The servant-girl she knew from all those years ago would have run off in an instant. She would have been long, long gone.

And Xaden should be on his knees, thanking her for trying to help free him from a lifetime of shame and disappointment. But instead, he went out of his way to rub in her face that her plan failed, that their stupid relationship was still going on strong. Isabelle let out a frustrated huff and kicked the nearest bush, rattling leaves off its branches.

She couldn't understand it. How-and why-was that damned man so determined to keep Maeve, of all possible contenders, as his Luna? She was not competent by any means and the most pitiful excuse of an alpha's daughter that Isabelle ever had the displeasure of meeting.

A true Luna was meant to be one who commanded any room she walked into.

A true Luna was a role model for fellow women and girls alike.

A true Luna was a perfect reflection of her Alpha mate.

And Maeve was none of those things. Isabelle refused to be lumped in with the likes of her, her supposed 'sister-in-duty." The very thought made her sick to her stomach. It was an insult to lump them together, even if the sentiment came from the Luna Queen herself.

There must be some way to convince Maeve to leave, but...

What else could she do? Every plan of hers had failed thus far.

Surrounded by the most beautiful gardens in the entire kingdom, as the bright sun warmed her skin with its rays and her senses overfilled with the scent of the most exquisite flowers, Isabelle felt no joy nor tranquility. All she could feel was bitter hopelessness. There had to be a way to pull this off... but how?


It wasn't long before we returned to the mansion and, with our shopping trip officially at an end, it was time for the princess to return to her duties at the palace.

"Thank you for letting me tag along," Charlotte murmured, beaming at me as she emerged from the bathroom, once again dressed in the lovely attire she had arrived in. Maggie, waiting off to the side, took possession of the borrowed sundress and hat and stepped away to put them aside. " And for dealing with my excitement. I... realize I might've been a bit much today."

"Not at all," I reassured her. "It was a lovely change of pace. I'd love to see more of 'Cora,' if time ever permits another visit."

Her eyes lit up, even as Maggie returned with some wipes to clean away the layers of makeup she wore. "Yes! Hopefully sooner rather than later." And as she busied herself at the mirror, wiping away at her foundation, a presence made itself known. Or rather, himself. "Making plans, are we?"

Xaden's voice floated into the room, drawing everyone's attention. As he descended the grand staircase, I was struck by his appearance. His lovely dark hair was soaked, dripping down the sides of his face and his neck. And his attire, strongly resembling his nightwear, clung to his wet body in all the right places.

Goddess, how could a man look so good after a shower?

The moment Xaden caught sight of his sister, still dressed in her disguise and in the middle of wiping her hundred layers of makeup off, however, he fell silent. Speechless, rather, as if he had never seen such a bizarre sight before. And for what felt like forever, all h did was gawk at her, his eyebrows raising in comic disbelief.

I bit my lip and quickly threw my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle my laughter.

"... Now, I can't be certain," he drawled, strolling further into the room towards Charlotte, "but you look an awful lot like my little sister. Do you know her, by chance? Apparently, she's taken to looking like a raccoon as of late."

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Ha, ha, very funny," she deadpanned. "Is the makeup really that bad?”

"It's... striking, to say the least. Is it a new fashion trend among you teenagers?"NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Charlotte huffed out a laugh. "I hope you realize how old you sounded just now," she teased, laughing even harder when Xaden playfully shoved her by the shoulder. Once she steadied herself, she continued to wipe her face. "But if you must know, I went undercove today, with Maeve's help."

His amused gaze flickered over to me, making me blush. "Is that so?" "We went shopping for new clothes," I said with a smile. "It was her idea to wear a disguise, but I supplied the dress and the makeup."

Xaden shook his head with a playful tut. "Your bad influence is rubbing off on my Luna," he scolded, lacking any bite in his tone, to which Charlotte scrunched her nose in defiance, glancing at him through the mirror. "You both need a stern talking to." "And you, old man, can kiss my-"

"That is not how ladies speak," Maggie firmly reprimanded, looking quite appalled at the two bickering royals, who wore varying expressions of amusement and protest. It was like watching a mother scold their children for misbehaving in front of house guests. It wasn't long before Charlotte's normal visage was completely restored and she said goodbye, though not without lightly smacking Xaden in the arm-her parting revenge for earlier, making both Xaden and I laugh. But before Maggie could even think to scold her again for unladylike behavior, Charlotte ran off and escaped in the car that awaited.

Maggie shook her head disapprovingly and shut the front doors before turning to me.

"If that is everything," she said, clasping her hands together, "I will go ahead and put away your new clothes." After dismissing herself, she gathered the bags of clothes and retreated in the direction of the bedroom.

Perhaps I should go and help her, I thought, watching her disappear down the hall. It's my clothes, after all.

I made a move to follow Maggie, but the sensation of a strong hand closing around mine stopped me in my tracks. Startled, I looked back at the alpha responsible, but he said nothing as he gazed at me. All humor was long vanished. Behind the warmth in his eyes, there was an unexplainable heaviness that swirled around in the green of his irises. Instantly, my stomach churned with worry.

"Xaden...?" I questioned.

Wordlessly, he led me to a nearby armchair, entwining our fingers in the process, and I had no choice but to watch, confused, as he sat down. My mouth opened in an attempt to ask him once more what was going on until he gently continued to pull me closer... and closer.

The space between us diminished with every passing second, but I still couldn't understand what it was that he wanted from me.

"What do you-?"

All of a sudden, he looped an arm around my waist, tugging me downwards until I landed flat on his sturdy lap. With a startled gasp, I snapped my mouth shut, blushing furiously as I stared into his eyes.

He sighed, his hot breath grazing over my skin as he burrowed his face into my neck. His thick arms wrapped around me in a tight, warm embrace, pulling me deep into his freshly showered body. He... he just wanted to hold me...?

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